User Reviews (77)

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  • bkoganbing4 October 2009
    In the old days of the studio system a man like George Strait would have been given a Hollywood contract and put into westerns. That's how it worked for a number of people on the country circuit, most prominently Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. But westerns aren't being done, certainly none for singing cowboys. In a few years George Strait would have handled dialog like a veteran.

    Strait's a likable enough guy, but as an actor he's a great country singer. Still he passes muster in a role that's not too taxing, playing a country singer who takes an unscheduled hiatus from his tour and finds true love with a young woman who is the daughter of struggling rancher Rory Calhoun.

    Strait's not happy with the way his career is going. It's all about the glitz and glamor of the concert, no one's listening to him sing any more. So he ditches the long hair in a ponytail and beard and just leaves. Manager Lesley Ann Warren seeing all kinds of tour dates canceled with the loss in money, shoves one of the roadies and would be country singer himself and her special boy toy Kyle Chandler in front of the microphone to complete the tour. In the darkened smoke filled concerts with a tape going of the real Strait no one can tell the difference.

    In the meantime Strait's falling for Isabel Glasser and gets involved with her family ranch and their real struggles in real life. I think you get some idea where this is going.

    This film was the farewell big screen performance of Rory Calhoun and I have to say, I had to look twice even though I saw his name in the credits when I realized he was playing Isabel Glasser's father. He looked terrible, like he had gone through some bad health issues.

    For country fans you'll have a full soundtrack of George Strait's hits and he's a great singer. It's the main asset of Pure Country.
  • This is quite simply a movie that will be enjoyed by country music fans. Pure Country is a throw-back type of a picture. Simply put, there's nothing to take away from this film. It either makes you feel good, or you don't like country music. If you DO like country, then sit back and enjoy, as this film is NOT meant to be taken seriously.

    George Strait stars in this film about a musician who is at a crossroads. As his career has become bigger, the less control he has over himself. In a moment of clarity, he decides to "take a walk" to find himself, leading to a better understanding of himself, as well as his finding and falling for a girl.

    This film holds no surprises and it doesn't try to. It simply tries to entertain, and that it does, at least for a George Strait fan.

    True, the acting leaves MUCH to be desired. But honestly, if you are watching this film, the LAST thing that you are thinking about is Oscar winning performances.

    This film is a throwback to the days of yesteryear and the singing cowboy. No one took those films seriously, and neither should anyone take this one seriously either. Just sit back and enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Confession first. I am not a huge country fan (though I do have a collection of Roger Miller and Ernie Ford tunes) and George Strait was really not on my radar before this. Then I stumbled onto this film. The story about a star who wants to chuck it all and seek his/her roots appears corny on the surface, but, as the film professors have said, there are only a dozen or so real story-lines anyway, so some recycling is to be expected. And George Strait did not initially appear to be the most polished actor I had ever come across -- until I figured out that he was not trying to act, he was more or less playing himself, and, according to the IMDb database -- AN EXTRAORDINARILY RELIABLE SOURCE -- this is the first and last film he ever made. So I decided to give the film a chance ... and I was hooked. The film is subtle, engaging, and it draws you in. The story is universal. Strait is more than adequate for what turned out to be the role of a lifetime. The presence of Lesley Ann Warren is a bonus as this accomplished actress (who started out on the Mission Impossible TV series) can make changing a tire engrossing. And despite the scorn heaped by the critics, the album from the film was one of the most successful in Strait's career. Summary -- not on a par with the Godfather, bit a well-crafted and engaging one of a kind tale with a soundtrack to die for. Recommended.
  • peterghsd23 November 2000
    Somehow I happened to see this movie in a real theatre. I'd never heard of George Strait and I am not a country music fan. But this movie works. I first bought it in VHS and then on DVD (go for DVD, the sound is great).

    This is a simple story of a famous country singer who goes underground because while he has everything, he really has nothing. He gets drunk and ends up on the shrinking ranch of a beautiful cowgirl. He stays anonymous and gets back in touch with the world. Meanwhile the s**t hits the fan with his touring show. The plot has to do some twisting to work all this out but the basic appeal of the film, a good man getting back in touch with what's real, has universal appeal.

