User Reviews (11)

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  • Unlike most of the posters here, I actually have every episode of Sunnyside Farm, albeit on a desperately old fashioned VHS tape. What I tend to do with new (usually badly advertised) comedies is that I tape the entire series just in case it takes years for it to be released on tape or DVD. With Sunnyside Farm this strategy paid off big time as it wasn't even repeated on the telly. Anywhere. On any channel. Ever. For those posters who don't remember a lot of the funny scenes and lines, I will remind you of one of the best bits from episode one. It's the one where Ken (the really stupid one) informs Ray (the less stupid one) that he's lost their herd of cows. When Ray asks Ken what he means by 'lost', Ken says that 'I put them on a bus.' Ray then asks Ken to go through exactly what happened. Ken informs him that there was him, the cows, then there was a bus, then a lot of pushing and shoving, then the cows were on the bus, and then the bus drove off with all the cows. That may not sound funny to anyone who hasn't seen the series or doesn't remember that particular episode, but I almost cry with laughter every time I watch it. Ah, Sunnyside Farm. Fantastic.

    NEWSFLASH: If you'd like to buy a newly-converted DVD of Sunnyside Farm, then drop me a line at:
  • I do have fond memories of this series being aired and would love to see it again. There isn't any modern programming that catches my imagination, the best all seems to be vintage - tales of a happier time. But when it comes to this particular farm, there are clips if U know what I mean and it's obvious why it will not see the light of day in the foreseeable future. We live in controlled, joyless times, hopefully one day life will become 'Sunny' once again.

    To the gent that has them all on video, you can buy conversion machines really cheaply now, I would be inclined to try a certain online auction site.
  • Very difficult to find this, but can be found quite easily since 2013. I have begged the BBC to release this on DVD. No reply. This is crazy humor and today i think would suit more people as i think it was ahead of its time. Many scenes are just unique and quite special in the way they were captured. A harsh sense of humor is needed at times to appreciate the crass comments, but i think the cast went on to their own things after this and to abandon this without thought was a mistake, i was looking forward to a second series but alas, never happened, if you get a chance and enjoy heavy comedy with outrageous politically incorrect moments then this is for you
  • Raymond and Ken Sunnyside live in a dilapidated old farmhouse and are beholden to their Barbour wearing Tory scum landlord, Mr Letchworth. Ken (Mark Addy) is a little on the dim side (to say the least) and his brother Raymond (Phil Daniels) is a belligerent little git whom you just can't help but warm to. In fact, he's rather like Victor Meldrew in that respect, only a lot ruder and more down-at-heel.

    This peculiar little sit-com focuses on the many mis-haps of the scruffy twosome and is the sort of thing that you might expect from Monty Python or the Kids in the Hall, had either of those surreal comedy teams decided to do a sit-com. It doesn't seem to care about making the masses laugh and most would find it just plain nonsensical. But there are some truly bizarre situations that made me laugh out loud and brilliant central performances from Daniels and Kitchen (Addy and the often hilariously surreal Matt Lucas are also wonderfully memorable).

    I'd love to say more about this show but it's been so long since I've seen it that most of it is a bit of a blur now (no pun intended - for those in the know). Also, having been a complete flop and utterly slated in the press, it's never been released on video or DVD. In fact, my main reason for commenting on it is to put straight the user who referred to Phil Daniels' accent as 'mockney'. I really take exception to this as Daniels was born and raised in London and was using his own accent. Anybody who's heard Blur's 'Parklife' will be aware of that. Also, I never got the impression that he or any of the other actors in this unusual comedy seemed ill at ease in their roles. It's not as if they're jobbing actors who grab what they can and spend the rest of their time on the dole. I like to think they chose to do 'Sunnyside Farm' because they recognised something totally original when they saw it.
  • You cant remember much? Well i can, this was a funny as hell series which usually involved Phil getting covered in sh** in one way of another. He looked great as the cockney Londoner turned farmer who looked so out of place on the series, it just looked right. Mark Addy was great as his mate and work partner on the farm. If you ain't seen it, you got to. Try and find a copy or see if this gets replayed on UK gold. If you are a Phil Daniels fan watch just what he can do with comedy in the main role. Too bad he hasn't been in any more, it was great. It was always the highlight of my Friday night. I remember this to be on BBC two around about 8.30-9.ish in the evening and was always worth the wait. To tell you the truth, this character was more like Jimmy from "Quadrophenia" giving up his life from London and moving out to the countryside to get away from the crap of busy London. Well you guys look at his character, does he look like the jimmy character he was in Quad? You decide.
  • The word has it that this programme was commissioned when another production fell through, with only three months notice.

