User Reviews (156)

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  • shoguntee29 January 2004
    This one is a guilty pleasure movie of mine. I can't explain why I like it, or if I even do like it, but when it's on I watch it. Sure it has my all time favorite movie babe Ali Larter in it, but you don't see me watching Varsity Blues or American Outlaws. Maybe when I discover what it is I like about this movie I'll post it later.
  • I watched this movie on `Sky' after watching `TOMCATS' on video, so whether my judgement has been affected by that, maybe. As compared to Tomcats this film looked like an Oscar winner, but I must say I did actually really enjoy it in its own right.

    Its typical teen comedy/drama in the same vein as `TEN THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU' and `SHE'S ALL THAT' but if you like that kind of film then this will in no way disappoint you. Hart and Grenier play polar opposite next door neighbours who hook up as a sham couple to try and win back the attention of their dates, who dump them on the eve of the schools centenary bash. It doesn't take a genius to guess what happens but its all pretty harmless and a lot of fun. Well worth and hour and a half of your time.
  • Nicole (Melissa Joan Hart) has her eye on a hunky basketball star. She makes the overtures but he casts his gaze on a cheerleader instead. Nicole has been the major planner for an upcoming community dance and now her choice of dates is taken! Meanwhile, next door neighbor, Chase, has been dumped by his eccentric girlfriend. He's sad. Melissa cooks up a compromise. If Chase will pretend to be her guy to make the basketball star jealous, she will do the same for him and his ex. But, first Melissa insists on giving Chase a makeover. Will their schemes result in mutual benefits? And, what about Nicole's absentee father? Will he ever be interested in his daughter's happenings? This movie would make a nice conversation starter for high school teens. Besides its entertainment value, it has some good messages and quandaries about what it means to be in the "in crowd" and the "out crowd". The stars are quite good looking and have good acting abilities, especially Adrian Grenier. Typical but nice costumes and settings compliment the film, too. If you would like a movie to watch with your teenage daughter or son about self worth and choices in life, this movie would be beneficial. And, you both just might end up giggling and touched.
  • It's a teen movie. It's not meant to be analized.

    The concept was fairly original. Scheming Teen Socialite plots to get a dream date for the school Centennial Dance (NOT the prom, as most descriptions say) and it falls through at the last minute. Her next door neighbor and childhood former best friend is dumped by his girlfriend. The two of them pretend to be a couple to make their former significant others jealous and ward off the scorn of their friends. She makes him over in her immage (of course: "If you want to get results, you have to go to extremes!").In the process she learns a little from him as well and they fall in love. The movie also has a cast of secondary characters who are interesting.

    This isn't Shakespare, folks! It shouldn't be analized to death. It's fun and entertaining. Sit down and watch it and leave the cliff's notes at school.

    The actors were great (It's nice to see that Melissa can play something besides Sabrina). Adrian Greere and the rest of the cast were great too.

    The soundtrack was great as well. Get the CD: (You Drive Me) Crazy, Unforgetful You, I Want It That Way, It's All Been Done, Stranded, Faith in You, Is This Really Happening To Me, Steps, Hammer To The Heart, One For Sorrow, Sugar, Regret, Original, Help Me Save The Youth of America from Exploding, and we can't forget "Keep on Loving You" by the teen girl rocker group "The Donnas".

    You can get this movie for $5.88 at Wal-Mart!
  • SnoopyStyle10 July 2016
    Nicole Maris (Melissa Joan Hart) is the popular girl in school. Chase Hammond (Adrian Grenier) is the activist troublemaker. It's their senior year. The next door neighbors and former friends don't get along any more. The centennial of the school is coming up. She and her friends are planning the prom. He and his friends are causing mayhem. Nicole is rejected by clueless jock Brad in the traditional popular pairing in favor of true love for a cheerleader from another school. Chase is dumped by girlfriend Dulcie (Ali Larter) for an animal activist. Nicole comes up with a scheme to date Chase to make Brad jealous. Chase accepts it to make Dulcie jealous.

    Hart and Grenier are photogenic early twenty somethings with plenty of charisma. They bring a nice appeal to this teen high school dramedy. Despite being best known for the popliscious Britney Spears song, it takes a couple of deep dives. It does leave the movie uneven in tone at times. This is nothing ground breaking but it's passable for the genre. The two leads make it work.
  • The non-director's cut left out many needed flashback sequences that helped developed the character's more thoroughly. For instance, the electocutes were orginally named pink bitches. Also, a very underrated sequence was ray's mockumentary that implied that high school students at basketball games were no different than nazi germany. when the in-crowd makes fun of him nicole, points out "hey, he's going to win so many mtv video awards and you're going to do nothin" or something to that effect. The actual director's cut is a mere four hours and actual breaks the movie down into a three part series not unlike godfather. The first follows the lives of their parents before the divorce and cancer in small industrial city. The second is hambone and nicole's early years as up to their breakup in seventh grade. The producers showed us the last but since prequels are so popular these days hopefully the earlier drive me crazy's will come out in the next few years. look for mary kate olsen to play a young nicole, not ashley >
  • F1ame15 February 2002
    I was pleasantly surprised at how realistic the characters felt. For once the leading lady was not head cheerleader/prom queen but an average girl with a good intelligence.

