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  • What a delightful diversion from the majority of streaming schlock. Funny, entertaining and great musical performances particularly Robson and Flynn. Very predictable certainly but who cares; it would have been disappointing otherwise.
  • At the height of their surprise pop fame singing duo Robson and Jerome (formerly actors on 'Soldier soldier' made this drama.

    It's light-hearted enough fun, with both actors in their comfort zone. They're supported by some big names too, to give this a sense of class, and of course there's plenty of opportunities for the boys to sing too. And to be fair, they've not got bad voices.

    It's a shame it's not repeated more often, because there's a lot to like here. With both Robson and Jerome having somewhat of a revival in fortunes of late perhaps its time it was.

    Whether you remember them as singers or not, this is well worth watching if its on.