User Reviews (3)

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  • Just like "On Our Own" this was a show that made a somewhat taboo subject not so awkward. The whole concept of a preacher being portrayed as a "cool guy" was interesting and it really presented another side of Christianity than the bible thumping discriminating stereotype.

    Dan Akroyd was ideal for the part and the whole deal with him being widowed and trying to raise his kids alone really gave the series a sense of realism. It's too bad that all most viewers saw was that he was a preacher and thus the show couldn't be entertaining or have a positive message.
  • I am a certifiable sitcom junkie, and I have watched at least one episode of nearly every show ever broadcast on North American Television. With the one episode of this show I watched, It was hard for me to keep from vomiting. This show was of waste of a great actors talent, and put a blemish on the face of religion. I hope that whoever thought up this tripe was fired and banned from writing.

    Chester's Rating: **/10