User Reviews (228)

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  • It is always going to be a challenge to take a classic novel and turn it into be a movie that will satisfy everyone, especially when the story is being changed and adapted to fit a modern setting. If what you want to find from this movie is an exact translation of the book you will be unimpressed.

    I personally loved this movie, it is completely stylish thanks to a brilliant soundtrack and the gorgeous leads Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow (who is cast perfectly as the beautiful ice queen). They are helped along by a strong supporting cast of Anne Bancroft (wonderfully eccentric as Ms. Nora Dinsmoor), Chris Cooper and Robert DiNero.

    The problem, however, is that in trying to fit a story as long and complicated as ‘Great expectations' into a 90 minute movie you loose a lot of the development of the characters necessary to identify and have an emotional reaction to them.

    Rather than linger on these issues Alfonso Cuaron concentrated on the visual aspect of the movie and the result is a movie that is great to watch!
  • Great Expectations is one of the few films that can incorporate stunning visuals, one of the best soundtracks to ever grace a film and simply characters that you truly care about by the end of the film.

    It's true that the character development on the character of Finn is a little weak, but the characters of Estella and the over flamboyant and heartbroken Miss Dinnsmore certainly make up for Finn's minor flaws. Personally i found the film very enjoyable and immersive, and the incredibly imaginative cinematography will certainly keep anyone's attention as well.

    This film is a stylish and brilliant remake of a classic and could almost be considered timeless compared to other recent attempts at "updating" the classics which fail in comparison(such as the recent failed attempt at romeo and juliet). Great Expectations is certainly worth a rental (or even purchase) for anyone that enjoys simply a good, immersive movie with some absolutely beautiful imagery.
  • Hollywood and the movie industry have made many bold moves over the past decade in bringing to life old classics. None however have been done more boldly than the remoulding of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and Charles Dicken's Great Expectations. Both are daring attempts to rebirth a storyline from the distant past, as a tale told in our modern times. I say attempt because in both cases, as good a job the cast and crew did, there was something lacking in these new renditions. Great Expectations, the movie, lacks many qualities that make the novel a success. It cannot be said to be a total loss, the basic elements are intact, it is only the embellishments Charles Dickens developed in the novel to make the story more realistic that are missing.

    One success, I must admit that I observed while watching the film was the rich visual setting. Although not taking presented in the same place, or era Great Expectations, the movie, is a feast for the eyes. It captivates the mind with beautiful shots of the rural Florida coast life, and yet still retains the jumbled, rundown atmosphere that is described of Pip's small birthplace in a small English town. These qualities of squalor are evident in the impoverished coastal fishing village of the movie. The best achievement in cinematography, is the in-depth views of Pardiso Perduto, a sister mansion to the decaying Satis house of the novel. Even the scenes of New York, the city of "expectations" for our youthful protagonist, Finn, has contrasting aspects of rich beauty and unsightly slums that the London of the nineteen century demonstrated. This is the most major achievement for the film; to capture on film a most ingenious modern equivalent of Charles Dicken's astute descriptions.

    Unlike some attempts to revamp literary successes the movie at least retains some of the dignity of Dicken's work. The core of his novel is intact within the screenplay. Also many ingenious ideas were used in some plot changes, and cinematography. Overall it is not a bad representation of the novel.
  • Marcey1316 September 1998
    I loved this film, it was simply well made for this modern time. I read the book by Charles Dickens and it is quite different, but very enjoyable.You never know do you? It was a bit confusing, I mean Gwyneth Paltrow's character, I guess you could say she was unique. And I understood Ethan Hawkes character perfectly. Wonderful film, I'd recommend it to anyone.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I agree with some of the comments of the last user, however, I quite enjoyed the movie. Having read the book many times, it was a nice refreshing change. To make a movie exactly like the book would be tedious, boring, and dumb. The movie is based off the book, its not the book itself. The actor's portray the roles with eloquence and make the movie very believable. It's a tragically sad movie with bursts of beautiful music to draw the viewer in. Violins and haunting choruses give it its character (Tori Amos is the genius behind this along with many other fine artists). Overall, I would not say this is the best movie in the world, but one worth seeing. However, don't take my word for it, see the movie yourself and make a decision. You don't know if something is good until you have tasted it.
  • Good romantic-drama, based on Charles Dickens' classic novel. I haven't read the book, so can't say how faithful this adaptation is (obviously, it has been modernized). The transplanting into the modern day doesn't suffer from the usual stuffiness that such adaptations usually suffer from (eg Baz Luhrman's Romeo & Juliet), and feels like a modern romantic-drama.

