User Reviews (10)

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  • As said in my review for the 1940 RKO film, 'Little Men' is a charming, entertaining and heart-warming book. If you like the more popular 'Little Women' and 'Good Wives', 'Little Men' won't disappoint as it does have much of the ingredients that make those two books so good.

    The main reason why there is a personal preference towards the other two is to do with that 'Little Women' and 'Good Wives' are stories I've known and loved since childhood whereas 'Little Men' was introduced to me quite some years later.

    So far this reviewer has only seen two adaptations, this and the 1940 film, and while this does have flaws it is the far superior adaptation and film. Sure there are omissions, changes and merging of characters, the characters' personalities are not quite as interesting and it doesn't really convey the essence of the book, but there is much more of the original story and spirit here whereas the earlier adaptation, which was terrible as an adaptation and mediocre at best on its own merits, was almost unrecognisable.

    'Little Men' looks very nice, simply but cleanly and beautifully photographed with elegant and evocative costumes, sets and scenery. The music score is understated, lilting and soothing, never overbearing, too low-key or inappropriately jaunty. There is much more of the gentle tone, subtle social commentary, charm, poignancy without being too maudlin and gentle humour without being corny or too slapstick-oriented than in the 1940 film, though there are parts that are a little stilted and don't flow as well as they could have done.

    Much of the story is wholesome and charming, with a very heart-warming ending. There are a couple of crucial scenes, like the death of John Brooke, that don't have the impact and are clumsily done, and there is a choppiness and skippy nature to the storytelling giving a sense of incompleteness. The film tries to solve this by getting narration to fill in the gaps, but the narration is rather unnecessary and distractingly over-explains at times.

    With the acting, some are better than others. The children fare far better than the adults, with the standouts being Michael Colaz and particularly Ben Cook, who is superb and the best thing about the film. The adult actors are disadvantaged by the adult characters being too much in the background and underwritten. Chris Sarandon is a bit too rough and stern as Bhaer, though admittedly it is preferable to having Bhaer played stiffly like he has been. More problematic is a far too bland and subdued Mariel Hemingway as Jo, who has lost her spirit, tomboy-ish charm and spunk and reduced to a paper-thin cut-out.

    All in all, a long way from perfect but watchable. As an adaptation, it's still less than ideal but it's much better than the 1940 film. 6/10 Bethany Cox
  • Probably because I'm a male,I enjoyed little men much better then little women.I always found the character from the second book much more interesting,Nat,Dan,Nan,great characters all around.How did this film lives up to the book?Well its a bit of a hit and miss sort of film but a charming one.This can be considered a lighter version of the book,the story moves at a much quicker pace then the book and a lot have been taken out so there is much less character development for the secondary character of the story.The film,for the most part resolve around Dan,it really is Dan's story from the book put front and center in this film. This is not a bad thing as Dan is a great character and the actor who played him in the film was perfect for the role,great little actor and it's a shame he has stopped acting because he carried this film on his shoulder beautifully. The best way to describe this film is light fluff,if you are looking for a complete adaptation of the book,look somewere else but if you are looking for a nice piece of heartwarming entertainment, this film will do the trick.It's the perfect film for a rainy Sunday afternoon at home.The negative points would be the choice of actress for Jo,no offense to the actress but she failed to convey the tomboy- ish quality of Jo but its a minor grip as the film concentrate more on the children.About the kids,their acting varied from being poor to great but Nat and Ran are the main two kids and both of them were good in the roles,so,again,minor grips.The biggest issue is that the film feels like it ends to quickly,I was a bit sad it all ended and was wishing for an adaptation of the third book ,Joe's boys ,by the end of this one,to spend more time with those characters,to conclude,a sweet and short version of the book that require you to be heartless not to enjoy in some degree.
  • Burgundy3 April 1999
    This is a pretty good movie, nothing spectacular but a nice family movie. I didn't much like Mariel Hemingway's Jo, she didn't seem to have much of the tomboyish fun spirit that Jo is famous for. I was surprised to see Chris Sarandon, because this role of his is very different from the one I'm familiar with;Prince Humperdink. I didn't like the Mr. Bhaer of this movie, he was too different from the book character. The boy who played Nat was pretty good, and he gave me the odd feeling I had seen him before, though I have no idea where. I most liked Dan though. There is something very appealing about those tough, street-wise boys, who act all hard but you know they have a heart inside. I thought he was very well played, and I'd like to see that actor (Ben Cook) again. Good movie for kids, adults and some teens might like it too.
  • When I say that Little Men is a 'sharp' movie, I mean that it has a witty sense to it. Though it will never match the success of Little Women, I feel that it comes pretty dang close. I don't know why people dislike it so much. I thought the actors did a fine job, especially newcomer Ben Cook who played Dan. You could feel with and for the characters as you could in Little Women, but the atmosphere is different at least, and it is refreshing. 8 out of 10.
  • jewelch21 February 2021
    A family film bold enough to treasure the inherent goodness of all children and to celebrate the virtues of nonviolence, honesty, and compassion. Loved it James Welch Henderson, Arkansas 2/21/2021
  • flowerwings11 November 2005
    I absolutely adore this movie. I loved the book, and the movie is a nice version of it. I saw it on TV about two years ago, but since then it hasn't been on and is fairly vague in my mind. I HAVE to buy the DVD soon, as it's a necessity for my collection. People with kids should buy this as it's a great way to introduce them to the world of Louisa May Alcott, but it's not just a film for youngsters. It even made me tear up, which is almost impossible for me, definitely a feel-good film. Lovers of the film Little Women will like this one too, they're very similar in different ways, minus the more famous actors that LW has. I'd give it a solid eight out of ten, highly recommended, and a great family film.
  • hperks66069770021 January 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    I bought this video from a seller on Ebay a couple of days ago and it arrived yesterday. Finally sat down to watch it today. Before I saw it I had mixed feelings about how it as I love watching Little Women. The version with June Allyson and Janet Leigh is my favourite, however, I also enjoyed the other two versions that I have seen.