    I could have sworn it made it to a second series, but who am I to argue.

    The gist of the plot was two brothers inherited a farm, one, the 'cleverer' of the pair was overcome with dismay, at the utter futility of the situation.

    He fantasised about having an affair with the 'woman next door' - a pretty if not especially bright 'townie' who's moved from the city with her husband and children (Oberon & Titania) The second brother (by far the more stupid) is content with his lot.

    To that extent, it's a thinly veiled remake of the classic 1960's sitcom 'Steptoe and Son'.

    In my estimation this should have been ranked alongside 'Father Ted' but the mandarins at the BBC thought otherwise, nd it was quietly 'put out to grass'
  • This was a classic sit-com, not for everyone sure, maybe you didn't like Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie or The Young Ones etc but this was really my sort of thing. This wasn't just wry smile stuff this was Marx brothers laughing! It's time we saw it again as repeating it would let more people see it and gain the audience it deserves. I can't see getting the DVD release I so crave but letting us watch it again seems only reasonable and look at the rubbish that does get endlessly repeated. I won't ruin any of the jokes by telling you them just in case you do get a chance to see it except to say that Phill Daniels doing a Jarvis Cocker impression was just genius. The fact that this series disappeared instantly without trace is a constant (well occasional) source of annoyance to me. Lets get it back on TV, it's not like there is anything else on!
  • I have now tired of sending pleading emails to UK satellite channels requesting that they re-run this show, and would like to leave this comment as a parting shot. I don't suppose for one moment that I was the only person to enjoy this comedy, it's just I have yet to meet another! Phil Daniels and Mark Addy were great in this show, and I can still see Ray Sunnyside standing atop a pile of dung shouting with delight that his sheep had disease (compensation instead of actually having to look after them), the lesbianarium for the visiting female couple, not to mention the natural yoghurt! Yes it was crude, yes the language was foul, and yes the characters were disgusting, but I loved every episode. It was ahead of its time, thats for sure.....jeez I would love to see it again.....maybe just a few more begging emails......
  • But I do remember that I thought this was funny and should definitely be made available, and I normally hate that cockney guy.

    This And Glam Metal Detectives needs a DVD release.

    I wish I could remember more of this but unfortunately I didn't record any episodes.

    I'm sure this could hold it's own against the total dross we now in the UK have instead of comedy (excluding Peep Show, TV Burp & Entertainment Now)

    WAKE UP BBC! If The High Life can get a DVD release.

    Why not this?
  • tise_uk26 December 2006
    For me this was a must see alternative look at life in the country.! All the characters were larger than life,but as someone who grew up in an English village you could see people that could have fit the bill from your own youth. So it was not "pc" but that can only be a good thing looking back as we have now gone too far with that brigade.And what is wrong with having a good belly laugh,?as most times we are probably laughing at ourselves anyway,as none of us are perfect. I put "Sunnyside farm" in the same pigeonhole as "I Hope it rains" starring the late Tom Bell,this too was a minority audience comedy set at the seaside,with him running a really run down waxworks type museum.
  • This pathetic disgrace of a so-called 'sitcom' remains the worst piece of television, any genre, to be made in Britain in the televisual era. A complete lack of situation, a complete lack of comedy. The plot so thin it constitutes an eating disorder, the writing almost at the level of a 'disadvantaged' person, the acting so embarrasing getting caught with your pants down sounds a better bet. Even the actors Mark Addy and Phil Daniels seem ashamed as they perform.

    That is not however to let them off. Daniels 'Mockney' schtick tires after just minutes of the first episode and gets worse each time. Concentrating solely on getting a laugh by saying phrases such as "oh, bellowing cows' backsides" as Cockney as possible cut no ice with anyone, nor did the vague attempt to set the sitcom in - surprise,surprise - a farm. Addy, as his stooge, fares no better. The viewing public switched off in droves, the critics tore it to pieces and it was pulled after the first series without trace. The fact that very few people in Britain actually recall this sitcom stands as testament to it's overwhelming offensiveness.

    Watch it if you can and prepare to be appalled.