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  • lilievitra31 March 2007
    I have just started watching this series for the last 4 or 5 weeks. I am not into following those Law series like "Law and order " or "Legal Boston" but I must say, I was hooked very quickly. The dialogs are cleverly written, the actors are playing very well, the story line is interesting every time. I like the fact that the characters have flaws and weaknesses and within a small company and nine main characters, there are turns and twists which makes the story within the company very appealing. You will grow attached to all of them. I must congratulate the screenwriter/producer/director on the quality of their work. Otherwise, I must admit the character of Laurent Zelder ( Frederic Gorny ) is difficult to make out. I mean definitely interesting. He is quite dark and secretive but you just don't know what's happening in his head. It is probably on purpose but Frederic plays this quite well.
  • I first watched this series upon its release, and I find myself revisiting it today on (on TV5Fmondeplus) due to its massive success in France. The narrative indeed is often very grounded in reality, and the performances by the actors are exceptional. However, what strikes me most are the societal changes that France has undergone over the past 20 years, as depicted by the series. France seemed more peaceful then than it is now, and the series shows how office dynamics, attitudes towards homosexuality, and perceptions of racism have drastically shifted. In this respect, the series serves as a refreshing insight into a past era.

    The incredible naturalism of the secondary characters, particularly within the courtrooms and among the accused, is also noteworthy. At times, the realism is so intense that it feels more like a documentary than a fictional series. Even if some of the depicted situations and characters might come across as caricatured, they in my opinion authentically represent a portion of the population frequently involved with the justice system at that time.

    The relationships within the series are also excellently portrayed, even though Robert's vacillations towards Caroline feel somewhat exaggerated. Nevertheless, every actor delivers an outstanding performance. It surprises me that many of them did not go on to have more substantial careers following this series.

    It is truly a pleasure to revisit this series, which provides us with a compelling look into France at the tail-end of the 90s.