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  • After receiving a phone call, Lieutenant Winger (Maurice Dean Wint) and Det. Prosco (Silvio Oliviero) arrive at the Cosmo office and find Bennett Sands shot dead. They analyze the crime scene and find 82% of the DNA of Jake Cardigan (Greg Evigan), and soon Jake appears and confesses the crime. His friends see that he is lying to protect someone, and Walter H. Bascom (William Shatner) hires the efficient teenager lawyer Eugene Leopold (Jacob Tierney) to defend him.

    "TekWar: TekJustice" is the last episode of the saga "Tekwar" with maybe the best episode. The plot is predictable regarding why Greg Cardigan is assuming the crime and avoiding any further investigation, but has many twists. Impressive the view of the technology by William Shatner for the Twentieth-First Century, since many artifacts do really exist on the present days. My vote is seven.

    Title (Brazil): "TekJustice"
  • What I find amazing about viewing these TekWar movies some 20 years later is that so much of the technology shown is "everyday stuff" today - ipads, tablets, eyeball recognition, houses run by computer, etc.

    This movie was made five years before flash/thumb drives were on the market. Kudos to William Shatner for producing the series.

    I guess one day we will have holograms and lifelike robots - wish I would still be around! I know there are some in the works already, not just with us in daily life. (I'm one of those who still does a double-take seeing that the Dick Tracy two-way radio wristwatches from our 1940s comic books are now a reality - so bear with me!)

    Most of the story line was pretty good. I thought the ending could have been better - it just sort of stopped.