User Reviews (15)

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  • Charlie Sheen produced this home movie starring his father (Martin Sheen), his uncle (Joe Estevez) and himself. This is a B-minus film about dirty cops involved in a drug deal. Almost everything about this film is second rate. The story is predictable and unoriginal. The dialogue is mindless and insipid. The photography is dull and the music is awful. The only redeeming elements are the stunts and pyrotechnics, which are reasonably well done.

    The acting is mediocre at best. Charlie Sheen is often embarrassingly bad, leaving his dad to carry the film. Uncle Joe is just a throw in to keep the family employed and adds nothing to the film. The three drug goons are wretched.

    Charlie Sheen's once bright career continues to grind gears with this clunker. I rated it a 4/10. Action lovers might enjoy it, but others will want to pass.
  • From the mind who invented the song "Unskinny Bop", Bret Michaels, comes "No Code Of Conduct", his second directorial effort after "A Letter From Death Row".

    "Charles" Sheen as he liked to be called for 2 years (1997- to early 1999) was okay in this film. He plays a cop on the edge. He drinks too much and spends little time with his family etc.... His father Martin is in it and plays a nothing role as his father. Joe Estevez of "Money To Burn" fame plays a helpful mechanic. The editing is very silly because there's always a "whoosh" sound before the scene starts. It is a ** star film.

    For more insanity, please visit:
  • Charlie Sheen plays a hot shot, trigger happy cop who's trying to stop a violent criminal gang from smuggling millions of dollars worth of heroin from Mexico.

    If you have a soft spot for B-action movies then this is definitely watchable but it's still a pretty bad movie. The editing is terrible with some quick cuts which don't make much sense and there's a very silly "Shoosh!" sound during nearly every scene transition. Some of the acting is pretty bad too especially the actress who plays Sheen's wife, she wasn't great. The action is pretty good though.

    There's one shot where a car crashes and rolls multiple times while Sheen is running along side it shooting at bad guys which was actually really cool and there's some nice old school blood squibs.

    I think it would have been much better with a different director.
  • No Code of Conduct was a last ditch effort rented on a rainy night for my sick boyfriend who loves shoot em ups! We both really enjoyed this one and thought the Sheen's did an great job. The action scenes were great and the end scene with all the pyro was awesome. Glad we rented it.
  • I am a big fan of both Charlie Sheen and Mark Dacascos but I'm sorry to say that this is a terrible movie. The director Brett Michaels just didn't have a clue and succeeded in making everybody involved with this movie look bad. Make no mistakes this is not only a B-movie but it is an almost unwatchable one. It is hard to believe the poor standard of acting from a jumpy looking Charlie Sheen. I just hope that this is as low as Charlie sinks. I'm off to watch "Drive" and "The Arrival" DVD's to redeem my faith.
  • I had heard about this movie a few years ago, yet I was never able to find it on video. After all but giving up on seeing it, I found it on PPV one day. Without hesitation, I purchased it. I wasn't expecting much from the movie, but being a Charlie Sheen fan, I thought that it was at least worth a viewing.

    I was pleasantly surprised while I was watching it. Now, make no bones about it, this movie won't win any awards and Charlie Sheen is certainly no Tom Hanks, but the material and the stars are a good match. (Although Mark Dacascos is sadly underused.)

    Some good action sequences and a strong subplot involving Sheen's relationship with his estranged wife and daughter as well as his father make for a well rounded "B" action film. This is the movie that redeemed Sheen in my eyes after the debacle that was "Free Money".

    At just over an hour and a half, the film doesn't overstay it's welcome, and a few comical moments spread throughout the movie are welcome. Overall, on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being "Hanging Up" and 10 being "Gone in Sixty Seconds), "No Code of Conduct" rates an 8.
  • neil_mc27 August 2004
    SPOILERS (maybe)

    It may have sounded like an interesting idea at the time to pair up 'The Two Sheen's', but let's face it, the result is not really worth the effort. Believe it or not, the two of them actually look very uncomfortable together and are very mismatched.

    As you'd expect, the film churns out flipped over cars, exploding buildings, lesbian Chinese-American psycho's etc. etc., but what cannot be excused is the 'man not spending enough time with his family' routine (hasn't that been done before somewhere?!!).

    The highlight of the film for me was probably the sound effect of the stomach stabbing near the beginning - very impressive and dramatically OTT. Good stuff. Those 'whoosh' cuts on the other hand...

