User Reviews (20)

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  • This is the ultimate spoof of life. The acting is just out-of-this-world, and the writing wonderfully takes our preconceptions of 'normality' and puts them through a magic mushroom blender. Growing up in England is a very confusing thing. As is portrayed perfectly in the show, there is a strange social normality within which people talk and interact with one another. Big Train takes that casual, chatty 'everything's normal' atmosphere, and injects a little quantum mechanics into it. But it's not just British culture getting splurged, Big Train takes any situation that upon slightly closer inspection is just plain weird. Super villains, the over-the-top dramatic stylings of American movies and sports events all get torn to shreds, and given a chelsea smile. If you've ever felt there was something grossly abnormal about normality, then this show will open the front door, take your shoes off, get you a cuppa, and make you feel right at home.
  • This programme is genius. I'm only upset they they have only done two series. I know it can be silly and at points a bit childish but come on i bet when you've watched it with mates and you've had a few that you wet yourself. THe staring contest has got to be the best gag in sketch show comedy history. a mostly single shot drawing that spawned a five minute commentary. pure gold. Britain's finest moments are in this show. only surpassed by little Britain which i would score 10. Id like to know your views on this response cause i don't think I'm in the minority here.

  • Killa_Priest7 December 2006
    ignore the guy who's says this is rubbish- he's a bob monkhouse fan- this isn't the same kind of humour (if you can call bob monkhouse mother in law jokes humour!) so it's no surprise that he doesn't get it....

    after the fast show this is the best British sketch show- forget the ever cruder and less funnier little Britain, the catch phrase based Catherine Tate, the hopelessly overrated python, the sadly dated harry enfield, the inconsistent smack the pony- this is intelligent yet stupid humour that is completely reliant on it's excellent cast.

    we need more stuff like this..
  • I'm surprised to see the largely negative response to this programme.

    I think it's one of the best Pythonesque shows that has emerged. I watched it religiously and was hyperventilating with laughter.

    There are so many classic skits: Ming the Merciless hanging around his house and singing along with the telly tubbies, A Cat and a mouse having a fight after a night at the pub, show jumpers wanting to be fire fighters and, of course, the staring competition grand finals. What made the sketches so appealing was the immense absurdity of the whole thing, yet the amazing cast was able to ground it in some reality.

    These great actors have since emerged in shows like "Spaced" and "How do you want me?". That's an indication of what level they were at.

    The best show of its kind in decades. It buries "The Fast Show".
  • Whilst Britain was mesmerised by 'The Fast Show', a vastly superior sketch show appeared on B.B.C.-2. 'Big Train' was in the 'Monty Python' mold, featuring sketches that started out as one thing before turning into something else, such as 'Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Working Class'', a 'Saint' style fight breaking out at a posh dinner party, or Chairman Mao leaping off his death bed to do a Bryan Ferry impression. The cast threw themselves into the thing with commendable straight faced enthusiasm; Simon Pegg, Julia Davis and Catherine Tate later became major stars. My favourite, however, was Kevin Eldon. His 'Sir George Martin' was staggering! Mark Heap was also brilliant. This was Arthur Mathews and Graham Linehan's first series since 'Father Ted' and alas suffered by way by comparison. The two shows are just as funny, but in different ways. It takes genius to make the notion of a 'stare-out' contest funny. 'Big Train' deserved to be a greater success ( a lot of it went over people's heads ) than it was. "Is that a reference to me not being married?".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of the funniest British sketch shows I have ever seen. Vastly misunderstood by a lot of people. In my opinion it's truly hilarious and I've shown it to a lot of my friends, who have absolutely loved it.

    The 'Jockeys in the Wild' sketch is one of the most hilarious, brilliant sketches I have ever seen, same goes with a lot of Big Train sketches.

    I can understand why some people just don't 'get it' but what I would suggest is don't watch it expecting too much. Just watch it expecting a funny, British comedy and that is what you will get.

    I'd say it's something of a 'cult comedy' and with most cult shows or films the people who do love it, really, really love it. And there's a reason for this kind of appreciation, it's because it's marvellous!

    I'd highly recommend this to anyone who likes the shows Mighty Boosh, any Simon Pegg comedy, Peep Show, Little Britain. A great British treat.
  • I only recently discovered this hidden gem and I'm really glad I did.