    You may find yourself wanting to watch this movie about once a year. I know I do. Highly recommended.
  • This is a good vehicle for George Strait, although it IS a little hokey at times. Some of the dialogue seems to be a bit too predictable, some of the plot lines too hackneyed, but hey, it's only a movie! It's not an Academy Award nominee! This is a good film about a country music star who has had it with all the "stuff" of performing, and has had it with 'performing' itself. He simply wants to sing and play his guitar, he wants to get back to the basics of what pleased him about music in the first place. I wouldn't expect too many people outside of fans of country music to like this movie, or even understand it, but I like it. I understand it. And I accept it as 'Pure Entertainment'...and with a soundtrack like this one has, it can't go wrong. One might want to find a copy of "The Nashville Rebel" (sp) starring a very young and barefaced Waylon Jennings for comparison.
  • wanderers29 October 2006
    This movie was very enjoyable. I found the acting to be reasonable, the music great and the storyline believable. It held my attention for its entirety and watching it was a pleasure not a chore. I would definitely recommend it to country music lovers. The actors were credible in the roles and this movie contained no unpleasantness (eg unnecessary violence, swearing etc). This is a movie which could be enjoyed by all ages of viewer. It is a foot-tapping experience and was greatly entertaining. George Strait is an excellent country music singer and in this (his debut acting role) did a very good job. I would like to see any others he may have made since.
  • Riff981 November 1998
    Many of the people who criticized and stereotyped this movie are absolutely out of line. This movie was nice. It told a story of a man who had everything except the one thing he really wanted, love. If that is a bad thing, then I think this world really sucks. It is really sad that we Americans can't be entertained unless there is countless amounts of sex and violence. George Strait rules and country music rules!
  • I'm not a fan of modern country. I am more of a George Jones, Ray Price, Eddy Arnold kind of guy. I thought I would give this a shot because it sounded like a really good story.

    Certainly, the song "When Did You Stop Loving Me?" was the type of song I like. The King of Broken Hearts was magnificent, as was I Cross My Heart.

    George Strait can definitely act, and Isabel Glasser was someone I want to see more of.

    Sure, it was a little sappy, but the message was clear. Sometimes you have to go back to your roots and find out who you really are.
  • This movies ending is clearly one of the best of any current movie whether drama or musical. Yes I am a man, one who likes action movies and thrillers, but if you don't get goose bumps during the last scene of this one your just not human. Strait turns in an impressive performance and Isabel Glasser is fantastic// Has she done anything as good since? I truly believe, even if you don't like country music you'll enjoy this one cause it's truly a feel-good love story. It was also good to see old Rory Calhoun, a lot older and a lot thinner turn in a good performance. I also own the soundtrack, and these songs are first rate if you are a Strait fan. Some of these classics still get play time on the radio.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    George Strait, Lesley Ann Warren and Isabel Glasser star in this 1992 drama. This focuses on country singer, Dusty (Strait) who is getting tired of the new-age performing arts. He decides to take a break from the limelight by going back to his roots and soon, he finds romance with woman, Harley (Glasser). His long-time friend and manager, Lula (Warren) searches for him and learns that he's found love. During Dusty's absence, Lula secretly replaces him with song writer, Buddy (Kyle Chandler) who tries to get money off the whole thing. Eventually, Dusty sets him straight and gets back in the grove performing the way he wants. This is a good romantic drama and George is great in it. I recommend this.
  • A number of people said you have to like country to like this movie. I pretty much hate country, with a few exceptions, and liked it.

    I think a lot of it had to do with it's humor, and with the generally decent acting and dialog.

    I found some of the dialog quite clever for a country movie.

    I don't remember if I liked the music or not, probably not as I generally hate country. As I recall, it's a lot better than songs about sexy tractors though.

    And I think a lot of us can relate to concept of being burned out in our jobs.
  • "A Walk in the Clouds" with Keanu Reeves was my all time favorite movie until I saw "Pure Country" a few months ago. Any one who likes to listen to George Strait music will love this movie. He does so few publicity interviews and even fewer music videos, so this is a great way to get to see George Strait talk, move and interact apart from his on stage singing act.

