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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Brad Pitt fans please note that this Yugoslavian film was first made in 1988 and edited for re-release in 1997 due to Brad Pitt's popularity.

    This film, I feel would fall into that so-bad-it's-good category. The acting from Guy Boyd as the father is nothing less than terrible, and Cheryl Pollak, although an attractive presence could have done slightly better too. There are also strange surreal scenes which really do not fit it and distract from the poignancy of one boy's story, eg a scene with an old man stamping on condoms (don't ask) and a long scene of Pollak singing to Pitt's dad! Apart from these faults it is actually a very enjoyable piece of tosh.

    Brad Pitt's performance can not be faulted as a young man who has been forced to live his entire life inside a leather shell with only two tiny holes for his eyes and one for his mouth. (No mention was made about how he goes to toilet, or bathes come to that!). Pitt put across well to the viewer the internal emotional torture that his character felt by not being able to go out in the world and do normal young man things, and showed that although he was wearing the suit to stop the external torture of the sun blistering his body, his inner feelings which are actually more important in a lot of ways were constantly hurting. On doing some research after the film I found that the skin disease isn't actually medically right, but it seemed real and I am sure there must be similar conditions.

    Pitt's character falls in love with Pollak's character in the story, so decided to take off the suit and live a few days of happiness with her out in the sun, despite it meaning the end of his life. He then gets hurt even more when he tries to kiss her and she turns away, realizing that she only fancies him back when he is in the suit. So it is more the air of mystery and the fascination on her part which makes her like him, not him as a person. She actually asks him where his masked "friend" is.

    When Pitt comes along in the mask she decides to allow him to make love to her, but of course this has to be done in the dark. She doesn't realize who he is until he leaves a locket behind for her to see. The ending is then extremely poignant but I will say no more in case you do ever get to see it.

    In summary I would definitely recommend that all Pitt fans and even males who are just interested in rare movies lol give this a go!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Filmed in and around Yugoslavia, Dark Side of the Sun is quite a nice little film. Brad Pitt plays Rick, a young man born with a serious skin condition which forces him to shield himself from any sort of lighting. He lives in the dark and travels in the daytime in a 'Blackout New' kind of leather face mask. At home, he can only remove the protection so long as he remains in absolute darkness. Rick is tired of this, and humors his father who travels with him around the world in search of medical specialists that may be able to provide his son a cure. But Rick soon decides that enough is enough, and decides that he doesn't care about the consequences, if in fact the potential extent of damage done by his exposure to the sun is even a reality, given how rare his disease is. He gets rid of the mask and get's to experience so many things in a different way, even interacting with people he may not have before. Rick experiences a rejuvination.

    In doing so, he meets a young American actress who was staying with a group that was performing in the town square festivities. And he falls in love with her. But she adores Rick as a friend, while she is keen on the 'dark masked rider' she happened to meet at a party one evening. And that is who she is in love with, not knowing that Rick is the same person. Rick plays something of a double life, like Cyrano de Bergnac style, but as one person. Rick doesn't tellt he girl that he and the masked rider are the same person. He just seems to enjoy her company and, I suppose, doesn't want her to feel pity for him and ruin everything if she were to know that his exposure to the sun would mean imminent death. He doesn't want to spoil how great he feels about everything.

    Dark Side of the Sun turned out to be a very good movie, though it is a sad story. There is some minor flaws in the film. As one viewer previously mentioned, if they were to get rid of the leather suit to "live again", they wouldn't put it on just to play a double life to charm a girl. I would definitely agree. He didn't seem to detest the suit much so long as he could be with the girl. But I would think that his convictions for "living again" would be so strong (as they are throughout the movie) that he wouldn't even want to lie to the girl. But like I said, it was probably also a matter of his not wanting her to consistingly look upon him with guilt or pity.

    Also, for a young man who spent so much time in a full leather mask, I would expect that he would not only be pale and thin, but probably have very thin hair or little hair at all.

