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  • I love this series. It was shot in South Africa and the locations really look authentic. They used the Burroughs books and the episodes followed the books plot lines and take Tarzan into science fiction adventures. Joe Lara is an amazing Tarzan. He is so handsome and so wild looking!!

    The women on the series are all beautiful. The photography is really lush. The music is original and great. I loved the wardrobe on all the cast members. It seems very authentic on the Africans and then it gets very whimsical for all the other worlds where Tarzan travels. I can't wait for the series to go on DVD so I can tell all my friends about it.
  • This Tarzan series may be considered as one part Edgar Rice Burroughs adoration, one part Robin of Sherwood pseudo-mysticism, and one part Joe Lara fulfilling his dream. Filmed in the Sun City South Africa resort with almost religious fidelity (where possible) to the Burroughs' books and elaborate use of special effects, this should have been an utterly excellent series. But something was just slightly out of whack. Was it Lara? Was it the effects? Was it let down by the quality of the acting? A genuine Tarzan despite the sci-fi flavour that should have worked and did to a point, but not enough to attract financial backing for a longer series. Sad.