User Reviews (68)

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  • I think what makes this film work is the chemistry between the three main characters. You like these characters, feel with them and believe that they would get along in real life like they do in the movie. The concept is clearly quite controversial, and I guess that's why it's so unpopular. I like the way it isn't really all resolved in the end... there is always a tiny degree of imperfection. The plot at times appears to have been written with the primary intention of being controversial rather than entirely realistic, emotionally or otherwise. I'm not sure if that's true, or it just seems that way. The pacing is pretty good. You're rarely bored. The clever dialog and script keeps your interest as well as consistently making you laugh. The film somehow makes you care about these characters, despite their many shortcomings and flaws. Maybe it's because they're human... we can identify with them, more than usually with American films(that are often shallow). The direction is pretty good. The film pretty much belongs in the 'good, but not entirely sure why' category. You like what you see, but you can't pin-point exactly why. All in all, a pretty good romance-comedy that should be seen by anyone open-minded enough to enjoy it. I recommend this to anyone who isn't offended by the topic(and not easily offended in general) but particularly to those who are fans of one or more of the main actors. 7/10
  • This film happened to come on on the late show on one of the local channels, and I ended up watching it. I was expecting a rather cheesy film in which we see all the predictable sexual quandries you might expect out of a comedy like this. I wasn't entirely wrong, but I was rather pleasantly surprised, as well.

    Eddy (Josh Charles) is "sexually ambiguous" - ie. homosexual, as he eventually admits, although he is a virgin and not entirely sure. Alex (Lara Flynn Boyle) has a huge crush on him. And his somewhat misogynistic and lustful roommate, Stuart (Stephen Baldwin) lusts after Alex, while Eddy lusts after him. They make a vow to be just friends. Of course, this all backfires.

    What pleasantly surprised me was the conclusion to the film, and the tender and delicate nature with which they handled the sexual issues that cropped up. It was also extremely funny at times, especially when the dorm supervisors (Alexis Arquette, Martha Gehman) start spying on the three of them and wondering what the hell is going on.

    The directing is standard for a film of this nature - essentially a romantic comedy with a twist. The lead roles were all extremely well played, especially Josh Charles as the narrator and most crucial role of the film. The sex in the film was erotic when it needed to be, tender when it needed to be, and animalistic when it needed to be, and never overwhelming or out of context.

    It also was one of the most realistic and intelligent commentaries I've ever seen on the reality of college life - at least, undergraduate life. How I've experienced it, at any rate. The dialogue, so crucial to a film like this, is extremely appropriate and well-done, and the actors deliver it with perfection. It's a film that is almost entirely about dialogue - despite the sexual nature of the film, there's little nudity and certainly never anything that could be considered gratuitous. It's not the greatest film I've seen, but it's among the most well-written films I've seen in the past few years.

    A pleasant and amusing film. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Risky even for its release date, THREESOME nevertheless manages to stay fairly true to its material without going too far or restraining itself too much, but staying in a comfortable middle. This can be either its validation or its weak point, because even when the three main characters wind up in bed together and apparently break the friendship bond and consummate their sexual tension, that we aren't allowed to see it and experience it is the only moment when it seems to cheat and retrace its steps cautiously. Because of course, one of the men is Stephen Baldwin, and it would be compromising if he had kissed his co-star Josh Charles, so we only will see him have sex with Lara Flynn Boyle. However, the material is well done, the characters are well drawn -- except for having Alexis Arquette as a more flamboyant gay college student in for laughs than as an actual person -- and the viewing experience translates at times quite poignantly through Charles' voice-overs as he wistfully looks back at those college days that are now gone by.
  • Due to a computer error Alex (Lara Flynn Boyle) accidently gets assigned the same dorm rooms as two guys, Stuart (Stephen Baldwin) and Eddy (Josh Charles). Stuart a sex crazed drunk frat boy is in lust with Alex, however Alex is in love with Eddy and Eddy in turn thinks he may be in love with Stuart!

    Considering the title and the premise one would not expect to see a smart film that never bashes its characters, but instead fully develops them in an a thoughtful, original manner. This film manages to do just this. Lara Flynn Boyle is both sexy and extremely funny. Josh Charles turns in a tender, compassionate performance. Film could have just easily come off as gratitous, but instead it is sexy and fun.