    It is very uncharacteristic of Brad Pitt films nowadays, but in this, as young Rick, he's a natural about it. Everyone else is good, too. And the setting, what little you get to see of Yugoslavia, is gorgeous. It seemed like it would have been better, however, had it been a foreign picture, and you even get this impression from the beginning with the folk music introduction and relatively old looking titles. But, it's definitely worth seeing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a very dark and different movie. It's something I haven't seen too often in movies, and cannot really be compared. Some of it is like a dream, while other parts are daily life for most of us.

    A father and son travel the world to find a cure for the son's skin disease, which prevents him from being in direct sunlight. The son had to wear a leather mask and outfit anytime he is exposed. By then end, however, the son (Brad Pitt) risks his life, leaves his leather suit, and joins to the world, exchanges the consequences for a chance at living a real life.

    The feeling can not be explained. But there's something in this movie that has a Pink Floyd and Donnie Darko vibe. But deeper. You get it.

    6 Stars
  • This is a wannabe "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble," but Travolta did a much better job than Brad Pitt in that role.

    I'm a big Pitt fan, but he's really lame in this one. When he's wearing the mask, he is very melodramatic. Maybe the director told him to exaggerate his voice, since he does not have the benefit of facial expressions. Whatever the reason, it doesn't work.

    The sad thing is, Pitt's performance is probably the best in the movie. The other actors are even worse.

    The whole film has a B-movie feel. For example, there's a fight scene where a guy is knocked out by a slap to the face.
  • In spite of what others have said, I enjoyed this movie. I had never heard of it before and I have just seen it on the Canadian Movie Channel. I was puzzled to see how young Brad Pitt was - even younger than in "Thelma and Louise" - until I read the explanation about it being filmed in Yugoslavia in 1988 and then being lost for 9 years until finally issued in 1997. As I am a male senior citizen, I don't get palpitations at the sight of Brad Pitt, but I do like and respect him, and have enjoyed most of his movies. Some of the acting and parts of the script leave a great deal to be desired. However, this movie has a very Film Festival European feel to it, and in my view is a bit too deep for most North American film fans (insult intended). The scene of him frolicking in the ocean with the dolphins, and his description of the most wonderful day that he had ever spent, moved me tremendously. Life is made up of choices, and the choice for the hero was one day of great happiness and joy, or a lifetime of imprisonment.
  • It was nice to see a really old movie (okay not old, but from the 1980s) starring a really young Brad Pitt in a movie that could have actually had some potential. (and I stress "could have")

    "The Dark Side of the Sun" had some potential to be a great movie. The storyline was definately there: a young man, whom throughout his whole life has had to live in darkness because of a skin disease, longs for the intimacy that he could never have. So because of his skin disease, the only way that he could live life was if a) the windows in his home were all shut tight and b) if he traveled around on a motorcycle with a leather suit that showed no skin.

    Not that the movie's heart was in the wrong place: I mean, it shows that whole angsty-longing we have as we grow from teens to adults. We all want something that we probably can never have. And it kills us to know that. And it also brought up a very interesting skin disease that most people (or myself) didn't know about. So it educated the viewer as well.

    The main problem with the movie? Just the acting. It was horrible. Not that *I* could do a better job, but my goodness. Brad Pitt was definitely good (can't really deny that sparkly smile and bright baby blues), but as for some of the other co-stars that I won't mention, it just made some of the dialogue a little, hokey. Particularly one scene, which was just awful. I laughed instead of, I guess, cried (it was a weepy moment). But for some reason...I stuck it through. I watched this movie, even though it was difficult.

