User Reviews (7)

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  • Another example of the networks wasting of a great TV show. Actor Jeff Fahey as U.S. Marshal McBride was great and his character was real, always trying to do his stressful job and juggle family and good morals, and the network tries to convert it to a blow up everything and shoot everything type of show which sealed its fate rather quickly. The scenery in the show was always nice and the acting was superb. The plots were always creative until the changed directions. Characters that the viewer can relate to are always better than network heroes the shoot and destroy everything in sight. It was fun while it lasted. We will miss you U.S. Marshall McBride.
  • My comment is this..... from the first time I saw Jeff Fahey I knew that I would never be disappointed. He has talent above all others. Every episode of The Marshall was what I looked forward to every time it aired. I know that was years ago but I remember each of them like they were actually part of my life , you know like yesterday. I wish I could watch them over and over but I don't have that luxury. If anyone has any suggestions on where I could get access to any of "The Marshall" shows even just to watch them on line I would greatly appreciative and ever so grateful.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am Jeff Fahey's #1 FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wonderful show . Best show ABC had , too bad they were to stupid to see it. Maybe they'll get a conscious and put it on DVD for us loyal fans.
  • I happen to agree that taking the Marshall of the air was a shame. Jeff Fahey is one of my favorite actors and it was nice to see him on TV week after week. They deprived a lot of us Jeff fans when they cancelled the Marshall and I think the least they could do is put the series out on DVDs like so many other shows that are now coming out. Many of us Jeff fan keeps asking "Where can we get the Marshall on DVD?" and so far the answer is "No where." Please, if you agree with me that the Marshall should be out on DVD help me send out the call to get this done! Don't let a good show die off completely. Resurrect it on DVD so we can once again enjoy it as we did when it was on every week.
  • This show had got to be one of the BEST cop shows ever to have been shown.

    Jeff Fahey stars as Winston MacBride, a married man with 2 little girls that chases criminals that disobey the law. I have seen other cop shows but not one of them made me go back every week (and even on repeat nights) to watch it. I was so sad when they decided after a year not to re-new the series.

    If you have the fortune to get this show as a re-run where you live, take the time to watch it.

    If you love cop shows you will love this show, if you hate cop shows you will still love it.

    The Characters are awesome to watch, the acting is top notch, and I believe this is the one series that got Jeff Fahey noticed.

    Jeff Fahey has made over 60 movies. So check them out!

  • This show ran for one season and a bit, and was obviously inspired by the U.S. Marshals in The Fugitive (1993), although Fahey's character is nothing like Tommy Lee Jones'.

    The first season was billed as an action show, but actually featured complex plots and required the viewer think. As you can imagine, network suits put a stop to THAT, and the show was dumbed way down for season 2, then cancelled.

    It's too bad; Fahey is a certain type of actor (along with, say, Bill Campbell)-- the kind who labours in B-movie hell, but every once in a while gets a miracle shot to prove what he or she can do, and STILL can't catch a break.
  • I was truly upset when it was not continued after it's first season. Not only were the characters believable, but it did not rely on the usual "hero" stuff for it's lead. Marshall McBride (played by Jeff Fahey)didn't get involved with every female lead. Instead, he always went home to his wife and girls and took solace in his home life (truly unusual for most Hollywood crap). I LOVED it!!

    If they ever decided to bring it back, they would have an immediate fan and if they decided to give it half a chance, the fan base would grow.

    I don't think very many people got the chance to see it - in my area it was on at odd hours (2pm on a Saturday afternoon and it was not always on at the same time). A little consistency would go a LONG way to make this show a success should some brilliant producer ever decided to try again