User Reviews (49)

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  • The Forest starts off in standard backwoods horror fashion, with the murder of a couple hiking in the mountains, stabbed with a hunter's knife by an unseen assailant. The action then cuts to two friends, Steve (Dean Russell) and Charlie (John Batis), as they discuss getting away from the daily grind -- including their wives Sharon (Tomi Barrett) and Teddi (Ann Wilkinson) -- by going on a lad's camping trip. When their spouses hear of the men's plans and also decide to go camping, the men scoff, making the women even more determined to assert their independence. The wives head out first, hiking to a remote spot, although they fully expect to be joined by their concerned husbands before nightfall - but will either of the women live that long with a crazed killer on the prowl?

    While this all looks set to be a whole lot of brutal fun, the men and women fighting for their lives against the killer cannibal (as he is later revealed to be), writer/director Don Jones soon pulls the rug from under his viewer's feet with the introduction of three rather unconventional characters: a ghost woman and her two spectral children. The woman is the cannibal man's dead wife, who he murdered for her philandering ways, while his kids killed themselves after falling ill. All three spirits now wander the woods, the children helping the living to escape their flesh-eating father.

    With corny echoing voices, pasty faces and twee outfits, the ghostly kids really detract from the horror, making the whole movie a rather laughable experience, even as the hikers are killed and cooked by the cannibal. The film is also lacking in gore, with only a fairly decent compound fracture and a slit throat looking as though any effort was made in this department. Light on scares, light on splatter, and heavy on the cheesy schmaltz (the ghostly moppets finding peace with their father after he is finally killed), The Forest is a disappointing oddity that, rather unsurprisingly, now wallows in obscurity.
  • Rainey-Dawn7 September 2017
    This film is awful yet I actually watched the entire thing. It's weird. I thought it was going to be a stereotypical slasher film - and it is in one way, the people isolated in the woods with a killer - but in another way, it's different than most slashers because of the ghost kids and wife.

    Ghost kids that are waiting on their killing dad to be dead so they can go somewhere in the ghost world (they haven't a clue as to where that is)... and the dead mom wanting to hurt her kids -- just weird. OH and the ghost kids help the one girl to live and her husband. The rest of the film is the crazy cannibal slasher dad trying to kill the couples. That's about it... not much else to the film.

    There is something about this film that kept me watching until the ending... I guess just the weirdness of it all.

  • I've been collecting 80's slasher films recently and I got my hand on a copy of the Code Red DVD release of The Forest, a little known and not very liked 80's supernatural slasher film. The Forest is pretty interesting for your typical slasher fare, it revolves around a group of hikers, adults mind you are hunted by a cannibal hermit in the woods who is haunted by the spirits of his dead wife and kids. It gets a poor 3.5 on here which is the same of Don't Go in the Woods...Alone! and I will say The Forest is a better film.

    Now, let's get down to the usual criticisms here. The acting is atrocious, the best acting in the film is by Gary Kent who plays the cannibal hermit and he's really not that good either but he's given somewhat solid character development for his character and he is not annoying which is more than I can say for a lot of slashers. The directing is about average for slashers, nothing special but I do like the setting and I think it's captured decently here. The body count is low, but this film is not about the body count, more about the story instead. The score I actually didn't mind, there's song which is horrendously funny but the score itself, isn't that bad, in fact, I liked the score they used for the opening kills. My two favorite scenes are the opening with the two kills and the flashback sequence though poorly acted by everybody but Kent, gives us decent character development and while cheesy, actually makes us sympathize with the killer.

    The Forest is not a good film by any means and I paid quite a bit for the DVD but it's a solid DVD and I liked the film more than I thought I would. Recommended to slasher fans who want something a little different than just the killer in the woods formula.
  • I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs.

    Revisited it recently on a ff mode.

    The director tried his level best to make a genre mash up but failed miserably maybe due to the budget.

    The movie also failed to cash in on the atmospheric feel of that a forest set up.

    They even failed to make it a poignant story regarding the two kids' harassment by the mother n their death due to starvation n illness.

    The wife's lover is attacked n chased by the husband but to my surprise the lover keeps throwing different objects n the husband keeps getting different weapons.

