User Reviews (13)

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  • "Loving Jezebel" tells of the romantic misadventures of a young black New York man, Theo (Harper), who falls in love too easily and too often. With the look of a color blind, low budget indie full of fresh faces, "LJ" is a sweetly sentimental musing on love by the principal and narrator. An okay watch with a plodding pace which will grow tedious for some, "LJ" will be most appreciated by young adult romantics.
  • This movie was fascinating. The story was interesting and fun. One thing in the production and casting was exceptionally well done: the story can be of any young man, black, white, asian, etc. The relationships worked for any people and I was glad to see a movie that showed that all people are the same. Interplay between white and black characters never took into account those differences and it was so refreshing. I wish some of the black directors in the business would stop emphasizing the differences between people and stick to the similarities.
  • While there is some decent acting in this trite "comedy", (unfortunately not by the lead), how completely unbelievable that these charming women would fall head over heels with such a charmless character. Confessing their innermost desires, jeopardizing their relationships, talking the way only people in the movies talk... for THIS guy? Yeccch. There was not one reason for any of it. I can't stand movies like this, where the characters' only motives for their actions is "because it's in the script." Definitely another unrequited and unbelievable adolescent male fantasy that somehow found its way to film.
  • I lucked up on this movie while flipping through HBO one day. On first glance, I frowned up, because I thought it was going to be another one of those "formulaic black romances", complete with unfair stereotypes and your occasional shot of lovemaking. But...what the heck...I have no I gave it a shot! What I saw completely blew me away. Hill Harper gives an excellent performance as Theodorous, a lovesick soul who falls for all the wrong women. As we follow Theodorous through his various hilarious exploits, the thing that struck me were his monologues. The writing was just solid...more solid than you would expect from this type of film...and whenever Theodorous goes on one of his rapid fire tangents trying to win over some poor, ATTACHED can't help but shake your head and realize that "Wow...this brother has got some game!" Needless to say, I love the's a guilty pleasure of mine...and I'm currently trying to find this in DVD format so I can put it on my shelf right next to "Hav Plenty" and the few other intelligent African-American romantic comedies that I'm proud to say that I own.

    One love, DVS
  • Nicole Parker was amazing! This movie is a MUST SEE just to catch her performance. She is going to be a HUGE STAR! Her chemistry with the other cast members is remarkable. Even if you usually only see big budget, studio films...make an exception for this one. Shooting Gallery has another winner.
  • mmereos3 June 2003
    This movie was very pleasant to watch. It was a fun romantic comedy about a man that has always ended up with the wrong type of woman He seemed to always attract the wrong women, throughout his life.

    I really enjoyed this movie.
  • In a normal romantic comedy Theodore would be dashing and suave trying to win the love of his soulmate from her less deserving suitor.

    Unfortunately he seems to find a lot of ' soulmates' in his travels.

    Recently there's Frances ( Parker) who has more issues then Time magazine. Not to mention the sophisticated Mona ( Holt ) who is world wise and is pretty sure that Theodore is the one for her. Pity her boyfriend and Theodores best friend doesn't agree.

    Finally we come to Samantha ( Holloman) off centre but filled with hope that is the perfect match for him. Unfortunately for them both there's her self centered jerk of a husband Gabe ( played with smooth smugness by Moscow) that could end that match stone cold dead.

    I like Theodore because he isn't going around causing havoc just to add names to a book, he isn't being the typical stud that finds love. There is something lovable about him that wins both these women and the audience over.

    Its different, its not about being a player but being a man looking for true love.

    How can you not like that.
  • shoguntee11 March 2005
    I won't say too much just that this is a very good film that is not what you would expect from a romantic comedy. First of all the main character is not your typical African-American lead. I love the fact that the story doesn't chain you to the idea that this is a black man and he should be dating nothing but black women. He's a suburban guy with a mixed parentage who hangs out with and loves people of all different types. This might be the only time I've liked Hill Harper in anything(other than The Nephew). Sandrine Holt, Nicole Parker, and Laurel Holloman are as beautiful as ever and put on worthy performances. This is a fun little film that will definitely surprise some people. Give it a shot.
  • The movie is great, especially for the clever dialogue and believable characters. It uses stereotypes in a very original manner to advance the storyline and narration. The acting and directing is first rate all the way. It is however a very sentimental story sometimes becoming almost farcical! However this does not ultimately spoil the pleasure you get in viewing this memorable film. It also includes one of the most believable inter-racial relationships yet put on the silver screen.
  • This story is so different, so funny, so interesting. You actually feel sorry for the Man for once. Hill Harper is an excellent actor, a must see. The characters had perfect timing and each one played their part and brought this thing together.
  • The Tao of Steve is another film about a guy who knows how to talk to women and charm them. Hal Harper's character could use some of the Tao of Steve, for this movie is only half as smart. Yet it is fun, enjoyable and well made with sparkling performaces. This is great date picture that transends racial boundaries, it's appeal is compairable with The Best Man. At times it feels a little contrived but when it starts to take itself too searously it tosses in a laugh, sometimes the laughs are kinda cheazy (ie: the teacher's reaction to defination of love). This films romantic comedy structure flows pretty smoothly, not as smoothly as The Very Thought of You (or whatever it's called overseas), but it works well. Go see it with an open mind and ear for some interesting diolge and you'll end of having a pleasent time.
  • This small and low budget movie inspired and defined my early years. I recommend this movie. I have become a life long fan of Hill Harper and Love Love Love, Lyse Aya Trenier.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Some put this movie as a romantic comedy. While there was one funny part, it wasn't really what i considered a romantic comedy.

    I watched this movie on an OnDemand service, and kept watching through it. You have a man, Theo Harper, and his trials and tribulations with women that fall for him ... that always are either married or having boyfriends.

    This movie reaches out, in my opinion, to the nice guys that always wind up tending to the aids of those women out there that have problems and need someone to solve them because there boyfriend or husband isn't doing it properly.

    THere have been plenty of movies that talk about the "nice guy" and try to work on how the "nice guy" does things, but this movie, really defines what it seems we all go through...except that in Theo's case, he gets laid a lot more. :)