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  • Growing up with BET and MTV, Leta plans to become a music video director but in a world where women are little more than sex objects, she winds up as an underpaid assistant in a record company. Her first job is to take a group of young artists from Harlem to Miami. However tight producer Freddie B decides that the group will be going by coach and Leta is warned not to f**k it up in anyway. Of course Leta's middle-class up bringing doesn't prepare her for the challenges of the group – particularly when Geronimo boards the bus having stolen money from a pair of notorious gangsters.

    Opening with some swipes at hip hop clichés, I wondered if maybe this film would be smarter than the rather generic title sequence suggested. Such hopes were short lived though as the film rapidly slide into the obvious black clichés, sexual and crude humour and a plot that is little more than a series of sketches strung together into a sort of road movie. That it isn't funny is pretty much a given but to be honest lots of people paid to see Soul Plane so clearly there is a market for this type of thing. Some will find it amusing then but mostly the parade of lazy black caricatures are pretty offensive – one minute it is having Poppa talking about his aspirations for his kids, next we have the bus being as uplifting as a Jerry Springer audience.

    The cast are poor regardless of the material. Yoba is a hard presence but little else while De Sousa is badly out of place with her character and can do nothing. Starr, Fingaz, Shanygne, Torry, Deleon and others all just hood it up in obvious ways. Cameo turns from Cedric the Entertainer, Red Man, Dr Dre, Snoop, Ed Lover, don't do anything other than provide famous faces for the black audience.

    Overall then just another puerile and unfunny black comedy that trades on basic humour and racial clichés. The only thing more depressing than the film itself is the fact that some people will think this is a great film.
  • The plot of the movie is what gains interest of the viewer. All the situations this group ends up going through on a bus trip from NY to Miami is what makes the movie. The cast line up couldn't have been better. The actual comedy of the movie is funny at times but can also be bogus (lame). The characters have good chemistry between each other which makes this movie worth the time to check out if you like urban comedies. Its a hell of a lot better than soul plane and a lot more realistic. Malik Yoba (New York Undercover) Fredro Starr( "Q" from Moesha) Kellie Williams (Laura Winslow of "Family Matters") and John Witherspoon (The Dad from "Friday) are the characters that stand out from the cast.
  • I saw this movie. I brought it, and didn't rent it. To me personally this movie is to funny. Well their were a couple of scenes that disappointed me but I still love to watch it. I didn't find anything wrong with this movie. I mean the comedy was good, The characters were great. In my opinion if you wanna see a good movie just take a look at this movie. For some people who didn't see it and you want to see it go buy it and check it out. Then again this is worth me repeating because It's a movie that was underrated when it came out. When I heard about it I brought it.People you have to really look in stores and check this movie out when you get a chance!
  • I recently bought this film because i am a fan of black comedies and because the rappers Snoop and Dre star in it. If you are a fan of Snoop or Dre don't buy this film to see them because Dre says only one sentence and Snoop is only in one scene. As for the jokes they are not very funny but if you are also a fan of black comedies rent before you buy. Also the running time of the film may disappoint some people.
  • henrik.ijas6 December 2000
    Movie that u want to watch till end and dont get bored. Black slang talk really makes u laugh. Would like that movie would be little longer when all things leave half way. Music rocks behind and makes u feel happy. Some social things too that are always on top.