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  • "Nemesis 3" featured so much recycled footage from "Part 2" that the story didn't seem to progress at all, and the result was an essentially pointless and useless movie. So Albert Pyun attempted here to drive the series to a different direction entirely. Problem is that by now few viewers still had the patience to follow his "vision", that had strayed so far from the original (and, by comparison, very entertaining) "Nemesis". Anyway, when a movie includes flashbacks to earlier films and lengthy closing credits that replay many of the "best" scenes we just saw and STILL runs only about 77 minutes, you know something's wrong.

    Sue Price's rippling muscles are the sole point of interest in this ultra-cheesy, badly acted production. (*1/2)
  • phubbs18 January 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    Holy enhanced nipples! Sue Price's nipples are like chair legs! and that's about all you'll learn from this fourth movie sequel. How can Pyun even justify these errmm...movies, the last film was made almost entirely from flashback material (unused footage), but this time it appears to be all new! wow hold the phone!

    The plot continuity seems to have been ejected here (?) and we are seeing what Alex is up to after her previous adventures. I am literately guessing at this point because I genuinely have no real idea, Sue Price is back as Alex sure but other than that this appears to be a fresh story of sorts. I say that but it only seems to revolve around Alex assassinating a target and killing the wrong person. Naturally she has been set up and now has a bounty on her own head, her boss played by Andrew Divoff seemingly betraying her for some reason. I'm just not really sure what is suppose to have happened here. The last two films show Alex as more sensitive, more of a heroine, here she is a killer who gets high on killing her targets whilst screwing them.

    Sounds exciting no? yeah errr no, this would be half exciting if there was some actual action or thrills involved but amazingly there isn't. Believe it or not but the whole movie seems to simply show Price's firm bronzed body in the nude, in various poses and locations with tonnes of aimless dialog, and that's it. When I say the whole movie I mean the whole one hour and nineteen minutes of film...that's it, and most of this time is spend showcasing tanned nipples. I can understand why that might sound awesome but trust me this isn't a good soft porn excuse, if you wanna watch good porn its easy to find, there is no reason to watch this.

    Now I will admit that Sue Price is gentle on the eyes even though her body is kinda macho, it still looks yummy. Pyun takes advantage of this by having Price kill guys in sexy ways that would indeed earn the title of a hotass futuristic femme fatale...and then there's the whole naked nipples just in case. Unfortunately Pyun forgot to include anything that resembled action because nothing happens other than talking in a few different locations interspersed with Price being naked. Oh and the locations vary from inside an old classic looking car (whilst having sex), a blacked out indoor set which is completely black and lots of scenes around what appears to be a rundown European town of sorts.

    The only positive things I can think of here are the very small hands-on special effects moments which show Price's engineered body (and other android bodies) with protruding robotic parts that either kill or give sexual pleasure (typically). Price is hot no doubt and I'd have no trouble being her pet on a leash (oh yes), Divoff has a solid South African accent, there is one good car stunt...and errr that's it. No real sci-fi thrills or spills to talk of, at least the previous three movies had some neat sci-fi elements here and there, this has absolutely zero.

  • Oh boy what a franchise Cyborg/Nemesis has been, quite frankly it's been arduous.

    Nemesis 4: Death Angel otherwise known as Cry of Angels is the staggering 9th movie in the franchise and they really don't get any better.

    Former bodybuilder Sue Price returns yet again as Alex in another messy convoluted tale in a post apocalyptic world after the war between humans and cyborgs ended.

    Clearly in this world clothes are scarce as Ms.Price spends a good quarter of the film nude and that will likely appeal to some more than others. What I mean by that is Sue Price is certainly an acquired taste.

    That is the one thing that makes Death Angel stand out from all the other movies in the franchise. Nudity/sex hasn't been a thing up until now and seems like an odd decision for the creators to make. It didn't do the movie any favors but at least it worked as filler for a film with a wafer thin story line.

    Will appeal to fans of the franchise, but few else. At least after this it was over two decades before they made another addition to the series!