    There were some divisions in pupils, but there were no spotty nerd characters who did nothing but play with computers and watch Star Trek. They actually had an alternate respectable social world.

    I was annoyed that our sporting hero seemed to be the only guy who scored for the basketball team, but you can't have everything.

    The relationships were slightly more believable, impulse attractions were short lived, and dormant attraction and friendship was re-awakened in a smooth and acceptable manner. The subtle conniving women were enjoyable to watch.

    I was expecting a really poor and tacky American High School comedy, but found a quite refreshing change from all the other movies that have been listed in these reviews.

    And a word of advice... if you hate high school comedies then don't watch it. Personally I can't stand those movies with that old cliche of boy and girl attracted to each other. I mean puleeze.
  • Often when a teenage actress reaches her twenties she's anxious to leave off the schoolgirl roles and try something different, so one might have thought it would take something special to get Melissa Joan Hart ("Sabrina...," "Clarissa...") back in the classroom again. I can't believe that this movie was it, though. It appears to be an attempt at the "sophisticated" style of teen dramedy made popular by movies like "Clueless" and "Cruel Intentions" and TV shows like "Dawson's Creek," but this film is clearly not in the same league with those, mostly because of a listless script. "Drive Me Crazy" is more likely to put you to sleep than to arouse any emotions suggested by its title. The intentions may have been good here, but the execution strikes me as simply uninspired. There's nothing much at all to recommend it.
  • This film seems to have provoked a lot of irritation. Personally, I can't see why. I feel it's a classic teen drama with a lot of heart and some very fleshed-out performances. Another poster got it right when they compared it to Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club and other teen dramas.

    To criticise the norms of the genre is pointless: it's like complaining that a slasher pic has too much blood and gore. It's a teen high-school drama, *of course* it's going to have jocks vs. geeks, pivotal parties and the leads getting together in the final fade. We all know the destination, it's the journey that counts.

    And I'd say that journey is pretty wonderful. The film gripped me in the first few minutes. I expected Melissa Joan Hart to turn in a mannered, 'Clueless'-type performance, a pastiche of popular girl gets a heart. But in fact, there was a lot more light and shade to her character, she didn't just flip from one stereotype to another. I thought the whole cast turned in sterling performances. Perhaps they were too good and the naysayers have forgotten these people aren't actually jocks and geeks?

    Whatever - I'm an old bloke who was touched by this film. It brought back memories of the hell / heaven of secondary school, of how important and fleeting those relationships are. It connected with me.

    Not every film has to be 'Un Chien Andalou', you know...
  • This is a teen movie that tries to be a bit more substantive than the typical fare you'll find in the genre. I always wanted to check it out because of the Britney Spears song and one of the leads being Melissa Joan Hart. Got my wish on Prime video and found that although it wasn't as good as I had hoped, I still found it entertaining.

    There are some flat acting performances and a few twists that don't quite land they way I'm sure it was hoped that they would. Also I'll note that the idea of a rag tag all female band singing REO Speedwagon is somehow superior an equivalent band playing a Brandy song is somewhat offensive.

    But folks are taking this a bit too seriously. Of course it's going to pale in comparison to some of the best in the genre like "Fast Times" or "American Pie"

    A "high 6" wasn't available, so I gave it a 7. Worth the time if you are a Melissa Joan Hart fan.
  • I saw this movie for free and I still feel ripped off. Don't waste your time. A hour and a half you'll never get back again. It's so predicable!!!! Either of these 2 could act their way out of a paper bag. I have a hard time believing Melissa J. Hart is so popular. She is a minor celebrity with limited talent. The guy is not much better. They should return your money if you actually payed to see it. Go to twitter or Facebook and tell Melissa J. Hart you want your money back. I think she can afford to return your 10 bucks. High school drama is not my thing I guess. So, go do something else like comb your hair or wash your car. Take care DCGJ This is my opinion.
  • I think the story of it all is fresh and natural- like what you'd see at my high school, and it teaches you (yes I actually learned something from this movie) that the right person for you may have always been there to begin with, even with all of his imperfections. Adrian Grenier plays Chase Hammond very well with a lot of sarcasm, wit and intelligence. If he went to my high school I'd have snatched him up right away! :) Melissa Joan Hart's character (Nicole) starts out shallow but eventually grows a heart bigger than her high school ego. This movie altogether isn't necessarily the best movie ever made, but it is a funny and serious romp through the final days of high school (love, crushes, the final school dance, peer pressure)- harmless but sweet and full of characters that are likeable and might remind you of people you once knew.
  • This romantic comedy is a likeable, though predictable teen flick. Actually, as high school fare goes, this is pretty wholesome. Of the three major teen staples, there is very little in the way of sex and drugs, but plenty of rock and roll. The story revolves around a girl and boy who are next door neighbors. Though they have known each other their whole lives, they travel in very different circles at school. She is very “in”, popular and active. He is very “out”, rebellious and counterculture. When each of them gets rejected by their love interests, they form an unlikely alliance to make the rejecters jealous. They pretend they are now dating, to the amazement of all their friends.