    The plot is simple, a star crossed lovers romance with lots of professional concert singing thrown in. George Strait's riding and roping skills are up on the screen to see, too. The cowboy in him is displayed as he does his own stunt work in those scenes.

    I wonder if the dog in the movie is his own dog, Buster, that is in some of the commercials he's done.
  • George Strait -- in his only film role to date -- is a country-western musician who's burnt out with the never-ending play dates, the high production values that obscure the music, so he goes on walkabout, while manager Lesley Ann Warren pulls in another singer to front the band because the show must go on, and she doesn't want to return the ticket money.

    Strait is unsurprisingly good playing a character very close to his own. The point of the movie, of course, is the songs he performs, and there are ten of them, often performed with the laser lights and artificial smoke in show venues, and his back-up band in the movie is the one he performs with. It's just the right mix of story to put in a concert film.
  • rsluken18 December 2019
    Goofy movie, but seeing hottie George, I'll give it a five
  • kjchristian118 November 2002
    I loved this movie. I was reading some of the other reviews that people had written and they were saying the acting was bad. This is not true the acting was great the actors were great and the film was great. George Strait is my favorite Country Music star and Isabel Glasser is my favorite actress. This movie has no Nudity, barely any bad language and no sexuality. This is a movie for the whole family to enjoy. Summary- George Strait Plays Dusty, a famous country music star who is tired of the smoke , the strobe lights and the over miked sound of his arena spectaculars. One Night, something snaps. He walks out ditching his ponytail, beard , and temporarily his career, to reclaim his down home country roots. He falls in love with Harley Tucker(Isabel Glasser). The simple life may be complexed but it is nothing a revitalized countryboy cant handle! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
  • maximovlE29 November 2020
    I don't understand people who don't like country music. Please god bring back this music, the charts in 2020 are nothing but offensive to the ears! Ok with that out of the way...

    The movie, what's wrong with it? No CGI, no gore, no explosions...

    George Strait's acting wouldn't earn an oscar, but you know what? Oscars are overrated. Too many people in the movie industry are obsessed with winning awards and not enough are interested in doing what we really do need, good movies. Hey, that remind you of anything?

    One reviewer said that there's nothing to be taken away from this movie. Well there is. George Strait's character was all about going back to his roots, getting back to doing what he loved and less of the effects and explosions. Maybe more people in all entertainment industries should consider this. Create movies, and indeed music, that is actually good, and not just smokescreens hiding the lazy efforts regularly pimped out for fast cash.

    Great movie. Watch and enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoy this movie. I have watched it 2 or 3 times, however, the last time, I just shut if off after 20 minutes. I will explain why but I must warn you that my comments will spoil the conclusion for you (stop reading after the "SP" (for SPoiler).

    Very nice beginning! A young boy introduces the feature with a cracking voice and then follows to the man he becomes! Lights, Camera, Action! He is a popular country singer! Then, despite all his popularity and fortune, he leaves the band to find himself.......

    I love this and it looks hopeful, however, my problem with this movie is the conclusion!


