User Reviews (27)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The absolute main problem with this film is that it tries to blend two different kinds of movies that can't really work together. It tries to merge the typical cute and family friendly dog movie with the typical hardcore cop movie that features terrorists, shoot outs, explosions, and fights. It tries to be a family film and a hardcore action film at the same time. Can you see how this clashes? This is essentially a typical Chuck Norris project that tries to add a Beethoven element to it, and it fails horribly. The side of me that likes action movies can't enjoy the action because it's trying to be cute, and the side of me that likes family films can't enjoy because of all the violence. Sometimes you can put a lighthearted tone and a dark tone in a movie and make it work, but not when the tones differ this much.

    The movie does feature some decent fights by Chuck Norris, and there were a couple memorable moments, but in the end it's not worth watching unless you really want to see Chuck Norris in action.
  • Never since ALADDIN (1986, Bud Spencer) has there been a movie on drugs designed for family audiences young and old. And what makes a "family" movie? A scrungy old mutt and a boy on a bike! There's more, too! Chuck Norris gets to have a faithful companion who can outwit and outsmart terrorist scum! It's got a mass overload of everything your kids would appreciate! Fiery explosions, handguns, criminal organizations, the Pope, and bomb threats add more to your viewer-friendly pleasure, and...... I'll stop right there! Unless you can't handle what's in store in TOP DOG, please don't pick this one up! The combination of violent action with family-based material is an outrageous atrocity one will not want to believe. It suffers miserably on originality and plot, making this your cookie-cutter actioner. Mommy won't approve this flick to Johnny and Sally, even if it is rated PG-13!
  • The movie has enough Chuck Moments and fun Dog moments that makes it worth the watch. However the story wasn't smooth and it felt forced. I feel like it was altered to take it from a R movie to PG-13, a lot of loose ends.
  • The only reason to watch this video is that one of its stars is a BRIARD, one of the most friendly, intelligent, forceful, and hairy of dog breeds! They are originally a French breed, but can now be found all over Europe and the United States. Your Briard, or other breed of dog, will enjoy watching this movie too!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (Plot) Reno's (The Dog) partner (Carmine Caridi) gets shot and killed when he decides to snoop around some terrorists. The duo is replaced by a moody cop who can't keep his house clean, and doesn't like company very much. Can Chuck get along with Reno to save everyone from the baddies?

    Lame jokes in the summary aside... This is it. The movie that officially knocked Chuck off of his throne; he was already beginning to show cracks with Hellbound, The Hit-man, and a couple others, but this is the one that did him in. Chuck should have known better to go the James Belushi route here. I dig Chuck for what he is, but he doesn't have the funny personality to pull this off. The movie looks and feels extremely cheap, even though it somehow managed to get a theatrical release. There isn't a whole lot of action to speak of, other than a few explosions here and there, and a rather lame shootout & chase scene at the end. It also has all the antics you would expect from this movie. The dog steals the show from under Chuck Norris, even though he's a rather unlikable little thing. The villains have no character to speak of, and are just there, so Chuck has someone to overcome. I love action movies, but this just reeked of laziness. Chuck Norris was always a bit of a risk when it came to his movies, but at least he made a few good ones. It feels like he's not even trying here. He puts on a phony tough guy act that I didn't buy for a minute, and effectively put the final nail in the coffin of his career.

    Final Thoughts: if you wanna see Chuck succumb his standards to James Belushi's K-9 series, then be my guest. Be prepared to wallow in misery for most of the duration, though. It's pretty awful stuff. This killed Norris's action movie career. He does some DTV films once in a while, and most recently had a glorified cameo in The Expendables II

  • thesar-214 September 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    I want to spend as little time writing about this as the screenplay writer did on the movie. So, please bear with me for just a few seconds.

    What you'll find here: animal abuse in front of and behind the scenes, an adult action trying to disguise itself off as a kiddie/doggie movie, an incredibly unlikeable "hero," zero chemistry anywhere, poor excuses for cliché stealing, unintentionally hilarious baddies that didn't even make the Austin Powers cut and a dog that, after unbelievably saving a baby from a fire, gets a severe punishment.

