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  • Warning: Spoilers
    *As obvious as this film may be, there may be spoilers in this comment.* The main question that came to me when watching Atomic Dog was: "What was going through the casts' minds during filming?". This film is terrible from the absurd plot that it entails to the poor acting on screen. The story of a dog made evil by radiation that terrorizes a friendly community that seems to know everything about dogs, including what they're thinking about. The dogs in this movie are trained horrendously bad and when you think that the stunts probably cost more than the movie will have grossed, that makes you think. To add to insult is blasphemy, as the atomic dog decides to recreate with the little girl at the end, because it likes her character. Was the movie not bad enough without this lame 'Alien like' twist at the end? Stay away from this film, just as much as you'd stay away from an overused porter toilet at the 3rd day of a festival! Serious! 2.5/10
  • Leofwine_draca15 July 2015
    A dog is irradiated and goes on a rampage of violence in this ultra-silly children's horror flick, directed by a man who should know better: Brian Trenchard-Smith. Trenchard-Smith is a guy responsible churning out some fantastic little B-movies old (TURKEY SHOOT) and new (AZTEC REX), but he must have really been slumming it to put his name to this particular outing.

    This Z-grade flick plays out as a child-friendly version of the Stephen King thriller CUJO, as a lovable dog goes on a PG-rated orgy of violence. The script and performances are overall poor, as are the limited special effects. The decision to give the dog a kind of PREDATOR vision is particularly silly although it did have me laughing. There are lots of other dogs in the film too, and many of them are well trained, so if you're a dog lover (like myself) you might enjoy it a little. It's still an awful film, though.
  • nitro7224 January 2019
    Isabella Hofmann, Katie Stuart, & the jacket I bought at the Wardrobe Sale were the only bright spots in this bland flick filled with crazy camera angles & erratic editing; puppies grew up unbelievably fast & seemed to change breeds.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    [Mild spoilers included] This won't win any Animal Planet awards, nor is it exactly good sci-fi. It's basically a 1950's B-movie updated to the 90's. A puppy dog is left behind when a nuclear power plant suffers a "low-level radiation leak," and, instead of dying horribly, is transformed into a Superdog with human intelligence and the ability to leap 9-ft. fences at a single bound. He impregnates the dog of a family who's just moved into town (who apparently don't care their house is down the block from an evacuated nuclear plant) then terrorizes them trying to reclaim his puppies, one of whom is tame and the other vicious. When that doesn't work he tries to "adopt" the family's little girl, who doesn't fear him. Fairly pedestrian all the way around, with not much tension (though the atomic dog is well trained). And I'm particularly bewildered by the poster who said this is a good children's movie; there are 4 dogs in this movie and three of them end up dead.
  • Uh, no. This is THE worst movie ever made. Why did they bother? I thought it was gonna be one of those silly cheesy movies, but it wasn't. It actually tried to be a serious movie. God awful. I can't believe I watched the whole thing.
  • The only argument for anti-movie fans to use is the inherent crud evident in such films as "Atomic Dog". Never has a more putrid slice of film made it to video, and we see why: a horrible story, surrounded by meaningless characters, an insanely predictable plot, and Christ, some of the worst camera work I have personally ever witnessed. To see this move is a crime; do yourself a favor and look at a brick for 90 minutes...its better than this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay first things first & that is this is a movie not an Animal Planet documentary so it will do as all movies should & that is suspend belief but this does not ask you to suspend it to stupidity levels like any of the Shark Attack munch munch naked women about to get made into shark food do. The movie does slightly mislead you from the poster as you are expecting some sort of super power dog when this starts with a man (cleaner I think) & his puppy who are at the Nuclear power plant when it suffers a LOW LEVEL I will repeat this a LOW LEVEL leak & the plant is immediately shut down & all staff removed including the cleaner who is refused allowance to go get his pup (admittedly you would have thought he would have sneaked back in & got him but nope he does not). Move on a year & you have a family new to the area comprising of dad (an inventor of gadgets,mum (a writer of children s books),teenage son (& no just a normal teen not a troubled one) & lastly but not lastly a daughter (this bit really says a lot about the people who wrote the description as they say about the son being the main character where as to me it is the daughter) & the family Labrador bitch. The son is going out with some of the towns boys for the evening & the dog goes with them & they end up at the abandoned power plant where one of the son's new friends decides to take out his .22 rifle & shoot at the exterior lighting where upon they see the pup (but he is now a full grown dog) & being a fool shoots at the dog so the dog runs off & this friend decides to trespass onto the site. The film is not a horror & does not have anything that would make me think unsuitable for older children (10 plus)so I would say give it a try.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just before my local Hollywood Video closed down (RIP) I went in and and picked up a number of Videos on sale,which appeared to largely be films that have not come out on disc. Despite being taken by clips of his movies in the doc Not Quite Hollywood I for some reason have never got round to seeing a flick from Brian Trenchard- Smith.Sorting out Videos to view for the IMDb Horror boards October Challenge,I found an unwatched Hollywood tape of a Trenchard- Smith's family offering,which led to me letting the atomic dog roam free.