    But be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. Surprising to no-one in the audience, they actually fall for one another. This complicates matters when the scam works and their respective love interests re-ignite and take up hot pursuit. Not the most original story line, but it sets up some funny skits especially with the characters’ attempts to adapt to the formerly rejected culture of the other. The writing has some good lines and the romance between Nicole (Melissa Joan Hart) and Chase (Adrian Grenier) works well. These two have good chemistry and seem to genuinely like each other.

    The ending is upbeat, and overall this is a feel good movie. The acting, as is always the case in these movies, was not so much acting as teens portraying themselves. Melissa Joan Hart has been playing a teenager since 1992, and at 24 it is probably time to move on. As probably the most experienced actor in the film, she played the part very well and was one of the few players who actually had to do some acting outside the stereotype. Adrian Grenier, (also 24), held down the male lead well, although he was much more convincing once he was “in” than as a rebellious outsider.

    All in all, it was a sprightly and entertaining entry into a crowded genre. I gave it a 7/10. Worth a rental if you are in the mood for something light.
  • MIROM13 September 1999
    I saw this movie at an early screening in Montreal. The acting isn't the worst but the script is tiresome. Moments of wit are overshadowed by imitations in mass quantities. Bubble sofas, glitter and the ever so typical groups of " so-called high schools: nerds,cool kids,rebellious kids and jocks. I was annoyed to begin with but after a while you just start laughing at the ridiculous (very tiresome) situations. Enjoy.
  • I went to this film expecting it to be just a formula teen film. It does have formula to it -- such as ending with the big dance -- but it actually has some interesting ideas too. It is about the images that people hide behind, the distortions that they manufacture to escape from painful reality.

    One symbolic scene takes place in a carnival fun house with mirrors that twist and pull reflections into any shape the person wants. This of course is the metaphor for what is happening with all the characters. Another interesting bit of symbolism is the MTV-like video showing the zombie-like behavior of the high school in-crowd compared to images of animals and Nazi rallies.

    Yes, it's a teen romantic comedy, but it actually has some real thought in it, and the talented cast play characters that show some depth. The film is a pleasant surprise.
  • The movie is OK,the plot pretty predictable,Melissa Joan Hart is an 'OK' actress,the way she acts doesn't show much difference from her Sabrina character on 'sabrina:the teenage witch' shown on tv,and it has the basic elements of stereotyped people (jocks with popular chicks,bla bla).so why am i watching this movie????Because of the actor,Adrian Grenier!!!!what an awesome dude!if you're a big fan of tasty good looking guys,watch this movie!you won't be disappointed!hehe!
  • Sydekick30 April 2005
    Let's take a break from the big screen in your living room and imagine a little film of your own: A meeting. Directors, producers, writers, possibly some interested actors, all seated around a table. A burly man-in-charge glares fiercely at his underlings as they all scribble furiously, shuffle papers, and try not to meet his eyes. "A plot," he suddenly shouts. "We need a plot! Something original! Clever! Innovative! You!" he cries, pointing at a suddenly pale lackey. "Give me a plot!" The lackey shakes, his pen dropping from his suddenly lax fingers, and after a long, painful pause, whispers, "How about...She's All That? But with the roles...switched?" There is no other explanation for this movie.

    Only an overeducated, money-obsessed, scared-out-his-wits idiot could have thought of this. Ms. Popular beautifies a Mr. Loser, for her own gain, thus catapulting him into popularity? No other possible explanation.

    It is only out of pity for the poor lackey that I do ask you to RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! AVOID AT ALL COST! Should a desperate man in a rumpled suit offer YOU money to watch this movie, TURN HIM DOWN! Then again, screw pity. Follow my advice, for your own good.
  • You'll love this film if you appreciate light humour, a predictable plot and the message of staying true to yourself. A young woman, Nicole, wishes to avoid the ridicule of going to prom alone, so she enlists the services of her old friend and next door neighbour, Chase. Why do they decide to go together? So they can also make their true 'special someones' jealous. But they have to make it a good scam, of course, so they act all loved up before the actual prom. And they might just realise what true love is, who knows?

