User Reviews (16)

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  • I cannot stress how important it is that you understand the complexity of the diversity of race and culture in South Africa before watching this movie.

    If you are not South African this movie will be terrible, the jokes will not be funny (you will miss most of them anyway), the portrayal of the black vs. white issue will not be funny but instead come across as racist drivel. You will also judge this movie against the massive big-budgeted-blockbuster Hollywood films, which is unfair because this is a South African made movie working on a tiny budget with South African filmmakers who have very limited experience, it is also directly aimed at the South African market and I feel it was a mistake to release it internationally.

    However, if you are South African then I don't have to say much because most of South Africa have already seen and loved it.

    For South Africans 8 out of 10. For the rest of the world 3 out of 10.
  • I agree with many of the people who posted comments here that are from SA. This movie is based on South African Humour, the acting isn't as bad as most people say, many people just doesn't understand this type of humour.

    The movie was released in 1993, people must understand this was a really volatile difficult time in SA, and to have such a movie released, that clearly stretches racial barriers was a great risk, but it was worth it. Both Black and White South Africans found this extremely funny, and in a way it was able to overcome most racial barriers of the time.

    I have asked many of my black friends if they weren't offended when they watched it the first time and most said that they weren't, simply because it poked fun at all races. It was hilarious, and I have to agree, the best work of both actors' careers.

    I can't see many people in other countries truly enjoying this if they don't understand South African Culture, but if you did enjoy it I'm really glad! Again, this was made for a South African Audience on a small budget, that said, it still stays one of my favourite movies!
  • I personally don't agree to some of the reviews I have read about "Yankee Zulu" or There's A Zulu on my Stoep (as I know it!). Set and made in South Africa, it is clearly targeted at a South African audience. Being South African myself, I really liked the movie, and would encourage anyone to see it, but I do warn that like any culture, we have our own sense of humor, and people might find it to be "dreck", as said by a reviewer here on IMDB, but for some people it is funny and they are surely allowed to have movies to watch too, aren't they? The probable reason why it was released in countries like the USA and Britain is probably so that South Africans there can see it too, I don't know, but I just think it has to be considered that people find different things funny, and personally I find it to be very good, but see it for yourself, see what you think.
  • The acting in this movie was dreadful, and the characters were very poorly constructed. They expect me to believe that anyone would actually act like this?!? I know some movies have silly pranks that ARE amusing (101 Dalmatians, Home Alone) but these were just pathetic.

    The jokes were vulgar and crass. I was offended and sickened throughout the entire movie. How could they dare release this to video? If I'd been involved in this movie I'd want to bury it, quick, along with all the body function jokes.

    The people are supposed to be funny, but they act like idiots. Don't waste your time or money. Incredibly pathetic. Only redeeming quality is the animals, who were pretty good actors (despite the weird noises they added to the animals). Unfortunately, there weren't enough animals throughout the piece to make it worthwhile. Stay clear of this one!
  • this movie is a hilarious and side splitting humorous comedy that our whole family has enjoyed for many years. we have seen this spectacular movie time and time again and seem to cant get enough of yankee zulu. my all time favourite scene in yankee zulu is when the poacher is buried to his knees and wakes up to find a lion eating, a gazelle leg which he thought was his own leg because of the blood spread on his knees. this is such a spectacular master piece and a must to everyone who enjoys a good side splitting comedy. it is a very immature movie but it brings out the child in everyone. if u disagree with this comment you have lost your inner child. from the pryor family
  • In the 1990s, under various forms of pressure, South Africa ended the apartheid regime and introduced universal suffrage. Since then South Africa has become one of the most criminal countries in the world, with a steadily diminishing economy, academic performance, and culture in general. Murders of Boer farmers have since surpassed 70 000, and the state has engaged in outright robbery, stealing property from Boers.

    Why does it matter? Because this film presents Boers as not only bad guys, but raving racist lunatics. Is that supposed to be funny?
  • Everything is relative. This film may not be a million-dollar budget blockbuster, but it is still very funny. Former reviews say that you need to live in South Africa to understand the movie. I say that it not needed. I live in Sweden, and I still laughed until my stomach ached! However, this is not really a family movie. Younger kids may not understand the racism-related jokes...

    I say that it's worth checking out. It's one and a half hour of cheap entertainment. Give it a shot. You might actually like it... =)
  • bookertkilla3 March 2005
    Although I'm not South African I found this movie very funny.This is based on real facts in South Africa.This is black people come from poor backgrounds and white people come from much richer background.This has got African humour that mostly I don't think Americans and British people will understand it.But overall it was a great movie.Its a classic African comedy movie.Although a lot of people complained about the acting skills, I disagree.I thought they were great because this was like the actors first official movie.The ones before were made from a very low budget.This was Leon Schuster and John Matshikiza at their best.
  • john_matlock11 August 2004
    This is a very typical South African slapstick comedy. There will be people turned off by it, and others who think it's great. As for me, I rank it pretty good.

    The plot is pretty simple, The good guys, one white and the other black have stolen a winning lottery ticket from the leader of a Neo-Nazi group (Terri Treas, better known as Cathy Frankel in the TV series Alien Nation, is the Neo Nazi's wife and co-leader of the group) who want it back. As part of their escape plans they use makeup to change their race. (In South Africa, this was a big deal.)

    The humor is coarse and somewhat racially based, but I laughed a lot as did the friends also watching.

    The version of the movie I have claims that this is Part IV of The Gods Must be Crazy. I'm not sure just why as there is another completely different movie that also claims to be Part IV.

