User Reviews (2)

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  • Cover me is an erotic thriller movie directed by Michael Schroeder and stars Rick Rossovich, Courtney Taylor, Paul Sorvino, Stephen Nichols, Elliott Gould and Corbin Bernsen.

    The movie is about a cop goes undercover as a model to catch a killer who is killing models.

    The movie has nothing new to offer with cliche storyline and predictable plot. The acting is ok. The screenplay is boring and at movie gets slow many times. The movie is an only one time watch erotic thriller and could be liked by the viewers who likes soft porn.
  • This is one more of those films that bring us nothing new at all. The story is a cliche and this movie is nothing but fun... Beautiful Courtney Taylor plays Holly Jacobson, a policewoman who pretends to be a nude model just to attract a murder who kills strippers and hookers. That's it! Nothing else!

    my rate 4/10