    Rated R; Sexual Situations and Profanity.
  • K3nzit28 December 2019
    A very underrated drama from the 90's. The story is in a way groundbreaking for it's time and will forever be timeless. Good acting (Stephen Baldwin impresses the most) and solid directing by Andrew Fleming.
  • cherold11 January 2004
    This is a pretty good little movie about very close roommates. It's got a good deal of humor and easy charm but at the end I had a bit of a "so what" feeling about it. Also shows you of how hot Lara was before she turned into Skeletor.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Threesome" is like a cross between "Jules and Jim" (for obvious reasons) and "When Harry Met Sally" (it examines the same central question - can there be "just" friendship between a man and a woman?). It's also the movie where I fell in love with Lara Flynn Boyle, back in 1994. Watching it again now, it remains fresh, funny, bold, bittersweet, and even wise at the end. Like the whole experience does for Josh Charles' character, it's a film that stays with you. *** out of 4.
  • BillZane13 December 1998
    Okay, I got into this movie expecting a hot, sexual adventure - I got it, but the sex seemed a little tacked on, especially the titular Threesome. Instead, I found a movie on its way to deep, introspective surmisings on the nature of human relationships. It never really clicked for me, but it was an interesting film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Due to a computer mix up female Alex (Lara Flynn Boyle) has to share a dorm apartment with two men--sex-obsessed Stuart (Stephen Baldwin) and nice, quiet Eddy (Josh Charles). She begins to fall in love with Eddy but he reveals to her that he's gay--maybe (he's still a virgin). They all become fast friends and make a pact NOT to have sex with each other. But Alex is still in love with Eddy--and Eddy is very attracted to hunky Stuart...

    Almost perfect comedy/drama. For its time, this was groundbreaking. This was a rare Hollywood film that brought up gay characters and issues and did NOT ignore them or "miraculously" make the character straight. SPOILER ALERT!!!!! It is revealed that Eddy IS gay and is happily with a boyfriend at the end of the movie! I remember seeing this in a theatre and being stunned in 1994. NO Hollywood film had ever done that before (letting a gay character stay gay AND be happy). Even today that's a rare occurrence--back in 1994 it was unheard of. For this alone this movie should be better known. END SPOILER ALERT!!!

    Sexual politics aside it's also a damn funny movie. The characters are believable, the dialogue is frank and VERY adult (this is NOT for kids) and the movie moves quickly--never a dull moment. Boyle was young (24) when she made this. Her performance is great and she looks incredible (unlike now where she looks seriously anorexic); Charles is letter perfect as Eddy--you see has pain and conflict as he comes to terms with his sexuality; even Baldwin is good! His character is an obnoxious jerk but he has his sweet moments and really pulls them off. But it's his character that prevents me from giving this movie a 10. His character IS a real jerk and his sick jokes and comments really wore me down. Also there is a scene between him and Charles which is just bristling with homo eroticism--and the film stops it. I can accept that though--back in 1994 a mainstream audience couldn't have dealt with two guys going at it.

    Sadly this film bombed in 1994 (a bad ad campaign didn't help matters). This Definitely deserves rediscovery. Exceptional film that deals honestly with college kids and sexual politics. Well worth seeing.
  • One girl. Two guys. Three possibilities.

    I really loved this movie. The plot is simple enough, basically just leading up to the threesome of the title, and the ending isn't as promising as it could have been. Nevertheless, the three leads, the sharp dialog, the great late-80's/early-90's soundtrack (Tears 4 Fears, Duran Duran), and the undeniably provocative tone make for a thoroughly enjoyable 90 minutes. Lots to enjoy, whether your gay or straight!
  • This film is a mess. There is no other way to put.

    How sympathetic I found the idea of a film discussing the confusion of sexual identity, the frustration of falling in love with a dear friend and the debating on friendship versus falling in love, there is very little sympathetic about this movie.

    I had hoped for a funny delighted adventure in the lives of these college students. And it starts off well but turn into a mess since it does not want to show us the characters as intelligent people with a friendship and understanding on a deeper level than sex. It simply does not answer the questions, it want to ask. It doesn't even try!

    And for the actors: Stephen Baldwin, who tends to star in "kinky" movies, has a really bad hair cut. Despise that, this might be his finest work. It's not good, but.... ya know what I'm saying. Lara Flynn Boyle gives us the usual "I can be Marilyn" looks and seems to overkill her character because her acting is sort of over the top. Josh Charles is great as ever. Why don't we see him some more. He is indeed talented and great, a versatile actor.

    This movie is - well, a mess. You might like it though. I think I does not.