    This film is GOOD !!! It is very close to the book. OK, there are a couple of variations. In the book it is Laurie that sees that Nat goes to Plumfield, and John Brooke passes away at his own home, not at the school, but nonetheless, this film is a very well done adaptation.

    Spookily, I noticed a few things all to do with the character of Jo. First off I thought that Mariel Hemmingway bore a strong resemblance to Katharine Hepburn who also played Jo in the 1930's film, and a number of times I thought that the boy who played Nat reminded me of Winona Ryder who played Jo in the 1990's film.

    All in all a thoroughly enjoyable film and a must-see for fans of Louisa M Alcott's books about the March family.
  • Though some say the actors didn't do very well, I thought they did great. I'm always one to laugh, and this one had me laughing the whole time. Of course, there were emotional scenes, and the end, which was what I would call "heart-warming", I cried. Call me a sissy, but it was a great movie. All of the boys, I thought, did great. And Teddy was an adorable little actor too. The best acting would have been done by Ben Cook, who convinced me the whole time I watched the movie. My twin and I both love this movie. It was just so astounding. A cute little tale that concludes Little Women and makes you want to read the books. I would recommend this to all families. It just happens to be one of the stories that touches everyone. Each character was unique, well-played. You have to love it!
  • When I first saw this wonderful film, I was in love! I was in love with the characters! This film portrays such emotion and love! The best character was Dan played by the gorgeous Ben Cook! He made me cry! I think that role prooves what a brilliant actor he is and playing a street urchin was the best bet for him! I would strongly recommend that people watch this film as it is a sensitive and wonderful family film. People will fall in love with this film the minute they watch it.
  • Although I can't say I've read any of the books, Little Women or Little Men, I CAN say that this movie is fantastic. For an independent film, I'm absolutely impressed. You wouldn't have thought it to be independent at all- the scenery is marvelous, the acting is wonderful, the plot tantalizing, and best of all, the characters are attracting in the most interesting way and never did I lose interest in the movie. Also, I might add, the camera work and lighting is excellent. You could tell that this movie was obviously made by professionals, but never once did the earlier centriuth feeling leave at all. You feel like you're a part of their lives, it's great! I love this movie much better than I liked Little Women- I think Little Women was too slow in the beginning and too fast at the end so it left you both exhausted and feeling like the movie was long, but still didn't get to the point in time. Anyway, I tell anyone who wants to see a story about adventure, discipline, and finding home, rent this movie about two street urchins who struggle to adapt to the 'be good and obedient' manners of Joe's house.