    Later the lover dies on a circular saw which ain't even switched on.

    A grown up woman while being chased by a killer meets two small kids n she tells them "pls dont kill me, pls dont hurt me". Whoa man!

    Shudnt she be worried about the killer n not the helpless kids.
  • A friend and I went through a phase some (alot of) years ago of selecting the crappest horror films in the video shop for an evening's entertainment. For some reason, I ended up buying this one (probably v. v. cheap).

    The cheap synth soundtrack is a classic of its time and genre. There's also a few very amusing scenes. Among them is a scene where a man's being attacked and defends himself with a number of unlikely objects, it made me laugh at the time (doesn't seem quite so funny in retrospect but there you go).

    Apart from that it's total crap, mind you. But probably worth a watch if you like films like "Chopping Mall". Yes, I've seen that too.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This 1982 horror film stars Gary Kent, Dean Russell, John Batis, Tomi Barrett, Ann Wilkinson, Jeanette Kelly, Corky Pigeon and Becki Burke. This begins in the wilderness in California where a couple are slaughtered by a mysterious killer. We then meet pals, Steve (Russell) and Charlie (Batis) and their wives, Sharon (Barrett) and Teddi (Wilkinson) who decide to go camping. They arrive to the woods only to discover a cannibalistic hermit, John (Kent) living there. John was once a mild-mannered, married man who found out his wife (Kelly) was having an affair, so he killed her and then his 2 beloved children, John Jr. (Pigeon) and Jennifer (Burke) killed themselves sometime after. Soon, the children appear as spirits trying to help Sharon and the others. The director, Don Jones appears briefly as a forest ranger and Barrett was also Kent's wife at the time. This isn't your typical horror/slasher flick like "Friday the 13th" which the beginning misleads us into thinking. It's kind of weird and amusing plus Kent reminds me a little of Richard Moll (Night Court) who could've easily played his character. This low-budget film does have a unique yet eerie quality with nice settings & atmospheric score. I still recommend checking it out at least once if you're a fan of the genre.
  • I mean of all the obscure, overlooked, low budget horror movies waiting to be re-discovered in a DVD release, why pick THE FOREST? I love ultra low budget direct to home video or other alternative release horror. I love 80s hacker horror. I love backwoods slashers with fools wandering off into the night to be chased, murdered and eaten by psychopaths. I am all for the idea of non-professionals working on a horror movie as a way to maybe break into the industry or just making a movie because they want to make one. I am all for using found public locations, non-actors, no name talent behind the camera and in the studio. NO PROBLEM! The most evocative image from THE FOREST is it's opening shot of a couple walking in the distance across a forest into the woods: We see them as tiny, vulnerable creatures entering a dank gloomy world where humans may not be the top of the food chain or most feared predator. Then the film takes a dive & never recovers -- we briefly meet the backpacking couple just as they realize that they are being stalked. They get separated, both are butchered, and then we meet the movie's protagonists as they drive their car in a traffic jam. They meet up with their respective mates and decide to take a camping trip. Sounds of snoring fill the room as people who came over to watch a movie fiddle with their cell phones text messaging people not there telling them how much the movie sucks.

    This film is too slow, this movie is too boring, and this movie is too talky. Which wouldn't be such a bad thing if the writers had given the people something to say other than the most stupid, asinine and unnecessary things. You know your horror movie is in trouble when the character with the most interesting lines is the droopy-faced park ranger who warns everyone away from the Cannibal Woods. And speaking of these "woods" they look about as far away from civilization as the overgrown vacant lot behind the soccer fields, only with bigger rocks and a stream flowing through it. There are impressive shots of the forest primeval, but no real sense of being out in the middle of it. If any one of the characters just sat down on the trail and waited long enough someone would amble by.

    What is worse about the film is that it fails to generate any human interest: I don't know who these couples are and don't care what happens to them. The hermit cannibal slasher guy is uninteresting even when pretending to saw freshly cooked meat off the leg of one of his victims to serve grisly bites to her boyfriend, who just happens to seek shelter in his cave. The irony of which is the epitome of "underwhelming". Coupled with a deliberately ominous synthesizer music score, cinematography that suspiciously looks like someone strapped a camera on a dog and it follow people's movements, a lack of appreciable gore, nudity, lurid thrills and unwholesome atmosphere and what we have here is a horror movie that isn't even as frightening as a PBS educational TV show about how magnets work.