    This was only viewed by me due to the assume How Did This Get Made? podcast that covered it. And even if you, too, listen to that, it's still not recommended. It's just an awful dud with no one on screen to root for, like or show any depth. Skip it.

    * * *

    Final thoughts: Incredibly, a Ron Swanson wrote this movie. Had the fictional Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec wrote this, I'd probably give it 10/10 stars. At least in that fantasy, it would've been made with heart.
  • Both movies, Turner and Hooch and K-9 were good films. Comedies with both a good story and good actors in the cast. Top Dog is a recycled version of something trying to market itself to be another K-9 or Turner and Hooch king of movie. Top Dog lacked a strong actor such as Tom Hanks or great comedy like in K-9. Chuck Norris, who has done a number of excellent action films and went off to do a successful television series (Walker: Texas Ranger), could not hold this film together. For a child's movie, maybe, this film could be considered something decent, but it failed to find an audience older than 13. It is obvious that the studios wanted a summer comedy with some karate style action. What they produced was a mistake.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Beware of Top Dog. This movie is ruff. Directed by Aaron Norris, and starring his brother, martial artist and internet meme badass, Chuck Norris. The movie tells a cop, Jake Wilder (Chuck Norris), whom is force to partner with a police dog, Reno; when the dog's handler was killed by domestic terrorists. Now, Jake and Reno must stop the domestic terrorists from attacking a conference on unity that the Pope is attending. Can they stop them, or will the terrorists win out in the end? Watch the movie to find out! Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say this movie is very unoriginal. It is way too similar to other buddy cop dog films in the past, like 1989's K-9 and Turner & Hooch. The movie pretty much used every cop clichés in the book as well; just really badly. First off, you got the two main characters, that the film pretty much want the audience to believe, are the odd couple. Still, surprising, they act, way too similar to each other. In terms of personality, they tend to follow the same pattern; which is both, being unpredictable loose cannon that often break the laws that they are trying to enforce, who often anger, their superior officer, Ken Callahan (Clyde Kusatsu). Honestly, the movie would have work, better, if one of them, were the straight-laced stickler for protocol, the other was the cowboy cop, but no; the movie doesn't do that. First off, you got a dog that doesn't even look like a police cop, at all. He looks way too cute, to a tough, believable train police animal. He looks like he's in the wrong movie. Shouldn't he be herding sheep in some odd Warner Bros cartoon? One of the biggest problems with Reno is how quiet, the dog is! Since, he's so inaudible, the movie felt that the dog scenes needed a little more sound. So, they redub Reno with a human being. The person doing sound effects for the dog was terrible at his/her job. Its sounds more, like them, masturbating, oddly than anything else. I also didn't like the home alone like booty traps that the dog set up for the bad guys. It really conflict with the rest of the film. Honestly, I don't know, who is this movie is made for! It looks like a kid's movie, but the movie does go a little over the top with the violent with people getting shot in the head, and car explosions. Many people dying in a bombing at an apartment complex, doesn't mixed well with goofy slapstick humor of the rest of the film. Also, the movie has way too racism overtones to be a kid's film. Anti-semitic rants doesn't match up, with the rest of the corny childish animal humor. I really hate the whole dog fair montage scene. It's pretty much filler, since it doesn't advance the story. Very pointless. It's like they added that scene, because they forgot that they were trying to make a movie that parents would bring their kids to. It seem so out of place. Surprising, unlike the other film versions that has the dog do messy things, the dog isn't the slob, here. It's Chuck Norris's character. It's really hard to believe that Chuck Norris's character would be, this lazy, and still be able to kick ass with Chun Kuk Do. If this was real life, he would have a really hard time, do roundhouse kicks, due to him, being overweight. The movie does have alright, fighting scenes, but the slow motion stunts, make it a bit implausible. The fight with the clowns was somewhat entertaining, but as much as I love Chuck Norris as an action star; I really don't know, if the action film's audience would find this interesting. The movie also have the ill-timing habit of being release, a few days after the 1995's Oklahoma City Bombing. This, pretty much, kill the movie, since the movie had a domestic white-supremacist terrorist bombing plot, going for it. Overall: This roundhouse movie lost its kick. This movie has no bite to its bark. It's pretty much, didn't live up to the woof. I don't recommended watching. I guess, I just dog-tired of films like this.
  • A disappointment. For the first time Chuck has betrayed me. I was ready to roll on the floor laughing for Aaron's unmeaning comedy with my buddies, but no. The only effect was a disgrace and a voice in my head saying "Oh no, you can't really do that.." There was only one scene that made us really laugh, (again one with some unmeaning comedy so typical to the Norris brothers) the one where Reno is driving a car with some leather helmet in his head. We were reversing it again and again wondering w h a t on earth they were thinking. From where did that vision flash into the head of Aaron "the Vision" Norris?