    Solid direction from Alfonso Cuaron. Pacing is generally good, though there are one or two patches where the movie drifts.

    Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow are solid, though not spectacular, in the lead roles. Good support from Chris Cooper, Anne Bancroft and Robert De Niro.
  • I saw this movie when it came out in 1998 and thought at the time, "this is the best movie I've ever seen" and that has not changed 20 years later. I love the cinematography, the colors, the music, the actors - it's all amazingly perfect!
  • Although Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow are as romantic a pair of lovers as you will find on the current cinema scene, Great Expectations is like all Charles Dickens novels, a plea for social justice in the setting of the time and place they were written. Not to say that the works of Dickens can't be updated as Great Expectations is here, but the whole premise of the novel is sacrificed.

    A lot of the framework of the original novel is left intact though the location is now Florida in the late 20th Century instead of Victorian England. Young Finn (Pip) finds an escaped convict Robert DeNiro whom he aids at first against his will.

    Later on the rich and eccentric Anne Bancroft sends for him as a playmate companion for her niece Estella. After that good things just keep coming his way and Pip develops some Great Expectations about his prospects.

    In the novel our protagonist Pip goes into business, but in this case young Finn now grown up Ethan Hawke becomes a painter and he gets a few unseen boosts up the ladder of success. He and Estella now Gwyneth Paltrow can't seem to live with each other or without each other. She goes for and against Hawke on a whim even at one point marrying someone else.

    I don't object to the modernization of a classic, it might inspire some to check out the original article and that certainly is a worthy goal. But even in sacrificing Dickens's concern for social justice to make this a romance, the ending is changed. I think Dickens would most object to the ending in this film which most assuredly is not what Dickens wrote. The ending for Hawke and Paltrow could have been kept within the spirit of the original novel.

    Robert DeNiro has now put his own interpretation on three classic movie portrayals of the past, Robert Mitchum in Cape Fear, Richard Widmark in Night And The City, and now Finlay Currie as the escaped convict Magwitch. His part is completely updated to 20th Century America and still it's in the spirit of what Dickens wrote for Magwitch.

    This version of Great Expectations is a nice romantic film, but it's not in any way what Charles Dickens was writing about.
  • superfly_tnt19 June 2001
    I have never read Dickens' "Great Expectations," but I can tell you that this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Let me clear something up right away. This is not a b-movie, a cheesy remake, or even a remake. It is my understanding that this movie is loosely based on the Dickens' book, but that it does follow the themes, just not the exact story. This is a great movie, it is a modern classic. The acting is excellent. Ethan Hawk is amazing, he really is a top notch actor. He's not just a young sexy leading man type who gets by on looks and a touch of acting (as I had previously thought since he looks like the typical Matt Dillion or a Lowe type). Gwyneth Paltrow is absolutely stunning and plays her role perfectly. De Niro has a nice, powerful role, and duh, he's awesome in this movie. Anne Bancroft was hauntingly superb in this movie, you'll see what i mean. Hank Azaria and Chris Cooper play great supporting roles. I think this movie was probably Chris Cooper's breakthrough role, and he was great.

    The movie was breathtakingly shot. The cinematography was better then even the recent crouching tiger hidden dragon. The movie gives you a feeling of awe and mystery because of it's settings. It's a work of art. The writing...based on a classic Dickens novel..come on it is superb. No cheesy lines; yes there are heartfelt beautiful lines, but none cheesy or over-emotional or over the top dialogue. The writing and actors clicked perfectly. Need I say the story was both interesting and intriguing (based on Dickens' Great Expectations). It may be loosely based or not, but it was GREAT.

    The directing pulled everything together and added some nice tricks to make this movie a Modern classic. And the way music was used to intensify this movie and when and where it was used was absolutely brilliant, and i suppose this is the director's job, WELL DONE.

