User Reviews (6)

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  • No spoiler here- in fact sort of the opposite. I'm the director/writer of Love God and since the film never received distribution (except briefly in Japan and supposedly a few Eastern European countries), the only way to see the film is to either search for a copy from a few obscure film sellers that I've heard exist, or email me at for a free download link to watch and review (but not to resell).

    Fortunately we made an excellent DVD with a making of doc, a commentary version with producer Anthony Bregman, lead Will Keenan, and I, AND a digital copy of the Japanese underground comic book we produced as promotional bonus (it's super cool). Unfortunately all of Love God's legal documents were lost when the original production company (good machine) was bought out by Sony Classics, which later sold the films to Universal. So now it's a Universal Picture, which sounds impressive, except that it can not be distributed- or shown on YouTube- unless all the documents resurface, and somebody who cared decided to reach out.
  • While, on first viewing, this film may seem a combination of other director's styles (Peter Jackson, Sam Raimi, etc.) Frank Grow proves he is his own monster, and his creativity is original. The film's plot centers around Manhattan, in 1995. All mental hospitals must cut their patient load by 1/5. LaRue (Will Keenan) is sent out onto the streets with a chronic reading disorder, and sent to the Love Hotel (where most of the inmate are being held). There he falls in love with a mute girl, who's obsessive mother dominates her life. To top this off, LaRue is given a roommate with turrets syndrome, and is chased by a prehistoric worm that inhabits peoples bodies and mutates them. This film is, to say the least, a crazy piece of work. Brilliant cinema, and creative genius at its best. The film's story is original, and dazzling. The FX, though budgeted, are impressive and effective. And the acting and scripting of the film is seamless. The film begins with craziness and never lets the viewer rest, which is the film's charm. And the message at the end of the film, amidst all the gore and drama, is beautiful. While there is tons of Hollywood waste dumped into theaters each year it is a shame to see a talent like Frank Grow, and a brilliant film such as this over-looked. This obscure gem has been hidden for well over four years now. The producer of the film, Anthony Bergman, actually gave me a copy of this film in late 2000 to view. Seek it out if you find it near you.
  • When I was 15 I randomly found the soundtrack to this movie at a used CD store. The soundtrack was so good that I had to look up this film. I would randomly check online to see if anyone has posted this movie online or if I could buy it. The film seemed to be this myth that just didn't exist. But one day out of boredom I decided to Google it after not thinking about this film for a long time. I was thrilled that years later that I was able to find it. The entire film is an entertain rush from beginning to end. The custom design for the monsters was completely insane, and it was a surprise to see one of the actors from Reno 911 in this film as a sex therapist. If you can find this film then I would recommend it to anyone who likes over the top films.
  • If the producers read these comments, could you set up a DIY release through Amazon or something like that?? I'd buy it! Or, send a private IMDB message to per8. Thanks.

    I saw this film at a Seattle film fest years ago, and it has stuck in my mind ever since. I've been waiting for it to be released on video. It is a wild ride!

    Summary: A man with a very odd reading problem gets released from a mental hospital and is put in a halfway house. However, he has some very strange neighbors.. not to mention a prehistoric worm and an Indian goddess run amok. Visually outrageous.
  • It's the best movie I've watched since my childhood, I'm just amazed and can't find a word to describe my feelings!! It's the best movie I've watched since my childhood, I'm just amazed and can't find a word to describe my feelings!! It's the best movie I've watched since my childhood, I'm just amazed and can't find a word to describe my feelings!! It's the best movie I've watched since my childhood, I'm just amazed and can't find a word to describe my feelings!! It's the best movie I've watched since my childhood, I'm just amazed and can't find a word to describe my feelings!!t's the best movie I've watched since my childhood, I'm just amazed and can't find a word to describe my feelings!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of three movies I bought from a seller of very rare and unreleased cult movies, which also included the short "RED & ROSY" both from underground director Frank Grow. The other one I bought was "Cirsium Delectus" which I have all ready reviewed and really liked. These are about as rare as they come. Rather than try to explain "Love God", which I found pretty cool, I'm going to copy the seller's explanation of this very very weird and groundbreaking movie. I could never do it justice trying to simply write a review. Let's just say, I agree with what is written below. Excuse the caps, this is a copy and paste.

    "Love God (1997)- whatever happened to this film? love god was the first feature to be shot entirely in digital format and back in 1997 was damn near the coolest thing around, at least to those lucky few who got a chance to see it. this unclassifiable cinemutation has never been released in the u.s. in any format, despite the fact that in remains one of the decade's wildest, most defiantly individual movies. this crazy heavy metal fueled flick, which plays like a deranged collaboration between Tetsuo's Shinya Tsukamoto and a pre-lord of the rings Peter Jackson, is such an outrageously kinetic experience i found it impossible to resist. it was the first (and thus far only) feature by Frank Grow, who managed to transpose the style of his legendary 1989 short "red & rosy" to feature length. the story involves larue (played by Tromeo & Juliet's Will Keenan), a recently released mental patient with a parasite stuck in his head that gives him "compulsive reading syndrome" which compels the sufferer to read aloud and destroy any and all written words. larue also creates a bubble gum sculpture of his girlfriend, a retarded night owl who cleans up crime scenes together with her neat-freak mother. and let's not forget the prehistoric flatworm that bursts through people's toilets and turns'em into lumbering blob-like mutants with insatiable sex drives. yes, it's that kind of movie! it's a full blast of funny, nasty cinematic anarchy that freely incorporates gore, animation, goofy monsters, and mind-tugging hallucinations. and it really moves; this is almost certainly the most jam packed 82 minutes i've ever experienced. there's a subplot about a deranged Asian scientist looking to become an eponymous deity, a religious nut larue encounters in a restaurant, and a crazed doctor's assistant (played by the state & viva variety's Kerri Kenneny). still, the film never lingers on anything long enough for boredom to set in and is guaranteed to turn your brain to swiss cheese by the time it's over. plus, as a bonus we get to see all the monsters have an orgy after the end."