    To sum it up: storyline good, some of the acting bad, lame dialogue, Brad Pitt rules all. Amen.
  • The chance to see a very young Brad Pitt and take a look at the beautiful Yugoslavian countryside before the schism are the main reasons to see this film. The film itself is fairly mundane. With only a slight story to tell the film needs a sharp script and a strong director but gets neither. Pitt (or his double) plays Rick, a teenager who spends most of the film hidden behind a leather mask. This does not give him a lot of scope to convey the tragic nature of his character except through the non-too brilliant dialogue. Cheryl Pollak is attractive and personable where the role calls for someone truly charismatic. It doesn't help that, when he finally removes the mask, Pitt is much prettier than she is. On the plus side, Guy Boyd lifts the film with an excellent portrayal of Rick's father. It's probably unfair to judge this 1980s film by today's standards but, even allowing for that, I can't see this as anything more than the kind of movie that passes the time while your lying on the sofa recovering from a bout of the flu.
  • "I want to live! But sometimes I wish I had never been born" are the opening lines of 'Dark Side of the Sun'...bit melodramatic. Some might feel that some excellent performances are marred by the occasional desire by some actors to add a bit of heightened drama to what is a relatively simple film. For instance Guy Boyd's performance as the father is superb though there are some moments such as towards the end where he talks to his mentally ill wife that his performance goes a bit day time TV-ish this though was probably more to do with Nikolic's (director) need to make sure the audience don't get bored with what is essentially a film about life, namely the difference between observing it and participating in it: "I am just an observer of life" says Brad Pitt's character… yes Brad Pitt: Fight Club, Mr. and Mrs. Smith etc…only this is Brad Pit at a young age before he'd been noticed in Thelma and Louise (although 'Dark Side Of the Sun' itself wouldn't be released until six years after when all the footage had been rescued from war torn Yugoslavia, it then went straight to video so you'll probably only see it on late night TV or amongst such classics as Rambo 12 or whatever in the bargain bucket ) so expect more of a Leonardo Dicaprio in Romeo and Juliet performance than Achilles in Troy. Rick (Pitt) has been stuck in a world of darkness all his life moving across the world to find a cure for his disease the next and final hope is a Yugoslavian healer, a man who Rick's dad has complete faith in to find a cure. It ain't happening basically and Rick is getting jaded with it all. The character is very much a poet and philosopher and there are plenty of high angle shots to suggest a superior quality in this pasty faced hero. "People can hide without using a mask' there's a lot of this sort of half wise half pretentious dialogue in this film which could be easily mistaken for a student work …in fact there a lot of pants bits here but hey if you like Pitt or nice little unheard films go for it; splash out a quid/dollar for it I've slatted it a bit but its alright give it a watch.
  • bagso27 January 2004
    Fair dinkum, this is close to the worst movie I have ever seen (and I've seen The Lawnmower Man part 2). This film has no redeeming qualities, except being so bad, that it was actually funny.

    Pitt must be ashamed of this, and the movie being listed as being released in 1997, must embarass him further. It is clearly one of his earliest works (originally made in 1988), and it shows. There is no way that the person who starred in Seven and Twelve Monkeys, would've then turned around and done this tripe.

    Not Pitt's fault, but how a movie like this gets financial backing is one of the world's great mysteries. Avoid if your looking for a good film. Watch it if you want to see how bad a movie a young actor is willing to work in before they hit it big
  • This obscure film from Yugoslavia would probably be even more obscure if it didn't star the then-unknown actor Brad Pitt. And undeservedly neglected, as "Dark side of the Sun" is quite a beautiful, and utterly surreal piece of filmmaking. The young Rick suffers from a rare skin disease; if he is exposed to sunlight, or any bright light, his skin will quickly deteriorate and he will die in just a matter of days or weeks. because of this, Rick must wear a bizarre, S&M style leather body suit, and matching black leather mask, all the time! Nobody can see his face, and he rides a motorcycle, so as not to appear too strange in his leather suit. A chance encounter with a beautiful American girl, (Rick is also American, but lives in Yugoslavia) forces Rick to re-evaluate his own existence. He decides that a week living life as a normal kid is worth a lifetime of living separated from the World.

