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  • This animated kids show was really great. It was always on Channel 4 when i was a kid, and was always very entertaining. It followed two detective fish 'Sharky' and his side kick 'George.'

    They lived in an underwater city called 'Pearl City,' and they would race around solving various crimes they came across. It was like a real detective show for kids, as it had the voice over and everything!

    This was a really fun TV show, and the theme tune was great, 'Sharky & George, the crime busters of the sea.'

    I wish that they would bring it back, and get rid of the rubbish they have for kids today! i mean Pokemon!!!! Come on, bring back Sharky & George!!!!
  • Hey Partridge, I agree with you. I can recall those times too, when I would get up at about 6:00 am with my younger brother to watch it on channel four or cable. Actually, i was about 10 or 11 then, but its a really great show, and cute, too. I have the episodes on tape, and I still watch them even now when I'm 21. I LOVED that show. Its been a firm favorite for me and my brother. I'm glad to find another fan of the show. By the way, would you happen to know anything about which country it came from? I think it was American or Canadian or something, but a lot of the names in it are French. And do you know why they took it of air? Finally, i think we should start a "Sharky and George" discussion group!:) Go Sharky and George!!!!!!
  • I was really young when I first watched this, but I can remember it was one of my favourite shows on television at that time. The story lines were easy to understand and very entertaining, and the characters are brilliant. The mysteries were great, I loved sitting there pretending I was there, helping to work out the crime with them!

    Sharky and George Mysteries must be one of the best shows for young kids ever. If you haven't seen or heard of it before, well you've really missed something really good. I don't know if you can still watch it, but hopefully the series will be re-run or a new one will return to main stream television.