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  • The original series that launched 3 spin-offs and 3 movies, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki is by far the pick of the bunch. Although the series spans several genres it is more of a comedy at heart with its light hearted tone. This series perfectly encapsulates the whole Tenchi universe. Its art and animation is lush and gorgeous and the plot (or plots) is (are) relatively solid although the writers lose it occasionally after the first 6 episodes. Thrill-seekers may bemoan the absence of heart-stopping moments in the action scenes but the series' true strength lies in its characters.

    The characters are compelling and genuinely appealing with deep and well-developed personalities. Even the pipe organ-playing(!) villain is cool! The character interactions are seldom boring, often being very funny and sometimes touching as well. One drawback is that is unfinished. The plot kinda meandered towards the end but then a ton of new plot threads were introduced which weren't resolved making the series seem incomplete.

    Hopefully we'll see more of this series (which has been hinted) in the future but for I heartedly recommend this series to anyone. Simply put, it is simply brilliant.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think Tenchi Muyo for a lot of people is the best fantasy anime ever. I can say it is close but it isn't fair to classify such a wonderful anime under this genre. I can say that it was my first "true" anime I ever watched. I enjoyed the characters, Ryoko is my favorite, the story was far better than originally perceived. The animation was great and it's third OVA has some of the best animation I've seen. I also loved the development of each character and fell under the spell of this anime. So far I own the Funimation Ryo-Ohki Viridian set and it's one of my favorite box set's ever. However I do miss my old episodes but it is still my number 1 favorite Harem anime.

    My favorite moment would be when Mihoshi's brother is getting spanked by his officer. It comes out of left field and makes me laugh all the time. My least favorite moment would be when Tennyo leaves Tenchi since it gives such a negative vibe for everyone. It really has some memorable scenes and these are mine hope more people like this anime as much as I do.
  • Amazing. Tenchi Muyo! is quite simply, one of the best anime out there (in my opinion, THE best). Why is this? It's certainly not because of the plot, which is full of holes (try to figure out the characters ages will lead you down a path to madness), it is currently incomplete (although the third OAV is on the way!), and there are certainly a lot of other flaws that I could pick out, but this is the kind of story in which you get so wrapped up in, you don't even notice any of the problems. It's the characters that really make this show. There is a surprising amount of depth here once you get past the terminally light tone of the show. The fact is, however, Tenchi Muyo! is incredibly touching.

    Basically the plot is about 17-year-old Tenchi Masaki, a young man with hidden powers who suddenly finds himself surrounded by beautiful women from all over the universe who are all in love with him! There's Ayeka, the reserved dignified Juraian princess (and her younger sister Sasami, Mihoshi the clutzy Galaxy Space Officer, Little Washu, the genius scientist, and of course Ryoko, the demon space pirate who is released from a 700 year imprisonment by Tenchi which starts the whole saga rolling. One of the shows virtues is that Tenchi never even tries to decide, and the group becomes like a family with a common interest... The character of Ryoko is what really meant the difference to me, a 2000-year-old demon who is somewhat vicious and violent, but is truly humanized in her love for Tenchi. I couldn't help but root for her, and the scene in episode 5 where she remembers watching Tenchi grow up is truly touching. I won't really go into any plot cause that's not really the point. You get into this show because its light, funny, and touching.

    I can't recommend it enough.
  • Tenchi Masaki is your average school boy who lives with his grandfather, who is a Shinto Priest, and his father. His mom died when he was a young boy, and his grandfather is teaching him how to be like him. One day, something falls from the sky and arrives on Earth. It's the infamous Space Pirate, Ryoko. Once Ryoko is welcome into the Masaki home, she finds herself in love with Tenchi. Soon, other girls from outer space joins in the fun...taking Tenchi on the ride of his life!

    Besides Ryoko, Tenchi is joined by:

    Ayeka - the crown princess of Juri who also finds herself attached to Tenchi and will do anything to win his heart away from Ryoko. Of course because of this, she and Ryoko are always getting into cat fights! :)

    Sasami - Ayeka's little sister, who is also a princess. She is the youngest, yet she finds herself being the nurturer of the household - doing all the house work and even cooking delicious meals for everyone.

