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  • My friend Chris rented this movie expecting something along the lines of the terribly formulatic romantic/erotic ShowTime series from Zalman King. I was very surprised with this movie. A pre-X-Flies David Duchovony stars as a man still mourning over the death of his beautiful fiancee (Brigit Bako, of Strange Days). He then finds her diary which reveals a steamy relationship between her and a shoe salesman (Billy Wirth). The story is well-written and -acted, except for the stiff Duchovony.

    This movie deserves a wider audience, because I think people will like and identify with it. Three Stars out of Four.
  • Jake Winters (David Duchovny) is struggling with his girlfriend Alex (Brigitte Bako)'s suicide. He finds her diary and reads the entries. She had an affair with construction worker/shoe salesman Thomas Butler who is completely different from Jake. He won't let her go even after Jake's proposal. She ends up taking her life and Jake decides to go confront Thomas.

    Duchovny is actually not the lead in the first hour. It's Brigitte Bako's story. She's a beautiful woman with some acting skills. The same could probably be said of Thomas Butler. It's a meandering erotic melodrama. Then there is the Duchovny and Butler basketball game to the death. It is memorable filled with over-the-top drama. Bridgit Ryan is also memorable as the drunk girl with Heidi #1 and Heidi #2. It's a little fun, a little erotic and plenty of not-so-good.
  • Directed by the same guy who brought you such soft-core classics as 9 1/2 Weeks and Wild Orchid, this steamy pilot was made for late night cable TV. Starring X-Files main man David Duchovny. A husband [David Duchovny] sorting through his recently deceased wife's belongings [played by Brigitte Bakeo] comes across a red diary. Devastated he finds that his wife was not the devoted woman who claimed that she wanted a meaningful and lasting relationship. ...She longed for the perfect opportunity for having a secret affair with a total stranger. The perfect body ...on the perfect man [played by Billy Wirth]. Torn between her two lovers, and trapped by a burning secret, she decides that the only way out is suicide. Leaving her husband wondering, just how many others out there are going through the same problems. At the end of the film, he decides to put an add in the paper, which is how Zalman King ties together the various vignettes in the TV series.
  • Adam-6326 September 1999
    Although this movie tries to tug at the heart strings, it fails to provide either likeable characters or believable motivations for their actions.

    Music, script, and acting are on the level of the average porn movie. Regrettably, the average porn movie provides more incentive to watch than Red Shoes does. Don't waste your time with this one.
  • Nearly every one of these reviewers must be on something. This takes the cake. It was the one to luckily end this dreaded sex pic franchise, as this movie is alternatively known as Wild Orchid 3, that pretty much hit the shelves after Wild Orchid 2, one of the actresses you'll instantly recognize in both, up near the end, who obviously came along for another ride. This is a long droning scenario, of a movie, especially in it's last half hour. What are Zalman King's points in films? What is he trying to hone in on? His pics are definitely not without interest, though, as to eye candy, and a lot of nudity, Wild Orchid coming close to porn. The last Orchid film was so different to both of the others, and having standard actors here, doesn't help either. I do like the soundtrack for sure, but I think the director forgot he was actually making a movie here. Image and style, but lacking substance. Ducohovy plays a widower who's sexy wife committed suicide on the account of guilt, seeking ultimate ecstacy from another male of the species, a hunky construction worker. See, she also had caught a big of glass in her eye, and one thing led to another. Now for a shattered Ducohovy, torn up, who finds his late wife's diaries, a revenge finale ensues, against his lover, much like the lead up to it's finale in Zandalee. The last half hour in this, honestly, plays out like a music video, but if you're seeking out something erotic and dramatic, you could do worse, though having the boring D.D. in the lead, doesn't help.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of those movies that probably hits differnet people in entirely different ways.

    Women seem to find the forbidden attraction aspect of a woman cheating on her fiance with a horrible douchebag somehow erotic, but as a man I sympathize entirely with the scorned David Duchovny character who simply can't understand why his fiance cheated on him when their relationship was seemingly going so well. This wouldn't be a problem in a film that was centered around Duchovny's character, except the bulk of the movie follows the cheating woman around as she lusts for a dickbag with no redeeming traits. I simply couldn't empathize with Brigette Bako at all and kept hoping that the object of her infidelity would get hit by a bus or something so that some measure of righteousness would be restored to the world. The closest the movie offers is - bizarrely - a shirtless game of basketball, after which it's Duchovny that gets knocked out and the scumbag that was knowingly cheating with his fiancee just walks off into the proverbial sunset.


    The worst part? The woman in question that these two men are obsessed with isn't even special in any way. She's not inordinately attractive, her personality sucks, she has nothing going for her. Everybody is better off with her dead and everybody would've been better off with her illicit lover dead, too.

    God damn, I hate this movie.
  • The related TV series isn't high art, but blimey this is awful and Duchovny must be embarrassed by its continued availability.

