User Reviews (7)

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  • Tito-819 October 1999
    This was slightly better than I had anticipated, but the basic plot was a little too routine for my tastes. Individual scenes were often unusual, and this helped to keep me interested, but most of the central developments were obvious and they kept my enjoyment of the movie at a minimum. This movie was certainly a decent time killer, but with a story this routine, I would need some good comedy or exciting action in order to overlook the standard plot.
  • I only saw the "R-rated" version of this mess, but unless there are many more erotic scenes in the uncut version, I can't imagine it being much better. The video box is most misleading as it promises lots of high class sexual situations. Yeah, right! Lowery is a promising actress and her nude scenes (not enough) are well done but nothing really happens in this movie for about an hour. It's really quite boring.

    What could have been a sleazy, yet interesting look at a high-class call-girl ring in Paris turns into a subpar, boring, Made-For-TV bit of tripe, spiced up only occasionally by the tease of Lowery flashing a bit of skin. I'd suggest watching a high-budget porno instead...
  • Not bad for a B movie. This film involves a rather unique plot involving two lovers who get caught up in a bad situation. Carolyn Lowery is absolutely breathtaking as Andie, the female lead. She must go to work for a high priced,exclusive call girl/white slaver organization to raise money to free her imprisoned lover. As B movies go, it's ahead of the pack with nice editing, sound and angles. The actings not bad either. The MAIN reason to see the movie for skin flick buffs like myself is the enchanting CAROLYN LOWERY. You will not find a more perfect natural body around. Bar none. She has a very smouldering sensuality about her which I would love to see more of in the future. You'll love her work outfit. I guarantee it. Rent it, buy it, or catch it on cable to see this remarkable woman.
  • I first saw this movie years ago, and have seen a lot of erotic thrillers since. I watched it again recently and my estimate of it went through the roof ... I simply had not seen enough erotic thrillers to properly evaluate it when I first watched it.

    In form it is an adaptation of a common Internet bondage fantasy: a hot young woman (played by Carolyn Lowery) is forced by circumstances to become the sexual plaything of a wealthy older man (Ben Gazzara at his oily best here) joining a sex club called "The Circle" as one of their slave girls. Basically, it's a harem, but the inhabitants aren't there because they are slaves or wives, they are simply young women who like all that money they get for being in the harem, and don't mind wearing sex harnesses and having sex with older men.

    In most Internet bondage fantasies, the progress of the story consists of the young woman learning how very, very much she likes being (or playing the part of) a sex slave. But Vicious Circles has a much twistier plot that involves freeing her brother from trumped-up drug charges. She learns to use her sexual prowess for her own and others' benefit, becoming a more powerful person in the process. It's a refreshingly different story.

    The direction, pacing, cinematography, and most of all the writing of this movie are all topnotch. The acting is a little wooden in places, especially by the supporting character. Carolyn Lowery pumps so much heat and sizzle into her character that her growth as a temptress seems matter-of-course: I can think of many actresses for whom it would simply not be believable.

    There are a couple of very silly scenes, most especially the mysterious wazooifier and the grasshoppers. Well it's not PERFECT -- that's why I gave it an 8 instead of a 10. But compared to most erotic thrillers, which are either all erotica (and generally more pornographic than erotic) or all thriller (and generally not all that thrilling) this film is a work of genius.
  • Set in contemporary Paris, Vicious Circles turns Dangerous Liaisons on its head by turning the dissolute obsessions of the rich against them, for the sake of a legitmate obsession with a just cause.

    In order to free her brother from a bum rap that could keep him in prison for a very long time, Andrea ("Andy") becomes a slave in a sex ring that provides film maker, Whitelaw, with the perfect setting with which to satirize the international haut bourgeois world of Paris, which he evokes with astute familiarity.

    Unlike most erotic thrillers which hypocritically seem to condemn the sexual

    exploitation of women at the same time they use it to titillate the viewer, Vicious Circles reveals a heroine who deliberately contrives her own exploitation in

    order to bring down those who imagine themselves her masters.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It starts out with a funeral in a cemetery where the french police escort a handcuffed man then the flashback begins showing andie "andrea" hunt (Carolyn lowery) and her lover Dylan (paul hipp) in paris where he is an up and coming chef.

    Suddenly he is arrested on drug smuggling charges and andie needs cash to pay for his defense and the US consulate's help.

    Her ""friend"" helga turns her on to an exclusive high class call girls job for a group of filthy rich guys led by march (Ben gazzara) called "The Circle" the call girls of the circle are carefully selected for their beauty and discretion, put thru medical screening and must wear a bondage harness with inflatable pushup bra and butt plug called "the belt"

    it looks like andie is depending on help from the consulate but she has her own plot to rescue dylan brewing. A plot that includes pretending to be his sister.

    There is a good bit of teased erotica but the meat of this film is the thriller as andie plays all sides against each other to get what she wants

    features a blind massuse who trains andie, a consulate lawyer who helps and is manipulated by andie as his bosses force him to manipulate her into investigating the circle because of another girl turning up dead in a belt.

    There is intrigue betrayal and experimental ecstasy like drug and a twist ending you won't see coming

    this movie seems to be actively suppressed its excluded from most film review books and the internet has very few references to it but if you can find it it is well worth the watch.