User Reviews (15)

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  • Jesse Warner (Christina Applegate) is a single mom to Little John in Buffalo. She lives at home with her father (George Dzundza) and two brothers, one voluntarily silent. Diego (Bruno Campos) is the new neighbor from Chile and her new love interest. She works at her traditional father's bar with girlfriends Carrie (Jennifer Milmore) and Linda (Liza Snyder). Complicating matters is her ex-husband, who walked out on her 7 years before, but is back to reinsert himself into her life. In the second season, she's studying to be a nurse and gets a job at a clinic. There are other changes including little odd ones like Milmore's hair and big ones likes the disappearance of her family. Dzundza is a big personality and the show feels odd without such a big part of her life.

    This is a Christina Applegate vehicle. After the success of Married with Children, the folks at NBC thought they had the formula to built around Christina. As such, it always felt fake and chemistry never truly set right. It just seemed to be too many things going on in this show. When they make one character voluntarily mute, it just showed how silly the writers got. The desperation really showed when it gets retooled dramatically for the second season. It's just a random sitcom to showcase Applegate and nothing more.
  • I was a big fan of "Jesse" from the first episode I watched. That, however, was in season one. This season those with nothing better to do decided to "fix it," even though it wasn't broken. The new season opener has dropped her Dad and two brothers from the cast (no explanation) and added two co-workers at her new job. In short, the season opener was lame the second episode even worse. I will watch a third time, but if the show doesn't improve, I'm out of here.
  • mwc-0077230 June 2022
    I love Christina Applegate and enjoyed watching her on almost everything she's in but My God this show was unbearable ... it was written by the same writers who wrote Friends yet they failed miserably on this just shows you that Friends was never really that good of a show and people only like it because Jennifer showed up braless every week .
  • qormi23 June 2022
    Her boyfriend's babe is Diego. Nobody is named Diego except San Diego. Then she says his name a lot. " Diego, oh Diego, Diego Diego." Just stop please. Then there was the time she mocked Jesus by calling him Jeezy Weezy. No, this was not one of Diego's friends... it was the real Bible Jesus. Why do that??
  • Rob_P20 July 2001
    Nice to see Christina Applegate finally get a starring role on TV.

    I think this is a very mature role for her as a single mom with the prescription quirky family (who doesn't have one?).

    But after the gloriously depressing Mafia! this is a gem. Fast punchy dialogue, yet there's still time for a little bit of romance with the new neighbour.

    I've only just started to watch it here in the UK (CH4, mornings July 2001) so it's still early days, really.

    Liked the episode about their "First Date" and the incident with the candy - classic "if it can go wrong, it will".

    Well done, Christina for shaking off the Kelly Bundy image of being a dullard.

    Go-o-o Jesse!
  • In the beginning this was not a bad show, by beginning I mean the first season, then the powers that be decided to reformat by dropping several members of the case without explanation, and left Jesse seeking a new job, which she was not suited for. If they had kept things the way they were, that might have saved the series.

    For those that liked The Single Guy, this also happened on that series, trading the one good couple on the show for a Bagel Shop, not unlike the coffee shop on Friends.
  • Well, I will have to say that the show is great, but I also have to say that the second season is not as great as the first one... and why isn't there an explanation for the disappearing of jesse's father and brothers?... I think the the only reason that I watched the show was because of jesse's brother - Jr. that is played by john lehr, he is so cute... and I am a big fan of him since I have seen the show. In conclusion, I think the show is very good. I will give it a 9 in a scale from 1 to 10.
  • The creators of Friends really only seem to have been able to come up with one successful sitcom and this one is not it. You can see this because half the cast was dropped after the first season and the show was completely reformatted, not for the better. Christina Applegate deserves better than this and hopefully she will find something. The only reason this show lasted at all was because of its timeslot after the mega-hit Friends and because it came from the creators of Friends.
  • Op_Prime26 December 1999
    Christina Applegate returns to television since the end of her old show, Married With Children. What's surprising is how she plays someone who is somewhat serious instead of the incredibly stupid and, yes, sexy Kelly Bundy. Just shows how much talent she has. Anyway, I wouldn't say this is the best series NBC turned out, that probably being Seinfeld, but certainly not the worst, that being Jenny as far as I'm concerned. It's a basic comedy series like many of the others but proves itself to be enjoyable.
  • Ravyn1 October 1998
    I love this show!! Best new show of the fall season. It makes me laugh every time I watch it. Albeit, I've only seen it 2 times, however I have fallen for Jesse's Mute brother, John Lehr. He's adorable. And her neighbor!! WOO HOO!!
  • Fritz-720 February 1999
    I've just watched my first episode today. My first impression was that it was kinda fun to watch something where Christina Applegate didn't play a stupid bimbo. And after watching some more I found out that it was a very good series. It had lots of great moments. I especially liked the way Jesse handled the annoying man in the bar. This seems to be a very promising series. I'm looking forward to the next episode.
  • shadow-5425 January 1999
    The producers of Friends have done it again. A comedy about the struggles we all go through life displayed in the funniest way possible. Like, Friends, Jesse has great actors such as Christina Applegate (from Married.. With Children). All the episodes and the stories are very well done. No wonder this show reached the top-ten so fast. Extremely entertaining. I hope this show stays around for a long time.
  • I love this show! Christina Applegate is a great comedic actress! So funny! And Bruno Campos is Hot, Hot, Hot! Where can I find a neighborlike that! They had some great comic moments like kissing on the water squirting couch! Yipes!Jesses arm stuck in the mail slot! and Diego using olive oil to remove it. And Ant's in the Beetle Episope!Some touching moments Bruno and Jesses son and the Hot chocolate.I found the whole cast enjoyable and extreamly funny. Her girlfriendsand Co. workers! And Please! a Delouyse in the Family! Got to love them!I wish the show was still on, but I'm sure with all their talent you will see them again on the Big Screen! Lot's of talent! Funny! and Hot!
  • I'll admit I was skeptical since I never cared for "Married, With Children" but Christina Applegate blew me away with "Jesse." Showing how strong, yet sensitive a woman can be is so great. Her cute Chilean boyfriend is an added bonus and I HOPE they get married....
  • It appears the network execs had nothing to put in their oh-so-coveted Thursday-night time slot, so they decided this was the least poor of all the 'undecided' shows they had at the time. Remember 'The Single Guy' which was taken off the air because the acting was too poor? Well, imagine a former member of Married...With Children in an equally bad show. It seems most of the other reviews of Jesse posted here were written during the first few episodes of the show. Well, I'm writing this after seeing a full season, and I have to say Urkel is a better actor than anyone on this show. We're now into the second season, and the two supporting actors (Dom DeLouise's son and the guy who didn't speak for half the first season) are nowhere to be seen, nor are they anywhere in the opening credits anymore. No explanation was given. That's right, not even attempted. Just written out of the show. I guess we're supposed to pretend they never existed in the first place. Such things are easy to do in TV-Land where a show's characters can cease to exist when a network head-honcho looks at the ratings. I must say, though, that all is not dismal. The actor who plays the character Diego (I don't have access to his name as I'm writing this) is a fine actor. He must have done stage work in front of a live audience before. His stage presence feels like he is playing the audience like an instrument, causing them to laugh when he wants, while the other actors feel like they are reading their punchlines, hoping the audience will react favorably. Sorry to differ in opinion from everyone else who has put forth the time to comment on this show, but i feel it is extremely poor. It doesn't deserve to be cancelled, but it certainly has not lived up to the Thursday night time slot it has been given. Hide it on Monday or Tuesday, and it will fit right in with the other shows on at the same time.