    The Good:

    Shakes things up a tad

    Same lead again

    The Bad:

    Sex/nudity will have the opposite effect on many

    Almost no plot
  • I believe that the primary focus was to give Sue Price fans and other female bodybuilding fans a chance to look at a female bodybuilder in the nude. That's fine up to a point. What you'll find here are obviously long drawn out scenes of dialogue with Sue Price standing in the scene naked. And I do mean long. I think what drew any of us to this video, and the others in the series is the potential for action by a female character. That does not happen. The long dialogue is way overdone. There is one scene which is so gratuitous, yeah that's the word I'm looking for, that you almost fall asleep. In a car Sue spends time discussing killing with her partner naked. It's a cool shot but just not for that long. They discuss their relationship, her wanting to get out of the business, yada yada yada. Very little action. I am not against the nudity, in fact I wished there was more of that kind of freedom in movies like this but nudity just for the sake of letting us see Sue nude is too much. The reason you cast Sue Price is to see her use her body in an imposing way. She has the capability of killing. So let her wield some weapons and do some killing. There was one great scene in Nemesis 2 or 3 where she pulled a Charli Baltimore and sprayed bullets as she was falling backwards off a building. That is the kind of stuff that a female hero is supposed to be doing. I feel sorry that more wasn't done with Sue because I thought she could have pulled off the character a lot better given more to do.
  • Without much connection to the previous 3 parts, „Nemesis 4" takes Alex (Sue Price) to Eastern Europe, many years later. In a deserted, rotting town that seems to be inhabited only by a handful of killers, she works as a killer herself. Cyborgs and criminals are her victims, but once she eliminated the wrong guy, a high price is put on her head. She cannot trust her boss Bernardo (Andrew Divoff) anymore while she is followed by a mysterious lady in black who she believes to be an angel of death. From part 1, a solid action movie, the „Nemesis" tetralogy went a long way to part 4 which is a pseudo-mystical oddity. Andrew Divoff only appears against a black studio background, while Sue Price walks around naked on high heels most of the time for no reason. From her natural self-defense in part 2, she now seems to enjoy killings the more bizarre, the better. To the audience, she probably seemed a lot more sympathetic in her two previous movies. In the end, „Nemesis 4" was an unnecessary sequel, it hasn't got the same spirit anymore. If you want to watch an experimental, but violent flick, try some of Lucio Fulci's works instead. Running time of the longest available version is exactly 76:29 minutes PAL, by the way (which equals more than 79 minutes NTSC). Most versions on the market are heavily cut due to sex and violence issues. I watched the 4 Nemesis movies (which I watched first in the 1990s) again now in chronological order for my reviews and voted 7/7/5/5.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The NEMESIS series went down the pipes the moment Olivier Gruner thought better of working with director Albert Pyun for the next 18 years. Though I'm a fan of replacement protagonist Sue Price and really wanted to like the sequels she starred in, I didn't before now and this movie certainly doesn't change things. NEMESIS 4 is in some ways the most interesting of the sequels and definitely more fun than the masterpiece of recycled footage that preceded it, but it's also a really bad action movie. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even call this an action film: this is an exercise in bizarre sci-fi sexuality, playing to a crowd of select aficionados whose interests are represented here.

    The story: In a dystopian future, Alex the part-human assassin (Price) kills the wrong target and is targeted by a procession of cyborg headhunters seeking revenge.

    Because Price is a world-class bodybuilder in the hands of a director who takes advantage of every asset he has, the NEMESIS sequels have always catered towards muscle appreciation by amply showing off Sue's mighty form. However, while the two before this have sought to titillate, this one tries outright to get you off. Price spends at least a quarter of her screen time naked, her breasts and butt unabashedly displayed. The movie goes even further to appease musculophiles by featuring two scenes wherein a naked Alex kills cyborgs by strangling them with her legs – even causing Nicholas Guest's eyeballs to pop and ooze blue slime over everything. However, the highlights of the film are what the MPAA described as "bizarre sexuality," for which a cyborg version of vaginal intercourse is graphically displayed and Alex has spikes protrude from her nipples to impale Norbert Weisser.