    I don't mean to "dish it out" to the people behind this film, since they obviously went into the project with next to nothing, did not push themselves to be creative and ended up with just another boring movie about some maggot chasing women through the woods with a knife. There is nothing wrong with that concept, what is wrong is the unimaginative and utterly pedestrian way this was executed, right down to the utterly pointless conclusion when the film simply peters out at about the 80 minute mark. The best thing that you can say about THE FOREST is that it is over relatively quickly and there isn't much to command a repeat screening -- Hence my confusion at why anyone would feel the need for a DVD release. It was fine as a Prism Video rental years oddity, as a DVD it will be $5.99 rack fare inside a month of hitting the shelves. There is little or no urgency to see the film, unless you are considering making your own ultra low budget backwoods hacker set in a public park where nobody can charge you money for filming there. Here is a guide of steps to avoid making.

    With all that said and done, the film did have one interesting sequence, or rather one sequence that was so pathetic and ineptly thought out that it becomes an enigma in an otherwise cut & dried film: The madman comes home to find his wife in bed with the local contractor. He dispatches his beloved, arms himself with a kitchen knife that looks like it was made just to be used in a horror film and takes off after the interloper. The guy corners and attacks his quarry, who sidesteps & runs away, only to have the psycho materialize in his footsteps with a bigger, badder weapon. The psycho attacks again, and the guy gets away. The psycho materializes AGAIN, and once more the guy gets away. Then AGAIN! Finally on the fifth try the psycho trips the dude so to fall on some sort of a bladed contraption. How did he keep materializing armed with bigger badder weapons like that? Is there some supernatural element to this psycho? Since the film never makes it clear either way the scene is just an enigma, staged to build some tension. It's purpose remains unclear. The whole film is like that really, existing without any need to be made and executed in such a ham-fisted, uninteresting manner that one cannot help but wonder what the point of it was.

    3/10, and ample evidence that just because you can release a movie on DVD that doesn't mean you necessarily should.
  • The title of this obscure and (almost righteously) forgotten 80's slasher inevitably reminds me of The Cure's mega-smash-monster hit song with the same title, hence a piece of the lyrics in the title-section of this user comment. Also, I didn't have anything else to say that was useful, anyway. But hey, "The Forest" isn't totally hopeless and not even *that* bad, actually. If nothing else, at least it obeys the, admittedly unwritten, first rule of 80's slasher: kill someone within the first 10 minutes of playtime. Sure you've heard about the basic premise of this film a dozen times before, but don't let that discourage you from watching it, as "The Forest" has a couple of things more to offer than just an appealingly sinister cover image. It's actually a bit of an atypical 80's slasher! The main characters aren't ordinary brainless teenagers and the script has solid ambitions towards supernaturalism. The concept isn't always successful, let alone plausible, but it's more than interesting enough to hold your attention and there are even are a couple of surprisingly strong moments of tension and plot twists to enjoy. Two married couples decide to go camping in the most isolated woods of California, but due to a stupid bet the wives travel separately from their husbands. Barely set up for the night, they receive uncanny visits from a mother looking for her two children, the children themselves and finally the father who's out hunting for human flesh. The demented family may be real or imaginary, but the women are definitely in danger and by the time their husbands arrive, they have already vanished. The men too encounter the family, and they find out more about the slightly dysfunction background. "The Forest" is a weird and unusual film, to say the least. It's not exactly a masterpiece of plotting, but the thoroughly strange atmosphere will certainly appeal to open-minded fans of 80's horror. The murders are fairly gruesome and will-filmed, including a slit throat and a painful saw-massacre, and the filming locations are stunningly beautiful. The more you contemplate about the story and its abrupt twists, the less it makes any sense, so my advice would just be to enjoy this odd viewing experience for as long as it lasts and not a minute longer. The acting performances are just above average, the music is okay and at least director Donald Jones (also responsible for the 70's exploitation-sickie "Schoolgirls in Chains") tried to be a little more creative that the majority of 80's horror films. Too bad it ultimately fails.
  • No, this movie is not one of the best horror movies to come out of the eighties but it does have some great qualities. I found the storyline rather refreshing, it was different from any "in the forest" horror movie I've ever seen. And as cheesy as the soundtrack was, it still was interesting... but hey, I even like the cheese factor! I admit the beginning of the movie was pointless, but still, it was great to laugh at. I'd recommend this movie to any horror fan but you must also not expect too much from it, I mean, it's no Halloween or Friday the 13th, but it is enjoyable. There were times I felt spooked and times I just wanted to laugh. A great combination!
  • horns-111 December 2003
    I sought out a copy of The Forest because I was watching a VH1 special, I think "Where Are They Now", and saw the video box flash across the screen during a segment on the actor Corky Pigeon. He played the male child ghost in this B horror horrible, but I remember him from his character Freddy on the Silver Spoons television show. This flick's a major letdown. There's nothing here. It actually took me four months to watch it from start to finish. I kept stopping it in boredom, setting it aside and forgetting about it, then stumbling on it and trying once again to get through it. Obviously, the angle of this film that was intended to set it apart from its counterparts was the supernatural element, the apparitions. And obviously, here, that doesn't work. I can't stand the male leads. I kept expecting them to look down at their palms during the longer dialogue scenes in order to read cheat lines. The situation at the beginning where the couples decide to go camping separately is awkward and plain dumb. I guess the only positive thing to say about this one is the scene where the guy falls and breaks his leg, you can see the bone sticking out of his flesh. It's fairly good gore makeup there. Man, I'm really reaching for a positive now, huh. The only other no-budget horror film on a level as bad as this one would be Home Sweet Home.
  • Let me begin by letting you know I am a fan of "B" Horror of the 60's/70's/early 80's. I love the bad acting, unintentional humor and low budgets of this genre.

