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  • Warning: Spoilers
    THE VOICE OF A STRANGER is the second in the below-par BODY CHEMISTRY series of late-night erotic thrillers. This one has a disturbed but handsome man caught in a love triangle between two very different personalities, one innocent, the other not so much. The obvious basis here is BASIC INSTINCT but the film is oddly unerotic while the plotting feels tired and worn out. It doesn't help that the actors they've chosen for the leads fail to make much impression one way or another. At least we get Clint Howard and John Landis randomly appearing in cameo roles.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Dr. Clair Archer (Lisa Pescia) helps a cop (Gregory Harrison) who likes his sex too rough and has daddy issues. Light on nudity for a sexual thriller. Must be one for the girls. Sad sequel.

    Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity.
  • guil1224 January 2003
    To see the likes of Gregory Harrison in this trashy film is sad. I have great admiration for his work, such as IT'S MY PARTY, and to see him reduced to play this kind of character, is demeaning. What a handsome guy he is and certainly can do better than the looney tunes of the whacko female doctor that seems to go around doing men in. The fact that she can so easily handcuff her male companions is totally unbelievable. I mean, let's be realistic, her sex appeal I give a zero on.

    Her one dimensional performance goes from sashshaying about in up to here dresses, overly made-up in a whorish fashion and delivering what I assume she thinks is sexy dialogue. Boring. Morton Downing Jr. is also wasted in a rather seedy over the hill performance. It's Gregory Harrison that brings any excitement to this movie, but, unfortunately, he's asked to portray an idiot. He's got too much class to convince me of that. Sorry, Greg! Come on and get back to some better film choices or come back to Broadway. We miss you.
  • Gregory Harrison stars as Dan Pearson, a suicidal ex cop, who was kicked off the force due to his violent nature, which he got from his father, who used to beat Dan and even beat his mother during sex leaving Dan with a lust to do the same. He returns home to his old town where he resumes his deceased father's garage and ends up meeting his high school sweetheart Brenda, who works at the radio station. The two start off a romance again yet he pulls back because he doesn't want to hurt her physically. When Dr. Claire Archer becomes the local sex therapist/psychologist on the radio he contacts her and immediately he gets her attention. Chuck (Morten Downey jr.), the owner of the radio decides to investigate Dr. Archer and finds out that she has killed a man, but let's her continue on the radio. Dr. Archer approaches Dan and forces him to reveal his dark secrets because she tells him she can cure him, but she becomes obsessed with him when he tries to back out on her. I never saw the first Body Chemistry nor the ones after and after seeing this movie I don't intend to watch the others! We have a fruitcake woman going around forcing people towards violent sex, she has even killed a man no doubt in the previous movie and yet she is still practicing. A little bit of nudity and sex scenes lasted seconds.I didn't like this movie yet they still went ahead and made Body Chemistry 3 and 4 go figure!
  • (1991) Body Chemistry 2: Voice OF A Stranger ADULT PSYCHOLOGICAL DRAMA

    Diva, Dr. Claire Archer (Lisa Pescia) comes back on this second outing, and this time as a sex therapist, radio host working for Big Chuck (Morton Downey Jr.) She then intermittently comes between a caller named Dan (Gregory Harrison) who's trying to start over from a previous relationship and the young female co-worker who controls the panel named Brenda (Robin Riker). Because it's supposed to be an adult erotic thriller, the only person who appears to be naked in this is Lisa Pescia, and not Robin Riker who may have a no-nudity clause on her contract. This zero rating is strictly because of the absurd ending. Bomb.
  • $TEVE McD2 September 2000
    Body Chemistry 2 adds nothing of interest to the series,or rather this entire genre.A totally sleep inducing movie,you will find yourself overusing the fast forward button.The front cover says"Uncut version" and promises it is"even hotter than the original",even though there are no sex scenes whatsoever(no,I'm serious!)This movie contained one good line:"A person's sexiest organ isn't between their legs,it's between their ears!"
  • My review was written in January 1993 after watching the film on Columbia TriStar video cassette.

    This quirky sequel is a direct-to-video feature notable for Gregory Harrion taking some chances with his image in the role of a sexual deviant. Pay TV should whip up the bulk of the feature's audience.

    Director Adam Simo, who cameoed as himself in Altman's "The Player", as the screenwriter who prompted a Tim Robbins phone call ("Who let Adam Simon on the lot?"), combines pretension with in-jokes in this introspective erotic thriller.

    Harrison is a man ready for suicide who's come to realize he enjoys beating up women while having sex with them. Unable to control his violent nature, he responds to psychologist Lisa Pescia's radio call-in show for help.

    She's probably the only radio host who makes house calls, seducing Harrison and using him for the mind games/experiments that got her in hot water in Kristine Peterson's 1990 film "Body Chemistry', Key subplot has Morton Downey Junior typecast as an ex-disk jockey who owns Pescia's station and is blackmailing her with evidence of her nefarious activities in the first film.

    Storyline becomes strained as events and contrivances pile the woe on poor Harrison, but he gives a sincere performance as a deeply troubled fellow. Pescia is a one-dimensional sexy villain, and John Landis guest stars as an incompetent shrink.

    Simon provides some style in his use of frequent flashbacks, but the film crudely missteps by recycling a sex scene from Concorde's "Naked Obsession"; the old footage doesn't match. Other tech contributions are good.