    I can't really say that this stuff is bad for what it is, and it does essentially supply the bulk of the film's entertainment value, but I can argue that it takes the place of what should have been action scenes. What's there in the way of action is extremely meager, limited to a tiny bit of gun-fighting for which Price never even broke a sweat. I would even be fine with that if the movie at least knew what to do with itself, but it turns out that this picture could be used as study material for Cinematic Idling 101. It starts good, with an entertainingly cryptic exchange between Alex and her handler (Andrew Divoff) that's followed by a couple of the crazier scenes, but after that, the movie becomes about Alex staying in one place and waiting for things to happen to her. Even when things do happen, so much time is given over to fruitlessly long dialogue exchanges that it's obvious director Pyun is stretching his material to reach the required runtime. Despite all the weirdness it has going for it, the movie ends up being boring, and that's the worst thing any movie can be.

    I don't expect another one of these sequels to pop up, and in that regard, it's disappointing that a series which had such a killer start petered out into this. The people who enjoy what's unique about this movie will probably *really* enjoy those parts, but beyond that, I don't see this one having too many fans. Sue Price seems to be done with acting, which is a shame given the underrepresentation of female bodybuilding outside of its own specific sector, but if films like these are a representation of what a longer career may have held in store for us, then I won't feel too bad about it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Anyone who has seen this film will surely not give it 9 out of 10 or even 3 out of 10 lest large amounts of liquor mixed with unleaded gasoline are involved. We as viewers are subjected to empty scenes filled with not only bad direction, but terrible dialog all set in a landscape that almost has nothing to do with the past films in this series. It's hard to find a place to start with such a terrible film, so let's go with the lead actress Sue Price. Though her acting has improved from the previous films (due to large part of her being voiced over) she still looks like she has nothing better to do then pace around in a scene to waste film and expand the films running time. Now, I will be the first to say that she has wonderful muscular body which I am sure took years of passion and hard work to achieve, but that is not enough criteria for her to be placed into a film wearing a white ala Marilyn Monroe dress and made to walk around the ghettos of Bulgaria. In her past incarnations of this character she was placed in South Africa, which in some strange way was at least passable on screen even if the story and direction was so bad that Roger Corman would look at it and say, WTF. We began with a tribal African warrior, genetic mutant chic from the future to a neo-German trash naked killer who likes to liftweights in the film because it helps her think. Beyond the crap setting of the film and ridiculous makeup, along with horrible special effects (what little there were) there is huge amount of nudity. Okay, Sue Price has an impressive body but I don't want to see it every other scene, or for that fact ever. There is a thick line between sexy innuendos in a movie to blatant nudity for no reason what so ever. One scene actually has our heroine strip from head to toe right before she knocks out another bad guy. Once he has been incapacitated she stands above him naked, get this - lifting weights!?! This is not art; it's an attempt to show skin for the foreign fetish market. I don't even want to mention how she has needles that come out from his chest to finish off her victim. (I thought she wasn't a cyborg to begin with?) Whatever lost clever moments that might have had a chance from Nemesis 2 and 3 are replaced with quickly filmed garbage, with a script that from what I can tell was written on a cocktail napkin, vomited on and then given to the actors to read as the scene was being filmed. This film couldn't float on water even if they were made of air. One line states "do you hear angels crying?" I would say no, but there is no question they are laughing.