    Ryo-Oki - a cabbit (a rabbit who "meows" like a kitty cat, but LOVES carrots), who is the Masaki pet, but also Ryoko's space ship. Ryo-Oki also found a friend in Sasami, and a boyfriend in Nagi's cabbit (forgot his name!!!).

    Washu - the scientist who invents some of the worlds most craziest (i.e. Meca-Washu, who ended up being like Mihoshi) and sometimes dangerous invention (i.e. a device that could destroy an entire planet from the last episode "No Need For A Conclusion"). She is also said to be Ryoko's creator.

    Kiyone - Galaxy Policewoman, who finds herself caught in a web of disaster thanks to her partner, Mihoshi.

    Mihoshi - Kiyone's partner, who seems to have an IQ of a bag of dirt and is always saved by pure luck. It took her quite a few episodes to finally figure out that Ryo-Oki was a girl. Not to mention, she is the reason why Meca-Washu was a bust.

    "Tenchi Universe" is the best of series I think. Plus, it has everything from lots of lots of laughs, a bit of emotional tear jerking like when audiences learn about Tenchi's mom's death ("No Need For Memories"), and of course, love ("No Need For Ryoko" and "No Need For Conclusion"). Then again...there are a few things that Japan has that America doesn't - nudity when the girls are bathing in the bath house, a bit more shed of blood, etc. Of course this is forbidden to be shown since it's on Cartoon Networks "Toonami" hours, and America treats this stuff as the ultimate taboo!

    As for Tenchi's feelings for Ryoko and Ayeka...I personally think that Ryoko has truly won his heart. You can tell by the way Tenchi looks at her in the last couple of episodes, espeically when she embraces him in a forest of Cherry Blossom trees, and they walk close together holding hands with little cabbit, Ryo-Oki, following. Also when she does all she can to rescue Tenchi, who was tied up in a coffin, from her arch-rival, bounty hunter, Nagi.

    An enjoyable series FOR ALL ANIME FANS...especially best when you watch it in Japanese - thanks to the magic of DVD!!! :) No need for bad reviews here - "Tenchi Universe" is a true delight!!! :)
  • Tenchi Masaki is going to Tokyo for school, which saddens his friends, especially space pirate Ryoko and Juri Princess Ayeka (who are both known for tying to win Tenchi's love and affection). To make matters look brighter, scientific genius Washu creates a Dimension that can take anyone from the Masaki home to Tenchi's flat in Tokyo. Yet Tenchi seems like he wants nothing to do with any of them, especially Ryoko and Ayeka. In Tokyo, Tenchi becomes smitten with a young girl named Sakuya. Of course, this greatly provokes aggressive fury from both Ryoko and Ayeka. Mysertiously, however, as Tenchi and Sakuya become closer, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Washu are growing further apart from each other. This once-close-knit family friendship is dying...and now there's another even greater mystery...and her name is Yugi.

    "Tenchi In Tokyo", like the other two series, is funny and has witty humor in it. Not to mention, a few cat fights between Ryoko and Ayeka, although in episodes like "The Eternal Pledge", the two team up with each other to rescue Tenchi from odd creatures. Then of course, there is Kiyone and her ditzy sidekick, Mihoshi, who still gets poor Kiyone caught up in a web of disaster.

    However, "Tenchi In Tokyo" lacks what the other series has featured and totally turned the whole idea plot around. For one, when did Washu and Ryoko end up being a team in the beginning? In "Tenchi Universe", Ryoko landed on Earth alone, and Washu didn't come until after a few more episodes. Then of course, there's this series, he was with Sasami and Ayeka. In "Universe" he came after Ryoko teased Tenchi about being pregnant with Tenchi's child after come into the kitchen with Ryo-Oki's egg. Then finally, there's Ayeka and Sasami. In this series, Sasami was with Ayeka when she came to Earth, yet in "Universe", Ayeka came to Earth alone. Sasami came later looking for Ayeka. Same goes for Mihoshi and Kiyone.

    So, the whole entire plot has changed almost in "Tenchi In Tokyo" which kind of ruined the whole entire "Tenchi" saga. Then there is the animation - not quite as sharp as it is in "Universe" and in "Muyo!" if you ask me. Also, it lacks feelings more. Like in "Universe" for example with the final episode, it finally reflected Tenchi's true feelings for both Ayeka and Ryoko, though his feelings for Ryoko seems more touching than Ayeka's. Not to mention, it shows even more in the "Zero" episodes from "Muyo!". "Tenchi In Tokyo" is more comedy than serious which is good...and their episodes aren't as emotionally tear-jerking like a few they have in the other two series (i.e. "There's No Need For Memories" or "There's No Need For Ghosts" from "Tenchi Universe").

    I do like "Tenchi In Tokyo", and I can do without Sakuya 100% - who is perhaps the most annoying character to ever happen to Tenchi - besides Haruna, but thank God Haruna's just from a movie. "Tenchi In Tokyo" isn't as impressive as "Universe" and "Muyo!", but it'll do for "Tenchi" fans. At least, they didn't leave out the humor and action and excitement it always has been known for! :)
  • this is by far the best anime ever EVER! just from seeing the first episode made me love this show its that good. Tenchi is just an ordinary kid who eventually finds out he is a descendant of an interstellar Monarchy and in the meantime of training and doing chores he gets fought over by two gorgeous girls who have bad habits and freaky powers! OK it can be a little sexist and weird in its own Japanese way, but it also add to the charm and the animation is excellent. a cult classic and the best in the 'Tenchi' Series hands down. Btw, Ryoko is the best character ever, END! 10/10 x

    this is by far the best anime ever EVER! just from seeing the first episode made me love this show its that good. Tenchi is just an ordinary kid who eventually finds out he is a descendant of an interstellar Monarchy and in the meantime of training and doing chores he gets fought over by two gorgeous girls who have bad habits and freaky powers! OK it can be a little sexist and weird in its own Japanese way, but it also add to the charm and the animation is excellent. a cult classic and the best in the 'Tenchi' Series hands down. Btw, Ryoko is the best character ever, END! 10/10 x

    this is by far the best anime ever EVER! just from seeing the first episode made me love this show its that good. Tenchi is just an ordinary kid who eventually finds out he is a descendant of an interstellar Monarchy and in the meantime of training and doing chores he gets fought over by two gorgeous girls who have bad habits and freaky powers! OK it can be a little sexist and weird in its own Japanese way, but it also add to the charm and the animation is excellent. a cult classic and the best in the 'Tenchi' Series hands down. Btw, Ryoko is the best character ever, END! 10/10 x
  • If you are reading this and you are not familiar with anime, then Tenchi is an excellent point to start with. It is bright, light, cheerful, fun, romantic, and last but not least, incredibly cute! Cuteness factor 10000! Very nice (already sort of a classic) character designs, extremely loveable characters, state-of-the-art animation, great music. All in all, a must see for anyone interested in anime.
  • john677720 June 2006
    Tenchi Muyo is one of those rare shows that doesn't need a lot of action to get you hooked. It brings you into a world where you truly care about the characters and interactions. This is what makes the show great.

    It also brings a great English voice cast. For the first two OVAs I prefer watching the English voices because the chemistry they all truly have together. To listen to Petrea Buchard and Jennifer Darling bicker brings a lot of the shows chemistry.

    Sadly, The show's third OVA lacks in almost everything that made the show great. It's still good but not the best and for us American fans Funimation decides to recast Ryoko, who was one of the best characters of the show, and the new Ryoko cannot bring the same brilliance to the character as Petrea Buchard did.
  • When many people watch any anime that they can think of that involves action and romance, then this is the anime I highly recommend
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When the Tenchi series first came out on Cartoon Network, I loved it. I was just about ten at the time, and it was my favorite anime series for a long time. But time passes and eventually after a few years I lost interest in the series. Years later, I decided to go back and watch the OAV. To my pleasure, I learned that they had actually created more of the OAV. I had always wondered why they never finished it. Unfortunately, if I had known what I know now, I would have let my fond memories of Tenchi rest in peace without revisiting the series.

    As my summary says, the series starts off very strong. There's the introduction of the girls, which is great. Then there's the arc with Kagato, which I enjoyed a lot. I'm such a Ryoko fan, so of course I liked hearing about her back story. I also really liked the relationship between her and Washu. But other than Ryoko, I enjoyed all the interaction between the girls and Tenchi in those first few episodes.

    Unfortunately, after Kagato is defeated, we enter the Clay arc. This is when things start to go a bit downhill. The Clay arc really doesn't bring anything new to the table, I'm sorry to say. Ryoko is barely home for a few days before she gets kidnapped yet again, and we get Zero, the "girly" version of Ryoko. Why that was necessary, I have no idea, I thought Ryoko was fine the way she was. Admittedly, there are some things that redeem this storyline. The scenes between Washu and Dr. Clay are really funny and I enjoyed them a lot. We also get introduced to the goddess Tokimi, which is interesting. While I didn't love this part of the series quite as much as the first part, I still enjoyed watching it. There's a cute interlude after Clay is defeated where Ayeka's parents come to visit, and of course chaos occurs.

    But this is where the real problems in the series begin, and it starts to fall apart. Like I said earlier, there was an extremely long hiatus before the third part of the OAV was made. In that time, Pioneer has gone under and FUNimation has taken over. If you're expecting the third part of the OAV to be anything like the old Tenchi, to wrap things up, and to explain the storyline, you're severely mistaken. This is going to be the longest part of the review, because this is the part I had the most problems with.

    The first issue is that it feels to me like the creators only ever watched one episode of Tenchi: the episode where Ayeka's parents visit. Why? Primarily because of the way they characterize Ryoko in the new OAV. In the original series, though Ryoko could be quite funny at some points, she also had deeper aspects to her personality and she always played quite a large role. In the third OAV, forget about that. Her only use is purely for comedy relief. In fact, it follows a formula: Ryoko makes a timely sarcastic remark, and she either gets slapped, her face pulled, or tied up. Hurray for slapstick. There's a tiny redeeming moment for her towards the end (when she fights by Tenchi's side) but if you blink you'll miss it. I can hardly even say anything about poor Ayeka. She barely has any role whatsoever in the third portion of the OAV. She mostly just hangs out with the other characters. In fact, she never even has a scene alone or with Tenchi. Why not? I have no idea.

    The third OAV's major issue and weakness is all the new characters it introduced in a short amount of time. We have Noike, Mihoshi's brother and his girlfriend, Tenchi's sister, Tenchi's Dad's girlfriend, Tenchi's grandma (and Yosho's wife), Kagato's female half, Seto, some new girl with a new cabbit and Z. I'm sure I'm forgetting some people here, but that's just to give you an estimate of how many new characters were introduced in the span of seven episodes. Noike was the worst of the new additions. She's the definition of a Mary Sue. She's introduced as a love interest for Tenchi, she can cook even better than Sasami, she's a registered nurse, she can drive a car despite being from Jurai, she can break up a fight between Ryoko and Ayeka and make them obey her with just a glance, and she's running the household by the first night. I can only wonder why a character like this was necessary for the series and I spent most of the time fast forwarding through scenes she was in. As for the rest of the characters, like Mihoshi's brother and Z, the third OAV spends a ton of time giving them back stories, which I also don't understand. Personally, I don't know these characters, I don't care about these characters, so why waste time with them? I'll tell you why: publicity for GXP, a series of Tenchi created by FUNimation where the new characters are focused on more heavily (in fact, the original Tenchi cast isn't even in GXP, if I've heard correctly.) It's very disappointing, fans waited such a long time for these new episodes. I feel cheated. There was finally a new addition and I barely got to spend any time watching the characters I had grown to love and care about over the course of two seasons. It's just so frustrating. I prefer Tenchi Universe, to be honest. At least that series wasn't confused about it's own identity.
  • "Tenchi Muyo" is one of the best anime OAVs-original animated videos-to debut in the 90s, and like any successful show, has spawned a legion of copycats. The show deals with young Tenchi Misaki, a high school boy who does chores and trains under his grandfather, a Shinto priest. Against his Grandfather's will, young Tenchi opens a sacred shrine. This sets of a chain reaction of events that make Tenchi the host to a group of alien women-Ryoko, feisty space pirate; Ayeka and Sasami, princesses from the planet Jurai; Mihohshi, a ditzy space cop, Washu, a genius and Ryoko's mother; and also Ry-Oh-oki, a cat/rabbit creature which can transform into a spaceship or a young girl. Of course, there's a reason why all these girls arrive, and this forms an interesting subplot. The animation and sound is top-notch-the last being obvious, since this series is partially funded by Pioneer.
  • this is the one that started it all. wow, it is so damn cool, so damn funny!!! imagine, being an ordinary high school student and having six delectable young ladies live with you! the animation and episodes are incredible and the humor is just so frickin funny! you'll have a blast with this series.
  • washuu13 December 1998
    This anime lacks in action, adventure, and philosophical anything. Its tech is hokey and some of its episodes are pitiful! What it lacks in these things it more than makes up for in overall plotline, artwork, and especially the characters. The personalities from this series are incredible. They will suck you in until it doesn't matter what they are doing, you will watch.
  • au_law20012 February 2005
    I never saw the TV version(yet). But you gotta love this one, this is one of the best and perhaps the most influential and recognizable shows to come out of Japan, that when you ask people about anime, they would mention or refer to this. And sure this is shorter than the TV series, but this still has the humor that made it a hit, and it without this, the Tenchi Universe series would never come out. Yeah this is the one that started it all, and for me, this is perhaps Hiroki Hayashi's best next to El Hazard, a follow up series. Excellent animation, colorful characters, and funny moments are in here, I like the ones with Ryo Oki, like the part when she goes to Ayeka and she goes screaming, that is classic, and I like the one where Ayeka and Ryoko try to get Tenchi's attention, and end up failing, and the part with Washuu, call me Little Washuu! Love that one. Recommended for fans of the series, fans of Ranma and El Hazard and Love Hina, anime fans and non-anime fans. And after the last episode, 13 to be precise, don't think it's the end yet, because more of it is coming out, based on this one, not the Universe series.
  • I can not really score this particular series because I never watched it all the way through as I did the other two shows. This one just did not grab me from the opening the way the other shows did. The introduction, the story, everything was just a big disappointment. The animation was a step or two back as well. The story was just Tenchi going to collage or something and there is a girl there that is kind of into him, which is what usually happens. This is a new character though and not the old standby crew who are also in this series, but are at times background characters. There is an evil entity after Tenchi and it is basically using the new girl, but what happens I have no clue as I just could not get beyond the first four or five episodes. It just does not seem like the Tenchi we got to know in the original series or "Tenchi Universe" which Tenchi Universe was the highlight of all the shows and movies revolving around Tenchi. Like I said the characters seem off, they try to hard to be cute and the show for me was just one big disappointment.
  • If you love anime and have some fondness for anime from 1995 to early 2000's this is the saga for you. I remember buying the vhs of the first three episodes in the early 2000's when I was a really young kid. And I always wondered what was the title of that great anime. I was finally able to rediscover that anime was called Tenchi Universe (the second ova of the franchise). I rewatched some episodes on Youtube and an anime streaming app. I was shocked how amazing this show was. By the end of the series I was on the edge of my seat and had my heart strings pulled. I even tried to skip a few filler episodes so that I can have them to watch later. Thats how great I found this show was. I preemptively banked some episodes from the 26 episode run. This show is amazing and it will leave you feeling grateful you saw it and sad that its over. Worth the watch! Its is also a big cult favorite amongst the Toonami fanbase.
  • I enjoyed the first show in the Tenchi series a lot, but was very disappointed by the ending which aired on the Cartoon Network when they showed anime a whole lot. It basically had Tenchi dueling with this arrogant prince and it was very anti-climatic not like a final episode at all. To this day I wonder if there were any episodes after that particular show though I am betting no. This show only lasted 26 episodes and while it was short it played out very well and had a nice storyline to it compared to the first series which was kind of all over the place at times. This story almost had an "Outlaw Star" feel to it as after the initial introduction of the characters they embark on an epic space adventure as they try to clear their names and stop the plans of this one dude. This series had good comedy which is to be expected from a Tenchi series it also had good action and some really good emotional scenes as certain characters appear to meet their end. It also has a nice conclusion to it which is a vast improvement over the first series. They also have the same cast almost with the exception of a new partner from the ditsy blonde galaxy police officer of the first show, a more intelligent member of the force, but still cute and a bit attracted to Tenchi (aren't they all?). So for a nice series that has an "Outlaw Star" feel to it, watch this show the best of the Tenchi shows for me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While I'm biased since I don't like harem anime, I thought this was a formulaic series with nothing much special going for it. There's little to be interested at here besides Ryo-ohki, who is a sweet and cute cat-rabbit animal with a personality and the first episode when compared to the rest of the episodes in the series was okay. This also had some good music, though I disliked the dub, the actors sounded like they were just reading their lines and Ayeka's voice sounded too old for her physical age. It started off great and interesting until Ryoko came along. I was interested in what will happen next but once that grouch Ryoko came up, the series started dropping the ball more and more. There is not much of a plot here and all it focuses on is silly comedy and melodrama.

    Why is everyone all gaga for Tenchi? He's a bland average Joe character, he's not that cute or handsome, he is whiny, dense, and an all-around forgettable character. Sure he had an interesting story in the first episode but character-wise, he's iffy.

    The animation and designs show their age. Tenchi is supposed to be the guy the girls are hot for, yet he's not even that hot, he just looks like a boring everyman character. A lot of the animation is excessively goofy and there is a lot of exaggerated facial expressions for the sake of comedy, which I blame the decade it came out in for. I know that it fits the style of the show but I've seen some anime that came out around that time that had less stupidly poor goofy animation.

    Aside from the space element, action, and a little mystery, it's not much different from your average harem anime. It's disappointing because there could've been more plot and for a series revolving around a bunch of quirky girls living with a guy, I was appalled by how much drama and crying there is in this show. It can jump from being a romantic sitcom to a space opera melodrama and it just didn't mix well. It's almost like it didn't know what it wanted to be.

    Back to the characters, most of them are just busy fighting over Tenchi and therefore, aren't that interesting. All of them are either crybabies, dense, bratty or all of the above. Sasami is the nicest one out of the whole cast but even she turned out to be a Mary-Sue with her overly friendly attitude she has towards everyone. There was even one episode where she was crying over Mihoshi leaving but from what I've seen, they don't interact that much, they're not that close so why is she having such strong feelings about her leaving? She's like what, 6-9? And she cries too often in the series!

    This series is so overrated and I don't get the appeal of it. Watch something better like Wreck it Ralph or Road to Avonlea.

  • I used to not understand anime at all. After sitting through another anime tv show, I grew to like it, enjoy it, and now love it. And "Tenchi Muyo" is, aside from "Slayers", my favorite anime television.

    First of all, there are so many different characters with which to fall in love with. From the sexy space pirate Ryoko, to the precious space princesses Ayeka and Sasami, to the vapid Mihoshi (and her companion Kiyone, who I haven't seen yet since I'm only on the OVA series) to the cute scientific genius Washu. And it all revolves around Tenchi.

    Secondly, it has a wonderful music score. From the rousing opening theme, to the little background music throughout (especially Ayeka's theme), to the ending credit music, it is well conducted, especially for an anime, where music is usually conducted by cheesemakers.

    Finally, the plots are well done. Aside from the difference between Tenchi Universe and the OVA series, the plots are well-sculpted, well developed, and have a proper blend of action and humor. The biggest problem with anime today is it's lack of humor, which Tenchi Muyo will simply not allow.

    I thank the nameless station which has actually begun to air this wonderful series. And as for you "Tenchi Muyo", all we can do is bow, oh great respected one.
  • I've seen this series a long time ago and I rank it as one of my favorite three anime series. (Urusei Yatsura at #1 and Gundam at #2) This series follows almost in the same vein as the Urusei Yatsura series, sci-fi/comedy. The difference is the hero and the girls that fight over him. From the beginning we see that there is something special about our hero Tenchi and a power that lies hidden within him.

    Granted that the plots of the O.V.A, the 1st TV series and the 2nd TV series change the whole story but we can blame that on messing with the time line again.
  • Washu8 September 1999
    Picture a young schoolboy idly living his life, when all of a sudden several young women all descend into his life. (Quite literally). You've got an uppity princess and her cute sister, a rough space pirate, two galaxy police officers, and an evil genius. While this is a cartoon, it's definitely intended for the higher-end teenage crowd. (The fact that Tenchi looks kinda like Jet Li may or may not be a coincidence.) ;-)
  • Well, it is not the usual Tenchi Muyo quality at the start, but with the third Tape it works pretty well. It's a lot more slapstick than the OVA and the first TV-series and the Designs are slightly different so many fans aren't as happy with it and so am i. But don't stop after watching the start. You won't be disappointed. A worthy 7 out of 10.
  • I have to say first off i'm glad they did something different, one part that had annoyed me with tenchi universe was reintroducing the characters all over again (If your new to the series it's not so bad but if you seen OVA then universe, or the other way etc) then you would want the series to move on a bit.

    I think why people liked OVA so much is that a lot more time was spent on it then this, however they neglect to take in the fact that OVA is the original and therefore the most important one so it could never be matched as the OVA was still going at the time of this series (it took eight years to complete OVA 3 which was released last year) However while Tokyo has weaker animation it is at least 'orignal' and not a complete rehash like universe. And in universe, the highlight of it was the superb Nagi.

    In Tokyo while animation is not high quality I wouldn't say it's strictly poor, only Ayeka and Tenchi look slightly different and Ryoko is taken far more seriously, you can claim this is because their a tad older now. The plot isn't perfect but try watching OVA 3 where Tenchi looks weird, Ryoko is ugly and no sense of the plot whatsoever! However Tokyo has the advantage of Yugi as a villain, Yugi is both powerful and genuinely mysterious. Her eyes are to be frank are quite intimidating to a degree. Its also strange in seeing Katshibso no longer Yosho but fun at the same time to see him flawed.

    Its wacky humour but there is still some good dialogue, creative foes, a better Ryoko and a slightly more cocky Ayeka. (I kid not) The bad is it relies on filler episodes a lot but at the same time if your living under rent (like me) then watching 'money money money' is an excellent parody of that situation we all have to endure.

    OVA will always have some advantages ie: everyone enjoys the whole Ryoko/washu as the 'mom daughter' relationship with of course Kagato. Universe had a more powerful version of Azaka and Kamadike, ryoko/ayeka flashback view as kids and Nagi as a character that translates to cool. And Tokyo has originality, a better Ryoko and better filler episodes, only there are too much of them. And that is my only argument.

    Certinely not perfect but still watchable.
  • With its active imagination and bright coulors , its easy to see why tenchi muyo is a firm favourite to many fans of Japanese animation . However , just because the adventures of tenchi and co are appreciated by many , that doesn't make it the best series you'll see. This isn't to say that tenchi muyo is bad , but it is to say that there are a lot of things wrong with it. Wrong things such as it being unoriginal : tenchi muyo borrows .. in fact , no STEALS ideas from star wars , urusei yatsura and sailor moon just to name a few. Another one of the shows negative factors is that it constantly moves from being sci-fi to a slapstick comedy to a romantic drama to an action drama , all very quickly , making the show feel uneven . Oh , and speaking of uneven , tenchi muyo doesn't keep the same pace throughout , resulting in a show that can be heart stopping and exciting some times , and just plain boring the next. And while we are on the subject of the shows bad points , ive got to say that the thinly veiled sexism that creeps up in the show is something that we could have done with out.

    Wow . With all these bad points , it sounds like I hate tenchi muyo , doesn't it ? Well I don't , I think its very solid and its good qualities are very strong . One good quality is that from a visual stand point , tenchi muyo looks great - the animators and character designers manage to strike a good balance between cuteness and complex realism . Another strong point is that when the show is funny , it can get really funny , just like how it can get damn exciting when it puts its action gloves on , suggesting that being a straight action comedy would have definitely been the best way forward for tenchi muyo. But above everything the best thing about tenchi is easily its characters , something that any tenchi fan can agree with me on. From the destructive but sensitive Ryoko , to the eccentric Washu , the characters are developed and used well enough for you to care for them when any thing happens to them. And having characters that you can get behind and feel for is important in any story , anime or otherwise.

    So in conclusion , it must be said that tenchi muyo has a lot flaws but still comes out as an intelligent and entertaining show that's definitely way above average . But if it focused entirely on action and comedy (its best assets) whilst still paying attention to character and plot then we'd be looking at a classic.

    Knowledge gives this : 3(and a half ) out of 5
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