    I am surprised I only recently found out about this film, I have now watched it 5 times in the past 2 weeks, I love it so much. The cannibal is so calm and laid-back, it's almost relaxing watching this movie. The flashback/fight scene is legendary. I also love it when the husband weeps like a baby. The theme song, "Dark Side of The Forest" is a gem!

    There is so much entertainment packed into this movie...I recommend it HIGHLY to my fellow fans of "bad" horror classics! ENJOY!
  • Some happy campers are stalked and viciously butchered by a demented cannibalistic killer called Daddy."The Forest" is one of the strangest slasher flicks I have ever seen.It starts fairly competently,but quickly becomes boring and tedious.The opening murder scene of two backpackers in the California wilderness is quite suspenseful and gory.The acting is really bad and the script is not better.Still there is a lot of cheese for fans of slasher movies.Unfortunately the gore is kept to minimum,so gorehounds may be disappointed.The film features also the ghosts of two kids and their mother and I can safely say that this supernatural element adds some touches of originality to the plot.So if you are a fan of slasher films you can check this one out.However I prefer Donald M.Jones earlier horror film "Schoolgirls in Chains"(1973),which is way more demented than "The Forest".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    THE FOREST is an extremely low budget independent slasher film made in 1982. I imagine most horror fans will have never heard of it, so perhaps they might be eager to find out what delights it holds. So what does this film have to offer to the average horror fan?

    For a start there's the gore, which is very mild but still packs a punch, seeing as all of the people on screen actually have their own characters. Then there's the bad acting, which is always good for a laugh - check it out when one of the guys starts heavily emoting in the woods. It'll make you cringe! Otherwise there are some strange jump-cuts which obscure the action and a hilarious unexpected moment at the finale in which the film becomes slow-motion and the screen flickers repeatedly for no discernible reason. It's one of those "rewind" moments which makes you wonder what on earth they thought they were doing.