  • Nemesis 4 follows in the footsteps of the previous two sequels to the original Nemesis. It follows the adventures of female hardbody / warrior Alex (played by Sue Price). This time she is given one final assignment (kill yet another victim) before ending her career as a professional assassin. Very little happens in this extremely talky, apparently near-zero budget film, except for almost-constant nudity on the part of Alex, and some slimy "android" gore. Something happened here. All three sequels were shot at the same time, from what I have heard, yet it took nearly four years for this installment to get released to video. I could swear that a male double was used for much of the full-body views of the nearly-naked Alex, and Alex's voice was always dubbed in, even when it should not have been necessary. The actual running time is barely over an hour. Did something happen to Sue Price, making it necessary for extensive reshooting or re-editing? Watch this movie, and see if YOU can figure out what went wrong. One can only hope this is the last film in this series.
  • I saw this film not too long ago. I borrowed it from a friend who bought the DVD in Canada. I thought 'Well? Let's see what this film is like..' To tell you the truth, I think director Albert Pyun's fourth Nemesis installment has sunk more lower than a submarine. Hitting the ocean floor or the abyss. In this film, there's so much talk and less action. I couldn't believe what Sue Price has got herself into. Stripping nude in the film as she carries gun, kill a few guys and that's it! Although she maybe good in the film.. I would've thought there would be more action. But it seems that Albert Pyun decided to tone it down in this crappy flick. Obviously the movie itself was set in 2080 AD. But it seems it's set in the 90's in some ghost town with nobody there. There was a scene where Sue Price's character, Alex fires one shot at a helicopter which was totally out of proportion. I thought Mel Gibson's character of Martin Riggs of Lethal Weapon would shoot the pilot dead within 3 shots. Anyway, this film is not as good as I thought. It was terribly done. Shame this fourth Nemesis movie really ran its course. I don't blame Sue Price. I hope in future, she gets better and decent roles than this. So for Sue Price, 10 out of 10! Well? You do the maths.. As for the film? 0 out of 10! Not my kind of film! Sorry..!!
  • My God !!!!!!! It's the worst film I've ever seen in ages !!! Sue Price was sooooo bad !!!!!! She just showed us a naked body. Please do not see this one !!!!!!!!!! No plot,bad actors,bad blackground & terrible series !!!!!! We don't need a Nemesis 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Okay. I think the reason why you men love Sue Price is because she has the body of a man. Not only that she looks like a man in a blond wig. Woof. Let the salad tossing commence. Anyways, Nemesis 4 is about a muscular butch lesbian running around having sex with a bunch of guys and then killing them in the weirdest ways possible. All you will ever get from this movie is long @$$ drawn out dialogue, sex scenes that end weird, incomprehensible plotline and some fairly decent action sequences. Plus the pacing of this movie is very very slow. If there is any consolation, you do get to see Sue Price naked a lot but of course I kind of find nude muscular women of that magnitude to be Hell of disturbing because her body looks like a man's body with boobs and it's weird. But if you like this sort of thing then to each is own. This is without question the worst of the whole Nemesis quadrilogy. It has its weird moments but it's just boring as hell.
  • The Cyborg Wars are over & crime & corruption riddle the Streets ; & Now Alex Sinclair is the Ultimate Hit-Woman that makes use of Her immense Beauty , Her Physical Assets , & Her Special Assets to Deploy ! She's on Her last mission & it appears that Murphy's Law will Prevail ! Andrew Divoff Co-Stars as 'Bernardo' , Alex's Boss & the Hander-Outa of Contracts . Norbert Weisser is 'Takoda' , a Sadistic & Repulsive Hit-Man looking to Cash in at Alex's Expense ; & there's Nicholas Guest as 'Earl Typhoon' , Alex's Turn-Coat-Driver . Michael Gucik is an Un-Repentant 'Priest' ; & Blanka Copikova is the 'Woman in Black' . The Lone Person that Alex could possibly Trust is 'Johnny Impact' , Played by Simon Poland . Although the Cast is Fabulous , " Nemesis 4 " is a One Woman Show & Sue Price is Magnificent ! She's Ultra-Lovely , Physically Perfect from every angle , & Her Acting Acumen is Superiorly Dominant ! This is a touch different than the earlier 'Nemesis' Movies , but the End Result is Priceless ! I'm praying that it's soon Available on DVD so I can Watch it over & over , in case Amazon Video ever takes it Down . I am Now the Hugest SUE PRICE Fan ; & it's off to Watch " Nemesis 5 : The New Model " , also Starring Mel Novak & My Goddess Dawna Lee Heising , Directed by Dustin Ferguson Right here at Amazon Prime Video ! Before I go , I want to Extend my sincere Thank You to Albert Pyun for the whole 'Nemesis' Series & especially for Showcasing Spectacular Sue Price !
