User Reviews (7)

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  • I watched 3/4 of this movie and wondered why it got such horrible reviews here. It was fairly easy to watch (at 3am). It had good casting - Kevin Dillon's role of the sociopath serial killer was very believable - he was both charasmatic and chilling. The rest of the main characters weren't so bad either.

    This is your typical stalker/suspense movie. A married couple cannot conceive so they go to a fertility clinic for help. A sociopathic "genetic material" donor fixates on the recipients and, in typical stalker form, intrudes into their lives.

    As I said, most of the movie was fairly good.. we see "Conan" grow more and more obsessed in raising his baby and creating the perfect family with the mother. Of course things don't work out for him the way he planned. Not a bad plot line.

    But, the last 15 minutes were just horrible. I am pretty tolerant with movies (especially at 3am!).. but, I was just amazed at how bad the ending was written. I actually scoffed outloud!

    All in all, not the worst movie I've seen, but I wouldn't be able to sit through it again (unless I skipped the ending). The only redeaming quality here was Kevin Dillon's role - - one of the best serial killers ever.

    Try looking around at the other channels before watching this.. But, if nothing better is on, I'd give it a try.. =)
  • Routine suspense yarn about a sociopath (Dillon) who gives his sperm to a clinic of human reproduction and starts to harrass the lives of the woman (Antony) and his husband (Mancuso). Extremely predictable, far-fetched and with undecided tone all the way. Don't lose your time with this one...make a baby instead!
  • BandSAboutMovies17 July 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Instead of Rebecca De Mornay-style psycho mother coming after kids that aren't hers, 1997's Misbegotten has Billy Crapshoot (Kevin Dillon), who is obsessed with fathering kids. The only problem is that he usually ends up choking the life out of even the nicest women. He's not good with relationships, as they say.

    He gets a good plan by donating sperm and then tracking down the parents, terrorizing them until he gets what he wants. He ends up messing with Nick Mancuso (Stingray, the Under Siege movies) and Lysette Anthony (Lyssa from Krull!), starting off tender and then getting more and more insane.

    Based on the novel Misbegotten by James Gabriel Berman, this was written by Larry Cohen, uniting him with director Mark Lester, a titanic drive-in/direct-to-video team if I've ever seen one.

    Should you see this? Kevin Dillon's character is named Conan Cornelius - he steals the name by killing Stefan Arngrim, yes Barry Lockridge from Land of the Giants and Drugstore from Lester's Class - and he gets shot multiple times right in his buttonhole maker. You know, his tally-whacker. His 100% All-Beef Thermometer. You know what I mean and I think you do.

    The cover art has a baby with lightning coming out of his eyes. The actual movie is Johnny Drama turned up to 11 in a Lifetime movie with no real moral center. So my answer is yes. See this.
  • You see there's this sociopath (isn't there always) who donates his sperm to this couple who're having trouble having a baby. He does this so he can become a daddy (like, since he's already killed a bunch of people, normal sex - or even rape - is way out of the question, right). Then he stalks the soon to be Mommy so he can eventually rock the baby's cradle and take family home movies.

    Makes sense, right?

    Although this plot was really awful, the movie had one redeeming quality: Dillon's portrayal of the stalker. In the beginning he was charming and completely likable as the true sociopath must surely be in order to gain the trust of his eventual victims. His performance made the whole mess just barely watchable.
  • i liked it,for the most part.yes,it isn't exactly fast paced,but it is,the performances are quite good here.Lysette Anthony is excellent in her role,with a nearly flawless American accent.Kevin Dillon is good as the villain.and it's nice to see Nick Mancuso in a non bad guy role for a change.i'll admit the movie isn't completely realistic,but i felt it was at least in the bounds of's only during the last 15 minutes minutes or so,when things get quite stupid and even absurd.but up to that point,thanks to some strong performances,i thought it was good.not great,but good.all in all,Misbegotten rates about a 6/10 from me.
  • Paul and Caitlan Bourke (Nick Mancuso and Lysette Anthony) use a sperm donor in order to have a baby. Easy peasy.

    Oh no!

    Unbeknownst to the Bourke's, their donor is a murdering psychopath named Billy Crapshoot (Kevin Dillon), who killed the real donor and took his place.

    Billy soon insinuates himself into Caitlan's life, even joining in on her Lamaze class! Growing increasingly unstable, Billy stalks the couple relentlessly. When Paul confronts him, he finds out the hard way what Billy's truly capable of.

    Caitlan's life becomes a nightmare and the police are unable to stop the madman.

    In spite of some silly plot points and unbelievable occurrences, MISBEGOTTEN is a fairly suspenseful thriller. Dillon is effectively menacing in his role.

    BEST SCENE: Billy's very special "gift" for Caitlan's baby shower!...