User Reviews (428)

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  • I can't believe how many people pick on this movie! It's a movie...and movies are meant to entertain. I thought it was a good story line, very suspenseful & emotional. Yes, there was a lot of unbelievable problems that arose, and maybe the acting wasn't all that great. Chris O'Donnell is very cute to look at, but I have to admit he's not the best actor out there. Scott Glenn is great in every movie he is in. The rest of the actors were OK. I just don't see why this movie was picked on so much. I don't watch movies so I can pick on them, I watch them for entertainment..and I was entertained by this movie. I would recommend it to anyone who is wanting to see an edge-of-your seat, emotional movie.
  • I had high hopes for this film after seeing the thrilling opening sequence in Monument Valley, Utah; but, alas, it was not to be.

    THE STORY: A famous female climber gets stuck in an ice cave with two others near the top of K2, the second highest mountain on Earth. Her brother, who has sworn off climbing because of his father's climbing death, has no choice but to assemble a team to rescue the trio.

    WHAT WORKS: As already mentioned, the opening sequence is excellent, the locations are great (the New Zealand Alps), the story pretty much keeps your attention (until the absurdities really mount up -- pun intended) and both Robin Tunney & Izabella Scorupco are deliciously beautiful.

    WHAT DOESN'T WORK: As the story continues the believability decreases severely. In fact, the crisis/suspense/action sequences are so EXTREME and strung so close together (especially as the movie proceeds) they tend to make you bust out laughing -- the very OPPOSITE reaction the creators wanted. By the very end the ridiculous overkill made me lose interest in whatever story was supposed to be there.

    FINAL ANALYSIS: I was hoping for something unexpectedly great like "The Edge," but ended up with a fun but ultimately shallow time-waster. For comparison, "Cliffhanger" is "Apocalypse Now" next to "Vertical Limit."

    GRADE: C.
  • When I saw this shortly after it came out on DVD, it got high marks just for the spectacular sound alone. It had some of the best rear-speaker sound I had ever heard. It was a showpiece for DVD players at the time.

    The movie is interesting with it's main fault being a common one: overdone action at the end. Along the way, however, it has many almost jaw-dropping scenes and some spectacular mountain scenery which looks great on the sharp DVD transfer. The stunt work in here is also incredible. Martin Campbell, the same director who did The Mask Of Zorro and Goldeneye, is good at producing eye-popping action scenes.

    The dialog at times is juvenile, but it could have been worse. The profanity was lower than expected, too. How accurate is it concerning mountain-climbing? Probably like most films: totally inaccurate, at least that's what a mountain- climbing expert told me, and I believe him.

    All in all, however, a far better film than I expected.....strictly for the entertainment.
  • While mountaineering is one of the most exhilarating of sports it has produced little good fiction, and few good fictional movies, though there have been some excellent documentaries ('The Man who Skied Down Everest', the Imax 'Everest' film, for example). Somehow, when it comes to fiction, the clichés take over, and this film, with some genuinely gorgeous camera-work and impressive stunts, is full of them. The wealthy megalomaniac determined to conquer K2 at any cost, the climber who lost his nerve when his father was killed who pushes himself into action to save his sister, stuck in a crevass high up the mountain with the moneyed one, the bitter old man of the mountains who is essential to the rescue, the guide who has sold out, It's all there. One does expect some improbability of plot in a film like this, but the thought that someone might cart Pakistani Army liquid nitro-glycerine in back packs to the top of K2 to blast a crevasse open really was a bit much.

    Apart from a very attractive opening sequence in Utah (Monument Valley, I think) the film was shot in the New Zealand Alps, with a few clips of the genuine Karkoram Himalaya spliced in. For this viewer, it brought back pleasant memories of climbing in the University holidays around the Southern Alps. But climbing is a dangerous sport; on one trip I was accompanied by four people, all of whom subsequently died in separate climbing accidents (one on Makalu, next to Everest). There is a fair amount of special effects malarky (no-one, not even Temuera Morrison pretending to be Pakistani, would fly an old military helicopter so close to a mountain wall at 21,000 feet), but there are also some genuinely stirring shots.