    This film has a lot going for it, such as the beautiful Yugoslavian scenery and glimpse into their culture. Filmed just before war broke out in this land, the film provides an opportunity to see how wonderful and peaceful Yugoslavia was before the late 1980's. The story is unabashedly romantic, and tragic, and possesses a rare innocent quality to it. The director wisely decides to score the film with beautiful classical music, which adds much intensity to the already emotional tale. Filmed mostly in a gorgeous mansion by the sea, "Dark side of the Sun" has a distinctly "foreign film" style to it, which i wasn't expecting. American films from this period usually have a very dated look to them, but this movie has aged well. I believe director Bozidar Nikolic cast a physically beautiful actor in the main role intentionally, making the fact that he must live wearing a mask that much more tragic and sad. "Dark side of the Sun" possesses a surreal quality. It plays out much like a Greek tragedy, or some bizarre fairy tale, and it's conclusion is not exactly a happy one, but considering it's a story of a young person living out their dream, you don't feel depressed at the films end. Although it is difficult to see Rick's physical beauty destroyed. Not surprisingly this movie did not score too high here; it is strange and not for all tastes. Recommended though, for fans of foreign film, or just bizarre and unique cinema.
  • I saw this movie 4-5 years ago because of reading its plot about a young man who has a very rare mysterious skin disease but highly dangerous to live with and must be covered from head to toe in a leather suite. The role was played by Brad Pitt , he also has in this film trouble in his family as his mother is completely bad ridden form a long time and she cant even speak properly while his father being a very caring person for both his spouse and offspring can do nothing to save his son. Because of his skin being so much fragile Brad cant even stay under the light inside of his own home , then he met an attractive , charming lady singer, he immediately falls for her and she is also impressed by man in black cover that makes him anonymous to her. What Brad Pitt can do is to just make a very tough decision , to expose himself to light completely that could kill him by the passage of time but he can also his moments of his life time finding eternal love before he has to die whether now or a few years in darkness. I was very impressed by the script of the movie but the execution and finishing disappointed me. I believe the acting , production , screenplay and direction was quite below the expectation of such stories.The performance of Yugoslav artist was sub standard , only i think Brad Pitt and his story line father Guy Boyd saved the moments of this film. Otherwise this film would had had ended up in disaster as it production was not able to meet its requirement.
  • I was only fourteen when I first watched this film on TV. I liked everything about it: dialogs, acting, music, its plot (especially interchanging cheerful and poignant moments)... I didn't like only the ending but later I understood that the film just couldn't have ended otherwise. I fell in love with Rick the moment he took his mask off. Actually, Brad Pitt is still my favourite actor thanks to this character. His Rick is lively, a bit childlike, courageous, strong, a real gentleman and pure charm. I wish the film was longer so I could get to see him more! I have to admit that I wouldn't like this film so much if it wasn't for Brad's talent and looks. Of course, over the years I realized how unpretentious "The Dark Side of the Sun" is but it will forever be my favourite of favourites. It occupies such special place because:
    • It sparked my passion for learning English as I wanted to understand everything when I would watch the film in the original. Eventually, my linguistic skills determined my career path.
    • It gave me the sweet feeling of being truly in love for the first time.
    • It cured my fear of sleeping in the dark.
    • It broadened my horizons: for example, it made me interested in works by Tennessee Williams.
    I understand that other people can react to this film differently so I won't urge anyone to watch it. I just felt compelled to share my experience. Thank you for reading.
  • I saw the review of the film last night and since it was a Brad Pitt film and the plot sounded interesting, I looked anxious for it.

    I can't say I didn't enjoy the film, it was touching and Brad Pitt did a good job considering it was one of his first roles, and the girl was pretty OK. However, I think his character lacked a bit in depth and sending emotion. The meeting scene in the bar was well done and their dialogues were pleasant, if not for being too deep, then just for Brad Pitt's presence.

    But I expected much more from such an interesting story line, and I think the fault for the final outcome is definitely the director's. The film lacked a lot in credibility, and what could have been a really tear jerker left me unable to cry, but with a lump in my throat and the feeling something was wrong about the movie...

    The ending scene with him completely full of blisters looked very unbelievable, when just the evening before he only had a few red lines on his chest. It's true the magic 3 day period was over, but it couldn't have happened all so suddenly.

    Then his skin and hair looking so perfect, considering he had spent all his life trapped in that suffocating leather costume...The fight scene, totally bad, when his father knocks three guys down with a slap...And a scene with a topless bimbo, disgusting and out of place.

