User Reviews (3)

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  • Codco was a classic show and it actually kind of lives on because a lot of the people on it and behind it kind of spun it off into This Hour Has 22 Minutes which is still on today, all these years later. Definitely worth checking out, yeah it is dated but it was very groundbreaking and different and funny as heck at the time.
  • Canada has produced most of the funniest television of north america. While it may not be our major industry, it is one where the Americans do much of their recruiting. But Hollywood never travelled as far as Newfoundland, preferring the manhattanian luxuries of Toronto. It is a shame because Codco is the most original, biting, and hilarious TV comedy sketch show ever recorded. Produced at the same time as Kids in the hall, it was always the far edgier, more scathing, and a whole lot less "lite" than the Kids were. But it was the Kids who went to America, at the same time the Cod disappeared from the newfoundland fisheries. Suspicious timing there, methinks.
  • If you want to catch a glimpse of the truly insane, it's worth taking the time to watch this series. From Queen Liz to the "Furlong" sisters in "Wake of the Week", this group of remarkable local actors exploit and explain what it is to be a Newfie, and how the rest of Canada views our little island and it's quirky inhabitants. It may even inspire the viewer to want to come and experience some madness for awhile. What more can I say? The truth is in the viewing.