    Unfortunately, the acting for the most part matches the script. Chris Connelly, good at sensitive young men, is wrong for the brother bent on rescue (it's more of a part for Bruce Willis), and Bill Paxton is only moderately menacing as the ruthless Richard Branson-style billionaire. In fact the only decent piece of acting is Scott Glenn's Wick, the veteran with attitude. The'comic' Australian climbing brothers, Ces and Cyril, or whatever their names were, were profoundly embarrassing – I guess Ben Mendelsohn will be hoping no-one will recognise him with a balaclava on his head. There were also lackluster performances from the two female leads, Robin Tunney and Izabella Scorupco. One of them, Scorupco, is an ex-Bond girl ('Goldeneye') – the casting people obviously didn't realise she was going to be spending the entire movie wrapped up in Gore-Tex. There's no sex at high altitude – it's too damned cold and anyway survival takes precedence over procreation.

    I think Roger Ebert got it right on this one – a 'B' movie with an 'A' movie budget. There are all sorts of anomalies – the lack of visible water vapour issuing from the climbers, their sprightly behaviour even after hours at 26,000 feet, the use of north wall hammers to attack a rock/ice pitch, the miraculous helicopter piloting – but somehow the magnificence of those great peaks comes through. The worst thing about a movie like this is that it portrays the mountains as hellish, which is far from the truth. What is it the psalm says 'I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my strength'? Climbing is one thing I have never regretted doing, and it would be a pity if people were put off the sport by stuff like this. Actually I think the people who do attempt peaks like K2 would see this film as preposterous, overblown Hollywood brown smelly stuff, and they'd be right. But there is some nice scenery.
  • Usually I do not care very much for mountain climbing films as they usually have a very similar plot. This film had plenty of action with Helicopters flying all over the place and horrible snow storms and also entrapment in caves deep under tons of snow and ice. The film starts out with a father, son and daughter adventuring up a steep mountain during a very sunny day and having a wonderful time with each other. Their father was a very experienced climber and all of a sudden a tragic situation happens and a horrible life or death decision had to be made within seconds. There is lots of scary scenes and plenty of explosions and more action than you can handle.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An enjoyable B-movie yarn masquerading as an A-list blockbuster, this is an adrenaline-pumping thriller that doesn't care about making the most of some contrived, occasionally unbelievable events. Despite the lack of realism in the many action scenes, the movie strives for an air of authenticity and achieves it in spades with some wonderful location photography in New Zealand. In short, this is a film that needs to be seen at a decent quality to appreciate the full beauty of the snowy landscapes and bleak mountain peaks. The script is fairly routine and there's definitely a flaw in the central premise of a six-strong rescue team setting out to rescue only three possible survivors, but it still makes for good entertainment which can only be a plus. Also, with an A-list budget, the action scenes are guaranteed to be well-executed and genuinely exciting. Throw in a few fantastic special effects (gotta love that avalanche) and you have a film which doesn't mind offering plenty of brainless fun and enjoyment.

    The clichéd characters are also played by better actors than usual. Acting honours go to Scott Glenn, excellent as the toeless veteran climber forced to return to the peak one final time. Chris O'Donnell just about manages to hold onto the leading role but still feels somewhat hollow; meanwhile Robin Tunney is fairly good as the damsel in distress. Bill Paxton has an interesting role as a Branson-esque multi-millionaire along for the climb and the film cleverly develops his less-than-impressive character with a few twists here and there. Watch out for the satisfying conclusion to his part. Elsewhere, Izabella Scorupco is nicely feisty as a female rescuer, Alexandar Siddig makes for a good sherpa and Nicholas Lea gets a nasty injury.

    If you want to see a film where guys do impossible jumps, survive freezing temperatures, and half of the mountainside blows up with lots and lots of explosions you have a choice between this and CLIFFHANGER. Stallone's film is cheesier, more violent and more over-the-top but VERTICAL LIMIT isn't without its fair share of shocks, surprises, and cliffhanging situations. Both are equally entertaining in this reviewer's book.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Don't get me wrong. This is marvelous action, with unique locations, smart plot, and perfect directing. The climbing scenes are excellently made, I never felt overabundant, or originally any CGI. Obviously, a lot of efforts was spent behind this movie, rather gem. However, some points bugged me. Let's see how bad they are.