    In the end there's nothing funny, and nothing good in this flick. If you want to chuckle for Chuck then I absolutely recommend Forest Warrior. Perhaps Aaron needed to do this, on the road to Forest Warrior. Top Dog was a step on his way to blossom in Forest Warrior.
  • The cover of this movie implies that it is a good old family movie about Chuck Norris teaming up with a dog to take down the bad guys. And whilst Chuck does team up with a dog the movie is gloriously violent and definitely not a kids movie. The main villains are Neo-Nazis, very kid friendly! Of course Norris made movies much more violent and brutal than this but comparing to Turner And Hooch this is American History X. It also has a surprisingly high amount of hand to hand combat which Chuck always excels at. The movie is of course incredibly stupid in general but it is fun and a must see for those that enjoy the great works of Chuck Norris.
  • It's Chuck Norris movie in the 90's....what more is there to say?
  • hemandmas17 December 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was the best movie i have ever seen in the last 25 years. It's plot and acting is excellent. Kept me on the edge of my chair the whole time except when i was falling down due to the great witty humor of Chuck Norris. I would suggest this movie to anyone. It also posses' a great anti-racist theme. Certain hilarious scenes included the scene where the super smart dog steals Norris' chicken resulting in a great response from Norris, "That's my chicken you mangy mutt!" I was also taken back by the horrifying, true to life, depiction of racist factions in the United States. I shook in horror as the racist leader shot a manikin depicting an ethnic person, yelling, "That is a miss! This is a hit!" I saw many striking parts of the plot like the Neo-Nazi attempt to blow up a building on Hitler's birthday. Through pure genius Norris discovers their intent and foils their plans. This movie is pure genius and i'm sure it will excite audiences for years to come!
  • rfrankssr19 March 2005
    Not a nail in Chuck Norris' career, as one reviewer put it. I come to the defense of this nice little film for the strong message it carries. Anyone who was a fan of "Walker, Texas Ranger" can certainly see the core values of Chuck Norris in this film. Mister Norris is a man of great integrity and strong human values. He accepts diversity and from watching him, tolerates no bigotry at all. That's the message I appreciated so much in watching top dog, although the vehicle used could have been better executed. In a world where diversity should be the rule of the day, and learning from our past a virtue, Mister Norris, like a lot of us, sees the need to remind people of our past and what we should strive for in the future. It's one of the reasons I regularly watched Walker, to see the triumph of good over evil. More films like this, with a strong message are needed. Film is a medium, not only to entertain, but to educate us. That education could be for good or bad. Mister Norris chose the good, and I applaud him for that, and his integrity.
  • Chuck Norris is known for his moves, winning martial arts skills, and Texas Ranger. However, this is not something he will be remembered by and for good reason. This movie has to be the worst I have ever seen him in.

    Norris is a lone detective. However, he is chagrined to find out he has been assigned a dog for a partner. And somehow, that dog helps him fight off the Neo Nazis from blowing up three local religious leaders on Hitler's birthday.

    The Neo Nazis come off as just being idiots with guns and somehow Chuck Norris defeats them with his fist and not a gun. The story never explains itself as to why this group exists, why its operating along the US/Mexico border, and how does it not fight Norris with guns when they need to.

    This wasn't done very well. "D-"
  • STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

    Oh dear.Dire with a capital D,this one.

    Jake Fellon (Chuck Norris) is a veteran police cop who is brought back in from suspension to thwart a racist organization who are plotting to set off a bomb at an impending peace conference.His new partner:a dog,who,inexplicably,rescued a baby from a burning building.