    It's not (and wasn't at the time of the release) a cutting edge stuff, but there is a certain uniqueness to it.

    I guess what intrigues me the most about it is the slightly unconventional pacing - There's your average sketch consisting of a build up and a delivery. At that point you chuckle, because you got it. But they just keep going. They keep going after the point had been made clear and they don't develop the point. And they get into a slightly annoying or a cringey zone. But they still keep going and they get to the zone, where it's funny again, sometimes belly-laugh funny. I think that was a risky move, but it totally works for this show!
  • The sketches didn't always work but ,the Jockeys ,the Policeman who runs away when called to duty (like today but it was a joke then ) and the smug superstud man who sleeps with his friends wives but can't even open a door properly ,and the blinking contest ,hold up as well today as then -I only wish that it hadn't resulted in someone thinking that Catherine Tate was funny enough to get a show on the strength of this ,but never mind ,still fondly remembered for edgy sketch comedy ...
  • When you look through the reviews for the sketch comedy show "Big Train", you'll likely notice either glowing reviews with scores of 9 or 10...or reviews by folks who hate the show and give it a 1 or 2. It's rare to see such a show...with no reviews in the middle. Well, I love British comedy (such as "Little Britain", "The Vicar of Dibley", "Monty Python" and "Mr. Bean"), so the fact I was so unimpressed by "Big Train" is saying something. What didn't I like? Well, the I never smiled nor laughed while watching a few episodes. I also found the laughtrack annoying as I heard guffaws again and against when NOTHING funny is happening. I finally just gave up on the show. Now I know some say season two was better, but season one was so dull and unfunny, I cannot see giving the show another chance. Life is too short to waste my time and I actually LIKE comedy that is funny...go figure.

    If you insist on watching the program, the DVDs are available from Netflix here in the States.
  • BIG TRAIN (UK, 1998)

    A brilliant show that, sadly, did not run for very long on British screens. The superb cast, who are able to carry even the most craziest of sketches, do a great job and the writing is spot-on.

    Some of the sketches, especially those featured in the first series are classic. The sniper farmer, the Bee Gees shootout, the stare-outs, the boss with a phobia of spoons and of course the little boy on the bike. Real laugh-out-loud stuff.

    Superb, fresh comedy at its most British. Love it!

  • DonkeyManKing8 January 2020
    This is an awful show and I don't recommend it. The humor is embarrassing and cheap, revolving around characters acting stupid or doing something strange, lots of lowbrow jokes with no wit, and for some reason the writers feel the need to repeat the same jokes in different forms to try and trick the viewer into thinking it's a new joke. The writer clearly know the humor in this program isn't funny, since they feel it's necessary to add in a laugh track to persuade people into thinking it's hilarious, well they were sadly mistaken if that's the case.
  • Unfairly written off as an attempt to replicate the cult hysteria of The Fast Show, Big Train dared to push the boundaries of a genre (the comedy sketch show) which thought it had seen it all. No, not all of it worked, but the same was true of Python, Vic&Bob and all the other groundbreakers. When it did - the manager who distracted his mutinous staff with juggling displays, the Jekyll & Hyde-type scientist, the staring competitions, Mao Tse-Tung as Bryan Ferry, it was painfully, inexplicably funny. Stick with it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The same year 'Father Ted' came to an abrupt end ( its star sadly died of a fatal heart attack ), Graham Linehan and Arthur Matthews created a sketch show, which they curiously titled 'Big Train'. There were a fine mix of names in the cast such as Catherine Tate, Simon Pegg, Kevin Eldon, Mark Heap and Tracy Ann Oberman. Unfortunately, the quality of the casting did not match the quality of the material. Quite frankly, the show was appalling and how it lasted for three series is beyond belief. It was like 'Monty Python' gone wrong.

    One sketch had a young man trying to teach his son how to ride a bike. As the little tike starts to peddle off, he suddenly erupts into flames. Far from being concerned, the father tells his son simply just to stop burning and try again. Just how on earth is that funny?

    'Big Train' crashed and burned big style with me. I watched the first three episodes and have absolutely no desire to see anymore. Fortunately, Simon Pegg' landed a starring role in a far superior series, Channel 4's 'Spaced'.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Warning Contains Some Spoilers!!!!!!!!