    The music was almost as important as the acting in this movie. The musical score for this movie is one of the best I have ever encountered. It makes this movie move you. And just as good are the music (songs) the movie uses, how and when they are used. This is one of the few movies that thrives on sound (music) to help create it's mood, power and emotion and it is done masterfully.

    This movie is a masterpiece. Beautiful on the eyes, ears, heart, and mind. I feel sorry for you if you don't ever get to experience this movie, it is a MUST see.
  • k-king210 September 2004
    I did not have any expectations before I saw this film, no pun intended, I had not read the book but am a fan of Hawke and Paltrow, and De Niro.

    I enjoyed this movie, it had a style that I found compelling and Paltrow was simply dripping with sensuality. Paltrow and Hawke both shined in this evocative film and Bancroft and De Niro's parts were both well acted. 2 scenes stick in my head from the film, the scene of Finn and Estella at Finn's house and of them under the bridge.

    This is not a Meg Ryan love story, this is a story of a girl raised by a tormented Aunt and a young man who thinks he has nothing to offer.

    7 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Great Expectations" is based around the odd conceit of taking the plot of Dickens's novel and updating it to late 20th century America. Apart from Joe and Estella, all the names of the characters have been changed. Pip becomes Finn Bell, Miss Havisham Miss Dinsmoor and Magwitch Arthur Lustig. Mrs Joe is Maggie, Bentley Drummle Walter and Jaggers Ragno. The plot follows the same basic outlines as in the novel. Finn is an orphan, cared for by his older sister and her boyfriend Joe, a fisherman on Florida's Gulf Coast. As in the book, Finn helps an escaped convict. As in the book, he becomes friendly with Estella, the adopted daughter of a wealthy reclusive lady. As in the book, he receives a financial windfall from a lawyer acting on behalf of a mysterious benefactor (who later turns out to be the convict). And as in the book, he falls helplessly in love with Estella, now a beautiful but icy young woman.

    The trouble with the film's central conceit- which is why I described it as odd- is that "Great Expectations" resists being translated into the modern age. Like most great nineteenth-century novels it is firmly rooted in a particular time and place, in this case London and South-East England in the early 19th century. (Shakespeare's plays, which do not have the same attachment to a specific time and place, are generally easier to transfer to a modern setting). Even when it was written it was something of a period piece, being set not during the 1860s when Dickens wrote it but rather during his own childhood in the 1810s and 1820s. Dickens is therefore describing social structures and institutions- many of them essential to his plot- which were forty years in the past even at the time of writing and which have no equivalents in modern society.

    When the film-makers try and find such equivalents, they end up doing violence to Dickens's plot. The most significant changes are those made to the characters of Finn/Pip and Lustig/Magwitch, which is unfortunate as the Pip-Magwitch relationship is perhaps the most important in the novel. In the novel, Pip's great ambition, which he realises through Magwitch's generosity, is to become a "gentleman". This is a word with many shades of meaning, but Pip uses it to mean little more than a rich layabout, someone who has no need to work for a living and so can spend his life drinking, gambling and hanging out with other young men of a similar outlook. Once Pip has realised this ambition, he becomes an odious snob, ashamed of his lowly origins, of his adoptive father Joe (who has always treated him with great kindness) and even of his benefactor when he discovers who that person is. Finn, on the other hand, has a much more elevated and laudable ambition, dreaming of becoming an artist, and Lustig's benefaction enables him to set up in a New York studio.

    Magwitch- an unsuccessful petty thief- was a failure as a criminal who acquired his wealth honestly in Australia. Lustig, however, is not a reformed character but a gangster on the run whose sources of income are still dishonest ones. This has implications for the way in which we view the relationship between Lustig and Finn. Pip, whose good fortune is based upon nothing more than a stroke of luck (he helps Magwitch our of fear, not out of compassion) snobbishly looks down upon the man who has made that fortune possible by working hard and honestly. Finn, however, seems strangely unmoved by the fact that his good fortune is based upon sources of wealth tainted by criminality. This moral dilemma might have made for an interesting theme, albeit one not found in Dickens, but the film-makers largely ignore it. Unfortunately, they also ignore the moral concerns which were at the heart of Dickens's novel.