    I'm a fan of Melissa Joan Hart, so it comes as a forgone conclusion that I'll enjoy this film. The other leading role was also equally entertaining. A scam well-played? But who's scamming whom?
  • AndreaPomMom23 January 2001
    I was totally bored during this movie. I thought it would never end. I'm so glad it finally did. LOL! I kept thinking maybe it would get better, but it really didn't. I hope you don't waste too much time on this one :-)
  • michaeltrivedi28 December 2019
    I wasn't expecting this. I could say I was engaged all the way through, though it did have its stretches. Adrian Grenier was a true movie star in this, which was I think his second film ever. Melissa Jone Hart was super attractive as the shy next door type. This was a great time, I really truly enjoyed this movie.

    The story is about next door neighbors in high school who were best friends when they were young. They agree to renew their friendship to make their crushes jealous. In the process, they fall for each other.

    I don't know, everything about this movie was nearly perfect. Not sure why. In almost every aspect it could be seen as an average movie at best. But it blew me away. The soundtrack is nostalgic 90s music with Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears. They definitely knew what they were doing here. In the process, they created a sweet, entertaining, cool, entrancing, and engaging film. I couldn't ask for more!

    Don't see it if you don't want to. I highly highly would recommend it, but that's just my taste.

    8 stars
  • chris_ts18 March 2021
    A nice teen movie at the edge of the '90s, with interesting plot. Some memorable characters but not the protagonists. Nicole looks a little uptight. Chase was supposed to be in pain about his mother's death, but we never saw it. The movie was saved by Adian Grenier's and Ali Larter's good looks, Ali Larter's great performance as Dulcie and Kris Park (Ray) was good too.
  • kiddvideo6 December 2001
    Who on earth gave funding for this film? Melissa Heart can't get the man she wants, so she uses the old lets use my ugly ex-friend to make him jealous trick, and of course they end up falling for each other. This wouldn't be so bad but it is horrible executed, it runs to long and is very very dry, and don't even get me started subplot about poor Melissa's estranged father. This film was meant to launch Melissa into the big screen world, but instead it just launched her into the gutter.
  • If you don't like teen comedy/drama films, then don't bother seeing this film, you're going to hate it. There is nothing terribly original or spectacular about this film, compared to similar films, but it's still got some good stuff. There really isn't a whole lot of comedy in the film, so I'd be much more inclined to classify this film as a teen drama, so don't watch this film expecting a hilarious movie.

    The cast is surprisingly good in the film. Melissa Joan Hart does a great job in her first starring role and puts on a pretty good show for the most part. She also looks very attractive throughout the film. The other main character, Chase, played by Adrian Grenier is a new face to me, but does a good job with his role. Ali Larter looks very nice in the film as well and does a fine job in her role. Stephen Collins was another familiar face to me, and does a good job, although his role is rather minor. Susan May Pratt caught my eye in "10 Things I Hate About You" and pulls off another good job in this film as well. Keri Lynn Pratt (I wonder if they're related) is another new face to me, but I will definitely keep my eyes open for her future work after seeing her in this film. She is also quite easy on the eyes. The rest of the cast did a good job as well. Nothing to complain about in that respect.

    Most of the characters were actually rather interesting. I really liked the characters of Ray and Dave, they both seemed like very likeable people and quite the underdogs (gotta root for the underdogs). I also really liked that even the jocks in this film were not really made out to be idiots and jerks (of course one of them in particular was...Eddie). The character, Brad, was the most important jock-character and he wasn't made out to be a bad person or unlikeable person at all, just a guy that Nicole (Melissa Joan Hart) was head over heels for...and then wasn't.

    Another thing this film really had going for it was that it stayed away from all the gross-out, stupid comedy that is so abundant in most teen movies these days. I can really appreciate a film that doesn't resort to that...sure sometime it's really funny, but most of the time it's just un-needed.

    If you are the kind of person that likes teen comedy/drama films, then give this one a chance, you just might like it. Other than that, I would recommend you spend your money and time elsewhere. If you do see the film, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading,

  • When a girl can't get a date to the Centennial Dance she worries that being snubbed by the top jock will wreck her reputation. In desperation she is driven into the arms of a rebellious troublemaker who must change his image before the big event which drives a wedge between him and his friends. All her troubles are not over as she must contend with a traitorous friend, snotty classmates, and the capricious actions of teens in love. This was your typical teens at school flic; and yes, the actors are all way too old.
  • I didn't bother to see this movie in the theatre and I don't know why I bothered to get it on PPV. It was boring and dull and a rip off of She's All That. I actually found myself looking at other channels to see what else was on. Believe me DO NOT see this movie!!!!!!!!!!
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