    Also check out the scene where a victim supposedly "dies" on a circular saw blade - it's pretty obvious that the saw isn't switched on as the blade isn't turning. Despite this we hear a whirring noise and the guy falls down dead - noticeably bloodless, though. Although most people will hate this movie because it's so poorly made, I think the setting holds a lot of suspense and atmosphere for the film which makes it at least partly effective. Just don't expect a masterpiece, expect the worst possible and you might be nicely surprised.
  • I saw this movie at an actual movie theater (probably the $2.00 one) with my cousin and uncle. We were around 11 and 12, I guess, and really into scary movies. I remember being so excited to see it because my cool uncle let us pick the movie (and we probably never got to do that again!) and sooo disappointed afterwards!! Just boring and not scary. The only redeeming thing I can remember was Corky Pigeon from Silver Spoons, and that wasn't all that great, just someone I recognized. I've seen bad movies before and this one has always stuck out in my mind as the worst. This was from what I can recall, one of the most boring, non-scary, waste of our collective $6, and a waste of film. I have read some of the reviews that say it is worth a watch and I say, "Too each his own", but I wouldn't even bother. Not even so bad it's good.
  • Forest, The (1982)

    * 1/2 (out of 4)

    Yet another rip off of Friday the 13th, although this one here tries to be somewhat different by adding a ghost aspect. Two couples plan on going camping but the wives go one way while the husbands go the other way. Soon a hermit is stalking them because he needs something to eat. This film was shot for under $40,000 and it's easy to see on the screen. The acting is fair to say the least and the special effects are really poor but the direction isn't too bad. There are a couple good chase scenes but this hardly make the film worth watching. The subplot with the hermits ghost children is interesting but it really doesn't add too much. The film has a couple good moments but even at 85-minutes it's hard to sit through.
  • One of the most boring slashers ever.. If you can even call it that. I wouldn't watch this if it even ended up being some kind of porno movie, which it completely resembles. The fact that you're watching a small group of middle-aged people in the woods is really unbearable. They made these kinds of movies for teens, so who were they really aiming for when they made this sleep-fest? My favorite part of this movie is the cover art and it's the only reason I chose to seek out this movie, which happened to be part of a Suspense Classics 50 Movie Pack.. and after seeing the other movies in this 50 pack, you'll realize that it belongs nowhere else. So if you're in the mood for a decent slasher in the woods, I recommend Just Before Dawn and The Final Terror.
  • The Forest isn't just your everyday standard slasher/backwoods cannibal fare, it also has an interesting mix of supernatural elements as well. The story is about two couples that hike into the forest on a camping trip. A cave dwelling, cannibalistic woodsmen and the ghosts of his dead wife and two children soon terrorize them. There is something you don't see every slasher. Director Don Jones gets an "A" for effort although the film itself falls flat on just about every level, the acting is just simply average except for Jeanette Kelly who plays the dead wife of the woodsman (Michael Brody aka Gary Kent).

    The film opens with some beautiful shots of a couple hiking through a valley and into a forest. They realize too late that someone is stalking them. They are both dispatched in typical slasher fare. Our killer uses a trusty hunting knife throughout the entire film, except during a flashback when he implements a handsaw, pitchfork and rusty saw blade to dispatch his cheating wife's lover. But sadly even that turns into a disappointment as you don't get to see any of it, another level that this movie failed on.

    The Forest has a good story line but the movie just doesn't work along with it I found it pretty boring with simply crappy acting and could have been a hell a lot better.
  • It's a ghost story. It's a cannibalism story. It's a revenge story. It's a very poorly done film with a lot of violence. I suppose it follows cheaply along the lines of every slasher movie you've ever seen. It has the usual isolated place, the cocky campers, heading off to the wilderness. Granted, there are some pretty intense scenes. It's just so dull. Bad editing and the whole works. There are ghost children who sound like they are talking into a wastebasket. I'm not really sure what rules the ghosts and the psycho with the seed cap are playing by. It also has the gross out scene where a man eats a piece of meat which is actually what's left of his wife. A friend of mine once asked me why it is necessary to show this kind of gratuitous, sick violence. I fear that it's just another step in our desensitized evolution. Three is no cleverness here, no tongue in cheek, only a sad waste of time. Lots of blood; little plot.
  • I can't help myself when it comes to this movie. I came across it many years ago, bought it, and watched it. I then sold it as the whole thing was dreadful. NOW every couple of years i get an inkling to watch it for some bizzare reason. That means every time i want to watch it i have to track a copy down (believe me, they're as rare as gold dust),i then watch it, realize that it's crap and sell it on, thus going around in a vicious circle. Maybe it's because i'm deranged, BUT a word of warning......DON'T GET CAUGHT IN THE SAME TRAP.
  • I first saw this when I was 14. I remember I wanted to swap it with my mate but he wouldn't so I tried to borrow it very long term and hope he forgot about it! Haha. In the end he asked for it back (DAMN!)