    No film based upon a literary text can ever be 100% faithful to its source, especially one taken from Dickens whose novels were known for their complex plots and for casts of literally hundreds of characters. David Lean's great version of "Great Expectations", although considerably more faithful to the text than this one, simplifies the plot considerably- for example, it omits the Orlick sub-plot altogether. The important point, however, is that Lean fully understood what Dickens was trying to achieve and remained faithful to the spirit of his work. There is no sign of such understanding or fidelity in Alfonso Cuaron's film.

    There were some good things about the film. It was attractively shot, particularly the scenes set in Miss Dinsmoor's crumbling mansion "Paradiso Perduto". (As a number of reviewers have pointed out, Cuaron seems to have a particular liking for the colour green). There were effective cameos from Robert de Niro as Lustig and Anne Bancroft as Miss Dinsmoor. The main parts, however, were less well played. Ethan Hawke played Finn as a sort of love-sick puppy: I could never conceive of him as a talented artist. Gwyneth Paltrow was well able to convey Estella's haughty, glacially beautiful exterior, but there is no sense, as there was with Valerie Hobson's performance in Lean's film, that this is a mask she has been forced to put on by her adoptive mother and which hides an insecure, vulnerable person inside.

    I have never seen any of Cuaron's Spanish-language films, but I was very impressed by his English-language "A Little Princess". (That film also involved transposing a classic English novel to America, although it kept the book's period setting). His "Great Expectations" was, however, not in the same class. It departs from Dickens's novel too radically to succeed as a cinematic version of a literary text. On the other hand, it sticks too closely to his plot to succeed on any other level. My great expectations of it were disappointed. 4/10
  • I went into Great Expectations with high hopes. The story has always been one of my favorites and I couldn't wait too see what they had done with it. The film is beautiful. It is very rich in color and scope. The cinematography was outstanding and the direction was solid. The acting was brillant all around. Robert De Niro is in the movie only briefly, but brings respect to a role that could be just a flash in the pan for anyone else. Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow are great and Chris Cooper turns in a very subtle but powerful performance as Finn's guardian. The film left me feeling good, what more could you ask for in a movie?
  • What a novel idea! Set Dickens' classic tale in modern Florida. Pip, now renamed Flynn (Hawke), is a white trash kid being raised by his brother-in-law (Cooper), a professional fisherman. Pip still has all the adventures of his Victorian antecedent; helping the escaped convict (De Niro), eerie visits with the crazy rich woman (Bancroft) and her mysterious niece (Paltrow), the mysterious benefactor, the sudden success.

    Somehow it doesn't come together. The acting is weak. Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow seem to be sleepwalking. Bancroft and De Niro certainly help, but the real bright spot is Chris Cooper as Hawke's brother-in-law.

    The screenplay doesn't help either, it's slow pacing is often just too slow, making a relatively short movie seem quite long.

    Not a rip-off by any stretch, and the southwest Florida scenery is excellent. Just don't rent this when you're in the mood for something exciting.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is the worst version of Great Expectations I've ever seen. I just read the amazing book and more recently, watched the movie and this 1998 Remake shames Charles Dickens work. I'm disgusted by it and I'm so sick of these stupid remakes, come up with your own work!! Why, this version couldn't even use the same character's names and this "modernized" bs is missing a lot of important themes. The viewers never even get to see Pip go to Mathew Pocket's house and become a "Gentleman." Without his becoming a gentleman, the title "Great Expectations" has no meaning. For those of you who have never read the book, I truly suggest you to do so and then watch the 1946 version of Great Expectations.
  • Too many times we fall into the trap of comparing a movie with the book. Every director and every writer has a vision and we must judge that vision through their respective mediums. This film brings an unconventional theme to a society fascinated by what they cannot have. This film symbolizes just that. Standing on its own, this film was magnificent in its visual images and music and very many other areas. Do not be caught in that trap of comparing this film to the book. Dickens should never be compared to any screenwriter in the first place.
  • For the sake of my mom, I'll be kind in my review of the modern remake of Great Expectations. I watched it when I was far too young and wasn't able to appreciate much of it. When you look at it from a literary point of view (instead of a nine-year-old's) it's a very clever adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic to a modern American setting.

