User Reviews (105)

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  • I really enjoyed this film. Even though I had never heard of any of the lead actors, except of course for William Shatner, I thought they did an incredible job of portraying their characters. Intellectual, devoted, neurotic, and erotic are just a few of the qualities they were asked to convey. And William Shatner is a revelation revealing that his hopes, dreams, and fears are closer to those of his committed fans than they could ever have imagined. Since I have seen most of the Star Trek episodes and movies and the other films alluded to by the characters, I was able to appreciate all the wonderful in-jokes. I highly recommend this hilarious film even if you are not a Star Trek fan, 9/10.
  • I had a different idea of what this movie was about when I chose to watch this. I thought it would parody "Star Trek", sci-fi, and William Shatner. While it covered a vast amount of science fiction trivia, I think this is the kind of movie anybody could enjoy.

    In watching this, I can see my friends and I being like this as we hit our 30+ marks in a few years, and hey, it looks like the best is yet to come. It goes to show that "fan boys" have real life problems and responsibilities just the same as anyone else. Of course, there are a few more, er, "dedicated" to the cause than others....

    William Shatner was a lot of fun in this movie, and he deserves to get credit for this film. He lives up to all of the "Shatner stereotypes" in being larger than life, but he also lets go and enjoys the ride. I cheered Shatner just for being Shatner, and his "Julius Caesar" rap is as funny as can be without breaking the tone of the film and entering the "camp" zone.

    This is a movie that is more fun for those who get the majority of the film references, but it doesn't require it.

    I'd like to see what else these guys will put out. For a first film, it's excellent.
  • Primalase22 April 2002
    The movie had me cracking up from start. I get the feeling that the creators consider this more homage than parody. I certainly feel that way. Sure, it's satirical, but the fact that the satire hits so close to home is what makes this movie so good.
  • "Free Enterprise" is so giddily goofy in its charm and appeal that you just can't help but love it. The plotline concerns the trials and tribulations of two friends, bonded together by science fiction and "Star Trek" inparticular, having a chance meeting with their idol; William Shatner. This chance meeting develops into a business relationship for one and a friendship for the other.

    Eric McCormack (TV's Will and Grace) stars as Mark, the slightly older and far and away more mature of the two friends. He will be 30 in a couple days and is having panicked "Logan's Run" flashbacks in his head as he wonders what his life had been worth so far. Mr. McCormack plays this role so well, the "I'm better than you" attitude just drips off the screen.

    Rafer Weigel is Robert, the other half of this friendship tandem. He is more "damn the torpedoes" and lives life by a thread. Losing girlfriend after girlfriend because a rare collectible action figure is more important than rent or utilities, his character is constantly falling in and out of love. Nice role here as well, played with almost maddening indifference. You get the impression that's the way this guy is in reality as well. All that means of course, is that he really sold the part.

    William Shatner is himself, clearly poking holes in his "Star Trek" facade. Shatner reveals "himself" to be a heavy drinking, porn reading but sincere guy. He plans to do a musical production of "Julius Caesar" with himself playing all the parts. The ending sequence concerns this,and has to be seen to be truly appreciated.

    Several faces from the past dot the background, Deborah Van Valkenburg ("The Warriors", "Too Close For Comfort"), Ellie Cornell ("Halloween 4" & 5). Nice to see Ellie is still acting. I liked her "Halloween" performances.

    "Free Enterprise" shows that indie films have a life beyond "My Life As a Bar of Soap". That indie filmmakers have a wonderful sense of humor and direction, and that they can churn out "mass-pleasing" films.

    4 out of 5
  • An interesting look into the minds of 2 Star Trek fans. This film shows that Bill Shatner "Gets it." He understands the way fans can be and he just rolls along with it. It's hard to believe that there are fans out there who can recite episodes, dialog and air dates, but I've been there. I still remember where I was when I saw the Gorn for the first time, so I can relate to these guys.