    Anyway this film is a classic slasher, it's "so bad but it's good". I really think it's just great in the way it's so cheap but cool at the same time. Love the location (forest) but could of been a bit more detailed on the "gore score" but if you like cheap bargain bin horror flicks then you should watch it.

    It's a rare film and pretty hard to come by.

    All in all it has something about it that I really like. Oh, and the music is great! Reminds me of the first ever casio keyboards and gives it that old slasher feel.
  • adam-18946 September 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    The movie starts with a pair of campers, a man and a woman presumably together, hiking alone in the vast wilderness. Sure enough the man hears something and it pangs him so much he goes to investigate it. Our killer greets him with a stab to the stomach. He then chases the girl and slashes her throat. The camera during the opening scene is from the point of view as the killer.

    We next meet our four main characters, two couples, one in which is on the rocks. The men joke about how the woman would never be able to handle camping alone at a double date, sparking the token blonde's ambition to leave a week early. Unexpectedly, the men leave the same day and their car breaks down.. They end up arriving in the evening. When the men arrive, they are warned about people disappearing in the forest by a crazy Ralph doppleganger. They ignore the warning and venture into the blackening night and an eighties song plays in the background with lyrics about being murdered in the dark forest. The men get lost.

    In the next scene we realize that this isn't just another The Burning clone, but a ghost story! The women, scared and lonely are huddling together by the fire. Two children appear in the shadows and decide to play peeping Tom. Well they are obviously ghosts by the way their voices echo! Their mother appears with blood dripping from a hole in her forehead and asks the two ladies if they've seen her children, before disappearing of course.

    The children run home to papa and tell him about the two beautiful ladies by the river. This causes quite a stir and he gets up, grabbing his knife from atop the fireplace. "Daddy's going hunting," The little girl, exclaims with bad acting. It is apparent here, that the dad isn't a ghost like his children.

    Freaked out by something in the woods, the token blonde splits, running blindly into the night, carrying a knife. She encounters the father who explains he's starving and it will be quick. This doesn't make sense because of the panther growls we heard earlier (Maybe he's allergic! Are panthers honestly even in California?) She ends up wounding him slightly before getting stabbed in the head. A thunderstorm erupts and the men seek shelter, which turns out to be where papa resides. Clearly someone lives here because there's a fire and something weird is roasting over it. The children appear and warn them of papa, who shows up moments later. They disappear as soon as he arrives.

    For whatever reason, our killer only goes after females. He invites the men to have something to eat and tells us the story about his ex wife. We are given a flashback of his wife getting caught cheating. The old man doesn't tell them however that he kills her and her lover afterwards, but daydreams about it. We aren't given the reason for the children's demise. The men go to sleep and are left unharmed. The next morning the men discover the empty campground of their wives. After a brief discussion they split up. One is to stay at the campsite, while the other goes and gets help. The one that is going back to his car breaks his leg. We are then reunited with the children as they explain to the surviving woman that they are ghosts who killed themselves from being sad about their mother. They agree to help the woman reunite with her friends

    The following scene defies the logic of the movie when papa kills the guy waiting at the campsite. He was also dating or married to the blonde. Somehow the children realize he is murdered and tell the woman about it. She decides to see it for herself and obviously runs into the killer. Luckily the children make him stop by threatening to leave him forever. You know where this is going.

    Overall the movie deserves four stars out of ten, and that's being generous. For all its misgivings, the musical score is well done. It's still watchable too. There are some camera angles that look professional, and some of the sets are done well. The plot is unbelievable. There is such a thing as willing suspension of disbelief, but with the toad 6 miles away; I can't imagine the token blonde would take off like that in the middle of the night. I mean, come on!