    First off: the way the second act was written. The movie kind of remakes the Seven Samurai story, yet for nothing but killing most of them, as if they were there for just getting killed! No doubt that the movie overused the matter of the nitroglycerin bombs, and badly. Yes, they're a good thrill element, but not to an extent where the Pakistani army doesn't know how to save them, or the Pakistani general doesn't see their leakage under his foot, or the movie uses them as Freddy is used in Nightmare on Elm Street's movies!

    Chris O'Donnell is talented, however not that charismatic, and doesn't fit action movies so much. In fact, hiring him with the lovely Robin Tunney, whether was for cutting down the budget, or as a chance to experiment new stars back then, proved to be something not that successful. And after 10 years, both of them ended up in TV shows like NCIS: Los Angeles and The Mentalist.

    Although I don't think, for a second, that a helicopter's fan can only cut off a sleeve of someone while getting centimeters close to her. But, for the sake of an action scene, I'll forget about this. Nevertheless, I won't forget that the movie's evil man, played by Bill Paxton, returns to the same place where he went into big accident a few years ago, near to the man who he killed his wife! Cheeky? Maybe. Odd? Full Yes!

    I liked that, finally, a Muslim character was shown in a Hollywood movie without the forever usual character (ruthless barbarian terrorist!). I suppose that was for putting wildly different characters together. Especially when that character, of a Pakistani religious soldier, joins forces with an Australian nihilist playboy. Btw, the Islamic prayer's moves weren't done rightly. Clearly they needed an expert for that on the set.

    Izabella Scorupco is no less than great. I don't know, and eager to know, why she was exiled from movies? Because within nearly 20 years, after her first starring role in Golden Eye, she made something like 5 movies! Being a James Bond girl was sure a problem more than a blessing. It's embarrassing that even when she got work, like in here, it was with Golden Eye's director, Martin Campbell. As if no one else wants to work with her! She even was offered the lead female role in The Mask of Zorro (1998), for the same director, but turned it down. Otherwise, she doesn't like acting!

    So, I'm a big fan of this movie, its script, and directing. But, in the same time, I hate some points, on their top is the sense of laziness at the second act's writing; it's where this fine action leaned toward being an easy slasher. The final verdict: The bad points turned out to be light, and this is a real classic movie. The original trailer is one of the best as well.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The beginning the two siblings have an evident bond that has been broken by the son having to cut the dad lose to save the life of his sister. and then nothing is very well explained. Sister is mad at brother for killing their father and doesn't seem appreciative of him saving her life. the whole movie everybody does stuff that doesn't make sense. There's not a lot of plot development or character building, everything that happens is very forced. there's a love interest that comes from out of nowhere. There's a villain that wouldn't listen and got everybody in danger. It's just mediocre at best
  • Sjhm30 September 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    It has truly stunning scenery. It isn't a climbing guide and it's not meant to be. I really don't know what people want from a film these days. Reality TV seems to have rotted people's brains. This is FICTION. Enjoy it on it's own escapist level, or don't watch it. In fiction you can take certain liberties. That is why it's fiction. Taking up a sport as physically demanding as climbing because you saw a movie once is ridiculous.

    What's good: Chris O'Donnell is a solid choice for leading man, and Robin Tunney doesn't disgrace herself as the single-minded sister. Scott Glenn is the standout as the reclusive loner, but he doesn't really have enough screen time. It was also frankly a relief to see the Pakistani characters, although minor, treated with some respect, making them reasonable, reasoning men.

    The problems: Far too many crises. Avalanches, explosions, the helicopter nearly cutting someone to ribbons, the list never ends, and as characters just keep dying you start to feel as though the punchline is just going to be more death and destruction. Which is a little wearisome. The script is also somewhat clichéd. It's worth watching once, but this is certainly a movie I wouldn't go back to. Many of the minor characters are just there to die, so they are not especially well-fleshed out. The central 'villain' played by Bill Paxton is a pale shadow of what a villain should be. Contrast Michael Moriarty in Cliffhanger, but since the real 'villain' is meant to be the mountain, Paxton's character is not given enough substance to be more than a one note performance.