    But if able to ignore some cheesy scenes and concentrate on Brad Pitt's performance, the film is not bad after all. It's just that it could have been much better...
  • JJH-427 August 1999
    One can immediately tell that this film was made very early in Pitt's career and it makes one appreciate how far Brad Pitt has come in his acting ability.

    For those who love Pitt simply for his looks, sorry, but we don't even get to see him, in the flesh, for the first half of the film. Pitt's character has a skin disorder that makes him sensitive to all light. Outside, he wears a complete leather suit that covers all of his body (barring eyes and breathing holes). Inside, he sits in near complete darkness. Pitt's character tires of living this type of life and decides to risk death by walking outside without his leather protection. At this point we get to see a young Brad Pitt act, which isn't all that well. The improvement one sees in Pitt's acting ability becomes very clear when one compares Pitt's performance in Dark Side of the Sun to films like 12 Monkeys or Se7en.

    Dark Side of the Sun is not a horrible film, it just has a very simple story. Boy is ill. Boy lives life as best he can. One day, boy meets girl. Boy decides to risk death for girl. Not much else really happens that makes this film stand-out from this cliche story-line. If it had just a bit more character development so that we might actually feel something for Pitt's character or his ever-loving father, the film might have been more interesting.

    Considering this is Pitt's first film, he's not that bad. Even at this early stage, it's difficult to take one's eyes from the screen whenever Pitt is present. Pitt has a very strong screen presence that has helped make him a star. But sadly, I feel the film relied a bit too much on this weak story-line and on Pitt to carry the film.

    If Pitt or anyone else were to do this film today in a more "Hollywood" style, it might actually be a good "tear-jerker". However, as is, I would state that this is a film best left for fans of Pitt. Anyone else would probably find this film poorly acted, written and directed. I give this film a 4/10.
  • Keeping in mind that this is Brad Pitt's first debut acting film, I was impressed. The film itself had its low budget, foreign movie type downfalls, but looking at most major blockbuster movie stars in their embarrassing early films, I think he showed great beginning quality. The script was great, made me think about how precious every day is.
  • hadi_k15 July 2000
    I hate this movie the story is good but it is directed and made in a very bad way. the acting is okay but i cant say it is good. the events are so slow and so boring that you feel that there is nothing happening. it is a movie made in a really very bad way. 2 out of 10.
  • This movie is so bad that IMDb eliminated the "goofs" section. For example, the movie is supposed to take place in Mexico but it took my wife 5 seconds to recognize that it was shot in Yugoslavia. It took me a little longer but I believed her when the first "Mexican" spoke in a Slavic accent so thick I smelled borscht in the room.

    Another goof is when the father goes to pray in a church and does it in front of an Orthodox icon. Mexicans are mostly Catholic and Catholics have statues, not icons in their churches. Brad Pitt removes his head gear and doesn't have a sign of "helmet head". And how about those moles on Cheryl Pollack's neck that appear and disappear depending on whether the makeup girl showed up for work.

    I could go on but, in summary, the acting is wooden, the story is mediocre and Cheryl Pollack's singing is terrible. Nine years to release a movie and it didn't get better with age.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Similarities to the 1976 TV movie "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble" won't be lost on classic film viewers, the story of a young man with a rare skin disease that forces him to stay wrapped up in rubber. Like John Travolta in 1976, this was an early leading role for Brad Pitt although this did not have mainstream exposure until it came out on DVD a decade after it was made. Filmed in Yugoslavia, this film benefits by the location footage, but there is so much about it that is ridiculously unrealistic. For example, a character like this would either sweat to death or get other illnesses as result of constantly being wrapped up in that smelly get-up. He rides around all day on a motorcycle in it, and out of the blue, when he meets a pretty girl from America, he decides it's time to get out of it. The Revelation that is Steve Young Brad Pitt is memorable because indeed, is epitome of youthful beauty, but that's where appeal for this film ends.

