One of the featured artists in the film - El Duce - never saw the final product as he was killed when he was hit by a freight train whilst intoxicated before the film was released.
EL Duce died on April 19, 1997,two days after filming his interview for this documentary, EL Duce was found dead on the railroad tracks in Riverside, California, decapitated in the accident he was hit full on by a freight train doing 60 MPH,conspiracy theorists have postulated that his death was related to the statements he made in this documentary.
The documentary "Soaked in Bleach" disproves and corrects much of the information included in this film. Notably, the details surrounding the amount of Heroin a person cd take and remain conscious - where a comparison patient has actually taken Methadone, not Heroin, and orally, rather than via Injection - which would take MUCH longer to take effect, as well as the fact that methodone and heroin are NOT the same drug and therefore the comparison is false. Many other inconsistencies are cleared up and clarified - and some MAJOR points are even disproved - regarding the gun positioning, police reports and greenhouse details. "Soaked in Bleach" also includes taped recordings of Love & other primary players that shed a great deal of light on the entire case. Filmmakers took 8 years to create this later and more complete documentary.