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  • This was a very good movie, sad but often true. A lot of times I noticed people say this isn't exactly the way it happened, the thing is with movies like this even though it's based on a true story, catch the keyword "based" mean sister foundation for the particular story being told. That doesn't mean it's exactly like the true story but very similar. The point of movies like this is to make parents and children be careful of your surroundings and watch who you are around. Crimes like this more often than not are created by people whom you least expect and who seem the closest to you. The ending was touching, she wasn't able to save her own child but she save someone else's!
  • Not sure why it's not a believable script since it IS based on a true story.

    This is the true story of a distraught mother who turns to the cop next door after her five-year-old daughter is murdered.

    She comes to the terrifying conclusion that the killer is someone she knows.

    The real names are here-

    David Woodward is about the last person anyone expected to be accused of Amanda Shaffer's murder. The devoted father of two sons was among the dozens of people who searched for the 5-year-old girl when she disappeared in 1986 from the Goddard Mobile Home Manor, where both lived. As with all residents of the trailer park, Woodward was questioned and then dismissed as a suspect when Amanda disappeared, authorities said. Woodward had no record of any kind with law enforcement agencies. Children were a part of his life. His backyard pool was a magnet for the children who live in the 20-unit trailer park, neighbors said Sunday. He would stay home from work to care for his children when they were ill, said Milton Myers, police chief at Wichita State University, where Woodward worked. Woodward wrote a letter within the past year to the WSU newspaper, The Sunflower, berating the state's adoption system as so cumbersome that it prevented willing couples from caring for children needing a home. ''He was a quiet guy. He kept to himself. But he seemed all right," said Richard Medcalf, who lives in a neighboring trailer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I just watched "Someone She Knows" although it was a very good movie I I wished it would have had the conclusion of the trial. Usually at the end of the movie there is the outcome of the jail sentence. It is so many people that could be and are in the same danger as this little girl was. This movie will help people think about others. This happened back in 1986, this is now 2007, I hate to imagine how many more children this has happened too. A sad thing too because children are innocent and so trusting to people they know ( think they know ).

    I have tried to find out the outcome on the trial. When it took place and what his sentence was. I have not had any luck. What about the parents Belinda and Kim Sorrell ? Are they still in Kansas ? Did they ever have any more children ? If anyone has any information on this would you please post it ?
  • This movie tells a sad true story, but I guess a lot of drama has been added. The whole script just isn't very believable. After only five minutes I knew who did it and it was funny to see the script-writer failing again and again in trying to make you believe someone else did it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The keyword is "based" because this movie is a true story but has a lot of fictional drama added to it to pique the interest of the viewers. The reason I can say this is because it is based on the true story about the disappearance and murder of my 5 year old niece. SPOILER:The main element that we wanted to bring across by allowing this movie to be produced for television was that your children may not always be safe around someone you know or a prominent citizen of the community. In this case the killer was a neighbor whom we had known for several years. My niece was friends with his children. He was a former police chief from a different town and was currently employed by the university police department. My sister did not turn vigilante (even tho she would have liked to) but we did not have an arrest until 5 1/2 years later.He confessed after being arrested for the kidnapping and rape of a 9 year old neighbor girl who thankfully escaped. All money was donated for lighting, playground equipment and a memorial for my niece in our local park.

    In response to "The Outcome of David Woodward" by jamie_arkansas40 David Woodward's trial was held in the Sedgwick County Courthouse, Wichita, Kansas in January of 1992. He received a 30 year sentence, release date May 26, 2021 unless he is granted parole before that date. Needless to say my family will be at any parole hearings to try to keep that from happening. inmate search page

    My sister, Belinda, and Kim divorced several years after Amanda was murdered. She now lives in Kansas City, Kansas and Kim lives in San Antonio, Texas. They have both remarried but remain good friends. My sister could not have any more children due to medical reasons and Kim has two children from a previous marriage.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I felt like this was a very good movie. Whenever the mother cries you feel her pain. It is a bit obvious but it's still a good movie. There are some cheesy attempts at suspense. SOme of the parts are suspenseful though. There were a few careless things overlooked that the police should have noticed but that's just me nit picking. The performances were very good by everyone although at times Laurie seemed a bit over-dramatic. Also Some of this movie is a little bit unrealistic. But overall it was a good movie that made your heart ache. I highly recommend this movie. If you have kids then you will most likely cry at the mere though of your children going missing. This movie was a good movie so grab a box of tissues and watch this movie.