    All round, the film scores on beautiful scenery, but crucially falls down on the overloaded plot.
  • With story lines, motivations, and names strongly echoing the basic threads of Into Thin Air, this movie makes for an entertaining watch. Of course, purists will tell you that the climbing is not credible, etc. etc. but then again, neither are aeronautics in Star Wars, North African life in Casablanca, or archeology in Raiders of the Lost Ark. With excellent mountaineering skills at play there would not be falls, near-misses, plots or anything else worthy of an action flick here ! So: enjoy the action, the guts of the producing team in producing a mountaineering thriller (a rare genre) with excellent photography, but only listen to the pros insofar as not using any of what you see here in real life.
  • This movie is a so-typical Hollywood action-flick you almost can't believe it. It seems like the producers looked up this bunch of cool gadgets mountain climbers use (many of which are sharp or have pointy ends) and tried to portray some of the most irresponsible climbing you could think of.

    Sure, it's hell if your sis is stuck in an avalanche on K-2 but, as some climber already pointed out in basecamp, you don't go risking another six people to 'possibly' get two down. Besides, there are better ways to do this than by strapping a can of nitroglycerine to your back.(small note: dynamite is essentially chalk soaked in nitro which stabilizes it. Guess they hadn't thought of that?)

    Furthermore, you never climb beneath another group's ropes (lest they fall and drag you with them...), you do not sprint across a ridge wearing glacier-irons, you do not sit on a 5cm ledge without a safety rope attached, you do jump out of a helicopter trying to fall down unless you intend to end up spaghetti.

    In short, this movie severely damages the image of the real mountain climbers, who consider safety and precaution a way of life and not something to disregard to look cool.
  • I'm surprised by all the hostility shown toward this movie on IMDb. Had I read the reviews here, I would have skipped this well-made and entertaining film. For one thing, it was a pleasure to see an action movie that didn't involve guns and shooting - enough of that nonsense. Instead, this film is full of spectacular scenery, good looking actors and actresses, and some unexpected insights into issues of morality, judgment and sacrifice. As far as the accuracy about details of climbing, I couldn't care less. This is not a how-to movie. And as for the wisdom of transporting nitroglycerin across dangerous terrain, check out Henri-Georges Clouzot's masterpiece, "The Wages of Fear" or its excellent remake by William Friedkin, "Sorcerer." Neither one of these great films was hampered by such a questionable premise. I highly recommend "Vertical Limit" for exciting escapism.
  • RNMorton15 December 2000
    Is there some reason why Hollywood has a problem with keeping their flicks somewhere within the bounds of reality? Chris O'Donnell's sister is trapped somewhere below the summit of K2 with win-at-all costs tycoon Paxton. Stars are attractive and the basic plot is sound, maybe even outstanding, but what's with these moments where suspension of disbelief become just disbelief? Think of a cross between Armaggedon and Cliffhanger and you're in this neighborhood. Unintentional laughs when you see the microphone boom glide in and out in several scenes. Scott Glenn does a real nice turn as enigmatic expert climber Wick, the film's most interesting character. Definitely a mixed bag.
  • How can anyone spend so much money and make a picture like this? The effects were good but how many really stupid / bad things can happen in one film or one person's life. If only two of the many, many catastrophes that happened in the movie happened in real life it would be like lightning striking you twice. Everything that the actors did (pretending to be the best of the best climbers) seemed to go against them. Really, do you think a professional climber would leave his back pack where it could slide down the mountain? This is your life we're talking about. How about a nylon climbing rope that snaps two feet above the ground just after stopping a long fall. You can't see anyone's breath and it's cold up there. But the way, there aren't any open flame fires that I know of (unless the fuel contains it's own oxygen) anywhere near that altitude. Or how about a professional climber (who relies on good lungs) that smokes. Really, enough is enough!

