User Reviews (10)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS*** A series of incredibly stupid mistakes by teenagers Josey Corn & Shnetz, Blake Haron Tony Denman Adam LaVorgnam,led to the tragic death of Eres or Jessie, Liesel Matthers, by her falling off a log and dropping some 30 feet below and breaking her neck. Jessie is the only one of the group who had enough sense to avoid playing their game of search & destroy against land developer Swenson, Ed Lauter, who's life they wanted to make as miserable as possible. In the end they not only caused Jessie's death but destroyed their and Jessie's father the local sheriff, Denis Arndt, life as well.

    The sweet and lovely Jessie had earlier got the very introverted and shy Jonsey, with a little encouragement on her part, to get very romantic with her only to have him,like the jerk that he is, drop her like a hot potato or a used handkerchief! Jonsey not being able to realize what he meant to Jessi even after making love to her was so insensitive towards her that he had no idea this had the poor girl's heart broken and left her feeling like dirt! In tears Jessie takes off out of sight where it was later assumed that she ended up at Swsnson's place. With Swsnson who in him greatly disliking the teens in the area, who were always giving him fits, having murdered her! This set off a number of unfortunate incidents that turned from what at first was a harmless prank to a series of events that lead to both death and destruction to everyone involved.

    ***MAJOR SPOILERS*** It in fact was Swenson who besides the sweet and tragic Jessie who had more sense in his head then anyone in the movie; even the somewhat not that on the ball sheriff! That's by him letting bygones be bygones and having him not repeat the moronic and brainless mistakes,including in him almost getting killed by the sheriff, that just about destroyed everyone in the cast lives.
  • This film seemed more interested in getting teenagers to like it than in getting a story told. The music in the film is an obvious attempt at drawing in a younger else would you explain such "hip music" playing at such inappropriate times in the film? Often, the music is extremely distracting.

    Not to say that there's much to distract us get unrealistic teenage stereotypes that we're supposed to relate with on some level, dialogue written by a forty year old desperately trying to channel a 16 year old, and a painfully predictable storyline that wants to show us that people can change... dramatically... with no reason, thought, or logic involved whatsoever.

    In the end, the film comes right out and says, "this was about reality". I'm not sure what that line meant...and i'm not sure that a hip soundtrack will help me through any of the incoherent babble littered throughout this film.
  • Bill35711 October 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    If this is an example of what to expect out of today's youth then please give me a gun and let me end it all right now! These kids were absolute smug worthless losers who at every turn chose to do the stupidest thing possible.

    Even the adults in this one are pretty disgusting. The town's chief of police witnesses a crime and covers it up. He then commits a crime himself and covers it up. He confides in a fellow officer who proceeds to keep her mouth shut, helping him cover it up. With role models like this, no wonder the kids are so vile!

    Hell, the only person in the whole film who does the right thing is the character that these extremely wrongheaded filmmakers attempt to manipulate the viewer into disliking!

    Ed Lauter's character should have come back from the "grave", tracked down each of these little turds, crammed a piece of his coveted dynamite up their wazoos and lit the fuse! Then he should have tied the two cops to chairs and used a chainsaw to give each of them the death of a thousand cuts!

    However, the young actors gave pretty good performances playing despicable scum of the earth. They should have all died.
  • I also did not work on this movie but unlike the person who left a comment about how the film seemed to purposely have music targeted for a youth audience (duh! It's a youth-oriented film), I thought the film was very professional, ably directed, well-acted and at least tried to tell an intelligent story that appealed to the younger crowd that might be tired of all these moronic sex comedies.
  • I don't get how anyone gives this movie a diss review. I thought it was awesome. The actors were really good and the movie looks really cool with lots of cool scenes. The only thing I didn't get is why they released the dvd full frame when the movie was obviously really widescreen when it was shot. The guy who directed the movie made it look as good as any movie I ever see in the theaters, hands down. I think maybe the people who don't like it don't like seeing kids swearing but that's how kids talk and this movie seemed really to know what it's like to be a teenager these days. If you're going to get your panties in a bun because of the violence or swearing then go watch Lassie. I like finding movies that other people miss and Blast was great. Liesel Matthews is a hottie. The director Martin Schenk did a realistic slick movie about how teens are without making all the teens in the movie more interesting than most teens really are. It's what i hate about most teen movies because none of my friends talk the way they do on shows like Gilmore Girls when they sound the same as the adults do.
  • I rented this from my local video store, not expecting much, but I was really surprised. This movie was thoughtful, smart, had great acting and had a genuine emotional depth I hardly ever see in these kinds of films. It also seemed very well directed. Although I'm no expert, I thought it looked a whole lot better than most movies I see in the theaters. It made me think of Stand By Me, as if these were the same characters a little older and in a different time. I liked how the writer tried to make a point about how small miscommunications can grow into disasters. Watching the movie, you can pick out lots of places where a bit of honesty between the characters would have averted the bigger troubles to come. Overall, it seemed pretty ambitious for a independent movie.
  • This is a complete rewrite of my earlier review.

    I purchased this disk, and Air Force One, as a follow up to A Little Princess (1995), which I find to be a remarkable story, if with a few massive flaws. That has one of the finest soundtrack scores by Patrick Doyle and fascinating acting by such as Liesel Matthews. My first comment was totally carried away by that.

    I find the story evocative of Buffy series, the earlier episodes. The feel of the romance angles. The movement of the plot. Just it takes that in a very different direction. If Buffy can be considered as escapist fantasy, then this is more real world fantasy. On that level I prefer this to Air Force One, which is a polished and fun and big budget type action story linked to a rather right wing plot.

    My first DVD was 2.35 original trimmed down to 1.33 old television size, 29.970fps region 1. I now have the same thing in region 2, 25fps, hence a slightly better image definition. I assume that there is zero chance of this ever becoming available as full 2.35.

    The filming is likely done in Oregon. IMDb trivia mentions the rail track as being in the Nehalem valley at Vernonia. More rugged than Twilight type country, and maybe less rain.
  • Well, the star of the movie in my opinion is yes, Blake Heron. I gave this movie a ten because of the performance of Mr.Heron. Now, because of this performance I have seen his other credits and a T.V Series "Rescue 77" caught my eye. In this he played a disturbed teenager. Who goes psycho at school with a rifle. It was a small part yet he made it come to life. He really puts 100% into his characters. My conclusion is that there is something remarkable about this young man.
  • marklaca4 June 2001
    Though this picture has not been released yet, I recently saw it in a preview screening. It is truly a blast. Engaging and honest story about Characters I could relate to. These characters are telling it like it is. Liesel Mathews and Blake Heron turn in solid performances and have a great chemistry. The film looks great, big cinemascope look - a nice change from these DV wannabes that seem to be everywhere. Great Music!! Cant wait for the soundtrack. Real Story. Real Characters. Like Blake says in the movie "REALITY".
  • I loved the film, the film had good music, good style, the acting was very realistic, the kids were actually like 16 yrs. old kids not some adults playing kids. Good story. I must say that this film was very entertaining the whole way through. I especially like the first song..hmm ..I wonder why