    Against the backdrop of this tasteless plot outline,a fine concept to try and wrangle laughs out of,we are also left to contend with a drab script and Norris,who has enough trouble turning in a decent performance,let alone trying to be funny.

    The action's another hinderance.Because,like the rest of the film,it stinks.What is it in Norris movies,especially in his newer ones,where one of the bad guys always seems to go 'uh oh' in that really dumb,cornball way whenever he's about to perform a front hand punch on their faces?

    If this poor man's Turner & Hooch isn't Norris's worst film,it's certainly a fu*king strong contender.*
  • You guys hear that Chuck Norris died? Yeah, true story, it was back in '83 but Death was too scared to take him.

    I actually have an Okie Uncle that looks just like him. I guess he was fine in Oklahoma but, when he flew in to ORD he just signed autographs because it was easier. Get yours checked.

    Anyway, I just got done reading a review that praises this for diversity and intolerance of bigotry and now I'm really confused because that has nothing to do with this film.

    Really, honestly, nothing to do with it.

    What this film is is a horribly bad version of Turner and Hooch and that film was already horribly bad. Norris beats the bad guy and the dog takes the credit for it.... cut, repeat, print.

    There is absolutely nothing deeper than that going on here. It's got nothing to do with much of anything other than a few action sequences and some horribly bad jokes that not even my little sister laughed at and if memory serves she was 10 when we rented this mess.

    Watch it of you want, but understand that you have been warned... and if any one of did get a Chuck Norris autograph in Chicago in the late 80s and early 90s, I am so sorry.
  • Chuck Norris partnered up with a dog… a shaggy dog… a decorated police dog. Comedy gold! Coming late to party, as this novelty was popular in the late eighties with films like "Turner and Hooch" and "K-9". Aaron Norris would direct his brother in this asininely light-hearted (well not all the time) vehicle that would see him going after some very incompetent militant white-supremacists looking to make an explosion. And didn't Aaron Norris like his explosions with cars flying off the ground! One thing though these bad guys were hopeless. I use to think the white-supremacists in Eastwood's "Pink Cadillac" were the most inept I've watched, but there's another contender with "Top Dog". Norris' combination with the dog Reno makes for many amusingly charming situations. "You ate my chicken you mangy mutt!" But really it Norris tackling Neo Nazi white power is where the fun is at. Watch as he simply pummels these bad guys (which takes almost an hour), in something that turns out like a live action loony toons outing. However before the pummelling begins these sour face bad guys simply like to rant about white power and stand around looking mean while constantly nodding at each other. Norris is one busy copper. An arrogant, sloppy and gung-ho one too. Let's not forget a mummy's boy. His lead-up work in trying to figure out what's going on is rather hilarious, because everything feels like its made up on the spot hoping the clues would pop up than researching it. Then again if that happened we wouldn't get the heart-stopping climax of tension, laughs and someone riding a bike as fast as they can. The cast are all game with Michele Lamar Richards, Clyde Kusatsu, Timothy Bottoms, Francesco Quinn and John Kerry. Norris phones it in, while it's Reno who steals the show. There's even time mid-way through for Reno to take a break from the investigation to go to a dog show and mess about?! Aaron's direction is sturdy, but plain despite the acrobats where there's a cheap TV feel about it.

    "Sit your rights down".
  • fmarkland3214 July 2006
    Chuck Norris stars as a cop who gets a K9 partner and then proceeds to kick white supremacists' asses all over the place with the help from the ugly pooch. I assume that Top Dog was meant to be a barrel of laughs and after all who hasn't given us more laughter then Chuck Norris? I mean we will never forget the way Firewalker made us feel. However the dog, though meant to be lovable, is to me a gigantic pain in the ass. The stupid dog is begging for donuts, stealing food and supposedly finding clues. Chuck Norris is even worse as he is supposedly a rough and tumble cop complete with a messy bachelor pad. Once again Norris isn't funny and neither is the dog. Although Top Dog did have 1995's most awkward moment of the year. That is when the dog attacks the pope and nearly kills the man add in the factor that people are killed and people yell racial slurs at regular intervals. Of course racism, blood thirsty violence and physical attacks on religious figures makes for great entertainment for the little tykes. After all we seem to embrace the children who go ape and starts shooting up their schools...So why not market a movie at a younger age so little tykes can wipe out the popular kids at a younger age. It's a genius plan, after all how cool would it be to return to your ten year reunion knowing that eight of the popular kids won't be attending due to your 4th grade shooting spree. Those crazy kids...

