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  • mm-396 November 2007
    I do not mind the show. A left wing slant, but not a overly left view. I only watch Nightline when they have an interesting guest or investigation. Nightline is mostly a run of the mill news show. The usual panel discussion, special guests, and the commentators own summary of the news topic. The special investigation segments is Nightlines saving grace. The investigation segments are usually about what the public should watch for. Nightline proves a News show can inform and alert the public. I love the heads up about scumbags and their evil antics. 6 out of 10. Not bad for late night TV. Tom is a decent anchor.
  • This show began at the height of the Iran hostage crisis and the incoming presidency of Ronald Reagan which changed America forever. Now adays, 24/7 news networks have taken over these late night news shows, and this one is part of a dying breed. Avoid it at all costs.
  • I used to be a huge fan of Nightline in the days with Ted Koppel. Nightline used to give you the information about a current issue in the country, then have a couple of experts debate the issue. I thought that it was very interesting and entertaining. But sadly, today, Nightline is nothing more than another news magazine show, and the stories are mostly boring. They mostly talk about stories that are already all over the news. Sadly, this is exactly what happened when Hugh Downs left 20/20, 20/20 used to be all about consumer investigations and undercover stings, today it's nothing more than a myth busting show beside what's already in the news. Most of these stories are already all over the news, and we don't want to hear them again, we want to hear something that's different and interesting!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a news junkie there. As love the show and it is in the educational. And that is shows in the human aspects of the behind the show that we would not likely get.

    Even if Ted Koppel does not do the show anymore, and sixteen years after he left, still love the show and in the humanizing the news stories!
  • wikiblue14 July 2019
    News Magazine is how they used to marketing this show...I started watching when the host was Cynthia McFadden and then Bill Weir and I used to learn something from every episode...something interesting, curious, heck even useful sometime...but nowadays those episodes are so few and far between! Hate that they don't think people are smart and know exactly when they are trying to sell you a specific point of view...when they manipulate the information to their interest. It's a sad thing, really...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Really love the Nightline as with three anchors of Terry Moran, Bill Weir, and Cynthia McFadden as they add personality and that they have really come so far.

    After the no personality and all news Ted Koppel. Really I like Ted do not get me wrong. But Koppel had no personality at all. But still he was hardcore news thing and missed him.

    But the three anchors are very refreshing. And really so personality but they know when to be serious. And know when to be funny along the way.

    Love the new era of Nightline there!
  • It's not a news show, but simply propaganda. I stumbled upon this show by accident only to see that it has an extremely bias agenda and trying to pass it as news.
  • Wow. After I wrote a review (not favorable) of Nightline, I noticed that most of the reviews for this news (?) format goes back as far as 2003 or beyond. Doesn't say much for the show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . in documenting how five advertisers, including Mercedes and Audi, have pulled their promotions from Fox "News"' top-rated show, Bill O'Reilly, in the wake of half a dozen ladies (a number likely to grow) accusing this clown of various types of sexual harassment (for which Billy has paid out upwards of $13 million in settlements, NIGHTLINE reports). It seems some bozo named Rupert Murdoch, who got his start in business by running nude photos of his female employees every day in a London family newspaper he bought, eventually raking in enough Porn Profits to buy Fox, start a False News division, and stock it with all the sex perverts he could get lay his hands upon, has been a Russian KGB Fifth Columnist tasked with destroying Western Civilization and legalizing Rape throughout the world, since his college days. Roger Ailes, Clarence Thomas, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, and Bill O'Reilly are just a few of Fox's tools working toward this sordid end. NIGHTLINE says that Fox is "standing firm" behind O'Reilly, which sounds pretty phallic to me.

    This could be a clear allusion to the 2016 Rigged Election by Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin, who's already virtually LEGALIZED RAPE in his own decadent bailiwick. BEFORE anyone cast a vote last fall, EVERY American knew that Putin's Puppet Rump was a self-confessed serial finger rapist and court-documented spousal sex assaulter who frequently bragged of staging so-called "Beauty Pageants" for the sole purpose of enabling he himself to barge in unannounced among changing rooms full of totally terrorized naked teen girls. Sure enough, following "Mad Vlad" Putin's lead, Rump announced recently that he's eliminating Rape Kits and Sex Abuse Counseling in the U.S. as the first step toward "normalizing" rape in America! (Under Putin Party Michigan Governor Rick Snider, USA TODAY reported April 4, 2017, AT LEAST 784 serial rapists were allowed to freely roam the streets of Snider's Detroit Test Site for the better part of the past decade to see what kind of "Progress" could be made in implementing Putin's Satanic Plan IF thousands of Rape Kits were warehoused UNTESTED!) Anyone who IS a female, or has ever had a daughter, sister, or mother SHOULD be outraged by these developments. Why let the smirking rape proponents and Rump enablers--and the April 3 NIGHTLINE surely proved that Bill O'Reilly is in the forefront of this Deplorable Rabble--Lord it over us AS IF THEY were the regular average normal God-fearing People?! Each one of us True Blue Patriotic Loyal Union Label Americans has a few of these miscreants living next door to us, or praying one pew over from us on Sunday, or working in the adjoining cubicle on Monday. Do they leave their food or drinks lying around? Do they drive an unscratched luxury vehicle? Is their hideout mansion within a stone's throw of your home? Let Your Resistance begin NOW, at THEIR expense!
  • Poo poo on Dan Harris and ABC for turning his (Dan's) book promoting meditation into a promo for a book he co-wrote with Jeff Warren. Shame on you. I thought I was watching an info commercial instead of learning about current events or top news stories. Shame, shame, shame and very tacky.