    Audie England is a Dream Come True-type girl. She's also a fan, not crazy, not asexual/non-sexual and very beautiful. There are very few of those around, believe me. I've been here too, but I will keep that to myself. A treat from beginning to end.
  • I am a geek, I've known geeks...and the guys in this movie are no geeks! Enough Lloyd Bentsen: Free Enterprise is...welll, okay. It's pretty much a standard romance, but it's presumably either some kind of wish fulfillment for the sad pathetic people (including me!) that are this obsessive about sci-fi, or it is filtered through your typical Hollywood execs' view so that the sci-fi fans are inevitably handsome leading-men and women types who have sex regularly. Ummm, huh? William Shatner is certainly funny parodying himself, there are a few sharp insights into sci-fi fandom, and there are bits of inspired humor (the childhood flashbacks, the whole idea of a Julius Caesar musical). But ultimately the movie bogs down on the lives of these two lovable loser/sf fans that are way too "normal" for most sf fans to identify with, and too monomanically obsessive with sf trivia for a regular audience to catch on to.
  • I stumbled across this movie on TV today and was really blown away. Who would have thought of a romantic comedy about two Trekkies(or Trekkers, not sure what the term is these days)? The movie appears to be at least somewhat autobiographical, and the story rings true.

    Shatner comes through with the performance of a lifetime. His portrayal of himself is vulnerable and believable. His obsession with creating musical version of William Shakespeare's "Julius Caeser" is hilarious and it's really funny to see Shatner poking fun at himself.

    All in all, this movie is surprisingly good and although really aimed at sci-fi fans, it is accessible to anyone. I highly recommend this lighthearted film.
  • A movie for Trekkers, made by Trekkers, about Trekkers, etc. Trekkers (oh, not 'Trekkies'-savvy?) are "Star Trek" fans, usually very obsessed fans. However, the 2 main characters here, despite fitting the standard Trekker profile of letting Trek dominate their lives, are well-rounded in other aspects: one of 'em, despite never having any money and a loser sensibility, is pretty successful with girls & doesn't have problems 'getting some.' The other is successful career-wise, with normal interests, as well. The filmmakers obviously wanted to show Trekkers as more than just weird geeks. However, something doesn't jibe with this presentation: the 2 guys come across as SO normal, it's hard to believe they've got every Trek episode memorized. That being said, this flic is a Trekker dream, filled with pop cultural references (for other Sci-Fi famous flics,too) and in-jokes that will probably baffle those not informed about Trek sayings & terminology (one scene is even filmed at a famous site from one of the classic episodes, but this was already done in "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey"/1991). In the plot, the 2 guys, who both work in the film industry in L.A., happen to spot their idol, William Shatner, in a bookstore (Shatner, who portrayed Capt.Kirk in the classic Trek series and movies, is played by ...William Shatner). He doesn't live up to their expectations of a hero, even coming across as a bit of a loon, setting the stage for the re-evaluation of their lives. In all, the movie comes across as a bit silly and even pointless, with non-too-subtle moralizing about what's important in life, and apparent low-budget origins. But even non-Trekkers should find it mildly amusing. The DVD even has explanations of all the arcane Trek references, including optional subtitles. I'm still not sure what the title means (The Enterprise, of course, was the spaceship, er, starship in Trek, but so what?).
  • This movie spoke to me like no movie has since CLERKS or CHASING AMY. Filled with outright humorous usage of, reference to, and plenty of in-jokes surrounding the entire STAR TREK, STAR WARS, comicbook sub-culture, FREE ENTERPRISE also crafts a well-made movie of love, friendship and dreams coming true.

    FREE ENTERPRISE is probably not for the chick who'd rather see the latest Julia Roberts romance flick, but absolutely targets the Generation X crowd that is hitting that magical age of 30. FREE ENTERPRISE establishes the fact, and goes on to prove it in case there is any remaining doubt, that there is no one cooler in SF than Captain Kirk.