    Living with a father who wants him to stay in the rubber suit to protect him and save his life and a mother who is apparently comatose, Pitt and the young lady roam around Yugoslavia and Pitt parties for the 3 days that he has, apparently the maximum amount of time that he can do this until he dies painfully. He goes up against the bully when he's out of the mask and find some romance and gets to breathe in fresh air and swim with a friendly dolphin, and it's all done with a ton of sentiment. But eventually it becomes sickly-sweet and the fact that his father doesn't try to stop him, knowing his intentions, is another unrealistic aspect. It's a curious film simply for Pitt's participate in it, but his character is no Benjamin Button. However, Pitt's early aura is very similar to a young Leonardo DiCaprio, so it's worth tolerating the weird presentation of an unbelievable situation. It's a film where it's tempting to skip the conclusion because you are afraid of how horrific it may get at the end.
  • Now before anyone jumps all over me and declares that im outta my mind, let me just say I understand why most find this coming of age tale so atrocious. Yes, the acting is bad, the production low-budget and the writing a is no-great shakes. However, Brad Pitt displays, with oodles of charisma, boyish charm,looks and innocence that there is more to an actors appeal than ability to act. Ever seen depp in nightmare on elm street,or keannu in just about everything he's done? Adversely,some actors that are "great actors" are simply put, boring to watch, serving no more than a utility. Maybe, it's not fair but neither is life. I found this film to be incredibly moving and strongly recommend it to any who are romantics at heart.WARNING: Not for skeptics.
  • mustican15 December 2005
    I couldn't resist to see the Dark Side of the Sun after hearing its story. It was filmed in prewar Yugoslavia, all footage of the film was lost, starred Brad Pitt(as his debut film) etc. All those factors gave me energy to find the DVD with a very reasonable price. Did I like the film. Unfortunately,no. Story is good, Brad Pitt looks around 17, cant believe this movie was from 10 10-15 years ago. However, as his debut film, he does quite well as Rick who suffers from a rare skin disease and should't contact with sun directly. He is in Yugoslavia with his family and trying to find cure for his illness. His father is a businessman and seems like controlling it from Yugoslavia. Fair enough but spends all his money to find cure for his son's illness from the dodgy looking guy!!What happened to the modern ways of treatment. Although it is mentioned during the film that there is no cure so far in modern medicine but come on, see that healer and you know that he won't be any help.. Of course, beside his illness, Rick finds th love of his life. Frances is touring with a small theatre group around Europe and she meets Rick. She falls for him as well but when he wears his mask. It takes her until the very end of the film that she has been dealing with the same guy all the way long. Silly!! My conclusion about The Dark Side of the Sun would be average. I think it has a decent storyline, average actors, Brad Pitt and Guy Boyd especially stands out. But, rest of the cast is below average (mostly Yugoslavian). Music is pretty annoying, reminded me crappy Turkish B-movies from 80's. Despite an okay acting from Mr Pitt and a good story, over all I think my very best is * out of *****
  • Caught this movie one late night on TV. I didn't get to watch it from the beginning, but decided to check it out when I saw a person with a black leather suit who sounded a lot like Brad Pitt. I was saying to myself, 'What would Brad Pitt be doing in this low budget movie?'. To my surprise, it was Brad Pitt who played the man with a rare skin disease.

    Although it wasn't until a year or two ago when this movie got aired, I knew right away that 'Dard Side of the Sun' came out many years ago. Brad Pitt seemed really young, even younger than when he was in 'Across the Tracks' which came out in '91.

    I really liked the background scenes on this movie. And when you mix the beautiful scenery with motorcycling, to me it is really a nice treat, since I'm into motorcycling myself.

    The whole plot of the movie isn't all that deep. The man has a disease, the man falls in love, the man makes sacrifice so he can be with the loved one.

    I like movies that are simple but fun. There isn't a lot of effort, or at least doesn't look like, was put into making this film. Nonetheless, it was entertaining. If you are a fan of Brad Pitt, you should definitely check this one out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    SPOILER ALERT The thin story is a close copy of The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, all the way through. Just change bubble to leather suit, and add motorcycle.