    If you can't think well you might like this movie but it you have some brains, no way! No real plot development - only special effects over and over and over...Unfortunately not even plausible special effects. Jumping a crevasse (didn't they know it was there before they took that route) and actually sticking to the other side. Come on!

    I could go on and on but I won't. Nice scenery though. I like the actors but not in this movie.

    Well, that's my take and thanks.
  • In this high-octane action film, three climbers make stupid decisions at 26,000 feet, en route to the summit of K2, the world's second highest mountain. The climber's peril thus necessitates a rescue, which puts additional people on the mountain and at risk of dying. That's it. The story is thus fairly thin, but the filmmakers insert all kinds of natural and human obstacles, conflict, and difficulties to rev up the action and excitement.

    The film's CGI creates compelling tension. We have the illusion of vertical scale, or perspective, which translates into a needed sense of vertigo. The sensation that the characters could, at any moment, fall to their deaths is the film's strength.

    The mountain scenery is also nice, although it is sometimes wasted, because of the film's fast pace. Cinematography is quite good. And some of the scene transitions make the film flow really well.

    Dialogue seems flat to me. Production design and costumes are adequate. Acting is largely irrelevant.

    By far, the biggest flaw is the unrealistic amount of action. In the plot, everything that could go wrong does go wrong, from bad weather to avalanches to exploding nitro to human conflict and discord. It's all a bit much. But, that seems to be a problem inherent to outdoor action films. Directors cram in too much chaos.

    Another minus is the background music, which is irritatingly nondescript. For a film set mostly in Asia, I could have wished for more indigenous music which, when combined with the majesty of the mountains, could have added emotional depth and a sense of mystery and awe.

    "Vertical Limit" does have an emotional spine to its story, but that is secondary to the super action plot. Viewers who expect well thought out characters, meticulous plotting, or a subtle "theme" will need to look elsewhere. This film is strictly for people who like heavy-duty outdoor action.
  • I'm surprised that some viewers have been so hard on this film. Sure, the plot is formulaic, and for those of us who are experienced mountaineers, the events and stunts rise occasionally to the ridiculous. But this movie was far superior to some of the mountaineering films made in the early 90s (K2, Cliffhanger). It is also visually beautiful to watch if you enjoy the mountains or are a climber. Other perks for the armchair mountaineer include a cameo by Ed Viesturs (as himself).

    The plot is a simple one. Accomplished young sibling climbers become estranged after the death of their father in a climbing accident, but are reunited in the K2 death zone after one becomes trapped with her climbing party at high altitude and her brother forms the rescue party. From there, all that's required to enjoy the unfolding events is an ability to enjoy the stunning vistas and not take the details too seriously.

    The movie was well cast, with an earnest Chris O'Donnell as a young hero, Scott Glenn as a mysterious, menacing, yet fundamentally well intentioned old school climber, and Tom Paxton as a hard-charging self-absorbed businessman.

    Also, when this film was first released the plot had some timely elements in the wake of the 1996 Everest disaster. The notion that wealthy clients could "guarantee" themselves a summit via high-priced guides--often with tragic results--was most certainly not fiction. No doubt the Everest story, although much more serious than this enjoyable bit of mountaineering fluff, influenced the writer of the screenplay here.
  • ks415 February 2004
    Having just seen this i am having this feeling like this movie really tried, but something was just missing.

    The movie is about Peter and Annie Garrett, as young claimers they lost their father in a horrible accident, since that they have lost the contact to each other and have gone their seperate ways, as in faith they meet at the foot of the mountain, k2, Peter is working with the national geographic while Annie, now a famous claimer, is about to go for the top of k2 with a rich business man who wants to be on the top to make commercial for his new company. And OF course something a bound to go wrong.

    By saying that i can say already now the movie is rather predictable and there are a lot of very clear set-ups and same amount of pays offs, and that is okay, problem generally is that most of these accidents happens becuase the participants of the story are so damn stupid at times, especially handling their explosives.