    But as ever with action films, one important question arises from the experience, and here it is: why do police officers insist on taking their own polished cars out on dangerous police work when they know they're gonna be rained with bullets?
  • Fun, good rental - strongly recommended! Charlie and Martin Sheen delivered powerful and emotional performances that show why so rarely they act together as father and son, but when they do, watch out! These guys are explosive! Great car chase scenes too and the film editing is exceptional.
  • This was a very disappointing film. I expect a lot more from Martin Sheen. The plot was week. Oh, and the long winded lectures from "bad guys" justifying their actions...give me a break. The producers slapped the name SHEEN on the title and didn't pay attention to the story line.
  • Teaming the Sheen family together was not a bad idea and if you liked the great acting skills of this family, you will definitely enjoy seeing them act as a father and son on the police force. Charlie Sheen,(Jake Peterson) was a senior detective getting ready to retire and his son Martin Sheen,(Bill Peterson), was completely devoted to his job and neglected his beautiful sexy wife and daughter, Meredith Salenger,(Rebecca Peterson). There was a big scheme among the higher ups and a underworld gang which involved a group of characters who would just look at you and blow your head off. The boss of these real bad dudes was a very hot number, Tina Nguyen,(Shi) who had these guys doing anything she wanted and they just about licked her boots. In one scene, Shi got the hots for Rebecca Peterson and I was beginning to wonder just where this picture was going. Plenty of balls of fire and a classic mustang being feather dusted. As years past by, this film will become a classic, only because the Sheen Family both appeared together.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For some reason, it took a grand total of FIVE screenwriters to make the script for this movie. But despite all these people working on the story, apparently none of them were able to make it interesting. It's a real slow-moving exercise; it feels like a script for a weekly television show stretched out to twice the length. And the various plot turns also come straight out of a clichéd and predictable television police show. But the script is just one of the problems with the movie. The two Sheens and Mark Dacascos are not used well - the Sheens can't seem to generate any chemistry in their scenes despite their real life relationship, and Dacascos doesn't get to use his real life martial art skills. Instead, the action is confined to shoot-out and car chases, which might have been okay had they been directed and edited in a professional manner, but they're not. In fact, they are surprisingly incompetently constructed. (Well, except for the exploding building at the climax - I admit that looked pretty cool.) And the whole package is directed by Bret Michaels in a way that not only makes everything look real cheap, also strangely hides anything that would show without doubt that the movie was actually shot in Arizona. In the end, the movie is a real disappointment from Millennium Films, who usually does a lot better than this.
  • Director Brett Michaels and star/producer Charlie (Charles) Sheen have managed to make a top flight action movie in the style of Lethal Weapon (The Original). The movie has it's flaws, and it has it's triumphs like the casting of Meredith Salenger as Jake's wife and Martin Sheen. Michaels does a great job and all involved should be proud. This is one of my all time favorite action films.
  • STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

    The age old aidage of never trust a book by it's cover is definitely the case with No Code of Conduct,a ploddingly formulaic DTV actioner with misleading pretensions of being anything but.

    The plot has a good looking,well groomed Charlie Sheen as cop Jake Peterson who,along with his father Bill (Martin Sheen) and partner Paul DeLucca (Mark Dacascoes) becomes embroiled in a plot to take down some drug dealers.

    I had the DVD of the film lying around my house for ages and put it at the back with all the other stuff I have to watch.But after a while,the front and back cover,featuring all manner of explosions,gunfire and well suited action characters,not to mention an exhilarating plotline,began to wet my appetite like the prospect of a double quarter pounder meal at McDonalds.Sure,it was an obviously straight to video effort,and as such probably had the production values to match,but,all the same...

    Oh,how I was to be disappointed.

    The 'thrilling' action sequences are practically non-existent and what little action there is fails to generate any excitement whatsoever.The story is riddled with buddy-buddy cop thriller cliches and Sheen's character is promoted as the standard 'cop-who-doesn't-play-by-the-rules' hero,but he does little throughout to make us think he is a renegade in any way or that he has any sort of problem with authority.**
  • This should have been a good film. Fine actors, a fair story line, violence and guns a plenty.

    I hope no-one in Law Enforcement sees this one.

    How did the Sheens get their police jobs? Incompetent doesn't describe their performances. I'm a big fan of shootouts, especially the John Woo style with vast expenditure of ammunition, but these were insultingly bad.

    Charlie does justify his appalling aim in a scene with his wife where he tells her that he is coming home to his family rather than spending time at the firing range. (He should have spent half the film there if you ask me)

    There is a scene where it occurs to me that someone had reduced the powder loads in their ammunition to the point that they bounce off car body panels at 5 metres. (This also explains why the guns jam, there isn't enough power to work the action)

    I could have done better. Even I could hit a van at 5 metres!

    Watching this will have you squirming with embarrassment for the Sheens, and wanting to help them shorten the film by an hour by actually aiming at things.
  • I was impressed that director Michaels cast against the grain. Really impressed with the work of habitually nice guys Joe Lando (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) and Ron Masak (murder, She Wrote)as the baddies...Masak's low key approach to the role was refreshing and menacing. Also liked the work of Newcomer Tina Nguyen. Charlie Sheen should watch his Dad more and see what good acting is...Kudos for Brett Michaels.