    The plot:

    Finding leaks,a nuclear plant is ordered to shut down right away.Refusing to go with his owner,a dog stays as everyone leaves the plant. Over the next year,the dog licks up the nuclear wastes and mutates. Crossing paths with a female dog who has wandered on the plant,the now-mutant dog breeds with it. Returning home,the Yates family find that their loyal dog has returned with puppies. As they meet the puppies,their dog dies.Keeping the puppies,the Yates start to see the dogs act very strangely.

    View on the film:

    Working with the "family TV Movie" dog tags,director Brian Trenchard-Smith and cinematographer David Lewis surprisingly show some real white fangs with Ozploitation-style first person tracking shots from the mutant dogs point of view,and the good old boy being having a liking to rip any persons throat out,who tries to keep him apart from the family. Whilst having to shoulder some aw-shucks TV family moments (with Isabella Hofmann and Katie Stuart being welcomed inclusions)the screenplay by Miguel Tejada-Flores grabs the collar for some rather unsettling bites at Horror,which includes killing almost every dog in the film, (sweet dreams kids!) and giving the lead mutant dog a sharp mind which allows for tense traps to be made for the stupid humans,as Cujo Jr wags his tail.
  • Upon watching this movie, my life has been astronomically changed, my skin is clearer, my grades are better. This movie is like a subliminal message to the mind it was just that good, this movie gave me a six pack, it made me FEEL like THE atomic dog. I feel as though this movie should be viewed with as much respect as those who are watching Titanic. In conclusion, this movie is a MUST WATCH in everyones life, it will truly change your life for the better!!!!!!!!! 10/10 would recommend. Now here is a song that reminds me of this movie.

    Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

    Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

    So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets?

    You'll never know if you don't go (GO!) You'll never shine if you don't glow

    Hey, now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play Hey, now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold.
  • The dogs were not presented as being vicious naturally but by genetic malfunction. The villains in my estimation were the humans who ran the defective Atomic Power Plant and then abandoned it. They took no safety precautions causing a hazard to anyone who came in contact with the Plant. In this case, the innocent dogs were the victims of radiation poisoning. In my opinion, besides family entertainment, this movie also makes a social commentary.
  • This B-movie, which airs repeatedly on the Sci-Fi Channel, isn't the world's grestest film. But it has a certain camp appeal. The film is part anti-nuclear screed, part "boy loves dog" film, part "Cujo" and part science fiction movie.

    The film involves the Yates family, who live in a bucolic small town near a nuclear reactor. An old man who works as a security guard there adopts a homeless dog. But when the reactor has a meltdown (which is hushed up by the standard baddies who run the plant), the dog is trapped inside the core and irradiated. Assumed dead, "Atomic Dog" escapes the plant to wreak havoc on the town.

    "Havoc" is a little over-stating the case, however. At first, the dog seems to menace the Yates family and especially young Josh, whose own dog keeps getting lost. But Josh (stupidly? heroically?) befriends Atomic Dog -- even though Atomic Dog has attacked his own pet -- and feeds the glowing beastie. None of this makes sense. It is as if the writer of the film wasn't sure if he wanted a family film or a version of "Cujo." Instead, a weird admixture exists in the film. For teens or younger children, the film has a slight menacing undercurrent (wholly accidental). But for adults, the film is just goofy. It's also unclear exactly why Atomic Dog is monstrous. The dog seems to glow at night, has glowing eyes, and is somewhat stronger than a normal dog. But other than that, it's not much of a menace.

    Soon, the town authorities, pushed by the evil folk at the nuclear plant (eager to cover up the nuclear monster they created), begin to think Atomic Dog is a horrible terror that will "destroy the town." The Yates try to protect Atomic Dog, helped by their vet and Josh's friend Dwayne (the quite good teen actor Scott Olynek). Lots of time-wasting action occurs, as the town hunts the dog down. The action is so slow-paced and interminable that it's difficult to actually sit through the film.

    By the end of the film, all's well that ends well. We even get puppies to which the audience is supposed to deliver the requisite "awww!"). There's clearly room for a sequel.

    Micah Gardner is serviceable as the film's teenage star, Josh Yates, but not outstanding. Daniel Hugh Kelly tries his hardest as the father, Brook Yates, but his acting skills are so limited and poor that his performance is painful to watch. Isabella Hofmann is given little to do except drive the kids to school, make cookies, and look worried. Scott Olynek is the surprise here -- he actually looks effortless and natural as the best friend.

    There are very few special effects in the film, although the editing, cinematography and production values are fairly top-notch. There's a little violence (mostly dog attacks, which are easily spotted even by children as fake), some crowds with torches, and such.

    It's a time-waster for adults, but probably might satisfy the middle-school kids.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I think this is a crazy but good movie about a family that runs out of luck when they discover that the pups from their dog Trixie are actually mutants. Well, half-mutants. Why oh why....? Because the dog who is responsible for this 'accident' is a mutant himself! He lives in the Power Plant nearby and is actually a devoted father. When he returns to get his 'children' back, the troubles begin...! And when I say 'troubles' you may expect the worst. To avoid a spoiler alert, I must stop here. I already read somewhere that this movie is 'educating' in some ways. That could be true, because living near or in a Power Plant does effect your body and your DNA. Poor doggy, he could have had a normal life, but... Finally, to make you realize you should see this movie, I should warn you that it has a (SO MAYBE THIS IS A SPOILER!!!) dramatic ending. Figure out yourselves what that's supposed to mean, all right?