    • Alan "Skip" Bannacheck
  • I don't know what it is about this movie but i sure am addicted to it, watching this movie is a real pleasure for me, not sure if its the incredible scenery, the music or the actors but this wonderful sense of peace and well being comes over me as i watch, so simple yet so effective, i just love to watch this little gem on a hot summer night, give it a try,it works for me!! Nothing beats a good horror set in the forest and this one gets it right, original story far more interesting then the usual slasher, much better then "don't go in the woods alone" which is basically a comedy. Gary Kent is fantastic as the cave dwelling hermit. Why this movie gets bashed all the time is beyond me, I have seen SO much worse,,congratulations Don Jones on making this unique movie!!
  • Two couples decide to go camping in the woods. Arriving separately (darn that wonky radiator!), they soon realise that the woods aren't as peaceful and reinvigorating as they first thought. It is in fact a killing ground for a father who mudered his philandering wife, went mad and took his two young children to live in a cave. Unfortunately they got sick and killed themselves. Daddy has been killing anyone stupid enough to camp in his woods ever since and eating their remains. Insanity does that to you.

    The Forest is one of the more, erm, extreme entries in the 'City Folk vs Hillbillies' horror genre which is really saying something when you think about how outthere some of the other films in this genre are (Deliverance and it's 'squeal like a pig' sequence springs to mind and that was a studio film!).

    The film starts almost like a zany and not very funny comedy movie made for TV about the two witless and dull couples deciding to live in the wilderness for the weekend (you almost expect the TV listing to include the words 'with hilarious consequences!'). Thank God the makers of this decided on making a horror movie instead. In the genre it's quite natural to set up irritating characters to have them despatched by the ruthless killer. It puts the audience firmly on the side of the killer as we root for him to kill the boring couples in even more of a sick and twisted fashion.

    I love the fact that the couple of guys decide to eat with the hunter whilst being blissfully unaware that a) he is the killer and b) the meat on the barbecue could very well be the remains of one of the women who arrived before them and was promptly bumped off.

    I also love the fact that the ghosts of the killer's children appear to the campers to warn them that 'Daddy's gone a-huntin'!' and to warn them if he's near.

    The kills are gory (thankfully) and the scenery is glorious. This isn't some lost gem of the horror genre but I've seen much, much worse. Check out the DVD/Blu ray release of this and compare with the VHS transfer thats on YouTube. The difference is astounding.
  • The Forest is about some morons going to the woods to only be stalked by a cannibal and the ghosts of suicidal kids and their slutty mother are their only means of survival. Yes, yet another poorly acted, poorly scripted, poorly shot slasher movie. But, hey, at least they added spirits into the mix. Well, that actually made the movie more retarded. 7 people die, two of them in a flashback scenario and the blood level is descent. Only recommended to slasher completions.
  • I have been wanting to see this for a while (don't ask me why!) and was happy to have finally found it so I could see what I was missing. (If anything.)

    Two couples are planning camping trips, the wives planning one together, and the husbands one together. (Odd marraiges, I see.)Earlier, we see another couple on a hike, and after the husband is killed, the wife is chased around for a bit and killed off as well. (Evidently, someone's out there, killing--as if we didn't figure that out already). Anyhow, the couples plan to meet up that night after the hike starts. But, as figured, someone is out there. Sharon and Teddie, the wives, are plagued by specters of some sort, until Teddie is killed, and Sharon is sent running. Then the husbands (whose names I forgot) meet up with someone in a cave, hoping to escape the rain, and they are offered some meat cooking over the fire. (Take a wild guess at what--or rather, who--it is) The man tells them a story about himself and his wife, and their children (which pretty much explains the ghosts) and soon the men are plagued by terror. Things go on as expected from there, as Sharon fights to survive in the woods, and whoever surviving man searches for her and Teddie, until the it's-been-done-before climax.

    Not a terrible movie. The music is absolutely awful, and the acting is nothing to rave about, but it's still an okay film. A couple of good chase scenes, but the first one of Daddy going after Sharon after he kills Teddie was just too dark! I couldn't see a thing. Now, maybe it was my TV (I later had to fix the brightening on it) but I don't know, it was still pretty dark. I preferred the day scenes. There were a couple of mild scares, but in the end, this is just another slasher with a few new twists. But if you find it anywhere, check it out. It's entertaining, at best.
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