    The movie doesn't make you wanna byte your nails, it lacks realism and suspense, it's a decent claiming movie with some beautiful scenery and cinematography, which is what keeps the movie alive a long way, although i wish they had spend more time with it, the opening scene has breath taking scenery though.

    There doesn't come many movies of this exact genre, actually only ones i can think of is Cliffhanger and Touching The Void, having only seen Cliffhanger i think that one too lacked realism, but at least that one was filled with suspense. Now i'm looking forward to see if Touching The Void manage to combine those things into a good "cliff hanger" movie, it sure looks promising, i can't wait.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Vertical Limit is a classic action movie that has been on my favorite top ten list for the past 23 years. It's not a movie for real climbers so anyone who says it's unrealistic shouldn't be taken seriously. It's Hollywood, nuff said. The cast is spectacular and the cameo by Viesturs is a nice touch for us climber wannabes. I've watched every climbing movie and while Vertical Limit may not be a documentary, it's highly enjoyable in a Cliffhanger sort of way. If you want realism, go see Free Solo. If you want drama, watch Into Thin Air. But for seat-of-your pants action and thrills, Vertical Limit is a must see.
  • The movie is just beyond silly but still strangely entertaining.

    "Vertical Limit" has several problems, the cast and story are just a few of them. The movie has some of the worst casting since years, everybody seems to be totally miscast with the exception of Bill Paxton, Robert Taylor, Temuera Morrison and a few other minor roles. Chris O'Donnell is an horrible choice as leading man and all that Izabella Scorupco does is scream and look pretty. But maybe the biggest problem is the beyond silly story. The main story line is not that bad but the movie is full with dumb and completely unnecessary sub plots. And of course the movie is completely technical inaccurate but that doesn't really matter, at least that is what makes the movie entertaining to watch.

    Visually the movie also isn't perfect. Sure it has some nice scenery but the special effects are pretty disappointing, especially in the beginning.

    Still the movie is not a complete wreck, it still has some nice and even exciting moments and the musical score by James Newton Howard is also surprising good and so is the excellent camera work from David Tattersall. The characters Cyril and Malcolm also saves this movie from being a disaster.

    Still somewhat entertaining mainly thanks to Martin Campbell's directing.

  • Having climbed in the Andes, Tian Shan, St. Elias and other

    mountain ranges across the planet, I was often asked what I

    thought of this movie, and it's accuracy.

    This is, without doubt, the least accurate film on climbing I have

    ever seen. This movie is simply absurd. I consider it about as

    "accurate" as, say, Spy Kids is to global espionage.

    In addition to the gaffs pointed out, I wanted to state what was

    most amusing to me: Inside the crevasse, the climbers ice tools

    bounce off the crevasse walls like they're made out of solid steel

    (and 'ping' just like it). But when Chris O'Donnall does his full

    sprint (at altitude!) and huge leap across a cavernous abyss, he

    drives his ice tools into the other side - made of solid rock - and

    sticks like Spiderman. The film is filled with many other absurd

    implausabilities that insult the sport it manipulates in the guise of


    Aside from that, as so many others have noted, the movie is

    simple minded action. If you don't mind laughing at much of it, and

    don't for a moment think it represents realistic climbing, leave your

    brain at the door and you might have some fun. But most people

    will just find it absurd rubbish.
  • acedj8 May 2020
    The movie opens with the Garrett family, brother Peter, sister Annie and dad Royce, played by Chris O'Donnell, Robin Tunney and Stuart Wilson, all doing a bit of rock climbing. Events go wrong and dad sacrifices himself to save his kids. Fast forward in time and Peter has given up climbing, but Annie is still climbing and is on a team hired by rich man Elliot Vaughn, played by the late Bill Paxton, to make an ascent on K2. Of course things go wrong and Annie ends up trapped with Elliot on the mountain and Peter must come out of retirement to save his sister. Assembling a team they race against time before Annie dies.

