User Reviews (19)

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  • Okay I am one of the few courageous souls who will admit to liking this movie. I'm surprised at the number of critics and movie buffs who missed the idea that this movie is a fun satire of the Pulp Fiction/Get Shorty type films and other films (French especially) as well. The dialogue between the two bumbling mob hitmen and between the Eric Roberts character and the black police detective was especially hilarious. I had fun watching it.
  • This was almost exactly like a run-of-the-mill porn movie (except there was precious little porn in it, except for at couple of bare-boobs shots), what with the incredibly bad acting, utterly pointless plot and ridiculous scenes completely unrelated to the rest of the story (case in point: the singing hippie priest)

    Avoid at all cost! 1/10
  • roye7 August 1999
    I used to think that nobody ever set out to make a bad film. Facade is the exception that proves the rule. From director, producer, screenwriter and cast this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. There is no cohesion, no style, no flair and certainly, no acting skill. Why did someone bother?
  • I registered at IMDB just so I might warn other unsuspecting viewers from this flick. More than anything else, it reminded me of hotel softporn -- sans the excellent acting and plot. Beware!
  • Lousy is not enough to say how bad the script is. It doesn't really have a story and try to portrait this "surreal" environment on very slim intellectual background. It is a pure waste of time and money to watch it. Whoever are affiliated with this movie have made a terrible business and career mistake. Two thumbs down, way down. If the rating has -10, I will give it to this one.
  • haggar26 December 2002
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is NOT a thriller or an action movie (unlike IMDB itself categorizes it); it's a dark comedy, in the truest sense of the word. SPOILER: So, if you thought otherwise, you must have seen only the first few minutes of the movie. As time goes by, however, you become aware that things don't quite "click" in the sense of a real thriller. It's not just a simple murder with dark, commercial motivations, no, things start to be whackier by the minute, and at a certain point even the most stubborn spectator will burst in a laughter, giving up any hope that they'll enjoy an action-packed thriller, giving up any hope that the police will catch the bad guys.

    This film was so brilliantly directed that the true nature of the film just gradually becomes apparent. The actors did a remarkable job, as well. The only regrettable thing would be the usage of the "funny music" by the end of the movie. The director did a great job of keeping a "straight face" throughout all the hilariously unbelievable situations, without resorting to any external "indicator" (musical or otherwise) to signal to the viewer "it's funny, laugh!". Too bad he gave in by the end.

    It's a very minor imperfection, though, and I would warmly recommend this movie to the intelligent and curious film fan. It's a one-of-a-kind, and it's done well.
  • A singularly awful movie. Very few films have the awful power of "Façade". There is evidence some form of satire was attempted. It's a botched job. Eric Roberts (as businessman Colin Wentworth) meanders through the proceedings in a hopefully inebriated state. The obligatory "hot chick" moment is over quickly, blessedly; if you're watching for that reason. The soundtrack rips off "Strangers in the Night" (doesn't anyone own the copyright on that song?). Quite possibly, this is the worst film ever made with Eric Roberts. One would certainly have to hope so, anyway. The credits end with a 1997 production date, so this may have been unreleased for a number of years. Really, they needn't have bothered.

    * Facade (1997) Carl Colpaert ~ Eric Roberts, Camilla Overbye Roos, Angus Macfadyen
  • A must watch before you move to LA. None of the characters are what they are set out to be. It's one big bamboozle. It's all a facade. Reminded me of a seventies Bunuel movie. Nobody knows what is going on but all the characters decide to go with the flow because you just don't know who is for real or not. You may get lucky and meet the person that may change your life. It's not a thriller as advertised. It's a dark comedy.

    A well crafted satire that gets more satirical by the minute. The movie is suavely irrational, predicated on interlocking dreams (and dreams within dreams). Surreal scenes with assorted gangsters, police officers and a Catholic nun looking for donations.
  • I liked this movie, although I will also admit to being strange. I should also mention that I didn't like it until the ending.

    What had been a very, very strange sequence of illogical events, gradually became cohesive and understandable during the last 10 minutes.

