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  • Addams Family Reunion is the weakest entry of the three films, but it is better than the awful TV series(New Addams family). The other two films were truly excellent, and seeing that most of the crew were replaced, it was obvious it was going to be a failure. The worst scene was the scene with the postman, that was just cringeworthy beyond belief. Tim Curry is a brilliant actor, and he is the only actor I can forgive for being here. Raul Julia had died, so it was perfectly natural for him to be replaced. Tim Curry did quite well as Gomez, but Raul Julia was easily the better Gomez in terms of spirit and charisma. Curry looked a bit uncomfortable at times especially in that awful purple pinstriped suit they made him wear, but he had the best lines that at least he made some effort with. Daryl Hannah tried hard,giving an equally spirited performance, but she is too beautiful for the character. I also thought she was too young for Morticia. These two are really talented actors(I have genuine respect for them) and sometimes you find an actor that has a role that doesn't suit them , evident here. Patrick Thomas was just embarrassing. Christopher Lloyd was born to play Fester and Thomas badly overacted. None of his actions were reminiscent of the original Fester. The children weren't very good either. Nicole Fugere was bearable, but she rarely uttered a word, and her stare felt rather unpleasant. Jerry Messing was awful, so annoying. He was too big and too loud. To say the cast were entirely to blame is very unfair, believe me the script was so poor, I'm surprised the actors weren't shaking with embarrassment. One of the few bright spots was the brief chemistry between Tim Curry and Ed Begley Jnr, bringing back fond memories of Tales of the Crypt, when Curry played three members of a family, with Begley playing a salesman. The most embarrassing moments were the Jeffrey and Melinda scenes in the mansion, who served no real purpose to the poorly thought-out plot. That said, the director is entirely to blame for the failure of this movie; he had no idea how to direct them. The script was repulsive, really childish, and should have a razzie for worst screenplay. And the special effects were poorly executed. There was good chemistry between Curry and Hannah, who tried their best, with the poor material. The dance routine was quite interesting, although I have seen Tim Curry dance better in films like Annie and RHPS. I would've loved to have heard Curry sing, for he has a great singing voice, because Raul Julia sang a Mamooshka in the first movie. In conclusion, an embarrassment, but not the worst movie ever. 4/10 for the efforts of Curry, Hannah and Begley. Bethany Cox.
  • mrk38 November 1998
    I came into this with low expectations, understanding it was going to be aimed at children. They missed and hit some toddlers instead. It actually could have been quite a bit better (all the way up to a 5, maybe) if it had been a bit more subtle. As it is, the acting was WAY too grotesque. Uncle Fester's character is a joke. Not funny at all. The same script with a different director and some new actors might have worked.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In spite the lack of a really strong story, this TV movie is actually quite enjoyable, closer to the original Charles Addams comic books rather than the movies of a few years before. It's a fast moving series of gags and visual treats as Gomez (Tim Curry) and Morticia (Darryl Hannah) deal with Gomez's visiting grandparents and then attend an Addams family reunion where they come up against pompous relatives who deserve to be put into their place. Gomez fears that his grandmother (Estelle Harris) and grandfather (Kevin McCarthy) are turning normal, and he won't stand for that. Meanwhile, Morticia's mother (Esmarelda!, played by Alice Ghostley) is forced to entertain Adam's Family relatives given the wrong address which leads to some absolutely ookie occurences.

    Diane DeLano is hysterical as one of the family in-laws, equally insane, the wife of cousin Ed Begley Jr., a snobbish prude. Young Pugsly (which we find out means stomach pump) falls for their daughter who looks like she'd fit right in at the Addams mansion with her thick glasses and weird hairstyle. It's obvious that the Addams Family madness is catchy as the family members begin to seem quite a bit odder than their initial uppity personalities indicated.