    Then again, when the Gods are really crazy....
  • For those North Americans interested in watching this movie please be aware that South Africa is not North America and therefore the humour is suited to a SOUTH African audience, so if you are offended by South African crudeness then this movie may not be for you. Typical of any Leon Schuster movie, there will be crudeness, some innuendos, and also some silly pranks. It does poke fun at the situation in apartheid era South Africa without any racist sentiment (for those who fear that it may contain some). For those interested in a true slapstick comedy who have an open mind then this movie's well worth a try. Along with Leon's others its a true South African classic.
  • I couldn't disagree more with many reviewers who say that you have to be South African to understand or enjoy this movie. I'm a Brit who's just watched this movie with my Zimbabwean wife, and i fell about laughing almost the whole way through. It's just so funny and pokes fun at just about everyone, i mean there's the potential to offend several races or colours in this film, but if you have a sense of humour you'll understand it's actually a clever movie that blends satire,slapstick,gross out,political,culture and gender based jokes into one great big funny melting pot. But it almost feels affectionately insulting and i for one am fed up with Political correctness anyway,the Prince Charles and Camilla sequences were funny despite the sensitivity of that story. But the last half hour is pure classic slapstick physical comedy, its like watching a blend of Laurel and Hardy meets Home Alone in the African bush. I can't say a bad word about this movie, it's one of the funniest i've seen in years. I will watch this again and again...treat yourself and buy it and prepare to be all laughed out afterwards !!
  • I always found Leon Schuster funny. It's interesting see that his other movies like, "Panic Mechanic" and " Oh Shucks! I'm Gatvol" which means "Oh Shucks! I've Had Enough" were not released overseas. It seems, the Leon Schuster film with Americans or British people visiting Sun City and they are in for fun and games, are released overseas.

    I discovered this recently at IMDb when I typed in "Leon Schuster" and when the results came up, that was when I heard about Yankee Zulu/ There's A Zulu On My Stoep.And when I watched it, I couldn't help laughing! This movie's funniest bits were when Prince William decided to set a trap for this German guy in the middle of the bush with a tub full of flammable liquid. And when the guy sits in the tub because his backside got burnt, William drives his remote control car with a little trailer attached to it which contained a cigarette and matches. And when the German dude lights his cigarette, the tub explodes and he goes soaring through the sky. And the other was when the domestic servant wanted to make love to Schuster and when he took off, the servant said: "AWU!" which means " Oh dear!" Goodness gracious me! Schuster is such a joker!
  • I'm doing a film presentation on the movie for school. And the coolest thing about it is that the 'traps' part reminds me of Home Alone. It's really amazing of how the 'make-up' worked... in switching the two men! really, i've watched it at least 5 times, and i laughed everytime.
  • First Off, as some reviewers posted erroneously, this is not in The Gods Must Be Crazy series. Just because it came from South Africa doesn't mean it is in the same series. That's like saying The Wizard of Oz is in the same series as Frankenstein because they both are Science Fiction and from the U.S. Anyway, this movie is Leon Schuster at his finest. The creater of Oh Schucks cranks out funny after funny in this good natured film that pokes a bit at apartheid at the time. Full of slapstick and pranks, roll reversals, and crazy antics. No high cost production. No spoiled Hollywood actors. Just good South African fun. Also, unlike The Gods Must Be Crazy films, this was not about people in the bush, it is a stand alone film, and one of many Leon Schuster's treats. The Gods Must Be Crazy was only funny the first time and part 2 and 3 were pure junk, written by people that thought success could be repeated on the thin threads of a first. Leon Schuster on the other hand always shakes it up with no two films being quite alike, even in Mr. Bones and Mr. Bones 2. Back to Yankee Zulu, there are no edgy and vulgar scenes, comedic or not, that drive big budget comedies these days. It's humor on a PG stance that is nonstop.
  • ...especially comparing to other modern (same genre) movies.

    The jokes may not always be funny, but they are far from being vulgar as in many others (mainstream, Hollywood) comedies which use far more body function jokes. The acting doesn't have many highlights, but if you're prepared that you won't see Jack Lemmon or Cary Grant you won't be disappointed. And, considering when the movie was made, racial relations humor is quite good balanced. Obviously political correctness (thank God) was not necessary to release it.

    However, the whole construction is much worse balanced. It looks as if at least four writers and four directors made short movies and then just leaned (not even connected) them to release it as one single film. In the beginning we have an almost romantic coming-to-age part made in European (French or Swedish) style. When characters become adults we get a story with well included jokes made as USA authors were doing when average target audience was still older then 12, and for me this is the best part. Third quarter becomes a slapstick comedy, but if the authors came quite close to the best in the first half, they are far far behind trying to look like Mel Brooks or Peter Sellers. And, who knows why, finally we get a cartoon comedy, a copy of 'Home Alone'. Suddenly a male and female clone of Culkin, barely seen before, become main stars of the final quarter and finish movie with all lack of logic and reality (already damaged in slapstick part in neonazi house) that Home-alone-type of movies suffers from. And that's probably when your kids will enjoy more than you. But I don't understand why some comments suggest that this movie might not be appropriate for children. If you let them see 'Home Alone'... (not to mention all those, mostly Japanese cartoons). At least you can watch it with them (maybe explain something if you live in a different culture) without feeling a long tail and long ears growing on you, the feeling so often appearing during many block-buster (teen) comedies.
  • This movie is actually very funny...the only problem is that if you come from USA or some other place you will never understand the South African humour in if you are from the US then dont watch wont get it...but if you are from South Africa...youll love it...i really loved this movie...because i am South African, it shows alot of things that happen in south africa and it really made me laugh, so i definitely recommend it to any South African who hasnt already seen it...if there are any South Africans who havnt seen it... this movie has been bad mouthed by many Americans and people in other countries simply because they just dont get it... so South Africans...Go watch it!!