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  • 152 minutes well spent. Playing Shakespeare (not reading him.) As with all this presentation it is the living breathing actors that give value and depth to the series. Words that evolve and describe the world we live in.

    1 Chaucer- Ted Hughes, 1384-1984 2 Old English- including "Beowulf." 3 Chaucer, 1340-1400 including "The Canterbury Tales" 4 Medieval-Elizabethan, 1400-1600 5 Shakespeare, 1564-1616 6 Metaphysical & Devotional, 1590-1670 7 Milton, 1608-1745 8 Restoration & Augustan, 1660-1745 9 Romantic Pioneers, 1750-1805 10 Wordsworth, 1770-1850 11 Younger Romantics, 1800-1824 12 Victorians, 1837-1901 13 American Pioneers, 1855-1910 14 Romantics & Realists, 1870-1920 15 Early Twentieth Century, 1914-1939 16 Towards the Present, 1934-1984

    FYI there are subtitles.