    The old adage "If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all" definitely does not apply to this movie. If you're very closed-minded and opinionated as to how things should be, you won't like this at all, because it seems to never progress in a normal fashion. I guess that is what I liked about this, it had the courage to take the road less traveled, and it also took every opportunity to poke fun at itself.
  • This one doesn't quite work, and is in fact pretty irritating at times. However, there are some clever and witty moments and a few bare breasts. Anyone who's seen Bunuel's "Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" will notice the numerous similarities and references.
  • entrphyst17 September 2020
    As others have noted, this is a love it or hate it film. If you're watching with any expectations then you'll likely be disappointed. If you really want a cheeseburger, but you're surrounded by sushi places, then it hardly matters if the sushi talks and the wait staff are naked and the condiment bottles all have drugs hidden inside -you're just not going to enjoy yourself. On the other hand, if you're bored and hungry and can't decide between a sports bar run by drunk chimpanzees where every other TV is either playing an episode of Night Court or a live tennis match between dead people, and a brothel that only serves sushi on the naked bodies of giggling mental patients, then you'll probably have a blast. If hearing every word of clichéd dialog is more important than wondering why you can't hear any of it, then you'll be a sad panda. Overall, this movie was a rewarding exercise in surreal dark comedy. It subverts expectations, and in many cases abuses them outright. Is it silly? You bet. Is it bad? No, not if you understand what it had set out to accomplish. Is it funny? I certainly thought so. The ending pretty well ties it all together. It's less of a mess than Rubber, but enough of a mess to illustrate WHY it was intended to be such a mess. If the cast of Seinfeld were dosed with acid and then set loose on the set of a B-movie crime drama, it would probably make for lousy television, but the guy with the boom mic would be laughing his a** off, and so would I.
  • It's a pity that a cache-load of post-noir crime efforts set their sights no higher than claims of a tradition shared by RESERVOIR DOGS, PULP FICTION and whatever else oozed from the pen of Tarantino. Thankfully, FACADE is much better than all that. Opening Moments: young woman, seemingly with large bug up backside, attempts to react to a murder, followed by credit tune that sounds as if lifted from some long-dead '70s cop drama. The Plot?? Well, anything more complex than a group of teens gathered at Camp Crystal Lake has yours truly scratching head. What I can report is - torpedo breasts, a genuinely arousing sex scene (you'll know it when you see it...), anti-racist rant made inaudible via Boeing noise, poolside wake hosted by asylum escapee priest who performs '60s hippie anthem, sushi dropped on suited stiff in funeral parlour during inspired marital infidelity speech, playing tennis with fact, a whole smorgasbord of nice little touches that show Colpaert really cares - awwwwwww. Best Line(s): Hitperson One: "What's That Smell?" Hitperson Two: "It's Us..." Nun's Armpit: 9/10.
  • I really liked this movie. I agree with the one who compared this to Hudson Hawk. I loved Hudson Hawk and this movie did remind me of it. And I'll agree with another user who compared this to "hotel softporn," except I tend to like the hotel softporn aspect of it, like most guys I know. Some chics are pretty hot. Most of all, I really liked the off balance humor. It is no "Tommy Boy" or "Plains, Trains and Automobiles" but it has its moments. I say give this movie a shot. You may even dare to like it!
  • maurila27 December 2002
    Yes, yes...a fantastic film in in its corniness. Bad acting, bad direction, bad sound, bad music... Everything in this sounds, feels and smells cheap...You know, if they played movies in elevators instead of music, this might be THE essential elevator movie.
  • I 'spect this'll be another of those love-it-or-hate-it movies. It was refreshing and original, and I very much enjoyed the subtle sense of humor which saturated it. I read a review of this movie that complained about it not fitting into a nice neat pre-established type of comedy. (Ironically mentioning "Monty-Pythonish" as being one of his accepted bins. The reviewer seemed to forget that Monty Python itself was rather off-the-wall in its time, and took a while to catch on.)

    The way this movie spun out its tale reminded me of Hudson Hawk, which I also very much enjoyed. So, maybe if you liked that one, you'll like Facade.
  • I like Eric Roberts but it seems like he has joined the party of actors that go against all the main stream. I mean I saw him in heaven's prisoner's no body else could do that part. Now this movie it is kind odd. I mean you don't know what it is, are they trying to make you laugh or they playing it serious that was the problem with this movie. I do recommend seeing it if you want to but do what i did I waited til it came on cable and said hey looks interesting what the hey still not sure what think but it was a different experience.
  • The lead role, Caroline (Camilla Overbye) is a brilliant actor and the role really shows that. The plot makes total sense and it really seems like a thing that could happen to anyone! The dead guy - sushi scene is my favourite. The fact that a dead person is smiling makes sooo much sense!
  • What is this movie about? Other than Eric Roberts being very nice to look at, this movie was all over the place with scenes that barely connected to each other. Yet, in some way I still liked it. I tried to come up with a theme or moral, but couldn't. Can you?