    This is closer in mood to the "Casper" movie than the two hit Raul Julia and Angelica Huston films in its slapstick dark humor. Ray Walston has a few funny moment as the eldest member of the family whom everyone hates and hope dies sooner rather than later. This certainly has a lot of really funny moments, but its direction is all over the place so you're hopping back and forth between the situation at the mansion and at reunion which makes it a bit unstructured. Still, it's a fun popcorn film where everybody seems to be having a really good time and everybody gets a chance to shine.
  • Goreripper27 August 2000
    Poor old Raul Julia would be spinning in his grave like a rotisserie chicken if he could see what had become of the Addams Family series. Along with "Super Mario Bros.", this would undoubtedly be one of the most appalling major studio films ever to appear; made for video or not, there's no excuse to make movies which suck so utterly it's painful to watch them all the way through. When my former housemate borrowed this one evening I watched it like a rubbernecker gawks at a road accident. An adequate cast struggles desperately with an idiotic script playing characters made familiar by other people, far more convincingly: Nicole Fugere couldn't begin to come close to Christina Ricci's Wednesday if she lived to be a million. Only Tim Curry has any sparkle, but he could ham up the phone book and make it work. Turkey, with a capital "T"
  • Not one single good gag. Not one single funny line throughout the film. The entire cast gives lousy performances. I know that when the film was made, Raul Julia(may he rest in peace) had died, and that Christina Ricci was getting a little too old to play Wednesday; but did they really have to recast everyone else, too? The only original cast members left are Carel Struycken(Lurch) and Christopher Hart(Thing). All of the new cast is severely miscast; Tim Curry has pulled off some good performances in the past, but come on, he's just not Gomez. Not in a million years. He lacks the 'Latin-American' spirit that Raul possessed. Daryl Hannah obviously tries hard to portray a Morticia faithful to Anjelica Huston, but she fails; she's too lively, and far too naturally beautiful; they tried to cover it up(well, mostly... for some reason, she shows cleavage in the last scene... who thought of that? Ridiculously out of character.) but they couldn't. Another problem is that she's too luscious, whereas Morticia is supposed to have a dangerously, unhealthy thin figure. Patrick Thomas, who plays Fester, is a joke. A bad one. He overdoes Fester so horribly, that I actually cringed every single second he was on screen. I doubt that he could have done much worse. The new child actors are also bad; Nicole Fugere as Wednesday lacks the eeriness and creepiness of Christina Ricci. She never conveys any sort of emotion, not even the disgust that Ricci did so well in the previous two films, whenever something happy or lively was around. Nicole lacks that talent; she just looks the part, that's all. It's pretty much the same with Jerry Messing, the new Pugsley. He looks pretty much like Pugsley is supposed to look, but lacks the acting ability of Jimmy Workman, the actor from the two previous films. The humor of the film is as bad as it gets; whereas the first two had great black humor, this one is reduced to childish humor, which just every once in a while has a bit of 'blackness' to it. But it's all childish, which means tons of humiliation of, and ridiculous amounts of pain inflicted to, different characters for no apparent reason(other than to make children and people with equally bad humor laugh). The effects are also excruciatingly bad; you would have thought that they'd have developed better techniques through the five-six years that passed between making the previous film in the series and this. I mean, honestly, the effects look worse than they did back in the first film. All in all, this is one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I think it's too bad that they had to end the series with such a horribly unfunny film. I don't recommend this horrid piece of garbage to anyone, even children shouldn't be mistreated and go through the pure torture it is to watch this wretched film. You think I'm exaggerating? See it for yourself... no, better yet; take my word for it... it's horrible. One of the most pathetic attempts at comedy I've ever had the enduring pain of watching. If you do decide to give this film a chance, be prepared for the absolute worst. You were warned... 1/10
  • The first two Addams Family films were true to the original Addams Family comics. This film bears no relation to the origional in spirit or concept. It's a pathetic attempt to cash in on an established and recognizable name. Silly slap-stick.
  • This movie has basically nothing to recommend it.

    The writers bear the heaviest burden for this dog. I'm generally a fan of Tim Curry, Darryl Hannah, and both the Movie and TV(original) "Addams Family "shows. This movie was an embarrassment to anything related to the "Addams Family"

    Tim Curry appears to have been pressed into a bad Raul Julia impersonation, rather than allowed to find his own style, Darryl Hannah and and the rest just don't seem to have been given anything to work with.

    And neither have you, the viewer. This movie reeks, but if you're reading this, you've probably already found that out to your sorrow.
  • The third Addams Family installment is an complete and utter insult to the Addams Family Name. I have no idea what batch of crap the people behind this rubbish were smoking while doing this, but it was certainly very strong. It's not at all a genuine Addams Family film, and definitely one to forget. It was all just so wrong.