    Pip (Finn in this version) is played by Ethan Hawke, a perfect choice, since he'd recently starred in Snow Falling on Cedars and Hamlet. He lives with his sister and her boyfriend Joe (modernized from husband), and instead of going "on the rampage" she upsets the homelife by being promiscuous. Robert De Niro plays Magwitch (Lustig in this version), an escaped convict who encounters the young boy. Anne Bancroft is Miss Havisham (Dinsmoor in this version), an eccentric, wealthy woman who trains her niece (not her ward) to protect her heart at the expense of others. Instead of hiring Pip as a playmate, which wouldn't make sense in a modern setting, Joe is hired for gardening (he's not a blacksmith in this version) and by chance Pip meets Estella. As the aspiration of "becoming a gentleman" doesn't apply to modern American thinking, Pip's ambition is to be a painter. I don't know how English audiences feel about this adaptation, but it's a valiant effort to connect with Americans.

    Both Magwitch and Miss Havisham are highly sought after parts, and while in this version, Magwitch is still given a lot to do, Anne Bancroft's role is unfortunately censored. The one portion of the story that just can't translate to a modern setting no matter how much the screenwriter tries is the reason behind Miss Havisham's solitude. No one would consider herself a ruined woman and lose her mind because she was left at the altar. Today's attitudes towards relationships, marriage, and sex are completely different, so instead of the true character of Miss Havisham, she has to just be portrayed as an eccentric old lady.

    If you love Great Expectations, you'll probably like this version, since it's obviously thoughtful and pays great attention to detail. The acting is great, so even if you don't like the changes, you'll still be entertained. Seeing Chris Cooper hurt just makes you want to cry, doesn't it?
  • huma-22 January 2000
    I've not read the novel by Charles Dickens, and didn't know anything about the film's plot. Maybe the book is better, but I loved this movie. Almost two hours that looked like 30 minutes to me. Great characters and a great direction. Not to forget Robert De Niro role as the escaped prisoner. Adapting a novel to nowadays is always a dangerous work, you can loose some important parts in the process. Reading some other comments, I think Alfonso Cuaron did a good job, like placing Finn birth's place in a humble fishing village in the florida gulf. Gwyneth Paltrow and Anne Bancroft did a great playing, Ethan Hawke not too bad. Ah! And the children Finn/Estella did also a good work. A movie is worth to see. Don't miss it.
  • For beginning, Alfonso Cuarón is one of my favourite directors; and this work of him puts together a great cast of actors: Gwyneth Paltrow, Ethan Hawke, Robert De Niro, Chris Cooper and Anne Bancroft. British novelist Charles Dickens's novel "Great Expectations" is the resource for this successful adaptation. I have read the novel, and it's an autobiographical drama and humour. I also saw the 1946 silver-screen adaptation, which was boring and indifferent than this novel; and I think it was indifferent on its own, as well. On the other hand, Alfonso Cuarón's Great Expectations is a transformation of a drama/comedy work of art into a romance. Besides, Alfonso Cuarón used his materials perfectly through matching the relations of these materials between each other:

    1- Ms.Dinsmoor and her oath of revenge against mankind, that composes feminism 2- Estella and her enchanting beauty, falling the trap of pride 3- Finn and his pure emotions, falling the trap of loving an insensitive beauty 4- The mysterious benefactor of Finn who bears compunction of his past actions in his life and thus is laying down all of his possessions to Finn, whom he knows as a good-hearted little kid

    The screenplay is so powerful that solidifies the plot with new original features including surrealist drawings of Finn, that turns the movie a real work of art. Estella is the inspiration of Finn, of his love, of his work, of his success, of his life, ultimately of himself; that he finds and pursues the love of his life all the time. In addition, he stays loyal to Estella. There is the one great qualification of this movie that, lovers always stay loyal to each other.

    Although Estella has dated with rich businessmen and even married with them, she have always known that Finn was there waiting for her with complete determination and faith. They soon to come together to live happily ever after, like all the wholeheartedly love endings or non-endings. Read my synopsis for this movie, if you haven't got any chance yet to see it.
  • I was not expecting a completely faithful adaptation of Dickens' book, it was made clear that this was a loose adaptation and I was expecting that. On its own terms, it is definitely worth the viewing, but I was a little underwhelmed considering the talent involved.