  • I have read most of the comments on this site and while I do agree with some I feel that many are not accurate or more precisely fair. While I admit the Nemesis films are made to showcase Sue Price' incredible physique it cannot be laid at her feet when the dialogue is bad the special effects second rate or the sets poorly made. That is the responsibility of Albert Pyun who both wrote and directs these films. As for those who find Sue Price unattractive due to her muscularity I would hope that they keep in mind Sue was chosen specifically because of that muscularity. And just for clarification when she decides to relax her muscles she looks no different than most professsional athletes and when wearing a dress or just a pair of jeans and a shirt is a stunningly beautiful woman. Also while her acting is not the best Sue put everything she had into every film she did and for a rank beginner considering people are still talking about her I would say she made quite an impression. If people think back Chuck Norris' first films were almost embarrassing to watch as he was such a terrible actor. But as we all know he got better and has become quite at home in front of the camera. Sue Price worked extremely hard for a film that in my opinion was beneath her talents, but in a more ambitious film with a better budget I think she would do very well. As for many who call her "Steroid Sue" all I can say is Steroids or not, muscles or not, she is both drop-dead gorgeous and talented and when given a good script and motivation she is a good actor who deserves a chance to showcase her ability. I realize I sound prejudiced and I accept that proudly. I suffer from a chronic illness that has left me barely able to walk yet Sue Price went out of her way to send me photos of herself and a letter of encouragement that I felt was extraordinarily kind. So give her a break and take the Nemesis movies for what they are. Training for an upcoming star. Sue put her heart and soul into her work and I have no doubt if given the chance she can deliver a topnotch performance well worth seeing. Remember she didn't write them nor produce them all she did was try to the best she could with what she had. So please, give her a chance to show you what she's got. Bob Ingle
  • EverydayIDecay25 September 2019
    This goes to show people often can't see a good thing when it's right in front of them. This movie is a masterpiece. They just dont make movies like this anymore. A futuristic classic compelling from the beginning to end.
  • Easily the most interesting of Pyun's Nemesis movies, Nemesis 4 at least tries to be a little different from all the other android killer movies which have gone straight to video since the success of 'The Terminator'. The film is too short & too much talking takes place, but when the action comes it's worth the wait, especially if you're a fan of female muscle. The star, pro bodybuilder Sue price spends the bulk of the film naked as she dispatches her android enemies,usually by crushing them between her impressive thighs. Maybe this is due to in the two previous movies, she didn't seem to be in the best physical shape,had to wear unflattering costumes & her hair in awful plaits which would have made even the most glamorous woman look like a guy. I feel the reviewer who commented that a man must have been used for some of Price's scenes is being extremely disrespectful to an athlete who has trained hard for years to gain the kind of muscularity most men would envy, while staying feminine (do men have breasts where this person lives?). The acting isn't very good, but it's rare you see good acting anywhere these days. In all the film looks like it was some kind of muscle showcase for Price & perhaps there was enough footage to turn it into another installment. This was obviously produced on a tiny budget (there are only two locations), but despite this, the camera work is highly professional with some stunning shots of Sue Price. It's no classic by any means, but it's enjoyably unusual & a must for female muscle fans.
  • There is no doubt in my mind that the forceful allure of the awesome 1st Nemesis kept me involved in Pyun's increasingly wrong-headed Cyborg tetralogy, perhaps blinding me to the sequels myriad inconsistencies and terminal flashback-itus! In the 4th and to date, the final chapter, the disastrous war betwixt the despotic Cyborgs and mankind is finally over, and in this uneasy truce, Alex Sinclair, now a high ranking syndicate assassin, has one last hit to complete on the mutant-mean streets of ruinous Zagrev before her enforced retirement. A somewhat less than sensual assignation with her duplicitous, hybrid killer freak lover, Earl Typhoon (Nicholas Guest) violently heralds a disorientating descent into delirious dystopian weirdness! Nemesis 4 is a psychotronic, gun-happy fever dream, conspicuously unrelated to the previous instalments, completing the vividly mutable arc of, Alex's tumultuously violent, time-shifting legacy in an oblique, amusingly bawdy and frustratingly absurdist fashion!

