User Reviews (4)

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  • While the plot line may seem trite, the movie actually stands up for itself. Unlike most movies where the lead has a talent, it is actually followed through with excellent performances. Although some of the movie seems like a remake, the details are quite original and have there own merit.
  • This is quite a good film, with good solid acting and an interesting plot.

    I was surprised that this film was granted a P.G certificate in the UK as it had quite a bit of swearing. The story is almost exactly the same as Billy Elliot but much better and australian and the boy plays Rugby instead of boxing. If you are looking for a rainy day movie this is perfect. I recommend it for everyone. The only disappointing thing about it was that it only lasted 95 minutes.


    If you like this try:

    Billy Elliot

    Strictly Ballroom

    Moulin Rouge

    Get Real
  • marismi23 June 2005
    Okay - the story isn't SO exceeding, one could think that it's inspired by "Billy Elliot" and "American Pie"; but this film was realized in 1998 and tells it's story in a fresh, diverting way.

    There are very beautiful composed pictures (views?) in it and most of the soundtrack is nice; and the score is really gorgeous (for my ears ...): plain, pure + emotional.

    And there is that stunning dancing in it! Rebecca Yates, the female dancer, was (maybe: still is?) principal in (at?) Australian Ballet, with the appearance and grace of an elfin and a great talent for acting (but this is the only film she made). Russell Page, her partner, was member of Bangarra Dance Theater, the famous Aborigine's ballet- company; his moves were so powerful and sensuous! And he was a good actor, too. It's so sad that he had to die.

    It's a great pleasure to see them dance: solo as well as one with the other.

    The choreography is from Paul Mercurio: "Scott" in "Strictly Ballroom", Sidney Dance Company - dancer/choreograph in real life. It's powerful and graceful, as pure and plain as the score (and the costumes and the stage design for performance) - and that all together: choreography, costumes, stage design, music and stunning dancers is so entrancing that i would give more than 10 (also for Russell's solo); so all in all (can i say that?) it balances the not- so- very- interesting story and some not- so good- acting (especially some over-doings by Radha Mitchell and one by Russell Page).

    If you like "Strictly Ballroom": watch this! "Strictly B." has more charme, "Kick" has much more virtuosity -- and both are able to make one addict to it! (and Paul Mercurio is acting in both: very different figures)
  • I was quite excited to see the ads for Kick, looked like a great Aussie film. Somewhat disappointed to see then a predictable storyline (let's see- rugby player (Matt) has a conventionally beautiful girlfriend (Tamara) and a desire to please everyone, but also a burning desire to Dance! and a not-so-boldly-attractive female dance partner (Claire). Where will this take us, guys? Do you think maybe the big game and the big performance might be held on the same night?)

    The dialogue was annoying, seemed to be more from the school of Daytime American Movie of the Week then the more gritty Aussie films that actually sound like how Australians talk. The plot doesn't make much sense. Seemingly, we're meant to dislike Tamara for being upset when she thinks her long-time boyfriend is cheating on her (he is, but the movie never pays that any attention because, you know, it's Tru Luv). Tamara is A Popular Girl, gorgeous, and wears a beret to school. You know she can't be the one. Claire is a Free Spirit, can inspire our hero to follow his dreams, and naturally they fall in love... because she dances well and she looks like a knockoff Reese Witherspoon. Actually, without bias, Matt has more chemistry and better timing with his best friend then either of the girls (Martin Henderson was a crackup, stealing every scene he was in.)

    Come to think of it, Radha Mitchell's Tamara was fantastic too, (her reaction when she finds tights in Matt's room was priceless). She went on to play the captain in Pitch Black, which she was also very good in, and deserves better then the standard Evil Materialistic Girlfriend bit.

    Oh, and for god's sake, these kids were meant to be high school students? Not many of them could pass for anything under early twenties, especially Matt, who looked like he should be teaching by now.

    So. There we have it, folks. If you're a gorgeous rugby player with a burning heart's desire, if you can dance a musical at the Sydney Opera House in under three songs, if you have the strength to stand up to your blonde girlfriend who supported all and everything you did up until you decided to completely change your life while hiding this change from her, you too can achieve your goals, keep your yobbo friends, and make the old man happy.