    The first time I saw this show I was shocked at the sheer quality of the rather a-typical sketch show format. Despite the similarities with other shows (as many previous writers have mentioned), this show did provide us with both memorable sketches and stars.

    Some of the sketches appeal to all people, and are somewhat standard in their BBC origin. For example Simon Pegg (as a general) explaining to a conference of people about a missile attack, whilst providing his own sound effects to the video. Whereas other sketches share more common ground with dark experimental sketch shows such as Jam. For example the sketch where Mark Heap repeatedly threatens Kevin Eldon for making references to him not being married (which included Kevin Eldon mentioning kids kicking a coke can?). Also it is impossible to provide a review of this pro gramme without mentioning the parallels between this show and Monty Python. Big Train clearly learnt and borrowed from Python's love for the completely irrelevant, for example in the second series Simon Pegg knocking over a turtle that apparently does not speak English, but does speak perfect French!

    As for the Stars of the show, they have gone on to some very important work with regards to British comedy. For example Mark Heap, went on to do Green Wing (one of the best new British Sitcoms), and he also did Spaced (between the two series). Simon Pegg, obviously did Spaced (between two series), Shaun of the Dead, and has more recently been cast in Mission Impossible 3 (admittedly not a direct comedy). Kevin Eldon, made numerous appearances in many of the newer comedies e.g. Spaced, Green Wing and had a co-star role in Hyperdrive (which stars Nick Frost, who also made an appearance in one of the sketches in Big Train). As for the female cast members they have also had been linked with important work. For example Catherine Tate, who is now a very common figure in family entertainment! Also Julia Davis has been linked to a number of big projects for example, The Office, and Love actually.

    Big train was an important comedy training ground for British talent, and whilst admittedly borrowing a few ideas from other shows (as do all comedies!) it gave us a lot of laughs.

  • This is an awesome show. No laugh track, completely deadpan the entire time, and i think generally massively underrated. Primarily the work of the lads from Father Ted, i would rate this show (and particularly the first series) as my favourite sketch comedy show of all time. In no particular order, I would recommend: Ming the Merciless vacuuming at home, the cat suit and dog suit pub fight, the duck assassin, Hall & Oates (with Eurythmics) helping clean up inner city London, the wanking office, 'no, sorry, i don't speak English', the eponymous big train sketch, the foxhunting firemen...

    Great to see Simon Pegg doing so well also.
  • As much as I like the Fast Show for it's homelyness, many of the charachters and sketches become to predictable, repetitive and sometimes are forced to reach that 'hilarious' catchline.

    Big Train is the solution. Many original sketches sometimes never repeated. Show Jumpers obsessed with being fireman? and people say this isn't original?

    As for the World Stare Out Champs with Barry Davis and the summarisers, just superb. More of this please!
  • At times this is an original sketch show, with surreal, witty moments. Someone should have told them that the staring sketch simply wasn't funny once, let alone being repeated in different forms again and again - not just in the first episode, but the second, the third - and probably all the rest. Luckily the DVD can be skipped; but still skipping a DVD past bits you don't like isn't a particularly good thing to have to do.

    Generally the trouble is that a point is made, and then is overmilked - we get the joke, move on. One of the reviews here implies there's no studio (canned?) laughter - but there is - at least on the UK DVD, and it is quite inappropriate, it should be optional. We also have the BBC forcing its previews - so you can't put the DVD in, leave it to go through the copyright stuff, and come back ready at the menu. 7 out of 10, needs better editing.
  • Well it is not the funniest thing on TV, and not all that original, but give it a go, it passes the time.

    A few funny moments brighten the time spent viewing and Simon Pegg is amusing as ever, so I say why not....
  • I had heard many good things about this program. My friend called it 'the funniest thing I have ever seen'. I heard that I had a whole host of excellent comedians and comedy actors involved in it to some degree. It even had the legend that is Simon Pegg starring! Plus the Father Ted two as as writers? This has to be comedy gold. Alas, no, the first series, the only one I have seen so far, is a major disappointment. Maybe it has suffered in my eyes by being built up too much. None-the-less, and I know this is a matter of opinion, it is just not that funny. Granted there are one or two funny sketches and some very clever idea, but nothing there to elevate Big Train above most other sketch shows. I found many sketches were drawn out and as a result died a horrible death. I'm about to watch the second series which I have been assured is vastly superior to the first. I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed.