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  • Crispin-319 February 2006
    This is a Gothic adaptation that emphasizes the horror and degradation rather than the mystery - there is little mystery about the murderer's identity by half way through.

    I enjoyed it but had considerable reservations. The exposition is compressed to the point where it is hard to follow the plot at times, aggravated by some unnecessarily abrupt transitions and the similar appearance of the principal male characters (faithful to the period perhaps but still awkward for the viewer). Easier to follow for those who have read the book.

    Several characters have been left out. Where is the mysterious Mr. Datchery? Surely Dickens intended him to step in at the end and solve the mystery!
  • Although this movie develops gradually, it makes up for it in suspense. The viewer will easily know the identity of the villain, yet the plot draws to a satisfying conclusion. Place this one alongside of WAIT UNTIL DARK. Worth watching.