    * out of 4-(Bad)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Reno the dog sees his partner get killed by some racist thugs who are intent to blow something up on Hitlers birthday. This is the actual plot...

    With the plot being so ridiculous, Chuck Norris is called off suspension to investigate. So he applies his hairpiece and make up and has his stunt double by his side just in case anything crops up...

    He is assigned to work with Reno and hilarity ensues.

    Chickens are eaten, TVs blow up, and of course there is lots of karate action, but unfortunately Norris hardly does any of it.

    After K9 and Turner and Hooch, it was inevitable that there would be another movie to scrape the barrel. Yes there was K9000 and the Belushi sequels, but none that featured a prolific star like Norris.

    And yes, the film is bad, but what do you expect? A family film with Norris and a big shaggy dog that steals scarfs for hilarity.

    Its not funny, the action is lethargic and set pieces are overlong, and the bad guys are the generic types that you see everyday, but there is something about the film that is strangely watchable.

    Its short, with some serious Mullets, and the extras are hilariously bad.
  • The 1990's were a golden age for live action family movies. There were a lot of really good ones that came out during that time. Unfortunately, Chuck Norris' "Top Dog" is not one of them. "Top Dog" has very little going for it. The script is as standard as you can get. The direction is just as uninspired. Chuck Norris usually delivers a serviceable performance but he is off his game in this movie. (Maybe it being family fare threw him off.) The supporting cast of good guys is likeable. The supporting cast of bad guys is cookie cutter '90s stuff. Again, uninspired. I'm guessing that when families watched "Top Dog" way back then it probably went over fairly well. But in 2023, it doesn't.
  • HarryLags22 October 2016
    A straight-faced comedy in which Chuck Norris is partnered with a dog. The dog continually gets credit for being a better law enforcement officer than Chuck is. They battle a white supremacist organization who are planning a terrorist attack on San Diego.

    This is my favorite out of all the buddy-cop dog, action pictures. I would rather watch this than Turner & Hooch, K-9, or Beethoven, because it has some great fight scenes and plenty of action.

    It also has comedy and is a fun movie to watch. OK, I have to admit that this is not Chuck's best movie but it is still fun! I have not been disappointed in any of the Norris movies. Some of them will be classics in time.

    Martial arts and Chuck Norris...what more do you want! 8 out of 10 stars
  • hippy-940245 December 2017
    This is the ultimate 90's action stereotype that is a must see. This movie ticks every box. It's a buddy cop movie, with a dog, Chuck Norris and freaking Nazis. This is the Holy Grail of 90's Cinema! For me this movie was so bad its good, which I think makes it a lot like Flash Gordon in that regard. I think you you want to sum up the essence of the 1990s action in one movie this would be it.
  • Being a huge, lifelong dog fan, I wanted to see this movie when it originally came out, but unfortunately plans to see it were dashed. 15 years later I finally was able to get a hold of a copy while I was out shopping at Zellers, and I'm glad I did.

    It was what I expected; over the top, with plenty of laughs, and better than I expected it would be. It very much reminded me of Turner and Hooch and K9. Even if you aren't a Chuck Norris fan, the brilliantly trained dog or dogs (often several dogs are used for several behaviours in shows and movies), is the star of the show and worth seeing it for Reno alone. It's not too often you see Briards being featured!
  • It tells you something when an ugly dog can act better than the one and only Chuck Norris...skip it
  • wkozak22115 October 2021
    I like this movie. Chuck still doesn't have a sense of humor. There are some funny parts. I don't know why Chuck's house has to look like a dump. The action is decent. Love the dog. He can do funny things and he has a unique look. Worth watching.
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