    Pretty much of all the actors don't suit their roles. Tim Curry is a good actor, but is better at playing gimpy and swotty roles like his character in Home Alone 2. He made Gomez look like a humble poncy lord butler in this, it didn't suit him at all. Daryl Hannah tried too hard to be the part but just was too glittery and luscious to suit her role. The guy plays Fester over-does his character even more, but he just looks like a laughably drugged retard. And others lack the scary creepy Gothic characteristic ability-that Christina Ricci, John Workman, etc-had. Their acting generally was forgettable. and they looked quite like they didn't want to be there.

    The plot was lame. The humour hardly helped at all. It was slapstick, stupid, corny and to an extent grotesque. The Addams Family house itself didn't look very scary and Gothic, and they went to a lot bright pink places. I mean, huh? What the hell...?!....? It was more like Addams Family in Barbie World or something. They were definitely smoking something strong to come up with that idea. It was about as Gothic and scary as a flower field. It was just WRONG. It's like the Cheeky Girls attempting to do a Metallica song. It's seriously that badly combined. In fact, all in all, the only genuinely dark thing about this film is the mere shadow that is it to it's two classic predecessors.

    Me and my friend, against the other friend's will, demanded this off about halfway through because it was so bad and wrong. Even hardcore Addam Family fans will probably be insulted by this. This film really is a messed up breakfast and lunch together, and a half-done insulting joke. I think the real excuse for this film was to get money (i.e. cash in on the two previous Addams Family films and thereby robbing people of their precious hard-earned money). Don't be the next to suffer this scam; steer well clear and stick with the other two films and the cartoons.
  • The Addams Family came out in 91, and it was a huge hit. Then the sequel came out 2 years later in 93, also being a hit. Now number 3 is out, the Addams Family Reunion, a horrribly stupid bad acted(except for Tim Curry and Daryl Hannah) movie. The plot was stupid, the characters were ALL different. Now I know they had to get rid of the kids from the first two, because as you can see Wednesday who was played by Christina Ricci in the first two is now an adult, making movies like Sleeping Hollow. But they could of casted better Wednesdays and Pugsleys for the Reunion, I mean these kids could not act at all and everything thy did was stupid. Uncle Fester who in the first 2 was played by Christopher LLoyd(and brilliantly may I add), now they have some hyper active freak who goes around yelling and screaming like a two year old doing stupid pranks...It was then that it hit me, this new movie was not intended to be a sequel to the previous two. It was supposed to be a movie about the new Fox show "THE NEW ADDAMS FAMILY", and no way related to the old Addams family. This movie was a huge flop and dissapointment and no wonder they decided to put it on video. If they had released it in the theater it would of made absolutely nothing and they would've gone broke. 1/5 stars, it was horribly stupid, and I mean HORRIBLY stupid of a movie to make....
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this terrible. Please, don't bother even LOOKING at the case. I shudder each time I think of it. Raul Julia would be turning in his grave.

    Tim Curry. A name known throughout the world. He is a brilliant actor and I have found his other work to be particularly enjoyable- emphasis on OTHER. He seems so intent to replicate Raul Julia that he doesn't (replicate him). Gomez is terribly out of character and is rather more like a prim English butler in a Gomez suit than Gomez Addams. Was he so far in Raul Julia's shadow that he could not bring his own skills to the movie? Daryl Hannah at least I expected something worthwhile from. I've seen reviews that sang her praises and found myself utterly disappointed. She tries so hard to imitate the fey-like quality that Anjelica Huston brought to the character that I almost pity her because she overdoes it. Her features are distinctly different from that of Huston's and her overall looks are too perfect to really make Morticia come alive.

    And where are the most classic parts of the couple's relationship? As shown in The Addams Family and Addams Family Values, Gomez and Morticia are unashamed by their blatant displays of affection- affection so overwhelming that at certain points it becomes almost corny in Addams Family Reunion. Not once do we see Gomez trailing kisses along Morticia's arm (a near trademark) and in the beginning of the movie where we are offered a tidbit of the two in bed together, which I suppose is meant to be teasing, I was surprised to find that the scene incorporated none of the sensuality that accompanied Gomez and Morticia in the previous two movies. NGAH. CANON HAS BEEN MURDERED.

