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  • A master recording of this 1973 tele-drama is in the archives at CBS's Television City complex (where I saw it, thanks to someone who's got more influence at CBS than I'll ever have), but they are unlikely to re-release it due to various controversies. That situation is regrettable for two reasons: this is an excellent drama, and its controversial aspects have long since been eclipsed by other productions.

    It's autumn, 1968, the peak of America's involvement in the Vietnam War. Tom Aldredge and Anne Jackson give impressive performances as suburban couple Ozzie and Harriet, who have two sons named Rick and David. Those names alone were responsible for some of the controversy in 1973, when this tele-drama was originally transmitted. The family's names are clearly meant to evoke the Nelsons: the white-bread married couple (and their two sons) who starred in the 1950s sitcom 'The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet'.

    Rick (Cliff De Young) was wounded in Vietnam, and has come home blind. I was annoyed that much of the mise-en-scene in this production implies that, since Rick's eyesight is gone, his life is over: that attitude is an insult to all blind people, all injured servicemen (and -women), and all handicapped people. But Rick's blindness isn't the only problem. Some of his traumas from 'in country' have come back to America with him. His parents and brother are baffled by the arrival of Rick's master sergeant and a South Vietnamese peasant woman, who are apparently hallucinations that have become real ... or are they? Eventually, the rest of the family decide that they would be better off if Rick would just do the decent thing and shoot himself.

    I didn't arrive in America until after the Vietnam War, so I never really experienced that conflict from America's viewpoint. (During the war, though, I interviewed several G.I.s who were on R&R in Queensland and who expected to go right back to the front lines.) Although playwright David Rabe's stagecraft is sure here, I got the feeling at several points during this production that Rabe was trying to be controversial merely for the sake of controversy, rather than for any higher purpose.

    The cast are uniformly superb, as is the direction by Robert Downey. He cleverly shades the events in this drama so that we can never quite be certain whether we're witnessing real events or whether Rick's hallucinations have spread to the rest of the family. I'll rate this drama 7 out of 10, and I hope it becomes available again ... although it's now very much a period piece.
  • This one's got the feel of the 70's all over it. Nothing wrong with that but this is no excuse for the drawn out deliveries and shots that make it difficult for this story to gain legs. David Rabe's (playwrite) intentions are realized, I guess. The wall that can develop between a war vet's experience and his/her family's life expectations can be stark...and can lead to tragic disconnection. I like the obvious psychological angle this film takes with "less-than-realistic" performances from supporting characters and the choice for tight shots that keep the claustrophobic feel that helps to force focus. Just a little sloppy on the editing for my taste and to keep me riveted.
  • I saw this film when it aired on CBS some 50+ years ago. I had read the script of the play, and in the 70's I saw productions of Rabe's two other plays in his Trilogy, namely Pavlo Hummel and Streamers. Now I find this video on YouTube and I watched it for a second time.

    I think the script would have benefited from a more realistic presentation, which would have allowed the lines to furnish the distorted reality rather than attempting to gild the lily. Regardless, this video presents the play as a clear product of its time, and the production now is mainly of historic interest, including the controversy which surrounded its airing on television. Anne Jackson appeared in so few films that seeing her in this production was a treat.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, I have to make a few corrections to the previous review. The names "Ozzie, Harriet, David, and Rick" were used in the stage production of "Sticks and Bones", but they had different names in this television version. Also, even in the stage version, the blind son's name was "David" and the younger brother's name was "Ricky". Anyway, in this television adaptation of the play, the parents' names were "Andy" and "Ginger" instead of "Ozzie" and "Harriet." The blind veteran's name was "Daniel" instead of "David", and the younger brother's name was "Bucky" instead of "Ricky." They probably felt that the names of a real life television family would be too controversial for the TV adaptation.

    There were also other differences between the stage and television play. Much of the dialogue and scenes were shortened in this television version; the stage play took place entirely within the family home with only the main seven characters being seen, whereas the TV version showed them sometimes outdoors, interacting with others; in addition some scenes were added or removed from one or the other. The scene where Sgt. Major tries to get the mother to take in a blind homeless veteran was NOT in the original stage production. In the stage version, the Asian girl's body was NOT put out in a garbage bag, but rather hidden in the living room.

    Despite the slight differences, both plays are basically the same story. A blind veteran comes home, he cannot adjust to life after the war, the family cannot understand, the ghostlike memory of a Vietnamese girl stays with him, and in the end he is driven to attempt suicide by his family, although whether he actually dies remains vague.

    I originally saw this TV version of Sticks and Bones in the early 80's on the ARTS channel (before it became the Arts and Entertainment network and when its programming truly was artful). I had not seen or read the stage version previously and I was particularly intrigued by the poetic nature of the plot and dialogue. I found it interesting how the characters' last names were never mentioned. Even when Sgt. Major comes to the door to bring their son home, he asks to speak to "the father", leaving the last name ambiguous. I was pretty young then and such creative, artistic writing was new to me and I was fascinated by it.

    For the person who's looking to get a copy of this TV play, all I can say is "good luck and please let me know if you succeed." When I first saw this in the 80's, I failed to record it when it was running, I then tried everything to find a copy, but never could locate one. Even now, in this day of DVD, Internet, and Youtube, I still come up empty. I'm impressed to see that there is any discussion about it here on IMDb. Hopefully, it will eventually find its way out in the open for the general public's viewing. Its Vietnam War theme is not dated, but rather a significant part of history.
  • tbyrne36925 August 2018
    This was indeed (as another reviewer stated) shown on tv at some point in the early 80s. I remember vividly. It's one of my strangest memories because I had no idea what it was and I was only about seven or eight years old. If I remember correctly it was shot using the same type of framing you see in a sitcom (minus the canned laughter of course) which made it feel dour and creepy.

    I wondered about it for years until i read the play in college and the memory jumped back at me. I would love to see it again. Rabe is such a brilliant writer it would great to see it unearthed although it looks like at this point it may not happen.

    Real shame.
  • Great TV movie about the affects of the Vietnam war. This actually takes place after 1969 as the Rolling Stones "Monkey Man" is played in an early scene. This song was released in 1969. So it can't be in 1968. Just saying. The cast are really good and Anne Jackson stands out as the Mother.