    Mark Altman and Robert Burnett, who obviously filled the script with personal experiences, go on to prove that even s/f comicbook movie geeks still have love in the hearts and, with sufficient help from assorted alcoholic beverages and the spiritual guidance of Captain Kirk himself, have the power to change the galaxy... or at least their own personal world.
  • lswote16 January 2001
    More Kirk, less moaning girl and geeks getting laid. I liked Shatner, but the rest of it was hard to identify with. It is like a sexy version of Clerks with Star Trek thrown in. Course if Clerks is your thing you might be pleased, but I am a Baby Boomer, not a GenXer and this movie just didn't have enough to interest me. 6/10
  • This film is truly two movies at once. About fifteen minutes of it involve a pair of sci-fi geeks' meetings with their idol William Shatner, who turns out to be quite the wacko indeed. These scenes are hilarious, with Shatner obsessively going on about his plans to produce a one-man musical version of 'Julius Caesar.' The rest of this overlong trudge through the would-be hippest backroads of L.A. is utter tripe. The two main characters are jabbering, rapid-fire bozos who banter endlessly about pop culture and sci-fi in a way no real human being ever has. They don't really have anything to say about any of it -- it's enough to simply say 'X-Men,' nod knowingly and high five one another. Their attempts to find girlfriends who'll put up with their nonsense makes up the bulk of this tiresome, unbearable film. Still, the Shatner stuff is top notch! A hilarious scene from his opus closes the flick on a note that's entirely too high to be justified by the tepid wallow we've just suffered through. Fans of Shat would do well to rent this, but for the love of all that is good, FAST FORWARD past every scene that doesn't feature Bill!!!! You've been warned.
  • If you aren't a hard core Trek/sci fi fan, you'll be bored to limbo by this film, so don't even bother reading on. But if you are, there isn't a better fan movie for you than this. Right from the beginning, the jokes and references fly so fast and furious (from young Mark's flying leg kick and "no, I won't kill him!" line, straight to the end) that you'll be kept on your toes all the way through. The writing is very clever for the entire film, including Robert's set-up for the surprise at the end. The interactions are witty and excellent. And even if you think the jokes get a bit repetitive at some point, that's not all this film has to offer. You can look it also as a semi-serious autobiography (which it partly is) about two sci fi nerds very much like the rest of us with faults very much like our faults (though played to the extreme) trying to fulfill their dreams; Robert is a brash womanizer, but living too deeply in his fantasy world and irresponsible to the point where he leeches off friends more shamefully than any of us would dare (the scene where he meets Claire a prime example), and chooses to go without telephone or electricity so he can line his shelves with mucho expensive collectors' action figures. Mark is responsible and loyal to his friends, yet his narcissus complex (he won't even talk to people in his office unless they're sitting down!) and fear prevents him from dating any woman he cares about. While the film is packed with our favorite geek humor, their problems are very real, as are their deeper interactions and how they are affected by them. Free Enterprise is a wonderful story of friendship, struggle and ultimate achievement that people like us can all very strongly relate and aspire to, with important lessons underneath the jokes.
  • I could see where they were trying to go with this, but the delivery was just embarrassingly bad at times. I am assuming budgetary constraints stopped them from getting decent actors and prevented re-takes of scenes that screamed for it. I laughed out loud at times but mostly because I was trying so hard to like it.

    The acting was really awful. Exceptions were the leads: McCormack, England, Weigel and Shatner (in that order). Everyone else was a D acting job.