    Great Expectations(1998) is certainly not a bad movie. It looks amazing, with gorgeous scenery and some of the best cinematography I've seen recently. The music is haunting and sweeping, complimenting the film wonderfully. The script has its frothy moments, but also moments of tension and wit. The supporting cast really help to carry the film, especially Anne Bancroft's haunting, deranged Mrs Dinsmoor and Robert DeNiro's caring criminal-type character in the name of Lustig.

    However, I wasn't as convinced by the leads. Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow look handsome certainly and their chemistry is okay, but overall I did find Hawke too sensitive and Paltrow too shallow. The story is loose as anticipated but also a rather clichéd poor-to-rich sort of story with some elements of draggy pacing and preachy tone. Alfonso Cuaron's direction was stylish certainly but forgets to give the film much substance and if anybody is looking for any of the basic underlying themes of the book you won't find much here sadly.

    All in all, stunning and stylish visually with a great score and supporting cast but the direction I had mixed feelings about, the story is rather clichéd and doesn't have enough substance to make me forgive that and the two leads are unconvincing, in my opinion. 6/10 Bethany Cox
  • stevenasarafian15 September 2008
    This work of art is so over the top in it's creative genius it gives me chills. An amazing film. It is the best things in life that take our breath away, this film will and always does take my breath away. It has so many levels of beauty ; storyline, acting, cinematography, music, casting...Like any great form of art it evokes passion. The Concept here is LOVE. I never get bored with it....Reluctantly the rules require 10 lines of text without revealing the plot. What amazes me are the people who downgrade this movie. It seems to me how pathetically shallow or meaningless your life must be if you would go out of your way to not like this film. I have no respect for the academy awards. Afterall, didn't they choose Ernest Borgnine over James Dean as best actor in 1955. I was in Blockbuster and couldn't find anything so I asked a clerk she recommended this movie. I had never heard of it but she thought I would like it. I was so grateful to her later and asked her why she didn't emphasize how unbelievable it was. She told me the other clerks were unimpressed by it, so she was afraid i might be like them. Thank god I am not.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When a film is marketed with the title of one of the greatest novels in English literature, especially if its story resembles the story of the novel, it is inviting comparisons...not only to the novel, but to David Lean's definitive 1946 film. Cuáron's film holds up fairly well; it is beautifully shot, in heat-soaked colours (having been relocated to south Florida), a far remove from Lean's cold, naturalistic black and white with forced-perspective sets. The new film is also energized by some vivid acting in secondary roles, especially Anne Bancroft and Robert DeNiro.

    What cripples it, unfortunately, is a 90s mentality that sacrifices the most interesting parts of Dickens's narrative, for the sake of a myopic fixation on the love story between Finn (Pip) and Estella. The novel is about many things (including its astonishing array of vivid secondary characters, many of them unforgettable), but it is laid out within a trajectory of a warm- hearted young boy growing up in poverty aggravated by the self-centeredness of most of those around him, his rise to prosperity aided by a mysterious benefactor, during which he himself is corrupted, and his collapse when he discovers how mistaken he has been about many things (especially about the identity of that benefactor). In the aftermath, he discovers some genuine humanity in himself, as he is impelled to make real sacrifices to rescue his benefactor, and is himself rescued by the one truly decent character in the book.

    The heart of this trajectory is gone in the film. Finn is lifted up to success by a benefactor, but never confronts any demons in himself as a result of this generosity; his friend and roommate in the novel, Herbert Pocket, who shares his degradation, is left out of the film altogether. Finn never needs rescuing, and the character of Joe (one of Dickens's great creations) is much diminished; the talented Chris Cooper is given little to do, and comes across as someone to be pitied and tolerated rather than admired. Finn just goes from success to success as an artist; he never makes any sacrifices for anyone. Estella (in some ways, only a minor character in the book) is in almost every scene of the middle of the film...because those seem to be the only ones the filmmakers care about.