    The good: Cheryl Pollak is very pretty and sparkly, as always. The Yugoslavian coastal scenery is carefully filmed and looks great. Brad takes off his shirt, if you like that sort of thing.

    The bad: Cheryl Pollak sings. Twice! Her idiot friends. Brad Pitt's untrained voice. The motorcycle "race" on the beach. Brad conceals his true identity from Cheryl for no real reason.

    The weird: When we first see Brad Pitt's face at the 35 minute mark, he is dressed like James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause: jeans, white tee shirt and red jacket. The R rating for showing one topless girl for a few seconds. The Adriatic coast is famous for its nude beaches, so what's the big deal? Brad plays with a dolphin, which would normally violate the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Brad's spaced out mom in a wheelchair shows up at the end for no reason. And most importantly, why does Brad kill himself right after sleeping with his true love? Most guys come back for more.

    Bottom line: a lightweight romance, sprinkled with eye candy and oddball choices. Gave it a 5 because I like Cheryl in almost anything.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I do not like Brad Pitt even a little, and I do not watch love dramas. And when this came on TV in the early A.M. I almost didn't watch it, the description was so stupid and squishy. But I put it on 20 minutes late, and found it almost instantly engaging. I had no idea I was watching Brad Pitt, who is usually mis-cast in movies he doesn't belong in such as 'Cool World' and 'Se7en', and was intrigued by the chemistry between his character and the father. I really liked the scene where the father went back to the bar looking for the Americans, even though the fighting was unconvincing, and loved it when he popped the barkeep in the forehead heheh. I was so charmed by the woman that I wished I was dating her myself. Interesting and disappointing that there are no pictures of her on google. The ending was unique in that it ended abruptly with it's point having been made and went straight to credits while you were still thinking about the finality of it. An American film would have drawn the ending out laboriously with plenty of 'tragic' sounding music to try to look "deep". Like I said, this isn't my genre, and I truly dislike Brad Pitt, but if this film even moved *me*, what the hell is everyone else complaining about?!
  • bkoganbing22 December 2018
    By the time this 1988 movie got around to being released direct to video, Brad Pitt had become a superstar with a name and looks known world wide. So audiences seeing it in 1997 they knew who was behind the black leather mask.

    Some truly homoerotic overtones are in The Dark Side Of The Sun where Brad Pitt because he is suffering from a rare skin disease where the contact with sunlight can be fatal. Pitt is quite the interesting package on that motorcycle dressed in black leather from top to bottom even with a leather ski mask. Had this film been released in 1988 it wouldn't have had the same impact when Pitt unmasks.

    Pitt, father Guy Boyd, and mother Milena Dravic are in Yugoslavia while it was still intact on the Adriatic coast seeing a healer. Apparently these people are rich enough to look for everything that science, faith or even witchcraft has to offer.

    But after Pitt meets another young American Cheryl Pollak he decides that maybe the three days he can expose himself to the sun before his skin erupts and he dies a really horrible painful death are worth the price.

    The ironic twist here is that the sun and our perfect proximity to it is what sustains life on earth. It is also Pitt's instrument of death.

    Pollak and Pitt make a tender Love Story like romantic couple and the Adriatic surely is a beautiful location with a romantic atmosphere.

    The Dark Side Of The Sun has that interesting history. That lost footage stored for 9 years kept this film from being seen until Yugoslavia broke up after Tito's death. Would the reaction have been different had it been released in 1988 before Brad Pitt was superstar Brad Pitt?

    I guess only if we slide into an alternate universe will we ever know.
  • MsWannare13 July 2016
    What is with all the positive reviews?? This is by far the worst acting i have ever seen. You will laugh your butt off to the truly cheesy acting. I am sure Brad's biggest regret is every agreeing to do this movie.

    Watch it only to see how much Brad Pitt has transformed in his acting since this movie and then stick your head in a microwave to delete the memory of this movie.

    Truly shocked.

    Positively not riveting.

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