    Worth watching only if you're an old Trek fan or McCormack fan. I have to say I was impressed after knowing him only from Will & Grace to see the range of his talent. Gotta love the Logan's Run references throughout the movie too!
  • A Look at the increasing phenomenon of the TV generation. Young adults who as children watched so much TV that they now live their whole lives around their favorite old TV shows. They act like their gospel and endlessly quote even the most trivial facts about them. The main emphasis seems to be with the old STAR TREK show, which if you saw the documentary TREKKIES isn't that far from reality. Opens with a funny scene where one of them is trying to pitch a really twisted, 70's nostalgia idea called "The Brady Killers". Unfortunately after this it takes a turn for the worst becoming just another philosophical generation X movie. Filled with long talks about life, friendship, jobs, sex, and relationships. It almost completely collapses into a serious romantic flick with a pretty sunset and soft Michael (SUMMER OF 42) Legrand like piano chords. Fortunately it manages to revive itself by having a nice wrap up. Showing how although their obsession to TV pop culture can at times be a social impediment, it can also help them work thru (and get thru) life's obstacles and disappointments. The best thing about this picture though is William Shatner who is funny and engaging in absolutely every scene he's in. Whether it's talking madly about making a musical version of "Julius Ceaser" with himself in every role or drunkinly stumbling over other patrons at a bar. He's fresh, fun, with just the right touch of self depreciating humor. He also allows for added insight by showing how celebrities, even 'idols' by some, must deal with the same problems as the 'ordinary' person. Overall a OK 'feel good' movie despite a sluggish middle. Be sure to read the credits at the end as they are interspersed with a lot of 'crazy credits'.
  • When this movie was in theaters I thought I might watch it because I was a Star Trek Fan, but decided not to put much effort into it because it appeared to be about lonely geeks obsessed with Sci-Fi.

    I was wrong.

    Free Enterprise is a remarkably funny film featuring interesting, respectable characters who are professionals, AND love Star Trek.

    This movie is for all those guys out there who have girlfriends, who don't dress as Mister Spock, or live in their parents' basement amid tons of old comic books, but are still Star Trek fans.

    But fans aside, this is a really well crafted comedy. It's not for kids, but just about anyone else will be able to find something to like in it. It's a very atypical screwball comedy with a lot of intelligence within it.

    Whether you're a Sci-Fi fan or a Sci-Fi detractor, it makes no difference. This is a smart, funny film with something to love. Give it a shot.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Free Enterprise" is at its most charming as a love letter to the original Star Trek series. The dialogue is peppered with references and Kirk's "risk is our business" speech is even trotted out to win back a lost love. And then there's William Shatner, fully willing to make fun of himself.

    Outside of the hero worship, it's kind of an awkward romantic comedy, dressed up in hip L.A. culture. For some reason, this isn't as novel as it was back in the nineties and I think it's largely due to the dialogue. I mean, there are ways to subtly depict geek lifestyle rather than just name-checking everything. That actually gets pretty old.

    Regardless, the leads are well cast, it's got its share of one0liners, and I can appreciate the tone of the whole thing.

  • First, I rented this movie in one of my `Bad Movie Night' moods, so I wasn't really expecting anything. Second, I really knew nothing about the movie except for the fact it had William Shatners face on the front and the title of `Free Enterprise' so I was expecting another `Trekkies' movie. I was happily wrong; this is psychotically a movie I could truly relate with.

    This movie had characters, that if you are reaching 30, grew up watching to much cable re-run's of old sci-fi flicks and have a collections of comics and toys that your friends either say `MAN, I use to really want this!' or, `Your place looks like it belongs to a little boy' you could fully relate. This movie isn't for everyone, and if you don't fit into the above category, or you deny that you do, this movie isn't for you. But if you do, and you always felt a little out of place, just for the fact that you DO have a sex life, and you DON'T go around wearing XL black comic t-shirts like everyone else at the comic shop you keep your box at, this is the movie for you.

    I've found a new respect for William Shatner, he was actually able to make fun of himself and the whole Star Trek phenomenon, not by insulting the following Star Trek has, but instead, he destroys the myths that so many of his `followers' had about him and the James T. Kirk persona. Primarily: Kirk was a character in a TV series.

    The two main characters where both excellent examples of Fanboys that turned their boyhood obsessions into careers, but at the same time not lose site of the fact that there is more out there than just sci-fi and comics. We also got to see: stupid information that actually is useful in everyday life can be partially learned from comics and movies, just don't let others find out how you learned your info.