    There is a flamboyantly nihilistic sense of arbitrary, rapidly encroaching doom that boisterously informs the outlandish insanity of maestro, Albert Pyun's unfairly neglected conclusion to his low budget, yet altogether heroic cult cyber-saga! This is an ungodly strange, sometimes maddeningly misshaped work of delicious day-glow pulp fiction, having much of the wayward, acid-washed mania of, William Burroughs and Philip K. Dick frequently brain-tripping Pyun's decadent, murder-mad B-Movie milieu into outright silliness! Overrun with aggressive polymorphic sex, bizarre body dimorphism, alien narcotics, wholly illicit erotic practices and plentiful, bullet-shredded bouts of old school ballistic overkill!

    While I accept that this frequently insensible, sporadically fabulous cyberpunk freakfest is one gloriously giddy non sequitur, it is also monstrously entertaining, so whatever it is that these warp-headed, contract killing wastoids of future Zagrev are taking, I want some now, dude! Seen in an era of imagination neutering political correctness and facile, play it safe remakes, the heroically hyperbolic 'Nemesis 4: The Cry of Angels' now resembles the wonkily psychedelic, avaunt-unguarded work of some dementedly febrile filmmaking genius, which it most certainly isn't, but, oh boy!!! Some of this sticky sinful celluloid fluff n' stuff is just so fabulously and relentlessly odd that I can't help but adore it for all its multitudinous incongruities! The inimitable Mr Pyun explosively concluded his exceptionally twisted tetralogy with a considerable bang, pun most definitely intended!
  • I liked it. Granted, Sue Price is pretty easy on the eyes (if they ever decide to make a She-Hulk movie Sue's strong facial resemblance to Courtney Thorne-Smith would make a perfect before & after pair), but the main complaint I've heard so far is that there's too much talking and not enough violence. I thought this was what good SF was supposed to be about.
  • Nemesis 4 was simply made to showcase Sue Price's beautiful naked body. The film succeeds marvelously, showcasing her nude body as much as possible. This film also succeeds in showing how beautiful female bodybuilders are. My only question was why didn't they do this in the previous two sequels with our dear Sue. If you are a Sue Price as I am, you'll love this movie.
  • The first 3 Nemesis films had at least some action. Sue Price has nothing to do, but talk, if the very soft speaking voice is hers or dubbed. Watch this film only if you care to see Sue Price's highly muscled body, including extensive breast implants, in the nude. The new material runs just 65 minutes with just a few sets (indoor room, outside set, brief run down a hallway). I kept hoping that Sue Price would be given something to do, besides hold a weapon. We come to expect that hard body action figures actually get to use their body to fight evil. I guess that it is hard to find believable opponents for the 115 pound, 5 foot, 1 inch, Sue Price to engage in hand to hand combat. Due to the nudity, this film can't be released to general TV. I have to assume that the scenes were shot with and without nudity. Probably added a half day to the shooting schedule and increased the budget by $10,000 (perhaps a 20% increase). This film is really bad. I give it a "1" because it was well lighted and Sue Price is nice, with or without muscles & implants. Shame on the company that released this half film. For low budget action, stay with USA-TV, Pacific Blue, WWF wrestling, etc.
  • In this truly un-watchable movie (Sue Price) pays Alex. She is out to take revenge on humanoids and normally kills them by wrapping her thighs around their necks. Some interesting effects but not worth the time or the money to watch. On a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 1. The production was really poor, the acting,if thats what you want to call it, was awful. The only reason I can figure out why this film was made was to show off Sue Prices' body. If you like watching women who look like guys, this maybe for you. Contains lots of nudity..big deal!
  • I really liked Nemesis I. I thought everything about it was cool- the explosions were top-notch, the plot was way too complicated and confusing, the stupid one-liners were perfect. I watched Nemesis II and hated it. Gone was the hero from Nemesis I- oh yeah, that never even happened in the sequel. Apparently the director (whose other movies I love) has some sort of muscle fetish and decided to ruin what otherwise could've been some fun (albeit not very original) sequels by constantly bombarding us with disgusting images of a big-muscled she man. Nemesis II was just borring. Nonetheless, I thought I'd give Nemesis IV a try, hoping he'd come back to his senses. Nope. It's a little bit better than Nemesis II, and I can almost -almost- appreciate the director's attempt for some drama in one setting, what comes out looking like the most bizarre adaption of Reservoir Dogs I've ever seen. This movie's highlights are all the disgusting things in it- that's about it. But what's really disgusting is the muscle-bond ox I'm supposed to find sexy. I mean, she really makes me want to throw up. And the fact that she spends most of this movie standing around naked, flexing her muscles or otherwise looking bored (and I don't think I have to tell you she can't act), certainly didn't help me like this movie. God Damn the sequels to Nemesis. The first won showed a lot of pottential.
  • This is the only "Nemesis" movie I've seen, and it will be the only one. Way too talky to be considered science fiction, and much overexposure of Steroid Sue's physical "assets". If buffed women are your thing, check out any movie with Rachel McLish.