    I call this Cliffhanger light because when I think about movies with mountain climbing, that will always be the mark against which I measure others. Stalone is no acting savant, however the action in that movie is just great. Here too lies some good action sequences. There are just a few parts of this movie that lend no element of suspense. All the actors do a good job in their roles. High praise to Scott Glenn for his small but crucial part in this as well.
  • Motivation is the key element necessary to sympathize with characters in fiction (in film or otherwise). To enjoy characters, even though we may not like them, we must know that what they do has a legitimate purpose. There are a number of fatal flaws in this film surrounding mountaineering in general. Rather than mention them all, I'm merely going to mention one that reflects directly on character motivation.

    The trapped climbers know the dangers of high-altitude pulmonary edema. This motivates them to take injections of 'dex' (short for dexamethasone) to ward off symptoms. The rescuers also know the dangers and know the victims' supply of dex is running out. This motivates them to race against time and adversity to rescue the trapped climbers. The problem? Dexamethasone has no effect on high-altitude pulmonary edema whatsoever. It's used only in the rare instances of cerebral edema where the primary symptom is denial of the condition, not a mad rush to acquire the medicine or administer it. For pulmonary edema, the proper medicine is nifedipine -- taken orally, not by injection.

    You would think a major studio production where motivation centers around a medical condition would have a medical adviser on the payroll. Checking credits, I didn't see one. What a stupid (and preventable) disaster of a story ... and film.
  • I enjoyed Vertical Limit. One thing I would have done differently, as a director, is to eliminate the explosives. Blowing a hole at the top of the crevass that your friends and family are at the bottom of is folly, and even if you do feel the need to bring explosives (in avalanche country), use something relatively stable, like dynamite.

    Dynamite would have been readily available, for it is used to mine Himalayan salt in Pakistan. Certainly, the man with the millions of dollars could have afforded some. The exclusion of explosives from the scenes would have contributed to a more believable Himalayan adventure (think Into Thin Air).

    The story line was good, and I appreciated the strong, complex dynamics and connections between the brother and sister, and between the two siblings and the rescue team leader. While Vertical Limit strove to expose the harsh realities of technical climbing (especially at K2), however, it lost some steam by being very lax in re-creating the conditions that would have been met by the climbers, even at K2's Base Camp at 18,645 feet.

    No one was even wearing hats at the alcohol-ridden "barbecue" at Base Camp, the night before the climb. It would have been blisteringly cold, between -20 and -50 farenheit. No professional climber would have been drinking alcohol at that time.

    On the mountain, in the raging storm, the climbers did not even have the sense to pull the Cord-Locs on their hoods tight: Snow would have accumulated inside their hoods and parkas, then melting. There were some scenes when protective face masks were used, and that was excellent.

    Chris O'Donnell's character makes a terrific leap onto a snowy cliff face. I am not entirely certain that the jump would have been possible in real-life, but just maybe. They should have made the jump less-ambitious and more believeable.

    Although I am glad that there were not one but two women in the rescue team, in reality, they would have not been allowed: Women just don't have the brute force necessary to haul 200-pound guys down the mountain (or up on a rope).

    While I am tempted to say that it is unrealistic that the veteran and renowned ascent team leader and National Geographic photographer (also a highly-experienced climber) could be cajoled into continuing the ascent after the severe storm warning had been issued to them, we have seen bad decisions in the past by real-life alpine team leaders,culminating to disaster.

    Although it may seem that I am being very critical of Vertical Limit, my score of 8 shows that I am willing to forgive the sins that Hollywood felt compelled to commit. The strong inter-personal dynamics, memorable characters, strong story line in-general, and clear, bold decision making in the screenplay made this film worth watching. Heroism is always a welcome theme in the movies I watch, and in Vertical Limit, everyone's a hero in his or her own way.