    This movie, truly isn't for everyone, I can understand why so many people who've seen this movie didn't like it. If you can't relate to the characters and the situations, this movie could seem really foreign to a person, but if you grew up a fanboy, maybe even still are a fanboy, but know better than to wear a Star Trek uniform, this movie is for you. 8/10
  • I wasn't expecting much when I started watching this movie, but within the first 10 minutes I was very amused. The dialog was very reminiscent of a Kevin Smith movie with an abundance of "inside jokes", pop-culture allusions, and enough quirky trivia to be part of a Dennis Miller routine. The romance angle was a mildly boring but sufferable. The only thing that bothered me about this film was my own ability to recognize nearly every piece of memorabilia scattered around the background. What's not to like about a movie that re-enacts a scene from "Logan's Run" and follows it up with a comment about how they are the only two people who remember the movie. All-in-all I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to any sci-fi/comic book/pop culture fan.
  • epsilon317 July 2002
    Free Enterprise is the story of a group of guys who are hitting 30 and trying to deal with life, work and relationships. Sounds like every other coming of age/rites of passage drama doesn't it - you're already yawning at the prospect right?

    Well you shouldn't if you like the Sci-Fi genre, especially Star Trek. The characters are obsessed by the show and constantly talk about it, quote it and collect everything to do with it. When they're not sure what to do in their relationships or jobs - they wonder how Captain Kirk would handle it. When it comes to choosing between paying the electricity bill or buying a classic action figure, they opt for the doll. Women leave them and they get fired - suffice it to say they're not happy with their lives.

    In the middle of all this, they meet Bill Shatner in a bookstore. To say that they're excited is an understatement and when he offers them the chance to help him with his new acting project, they readily accept. The Shatman is a Sci-Fi god - he can do no wrong, right?

    Well, it doesn't turn out quite like that. Along the way, everyone learns about themselves and some myths are shattered. Shatner isn't Kirk - action figures are not more important than electricity bills and sci-fi is a great hobby as long as it doesn't get out of control.

    Whether or not you'll enjoy this movie depends on your own life and experiences. I found it to be amazingly accurate in many of it's observations, but then I'm not too dissimilar to the characters. I'm 30, a Sci-Fi/Star Trek fan and see employment as an impediment to my leisure time. I don't feel that wearing a suit and being 'responsible' is something to aim for and have no desire to be corporately assimilated. I'm pretty much like the guys in the movie, although I'm nowhere near as obsessed (that's what they all say right?)

    They're living a parody of my life and the life of many others like me.

    As such, for me the movie was interesting and funny, even poignant sometimes, but I'm pretty certain it won't be the same for everyone.

    I found some of the points made in the plot were spot on, for example:

    Why is it that collecting every episode of Star Trek is 'boys with toys' but women can own fifty pairs of shoes? Isn't that just the same? If Sci-Fi is juvenile, isn't spending hours on makeup and clothes simply 'girls playing dressing up games?'

    What is the point of a $50,000 engagement ring - it has no use apart from to look pretty! To say it's a sign of love is crap - wouldn't some genuine care and affection be better? It's a sign of greed, not love - a cheaper ring could be just as beautiful.

    There are many more examples, and while watching it with my girlfriend there were more than a few knowing looks passed between us. Sure - I don't buy action figures and she doesn't own fifty pairs of shoes, but similar issues are often discussed. That very same day when I bought the Free Enterprise DVD, she was salivating over another pair of shoes and I almost bought the new Rollerball DVD...

    To sum up, Free Enterprise is funny and interesting, but if you don't like Sci-Fi it's mediocre and probably quite boring. The acting is passable but not brilliant and as everyone else has said, Shatner steals the show easily. It's a shame he doesn't get a lot more screen time (Maybe he finally realized that if he monopolizes the camera too much his colleagues will end up hating him....)

    If you like Star Trek and Sci-Fi - you have to get this movie. If you don't, i'd say give it a miss.