  • I saw this movie almost 10 years ago already for the second time and I liked it as much as before. The three main characters develop such a funny and friendly relationship throughout the movie that you just have to like them. Especially Josh Charles as Eddy (formerly admired as Mr. Knox Overstreet in Dead Poets Society) is a hell of a performer. He has something very special in his acting and I simply think he is remarkable. Lara Flynn Boile is no doubt a goddess with respectable acting abilities and even Will Baldwin, who plays a very flat but funny character, pleases the audience. As a group they even go beyond and the result is a romantic comedy with lots of sex appeal, laughing, friendship and even some seriousness. The script is very good and I can recommend this film to anyone over 16. My tip though: Don't watch it alone. It's much more fun with company. Have fun!
  • A university bureaucratic snafu causes a woman to share a dormitory suite with 2 men. The three of them develop friendships and there are interesting sexual desires/relationships between some of the characters.

    Overall, this was a funny and at times moving film. However, parts of the movie were difficult to believe, which made the entire movie a little difficult to relate to.

    The character who narrates a few scenes, Eddie, is the most believable and he is an easy character to relate to. Stuart is almost believable, but this is borderline. He almost belongs in "Animal House," although he is not that extreme. Finally, the woman, Alex, is the least believable as she is can be very sexually aggressive.

    The other tough part of this movie it moves too quickly for the relationships to develop. The characters' public displays of friendship are amusing, but surprising because it happens relatively abruptly. In another scene Eddie has a theory about Stuart and refers to several things that Stuart said to support his theory. However, we never saw the original scenes where Stuart made these statements. I suspect they were edited out.

    Despite everything I wrote, I am glad I saw the movie. College friendships happen quickly and can be very serious very quickly. They can also be amusing. Each of the main characters was likable and the movie was entertaining.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I savor entertainment that explores relationships realistically, I delight in work that succeeds in portraying a group of friends who really look like they care for one another, I even feast on featherlight relationship comedies (if they appear sincere and heartfelt, which doesn't occur that often). What I don't indulge in are pointless, pretentious pieces of 'art', that consist of a contrived script and an excruciatingly bad acting ensemble.

    Unfortunately, the latter is what best summarizes this drivel involving one-dimensional cardboard characters twaddling about nothing at all. In many ways a relationship between three people is endlessly more interesting than the classic pair. Unfortunately for myself and all other viewers victim of witnessing this movie, the writer leaves all the intriguing and intelligent parts out and what we are left with is a pretty formulaic comedy about people who want what they can't have. Been there, seen that...utterly boring.

    I'd skip this one if I were you.
  • Chrstne22 January 1999
    "Threesome" is one of those movies which make you so involved with the characters you don't want it to end. A wonderfully exciting film. The viewer leaves satisfied and thought provoked. It is the story of three lives which everyone secretly wishes they could be.
  • SnoopyStyle15 February 2017
    Intellectual Eddy (Josh Charles) is a junior transfer student. He is assigned to be a dorm roommate to crass womanizing Stuart (Stephen Baldwin). The odd couple eventually develops an equilibrium until the arrival of theater student Alex (Lara Flynn Boyle) for the third room in the suite. While the building is co-ed, the rooms are not. An error in the system had made Alex a boy and there is a wait to transfer her to another room. Stuart is into Alex but she hates him. Alex is into Eddy but he actually has secret gay feelings for Stuart. The sexual triangle faces a bumpy ride.

    The language is quite explicit. It doesn't shy away from its sexual subject matter. Some of this feels like a sitcom. The saving grace are the three beautiful young actors having combative sexy fun. It's essentially a rom-com with three people. It's not high cinema but the three actors are charismatic and enjoyable. The sexual symmetry leads to some fun moments.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wouldn't call it the best bisexual movie I've seen to be honest because I felt the character development among the three stooges were all over the place. Eddie is meant to like guys right and then suddenly backs them away to prove that he isn't gay. After all the complaining of being too closeted, he has sex with Stuart and Alex. I just felt like there should've been more thought when Andrew Fleming created the character. It's like he just wants him to be a whiny boy who in the end, never has gotten a partner all along.

    On the positive side, the sex scene's were really hot and romantic. I actually would've loved to have seen more instead of a few times because yknow it is a romantic bisexual movie all along!

    I would say this is a good chick flick movie and entertaining I guess. Maybe if I was watching this with a crowd of people, then I would've given this a 9 rating...
  • smck19 April 1999
    Timid tale of a love triangle between a just-beginning-to figure-out-I'm-gay guy, a straight woman and a slightly ambiguous straight man. It's all a bit too genteel for my taste, but it's nice to see a gay character (played sweetly by Josh Charles) presented without the standard stereotypes.
  • All in all, a below average watch. There is no touch with reality - whether from a relationship perspective, college life, friendships, or anything else.

    The acting is atrocious, as far as Baldwin and Boyle go. Charles redeems it a bit - but only a BIT. The situations are simply ridiculous. Statements are made, and then left hanging without culmination. Friendships are portrayed with an emptiness around them that is difficult to understand.