    Scott Glen's character as the rescue team leader and sage mountaineer was superb.
  • A team of mountain climbers run into dire straits when they encounter a turn in the weather and become stranded during an assault on K2 in `Vertical Limit,' a thriller directed by Martin Campbell. Millionaire businessman (and experienced climber) Elliot Vaughn (Bill Paxton) has surrounded himself with the best climbers in the world to help him reach the top of K2 and effect his `life's statement.' And coincidentally, there just may be some publicity in it to help him launch his new airline, which is scheduled to make it's initial flight (over K2, of course) just as they make it to the summit. World renowned climber Tom McLaren (Nicholas Lea) is in charge on the mountain; but when conditions dictate a return to base camp, Vaughn's money and position prevails and they continue on with what becomes a fool's errand. Watching the proceedings from below is photographer Peter Garrett (Chris O'Donnell), who is in the area on assignment for National Geographic. Garrett also happens to be an expert climber, as is his sister, Annie (Robin Tunney), who happens to be a member of Vaughn's team. When it becomes clear that the stranded climbers have a window of but a certain number of hours for survival, Peter goes into action and puts together a rescue team; he's not about to let his sister die on the mountain. To lead his team he enlists the help of a local, Montgomery Wick (Scott Glenn), a legendary climber who knows K2 better than anyone else alive. And with his team in place and good to go, the adventure begins. The story-- by Robert King, with a screenplay by King and Terry Hayes-- is substantially well written, and though it has a sense of `been-there-done-that' about it, it's like your favorite ride at an amusement park; as soon as you get off, you want to get back on and go again. That's the way it is with this movie. It's familiar territory, but under the steady hand of director Campbell, and with the help of some breathtaking photography, it's a heart-stopping, exciting film that refuses to let you off the hook from the opening sequence to the very end. The only flaw overall would have to be that King and Hayes took the low road-- or the easy way, if you will-- by introducing a plot twist that concerns the relationship between Vaughn and Wick that is somewhat cliched; almost as if they felt the drama of the rescue and all that surrounds it was not enough somehow. They were wrong; the element in question merely serves to lower the bar a bit. Happily, however, it is not enough to negate the entertainment value of the entire project, nor does it significantly alter the fact that this is basically a good story. I mention it only because I feel that had they used a more imaginative, alternative means to their end, it would have made what is predominantly a really good movie an exceptional one. An interesting cast was assembled for Campbell to use in the telling of his story, most notably O'Donnell, who has attained a level of maturity that gives a credibility to his character that he has lacked somewhat in previous outings; and Scott Glenn-- looking aptly weather-beaten here-- who effects just the right touch of isolation to make Wick a somewhat enigmatic presence. Tunney makes her Annie believable, which is especially important in putting across the climbing sequences, and Paxton does likewise with Vaughn, though his character is not really much of a stretch for him as an actor. But he does deliver. The real find here, however, is the charismatic Izabella Scorupco (Monique), who not only proves that she has what it takes as an actress, but is a classic beauty in the style of Lake, Leigh and Bergman rarely seen in Hollywood in the past two or three decades. The supporting cast includes Steve Le Marquand, Ben Mendelsohn, Temuera Morrison and Robert Taylor. There are a number of scenes in `Vertical Limit' that will have you on the edge of your seat and may even have you gasping aloud; at the same time, there are certain aspects of this film that have inevitable conclusions. But Campbell has put it all in a fresh, exciting package that makes this movie more than worth your while and is thoroughly entertaining. Check it out; It's a ride you're going to be glad you jumped on. I rate this one 7/10.
  • chmilar20 February 2002
    While a number of comments admire the endless action of Vertical Limit, I found it tedious and, ultimately, boring.

    The problem is the lack of both pacing and dramatic buildup. Each unbelievable new cliffhanger featuring these incompetent mountaineers is not much different from the last one. No cliffhanger contributes to the next one. It is just a string of unbelievable, disconnected "exciting" sequences.

    Halfway through the movie, I would start laughing as a new cliffhanger developed. I waited to see how many ludicrous elements the director and writers could pile on (he's hanging from his ice axe over a cliff, the cornice is breaking; now the woman is hanging, and he's hanging off of her; now the nitro explodes; now an avalanche comes). But at the end of each sequence, someone is either saved or dead, and we move on as if nothing happened....

    Great action directors know how to build excitement on top of excitement, with a rhythm. Each situation, while locally resolved, contributes to an even larger tension, until the audience is sitting at the edges of their seats.

    Vertical Limit fails utterly to compound the tension of its action sequences. It ends up tedious and predictable.
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