User Reviews (2)

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  • I actually purchased this at a thrift store hoping for a bit of erotic tales from the crypt fun, but I was very disappointed. My main gripe is I don't get why this has the Playboy stamp on it and I don't know why Playboy would want to associate their brand with this video. When I think Playboy I think full frontal nudity but nothing hardcore. What this video gives you is PG-13 level nudity. This isn't even softcore, this isn't even R-rated level nudity and to make matters worse the stories suck. The actual acting is decent and the production value is decent but overall the lack of nudity and story makes this a instant throwaway for me.
  • movieman_kev20 July 2004
    Inside Out contains 9 stories most of them deathly dull.

    1: 'Brush Strokes' Drama-Jack, a painter, chooses to paint a nude Terry (Barbara Alyn Woods from the Honey, I shrunk the kids TV show)

    2: 'Shrink Rap': Drama- Beth Hogan tells her Psychiatrist about a rape fantasy she has.

    3: 'Doubletalk': Comedy-Girl (Marta Kober) and Guy on a date, go back to his place where they speak their thoughts

    4: 'Leda': Scifi-In an outer space prison ship Bethany (Sherri Rose), cheats on her computer lover

    5: 'My Secret Moments': Comedy-Chana Jael Chisa masturbates.. secretly

    6: 'Life is for the Taking': Scifi- Charlie, a prison inmate tries asto-projection to see if his wife, Linda is being faithful. (best of the segments, not saying much though)

    7: 'the Diaries': Drama-A guy gets off on seeing his wife with other men in secret.

    8: 'Love the One You're with': comedy- couple speak in generalities (The worst of the segments, and that's saying A lot)

    9: 'My better Half': Comedy-A guy sleeps with his own feminine side.

    My Grade: D

    Eye Candy: Marie Chambers, Chana Jael Chiesa, Marta Kober, Sherrie Rose, Cec Verrell, Kimberly Ryusaki, Neith Hunter, Rachel Ryan and Barbara Alyn Woods each show various amounts of skin