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  • I adored this show growing up. I don't think I caught it when it originally aired, but they played reruns through 1998 or so, and I became hooked. I think I saw every episode and I have one or two on tape somewhere.

    Tucker and Becca were the most memorable characters. My crush on Ben Foster began with show, watching it as a nine-year-old, and it continues to this day. Tucker was hilarious, I loved him the most out of all the characters. I felt I could really relate to Becca (Jewel Staite)because our personalities are very similar.

    The story lines weren't original, but when are they ever? There is only so much you can do with preteen and teenage story lines. What makes them great is the characters that walk us through the plot. They were so lovable that I tuned in every day to watch it. I've seen pretty much every episode.

    This show deserves to be released on DVD - the fans would really appreciate it!
  • When I was about the same age as the characters in the show, I watched "Flash Forward"... and loved it. It was real. The characters really feel like people at your own school, people you might be friends with. Or at least people you'd like to be friends with.

    Even though it was in general a lot lighter and frothier than actual middle school, there was enough realism to make it convincing. Jewel Staite is absolutely incredible and continues to fascinate and amaze with her talent.

    The stories were fun, and some of the dialogue was really incredible, particularly for what is considered a 'youth' show. I hope someday there are more young shows of this caliber.

    Now if I can just get this on DVD!
  • The best episode has to be the one where they had to take care of that doll baby thing for home economics class and the doll straight falls into the toaster and he like duct tapes a claw hand on it, takes it to school and turns the baby Godzilla loose on a 100% food Tokyo I still laugh about that, until I see him set himself on fire in hostage, then I think maybe he did that to the doll as an experiment for future use. Another good one is the burn book or whatever it was called, and they called that girl the hickey queen, and Gooch whatever happened to him. I'm telling you that show was the greatest. My sisters and I still laugh about it.
  • nemerko20 July 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    Well, I just find opportunity to watch this series and was a perfect job! I think, producers must think about renewing and go more of this story!!

    First of all scenario was great and I liked details of scenes too. Also actors was doing well. The best thing was unexpected developments in the story..

    If you like mysteries and science, this story just for you. I watched all the 22 episodes with a great pleasure in a couple of days. That was what I could reach. I don't know is there some more or not. If there is some more episodes exist please share the info about them too.
  • The summary says it all, folks. Some of the episodes are amazing, while others are so-so. A few are garbage. Nearly every episode, however, is played beautifully. Ben Foster and Jewel Stait fit perfectly into their roles, and they have the personality to pull off monologues directly to the camera, á la Ferris Bueller and Malcolm In The Middle.

    If you see an episode (I believe that they are still played occasionally on the Disney Channel) I highly recommend watching it.
  • fiore52122 October 2005
    I used to love this show. I thought Becca was the coolest character on television, and Tucker reminded me of my best friend. The story line has been done a thousand times, but it was fun. Tucker and Becca grew up next door to each other and were best friends since infancy. Their relationship was sweet and everyone should have a best friend like that. Of course, the material covered was far from ground-breaking, but my sisters and I loved it as kids, and that was the point. Disney Channel always provides nice after-school type shows for pre-teens, and this show was no exception. This was a great show for tweens and, I will admit, I would probably watch the reruns today...
  • tink-88 July 2002
    This was my favorite show when I was in seventh and eighth grade. The characters were so well played and the stories were adorable. The finale was the best episode ever!I wish they had kept the series going. I would have loved to have seen Tucker, Becca. Miles, and Christine grow up. It's great. Watch if you ever get the chance.
  • Yep. I was flipping through the channels when I caught a sight of Flash Forward. I watched it for a couple of seconds and bam! I was hooked. I started to watch it everyday and it turned out to be a really cool show. It was funny and entertaining, and I was disappointed to see it canceled. Oh well, some of the actors are really making names for themselves now...
  • Well I remember when Disney aired a marathon of the show back in '96 and my little sister and I watched every one of them and especially loved "Dog Day After Lunch." As usual, the show went on hiatus so the re-runs bored us and I lost touch up until around the time it got cancelled. LUCKILY, they re-aired the episodes in syndication and i got recorded every single one of them on favorite episode was on a tape that broke, though. When becca, max, and christine get locked out of becca's house... Anyway, I watch the episodes whenever I have time and they're still hilarious! I'de quote a few lines but, of course, i'd come off :-) Great show. Ben Foster's on Six Feet Under and I last saw Becca (Jewel) on the debut episode of Huff on Showtime. Havne't seen anyone else, though...but then again they were mostly Canadian so they're probably being shown on a few more things up there...
  • Watching "Flash Forward" reminded me of the good things about my middle school and high school days, and made me laugh at some of the bad ones. I admired the sensibility of the actors, especially Jewel Staite, whose monologues were always delivered with the honest emotions of a teenager. I was pleasantly surprised to see her in the sci-fi film "Serenity," and for a while I could not remember where I had seen that face and that funny little voice. Then it came to me. It's nice to see that she's done great things after the success of "Flash Forward."

    By the way, it's too bad that the show was canceled when it was. While many might bemoan that we missed out on seeing our beloved characters grow, I feel bittersweet about the cancellation of the show, personally. After all, people grow and change. However, we will always remember our good friends from "Flash Forward" as youthful and full of that inquisitive spirit that brings a smile to our face when we remember them.
  • Flash Forward was,for me,one of the best written and performed teen shows ever.Now I am 39,and did not come across the show till 1998 and by that time it was long out of production.I can only recall one or two episodes that were just ok but otherwise this was fantastic!Jewel,Ben, Asia and Theo were so great and played the roles like you know people like them.The supporting cast was just as great,there are so many to name,but they were wonderful. The guest part Caterina Scrosone had as "Darby" was,in a word,perfect.Why it was just one episode,we will never know.She was the perfect sidekick for Tucker.Disney has tried many shows since then,but had they kept this fine show in production,we could have had Flash Foward the movie rather than Lizzie McGuire.
  • In Canada, where I live, we only started getting "flash forward" last year on the Family channel. The first time I saw the show, I remember making fun of my sister and her friend for watching something like that. Now, I never miss an episode, even if I have to tape it. And I like it because, one day they show the old episodes and the next they show the newer ones.
  • Stash-713 August 1999
    I have to say. as I began to watch this show with my little sister, I became a fan. Now I;m the one who watches it every day on the Disney Channel. I wish I had had friends like Tucker and Miles and Becca when I was their age. It is an entertaining show and I think it has a talented cast. I hope to see more of them in the coming years!
  • granted there really is no such thing as quality television. Everything is about the money. But Flash Forward was one of the few good things I remember from my childhood. I realize that in the fourth grade, a child can have horrible judgement. But I promise you, I could have been a movie critic at the age of seven. Flash Forward was one of the greater things coming out of Disney in the nineties. But now, Disney seems to want to appeal only to children, instead of families. It used to be that when you switched the channel to Disney, there was something for everyone in the family. For every age even, and now it's just embarrassing if an eighteen year old were to watch the channel, because everything appeals to kids, and kids only. It's a shame. I wholly lost faith in the Disney channel when they came out with that movie about the group of girls trying to get a record deal. What happened to mickey mouse, and donald duck, and goofy? What happened to Disney vault? And the mickey mouse club and such? There used to be such wonderful things on television, and now it's just smothered in trash. You'd think Disney would be the last to put smut on television.
  • I watched this show a few years ago once or twice when it started, and I can not believe that people watch the re-runs over and over. It is a flop, and they can fill the time slot it takes with something at least halfway decent. Disney television series never are good, except for The Torkelsons and the spin off of it, and every one is short. Sometimes, they are worth more than seven or so episodes. Not this one.