    The reason for Dusty's decision to leave the band is because he does not feel comfortable with the crowd, lights and special effects. However, this movie concludes with him enduring exactly that, but with a women! In my opinion, it is fine that he found a women, but it would have been much better if he did what the beginning of the picture indicated he loved to do when he was a child. That being, just to sing for the pure (country) enjoyment of singing!
  • This movie made me fall in love with George Strait and country music!! I had never listened to country music before because I thought it was a joke. Then I found that country music had changed to be more like pop music or a soft rock instead of that twangy music it used to be. Their are a lot of gorgeous guys now that make you pay attention to the music too! It is pure magic between George and Isabel even when she doesn't really know who he is. Once she finds out the truth she still loves him and he didn't even have to kiss her! I think that Molly McClure helps to make the movie. She is so funny. As usual Lesley Ann Warren is a pure delight. She is one of the most beautiful women at any age.
  • To be sure, this movie is no classic. The story is acceptable, but fairly routine, and there isn't much here that we haven't seen many times before. So the reason that I would still recommend it is because of the music. I've been a George Strait fan for quite some time, and this film is filled to the brim with Strait's classic country music. And let's face it, this movie is only about the music. The movie performed poorly at the box office, but the soundtrack is one of the biggest selling of the decade. So it's quite simple. If you don't like George Strait, you'll find it to be a rather ordinary film...others can sit back and soak in the tunes.
  • jewelch29 January 2021
    This movie is a sweet story. It is loaded with performances and music by George Strait (King George). It is also a sweet and old fashioned love story. The story seems so true to who George Strait is. Someone once asked me what the big deal was about George Strait's music, and I told them that he always sang like he was still performing in honky tonks, mixed right in with people, (much the way George Jones always sung). And this movie shows that feeling of how a big country star named Dusty gets tired of the lights, the glitz, the smoke, the craziness of it all. At the beginning of the movie Dusty is in the middle of a performance and he stops singing and nobody even notices. So he just walks away after the performance. He disappears, goes back to his grandma's, picks up his old guitar and goes back to his roots, along the way finding a feisty woman named Harley who he falls in love with. It's just a sweet story with great music. Yes I recommend it, James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 1/28/2021
  • Pure Country The reason country music is so accepted amongst the lowly ranks is because the number of strings on an acoustic guitar is the highest number that fans can count to. However, it's not his followers' idiocy that drives the singer in this drama to abandon his stage act. While on tour, a country star, Dusty (George Strait), frustrated with the commercialization of the industry, decides to walk away from his overblown stage show. Later, a local farm girl (Lesley Ann Warren) helps Dusty get reacquainted with his rural beginnings, and, in turn, he helps save her ranch. A hokey honky tonk tale accompanied by toe-tapping ditties, Pure Country distills the genre down to its purest form and embraces it. And while a lot of country music fans would like to see the genre return to its Southern roots, it's unlikely that radio stations will start playing anti-Yankee or pro-slavery songs. (Yellow Light)
  • mossgrymk29 October 2021
    A George Strait music video wrapped around a hoary Hollywood cliche, namely that stardom is phony and only small town Texas is genuine (or pure). Yeah, if you're Republican and white. Otherwise I'd head for LA.
  • This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. This movie ranks up there to be seen with the likes of; i.e., The Buddy Holly Story", "La Bamba", etc. I would definitely recommend this, even if you don't like the music, but maybe a good love story.
  • A country/western singer named Dusty (George Strait) becomes dissatisfied with the lights, smoke, and general glitz of his own stage extravaganza and seeks out his simpler roots. It's up to his manager Lula (Lesley Ann Warren) to improvise, given Dusty's lack of professionalism. It's a weak, dull story premise that's been done before.

    But the main problem is that the script seems written with only one point in mind ... to showcase the talents of George Strait. A big part of the "plot", especially in the first half, is Strait singing on-stage to the whoops and hollers of male fans and the swoons of female fans. The DVD "special features" includes a mini-bio of Strait, a listing of albums by Strait, and a listing of number 1 songs by Strait. The entire film, and accompanying "features", screams ... sales promotion of George Strait.

    Beyond that, Strait has a nice voice, but can't act. The script requires very little for him to do except be himself. Yet his delivery of lines is awkward and self-conscious as if he knows he's reading from cue cards. In scenes with veteran actress Lesley Ann Warren, Strait's performance is almost embarrassing. Other performances also are weak.

    Visuals are acceptable but hardly noteworthy; ditto costumes and production design. Music is pure Strait.

    If you're a big fan of George Strait you'll no doubt either whoop and holler, or swoon. I like some of his songs. But I do not like watching a film wherein the entire script orbits a famous celebrity, particularly when the film's only rationale is to advertise and promote the career of a celebrity who can't act.
  • tallguy02811 October 2004
    Whether you are a fan of country music like I am or not, if you don't enjoy this movie or the story it tells, there's something wrong with you! We need more movies like this one. A man is looking for more simplicity and for love in his life which is something we should all strive for. There are too many movies focused on the hip hop culture today. There are so many country fans out there that would love to see more movies like this one. George Strait did an excellent job as did the rest of the cast. It's topped off with an incredible song, 'Cross My Heart' The soundtrack is also a winner. If you have not seen this, be sure to check it out soon!
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