    Don't even look in this movie's direction.
  • evanm-837622 November 2020
    Trashy Movie, I was looking for another addams family and I found this, I thought it was going to be epic but then I saw the cast. It was different and not the same cast but I watched the movie and decided it belongs to the garbage can
  • lakotacoon13 February 2021
    Sure it's not the greatest as the originals but I still love it! The romantic parts, and other stuff. Honestly I like skip-stick and that's just me maybe give it a chance before judging it!
  • pperson15 November 2003
    I have to admit that I was dubious when I bought it and found it much more like the TV show than the theatrical films in mood. Uncle Fenster, in particular, appeared much more someone to laugh at. As I watched it, I found this Morticia nowhere near as good as Angelica Huston's, the children fine, Fenster not serious enough.

    But, when Gomez stepped out onto the tennis court ... he /was/ Gomez. Tim Curry had a very hard act to follow (Raul Julia's Gomez) but he did it very well indeed. And Fenster turned out to be fine as well, once I got used to his new persona.

    Still, it is clearly aimed at children and clearly not a sequel to the other two (no Pubert, no Dementia). And it has that indefinable miasma of a direct-to-video production. Hence the not-so-high rating.
  • ant1019 October 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    This 3rd Addams Family film seems to be a movie adaptation of the 1990's cartoon series as opposed to the Original Black & White TV series which the first two films were based on. This movie has "comedic" elements which give it a completely different style to the first two movies. And not in a good way.

    The premise of this film, a family reunion of the Addams family, is utterly preposterous considering there was a family reunion all the way back in the first Addams Family film, when Uncle Fester had a party thrown in his honour. You have to wonder if the people who made this film had ever even seen the other two. It would appear the characters certainly hadn't as they mistake a group of people with the last name of "Adams" for "Addams".

    It's not surprising this film was direct-to-video. However it is surprising that this film was made at all.
  • I was very frustrated by this video. I am a big fan of both Tim Curry and the Addams Family. I got the feeling that the people responsible for the video were not fans of either the cartoon nor the TV show. Tim Curry's Gomez was a sore loser quick to start fist fights and not that interested in his wife. The Gomez we know and love can be drawn to anger but usually resolves his arguments with swords or dueling pistols. And as for Morticia? Well, only mere seconds go by before Gomez is overcome with passion at the very site of her. In this outing we do not get a "Tish that's French!" or a quick run up Morticia's arms with kisses from her beloved husband. It is like watching Fred Flinstone but never hearing Yabba Dabba Do. Really, what's the point?
  • canuck-bc20 January 2003
    We all know that this movie was made for young children. But even children shouldn't have their intelligence insulted like this.. The special affects don't even try. The dialog is worse than cartoons...This film is just plain bad.
  • As a big Addams Family fan I wanted to see this movie ever since I first heard of it. But over here in Holland, it isn't available so I wasn't able to see it. Until today, when I discovered the full movie is on YouTube.

    Since Raul Julia's death I thought Tim Curry would be the perfect follow-up as Gomez Addams. I was wrong. Very wrong. Tim Curry surely has the looks to be Gomez, but his acting in this movie is lame and he doesn't get the heart of Gomez Addams. It's hard to imagine this was the same actor who scared so many people in his portrayal as Pennywise the Clown.

    Daryl Hannah as Morticia is just another example of miscasting. She does not have the Gothic heart to portray Morticia as Carolyn Jones and Anjelica Huston had.

    Even 'our very own Dutch' Carel Struycken is not able to reprise his role as Lurch as he did in the movies with Raul Julia and Chrisopher Lloyd and seems to have lost his Lurch-mojo here.

    Patrick Thomas as Uncle Fester is something I liked. This had some promise. He is way different from Christopher Lloyd's portrayal, but is more close to Jackie Coogan's interpretation of the character. But Patrick Thomas unfortunately also had to suffer from low budgets and bad directing/lighting/production fails and looks more like a guy who dresses up for Halloween in an attempt to be Uncle Fester than that he is convincing, But this is not because of his acting, but because of the cheap and bad make-up.

