• Mild
  • Red, Eric, Fez, Bob, Hyde and Kelso go deer hunting and Eric shoots a deer.
  • A very common running gag is Red's frequent threats, generally aimed towards Eric and his friends, that usually involves getting his "foot up your ass". All of these are intended for comic purposes.
  • Some episodes depict fighting.
  • Kelso shoots Hyde in the eye with a bebe gun
  • Eric and Hyde both get into fights with other people.
  • Hyde continuously punches most of the male characters and there is a running gag that Hyde always hits Kelso in the eye, although this is only reinforced by Kelso's catchphrase "Ah, my eye!"
  • There are a few violent fantasies
  • Red talks about his days in the war with somewhat graphic descriptions, although usually meant to be comical.
  • A recurring gag involves one of the guys (usually Eric or Kelso) falling from the town's water tower. They rarely suffer injuries aside from scratches or bruises, as it is almost always played for laughs.
  • In one episode, Eric breaks a guy's nose.
  • In one episode, Hyde violently punches Kelso in the face.