    Considering the writer is the director (Fleming), not much more could've been expected since the story itself is so awful.

    I saw the movie 'coz the actors are from my era, and I thought it would be nostalgic. Hardly - avoid it if you can.
  • I saw this movie in high school, liked it a lot at the time, and have continued to like it a lot. I think it was a much under-appreciated film that, in its own, pop-culture way, is even very brave. Josh Charles and Lara Flynn Boyle, both actors I always enjoy, give strong, genuine performances and Stephen Baldwin does his best acting outside of THE USUAL SUSPECTS. The best thing about the film, however, is Andrew Flemming's screenplay, which is highly literate, witty, extremely aware of itself, it's situation and the nature of its characters, and is studded with some beautiful little gems of sensitivity, understanding and wisdom. Though some people might dismiss it as fluff, the issues of sexuality, confusion and desire being presented are extremely well-handled, and Flemming is very good at addressing them intelligently, through his characters, without ever abandoning believability- especially in regards to how college kids talk and think. Also, a gold star for the portrayal of a gay man who is not flamboyant, dying or AIDS, or stupidly following the heroine around playing confidante; another for exploring the darker, stranger side of the woman-male homosexual relationship so often glamorized in Hollywood; a third for addressing that taboo subject so often dropped from teenage and twenty-something sex comedies: guilt. All in all, a fun, enjoyable movie- with a nice, thought provoking kick in the stomach to make it really worth your time.
  • I knew what to expect going into this movie...and I got every bit of what I thought I was going to. The actual plot and storyline itself wasn't bad. The acting wasn't bad. I got a little sick of Stuart, played by Steven Baldwin, but that is about my only complaint. What I didn't get, was the point that all the sex had to do with everything. And I know that makes me sound really bright. But, without it, this was a nice story. One that I would watch again. Steven Baldwins sexual escapades (and I mean that in every sense of the word, right down to the actual "threesome") where over the top for me.
  • I found myself in front of the T.V. in my girlfriend's brothers' room. On a Swedish cable-channel called ZTV it was this film, Threesome. It wasn't anything else on so we started watching. Pretty soon you got to know that you knew the persons who played the main-characters called Eddy, Alex and Stuart. Eddy I recognized from Dead Poet's Society. Alex was played by Lara Flynn Boyle (Wayne's World, Twin Peaks, Happiness) and she over did in this film so much. I didn't even like her character in Happiness. But this was even worse. And then there was Stuart played by Stephen Baldwin who hasn't got much but B-Movies like Half Baked and Bio-Dome on his conscious, with the exception of The Usual Suspects. Anyways, they play three friends who live together. And a lot of problems come with that. I don't really know if Threesome is suppose to be a comedy. It was the first impression, even though I didn't laugh more than a couple of times. They try to mix it with dramatic and somewhat controversial issues such as bisexuality and sexual threesome. A lot of the film wasn't more than a stupid excuse to show this threesome. It's a typical, early-/mid 90's film if you look at the colors and the clothes they wear and the music. The theme of the film isn't that unusual. Threesome is about "finding out who you are" and all that. And finding out who your friends are, and what they are. They've spiced it up a little with Eddy's voice-over. A classic way of making it all a bit more sentimental. But it has all been done before, and those guys or girls have done it better. This time a threesome supposed to be the special thing about this film. And I guess they were trying to make the scene beautiful. But it failed. Later on the director made Dick with Kirsten Dunst.
  • Now that movieland seems to avoid anything that might feature just a touch of intelligence, this movie follows the opposite formula : less exploitation, more reflexion. It is funny, understanding, believable, exploring what, for some, would be dark sides of friendship, love and sex, but in a light and amiable way. The I-word strikes again in its deep sensitivity for what human relationships are like and, most of all, there is no morality tacked on at the end. In a different way, it reminded me of the superb French movie "Le péril jeune", which dwelt on a bunch of adolescents at the end of the sixties. Check it out .
  • pclifto5 December 2000
    This movie isn't TERRIBLE, it's just quite average. The acting isn't too crash hot, and although it tries for the profound it never seems to come up with anything original. Sadly another average mass-produced film churned out by Hollywood. 3/10
  • Kirpianuscus23 September 2017
    that kind of comedy who seduce. not for a great script, not for the originality of story, but for characters.each character has the right, subtle , profound portrait. the life as student, with each of its problems, happy moments, freedom expressions and levels of joy are reflected with wise grace. and this remains the basic motif for admire a film who has the virtues of teenager films but it could not be reduced at this level. a good film about friendship and love. and beautiful pledge for the courage to be yourself. this is it.
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