    The same goes for the wardrobe of the other characters: cheap, way too 'clean' and all looking like it was bought at the dollar store. Especially the clothing for Pugsley.

    The special effects are bad, but that's something I could accept as it is a made-for-TV-only movie. The lighting and editing are also very bad.
  • GraemeGoodaker28 December 2021
    Apparently Anjelica Huston and Christopher Lloyd didn't want to reprise their roles as Morticia and Fester. A wiser decision was never made!

    The first two movies were great, I particularly liked Wednesday going to summer camp in the second one. Somehow this one just seems amateurish, like a bad fan film, and when you can say that about a film that has Tim Curry and Daryl Hannah in it, you know something has gone terribly wrong!
  • higuitamax24 September 2009
    Bad acting, bad special effects, bad script, bad direction and very bad editing. Was there any reason to make this movie?

    John Astin had his approach on Gomez. Raul Julia, instead of playing Astin's Gomez, made a character of his own. But not Tim Curry. No. Maybe not his fault, after all. This was supposed to be Julia's third installment as Gomez, had he not died. The "producers" may have been obsessed with the idea and wanted Julia's Gomez, anyway. Curry imitated Julia's Gomez and payed poor homage to his predecessor.

    Darryl Hanna as Morticia? Back in the day, I thought a blonde was a stupid choice for playing the character, but back then I didn't know Carolyn Jones was a redhead herself. Hanna would have been an average Morticia, if it hadn't been for the wig shifting places above her head. Sometimes her forehead looks so big, its creepier than the Addamses.

    An advice for the guy playing Fester: "There is such a thing as OVERACTING".

    The Wednesday girl tried so hard to be creepy, that her acting career is over.

    Pugsly was OK, if you don't count on his excessive baggage.

    A bad movie overall. Even for a TV movie.

    Sorry for the people who bought it on VHS.
  • This movie is trying it's best to make it look like a reboot after Raul Julia's death, the story is poorly executed, the casting choice is poorly choosing including Daryl Hannah and Tim Curry as Gomez and Morticia Addams and even the dialog is so terrible it makes some people to go back and watch the original Addams Family movies produced by Paramount Pictures instead despite this made-for-tv movie produced by the company that brought us Power Rangers and of course I would make this an embarrassing movie to watch and truly yet poorly made.
  • The idea on which the film is based is great, but turned into a bad movie. The scenario is not so bad, although humor is too often forced, but new actors, besides possibly Tim Curry, are completely miscast, especially Daryl Hannah in the role of Morticia, and their performances are tragicom... no, but just tragic. And don't let me even start on effects and editing...

  • Just absolute filth. Makes a mockery of all that game before. The story and performances are equally as poor as one another
  • I was nervous when I picked this one up. A direct to video Addams Family? But I was very surprised. Sure the budget was small. Sure the digital effects weren't perfect. Sure a few performances were weak (some of the kid actors were so wooden they must have cast them in a lumberyard!). But I was almost immediately won over. There was a certain spirit and charm to he style. The film makers would stop at nothing to try for a laugh or a thrill. They chose a course with style and went with it, holding nothing back. If you're not all hung up on the bigger budget Addams movies, I recommend this one. It's a great ride.
  • ThunderKing65 March 2022
    Addams Family have returned in the 90s and they had a great run until they were struck by a pony. I think.

    Addams Family Reunion was not the best of the 90s run which is why it was a straight to tv movie unlike the others.

    Its not horrible it just not like the rest lacking mostly in the story telling and the use of cheap effect.

    Still a movie worthy of enjoying with your family.

    Should you watch this movie? Yes.
  • Carlotta-45 March 2001
    I adore all other versions of Charles Addams' creations. But this one is the worst. Hearing what others had to say, I told myself that a movie can't be that bad. Well, I was right. It was worse.

    Tim Curry is a great actor. As long as he isn't Gomez.

    Daryl Hannah, I won't get into it. She was trying too hard to be as good as Anjelica Huston in the role.

    Nicole Fugere was decent in "The New Addams Family." Nicole and Alice Ghostly (Grandmama) were the only two characters who didn't make me want to kill them.

    All in all, not a bad movie if you like to make fun of a movie while you watch it.
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