    Perhaps this film is best viewed without any reference to Dickens at all? Its love story is certainly passionate and sensual; Paltrow is beautiful (and not just in her nude modeling scene), but unfortunately Hawke is, as usual, flat and bland. That flatness is actually appropriate for a film of the novel (John Mills, a similarly bland actor, is effective in Lean's film, because Pip is to some extent a blank slate written on by those around him), but it's disastrous for a love story; what does Estella see in him? One is left at the end with the suspicion that she ultimately grabs hold of Finn the successful artist because he's successful and can support her and her daughter, now that her other lovers have left her.

    To be honest, the conclusion is the worst part of the novel, too. Dickens had originally written an ending where a more mature Pip meets a miserable, cynical Estella years later, and is able to observe her dispassionately, from some distance; given that she had been trained by a master (Miss Havisham) to hate and exploit men, this was probably the only conceivable ending for their story. But then he listened to "advice" from his friend Bulwer-Lytton, and replaced that plausible and moving ending for a Hollywood-anticipating reconciliation and fade-out (which is indeed adopted by both films). The revision made readers happier, but you didn't want to think too carefully about what kind of life Pip and Estella were going to have together...
  • Thanks in part to this "bomb," it took me awhile to get around to looking at the good film presentation of this famous Charles Dickens story, the one directed by David Lean in the late 194-0s, the one that is actually on the book and not some blasphemous "modernization."

    Regardless, the 1946 film was good movie-making; this is crap. That's putting it nicely.

    Just listen to the profanity in the first 15 minutes of this movie and tell me you feel like your into a Dickens novel. Come on! I guess that's part of the "modernization" of the his literary classic. The only profanity allowed should be critics discussing this sorry mess. Dickens getting a gratuitous screen credit as an author must have had him rolling over in his grave.

    The adventure of the original story is basically in this translation, which is mainly a love story. Since the female interest of "Pip" is not someone to admire or root for, it was better to have her as a minor character as in the '46 film, instead a major one here.

    Also, this rich-is-evil story that Hollywood loves is so hypocritical it's laughable. Most of the people who make these films are filthy rich and squander a lot of their money....but preach nonetheless. And....there is not enough difference these days between "old" money and "new" money to base a story around that theme.

    The only reason I didn't give this the minimum one star was the beautiful cinematography. That's what kept me going watching the movie. It's beautifully shot and I can only wish the story was half as good as the visuals.
  • The visuals in the movie are quite stunning, this is a movie to be savored, let it carry you away on a journey. It's fantasy, yet so real. Who wouldn't want to live this motto? Let desire be your destiny. Who hasn't had their heart broken yet found it impossible to ever really stop loving their object of desire? Who hasn't felt such an intense and overwhelming need for someone only to be cast aside by them. And then you see them again, and you would do anything for just one moment with them.

    This is a story of desire, love, envy, and pain. A story of searching for what one desperately needs and as soon as it comes within reach not knowing how to accept it, pushing it away. The great expectations we all have for ourselves, our future and for some reason deny ourselves ever actually receiving the rewards.

    There are lessons to be learned here.
  • When this movie was first released I was put off by the ads and didn't take the time to see it. Recently became curious about books made into movies due to a film series at a local library that is featuring films of this type. This wasn't featured in the series however falls into that category. I wasn't disappointed. If you only vaguely remember reading the Dickens novel (as I do) this film is kind of fun because it refreshes the basic storyline--it's contemporary setting captures the timeless themes of the book yet without knowledge of the book you won't be lost. Ethan Hawke emotes pretty well and Gwyneth Paltrow is sufficiently distant and cool and it seems to work. Also Anne Bancroft and Robert DeNiro appear to be enjoying their roles and bring unique spirit to the story. Worth a look.
  • Well i have read the book and seen a part of the movie. But heres the thing they totally killed the movie. the movie is not even close to what the book is about. its a whole different thing.The characters are not even the same. Itis something that you want to stick to reading the book first. and trust me you'll agree with me. that the movie sucked and its a whole different thing than the book. This movie is not a remake of the book. trust me. isn't the movie suppose to be something close to the book says. well this movie is nothing close to the book. And the setting is not even right. they give a whole different description of the characters in the book. this movie is a badly abridged version of the book. i hate the this version of the movie. it was horrible.
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