    =============================================================> Incidentally, there's a comedy show on TV in the UK called 'Spaced' that has lots of Horror/Sci-Fi fanboy film references. If you like Free Enterprise or enjoy British comedy and you get a chance to see it, check it out.
  • I don't know why I enjoyed this film so much. Perhaps that it just...oh I don't know...reminds me of ME! That's really it. I can take each character and assign them to one of my own friends and myself. Which is the point, I assume. It was made by fans of the whole popculturescifi genres for fans of said genres. And the film does not even fit into those genres' stereotypes. So all in all, I like it because I can relate to it and for William Shatner's overly-excellent performance as William Shatner. Definitely not for everyone but for who it's for it's perfect.
  • Free Enterprise is a mildly funny comedy about two guys who have everyday problems with women and money who live their lives in one big Star Trek metaphore. They are massive Sci Fi fans , especially Star Trek and one day they bump into William Shatner,their all time hero , reading a porn mag in a library. They build up the courage to go and talk to him an find he is not quite what they expect. He has the same problems in life as they do which is hard for them to get to grips with because he IS Captain Kirk. This film has some superb one liners such as "The problem with women is they are always cold" and "I love a guy who's not afraid to have a Space 1999 lunch box" . Having said that ,this film is short on Belly laughs and does get a little tedius. While watching the making off Free enterprise, William Shatner says that he turned the film down because the script was too embarrassing for him to do and after seeing this film i still think he should have turned it down . It does not do him any favours and does make him look a little stupid , especially in the last scene. I have decided to give this a 7 out of ten but it only just gets a 7 because this film does lose it's way big time. 7 out of 10.
  • sulu_99-27 February 2001
    this is a bad, bad movie. it's a geek's dream-land where the quintessential geek somehow becomes a swinging stud drowning in poor writing, poor dialogue and poor acting... the only enjoyable part of this film is william shatner. the man is actually entertaining, and it's almost worth watching this mess just to see his performance.

    i am amazed at how many people are praising this thing. apparently you can turn a smelly piece of c**p into a shining diamond just by sprinkling, rather, dousing it in quotes from star wars, star trek and any obscure science fiction movie ever made. And the comparison's to kevin smith? this movie is what happens when you try to imitate mr. smith's movies (to the point of finding similar actresses) and failing in a sad, sad way.
  • It's 2019 and I know Robert Meyer Burnett only from his YouTube videos where he examines everything sci-fi and geeky and I decide now! Now it's the moment to watch Free Enterprise, the only movie he wrote and directed, from 20 years ago. I can't remember where I got it and why, but I will watch it tonight. And it was a treat. Not a cinematic masterpiece by any measure, but it felt really personal. It's a low budget movie about geeks trying to reconcile the real world with their personal passions. William Shatner plays a fantastic role as a completely misunderstood person who is no one's captain, but just an actor with his own problems and social awkwardness. Seeing him spouting thespian quotes at women who treat him like a freak was both hilarious and oh so sad. It reminded me of The Gamers, another criminally underrated movie that I like and focuses on D&D rather than Star Trek.

    Bottom line: this is a pathologically geeky film. Even if it features that mythical girl who is both beautiful and likes comics and movies, I doubt that this movie will appeal to anyone but male fanboys who collect stuff in their rooms or watch movies and dedicate their worship to some actor or franchise. Yet it is a film that explores real people, as implausibly good looking as they are, and their very human needs of connecting and finding their "one person audience". I liked it!
  • This is an amusing film but I think much of the humor will be lost on those that don't have in-depth knowledge of Star Trek. No you don't need to be a Trekker but you should know some of the plotlines and many of the characters from the original series in order to pick up the references that pepper the dialogue. Also check a summary of "Logan's Run." William Shatner is just great with tongue firmly in cheek playing himself.(His story requires no knowledge of SciFi) Be sure to watch the closing credits as they are full of more jokes and Trek references.
  • craw-229 July 1999
    This film is a failure in every way a film can be a failure. It is neither technically accomplished, well-written, artistic, entertaining in a mainstream sort of way, nor well-directed.

    It's excrement. The direction is simply absurd. Horrible shot choices, terrible lighting, nothing in focus, performances so miserable they ought to be enshrined in some kind of museum for people to study, and the overall pacing of a dead snail nailed to a brick.

    At nearly 2 hours, I don't think I've ever experienced a movie this bloated and unfunny.

    Look, I like Star Trek. A lot. In fact, I'm a Trekkie. And I like sci-fi. But that doesn't make me some kind of indiscriminate moron willing to overlook the basic requirements of good filmmaking just because some self-indulgent director throws me a few sci-fi references.
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