    As someone else has noted, the central female character doesn't seem to have the necessary allure to make even one (let alone both) of these guys lust after her so fatefully. This isn't anywhere near the main implausible element of the plot, however, and it would be giving it too much credit to waste time listing them.

    If you're into buff guys doing shirtless 1-on-1 basketball then I guess you may get more out of it than I did - and you are very welcome to that, but even as hetero erotica this is woeful, IMHO.
  • Brigette Bako in 1992 was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She's a decent actress as well but this script is a dud. I've watched film twice and I still can't figure out why the main character is suicidal. We see glimpses of erratic behavior, but it doesn't add up.

    David Duchovny is competent as usual but again very little to work with. The rest of the cast is mediocre.

    Briggete Bako deserved a much better career, she was better than the typical 90's B movie sex pots. She has an elegance about her that could've been used to better effect by better directors and better scripts. Too bad.
  • Sure, this movie has become a soft-core series on cable television... but this movie is COMPLETELY different from the series that followed. That said, it has a soul. It is depressing as hell. Very realistic scenario, and top-notch acting by all involved.

    I will not spoil the movie... but please give this film a fair shot. The last 15 minutes alone are worth the price of the DVD easily. The "basketball scene." This movie definitely touched a part of my heart, being as I'm a good guy... not a jerk. And usually, the nice guys finish last... I won't say if the nice guy in this film finishes last or not, but I will say it's very, very heartfelt... and very, very sad. EXCELLENT score, too, by George S. Clinton, who also provided music for Brainscan and others.. he has a beautiful piano style that reminds me of Thomas Newman in its soul.

    Do give this film a fair chance. Must be watched from the beginning, or you'll miss the whole point.
  • jakasper24 February 2003
    I viewed this movie for the first time on DVD last weekend. I have watched it many times on VHS. I liked Billy Wirth's humorous comments about his role in the extras on the DVD. This movie was the basis for Zalman King's long-running series on Showtime called "Red Shoe Diaries", where David Duchovny reads letters sent to him from women who share their sexual experiences with him. This is a great movie for women to watch, more than men, because of the two hunky leads: David Duchovny and Billy Wirth. They both look gorgeous in this movie! I can understand Brigitte Bako's dilemma over who to pick as her main man in this flick because they both have something to offer. Why Mr. Duchovny has never discussed this movie or the series as part of his credits I will never understand. It may not be Shakespeare, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. On the serious side, it gives one something to think about in regards to relationships and how unstable some people are. Very entertaining, thought-provoking, and sexy. Great soundtrack too.
  • Pedro-resende-viegas19 December 2010
    I consider this movie one of the best movies i've seen.. why? simply because it show's you reality of women and man in their relationships.. 2 kinds of feelings: loving too much that blinds and doesn't let you breed. And you have the game lust that can always be dangerous, because like she though she had control, but that's a game played with someone else that has his own feelings, and the game can lead to tragic endings. The main cast give good performances, specially Brigette Bako , very sensual,innocent and lost. Amazing Original soundtrack that add's loads of atmosphere on the scenes.. A must see to every man and woman! A cult movie if i may say so.
  • My husband says I am way too picky about movies and maybe I am. But, for some reason this movie really gets to me. It's kinda like Bridges of Madison County, but with a highly erotic twist. Maybe I love this movie because I know what it's like to be with a nice guy who is so in love with you (and you love him), but there's this BAD BOY who draws you in like a sexual magnet; and it tears your heart having to choose. Not being able to choose between her two lovers, Brigitte Bako (Alex) decides to end her life. Did she leave her diary behind for Jake to find? I wonder. Anyway, if you like erotic movies where someone is torn between two lovers, then this movie is for you. If you think those kind of movies are CRAP, then do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY!! In general I don't think guys would like this movie. I, however, have always loved this movie and have waited for years for it to come out on DVD, and it finally has.
  • Although David Duchovny is a talented actor, Billy Wirth's portrayal of Tom should have earned him top billing. In my opinion, his acting ability and incredible good looks overshadowed the other actors. Zalman King did a fine job of directing, as evidenced by his ability to make an explicit movie tasteful. However, it is difficult to understand how Brigett Bako's character could seriously reject Tom, especially after stalking him.
  • This movie is the only movie that I will give a 10 to. It was an emotional rollercoaster ride like no other. It still tears me up to watch it. Very eye-opening for anyone in a relationship.
  • A good movie if you want to see a pre-X-file D. Duchovny (talking dirty and shirtless). Also, if you like erotica, then this is a good movie for you. It is filmed with a lot of strange lights and shadows that sets the dark mood of the movie.
  • Red Shoe Diaries is a collection of movies that exist to arouse the imagination through showing it passion-filled fantasy. Although the storylines vary, one thing is for sure about this collection and that is that it is clean entertainment.