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  • Anyone born before 1980 has probably seen Doug McClure's movie which sent a modern man to a prehistoric world where above-ground dwellers were civilized and underground dwellers were ape-ish, poor-sighted creatures that preyed on the above-ground dwellers. And then there was a smattering of dinosaurs, too.

    There were several different variations of this theme, such as the Saturday morning show "Land of The Lost". This movie is just as cheesy and fun to watch and the actors are much more attractive. The actress that plays the native princess reminds me of Sonia Braga, the actress who plays Dr. Cruz reminds me of a brunette Kathleen Turner from "Romancing the Stone", and the actress who plays "Veronica", a Jane-like blonde jungle girl, is particularly striking. The 4 male leads are stereotypical as well - the dapper older gentleman professor, the adventurous scientist, the big game hunter, and the dashing young balloon pilot who strikes up a romance with Veronica. And as can be expected, the plot moves along pretty quickly, not delving too deeply into the philosophical aspects of disrupting a native culture (one of the things a true scientist would avoid) or removing animal species from their natural habitat (a concept which probably didn't exist during the Victorian era, when this story was developed by the man who wrote "Sherlock Holmes").

    Some blood (gunshot wounds to the Missing Link ape-like creatures who kidnap the native princess and attack the adventurers), no harsh language, no nudity, no sex, nothing risque, nothing particularly frightening.

    The special effects are good enough, though some artistic license is used in the dinosaur chase scene and in the scene where the pterodactyl attacks the scientist who steals the dinosaur egg, but this can be forgiven as this movie really wasn't intended to be very realistic anyway (we all know that a bullet does a bit more damage to human tissue than just leave a spot the size of a dab of ketchup).

    I would expect a sequel to be written and hopefully it will be light-hearted fun, too. Although I do wish the costumer would re-do Veronica's outfits - I prefer the outfit Maureen O'Sullivan wore in "Tarzan And His Mate" - more hip, less fabric. And the intrepid explorers were terribly overdressed for a steamy jungle climate - long pants, high boots, and long coats must be terribly uncomfortable. But, then again this is a Victorian-era tale and that's probably what proper English gentlefolk wore when traipsing through the bush.

    Worth a watch if you don't mind technical inaccuracies.
  • grantss9 June 2019
    Early 20th century. A band of scientists and adventurers set out from England for an uncharted area of the Amazon basin. Their aim: to search for and explore a mythical lost world. After their hot air balloon crashes, they become more than observers of the world, they become participants in it.

    Based on a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a highly entertaining film. Non-stop action and adventure.

    Hardly Citizen Kane though: plot is pretty basic, character development is minimal. Performances are not brilliant but are convincing enough.

    Good fun.
  • Okay, picture the scene. It's Sunday morning. I've been on a 3 day bender.

    Beer cans, whiskey bottles etc... all over the floor. I somehow open my eyes around noonish or so. Presuming I'm not injured which is not always the case, I turn on the tube. My spirits rise as I see what can only be described as "THE GREATEST SHOW EVER"...

    I don't care that they seem to bump into groups of English speaking people on this supposed isolated plateau every episode. I don't care that they have a tree house that is protected from a T-Rex with a thin electric wire, I don't care that they seem to have a dry cleaner on the plateau since their clothes are always fresh and pressed, I don't even care that they never run out of ammunition even though they fire their guns at least 50 times an episode.

    Have you seen the chicks on this show!? They rock! The only flaw I can see in this show is that there is no way Veronica would hook up with that loser Malone. Also I think that guy "Challenger" is pretty annoying too, and what was with the old guy Sumerlee? Those are my two complaints.

    Thank you Lost World for easing my pain if only for an hour each week. I feel like I am betraying a loved one, but I must say I hope you never find your way off that Plateau...viewing your trials and tribulations makes the world a better place. I love you.
  • tbbnbb21 July 2000
    Good show. The idea of a lost world is common theme in story telling. What I like most about this show are the women. Of course they are good looking, but they are strong and fearless. The sense of team is also a positive. The questions about Marguerite Krux's background and the growing sexual tension are interesting, but the attitude of "we all go or no one goes" is positive. I prefer that to shows where the point is bickering.
  • gelziabar17 November 2006
    Don't expect this to resemble anything like the novel. In all, its a pretty B grade series with the worst CGI I've ever seen in my life and one wonders, if one cannot take the dinos seriously due to how unconvincing they look, then why watch the series at all? The inclusion of one busty and scantily clad woman and some partial nudity involving Rachel Blakely are perhaps reasons to to see this but if they've thrown these in on purpose, it would seem that they themselves don't take this series very seriously. The story lines are perhaps passable and decent but this series is no great shakes by itself and the CGI dinos don't show that frequently.
  • creamy1718 October 2003
    I have watched this show for several months and have continually been impressed with the storylines and actors. Yes it's cheaply made like the style of Xena and Hercules before that. But its fantastic locations and very good looking actors and acting do outweigh that. Overall if you are looking for a good entertaining, but not to be taken to seriously then this show is perfect! 10/10
  • mxb200120 April 2003
    Awful TV show. Cheap cheesy effects and the dumbest most repetitive plots in all of TVdom. Can't hold a candle to any of the movie versions all of which are far, far better. Perhaps the only draw of this show is the fact that in the first season it featured a little bit of nudity. Nice gimmick, didn't ABC do that years ago?
  • I love this show but I cannot seem to find out when any new ones are on or if they are still making new shows. I just adore Will Snow, he is so heart melting. I like the range of characters and I hope that soon Veronica will find out what happened to her parents it would make an interesting 3 or 4 episodes. I like the romance between Roxton and Marguerite. It is light and heavy at the same time. I am waiting patiently for more things to happen and I hope that this series keeps going. It is a nice change from what is usually in a T.V.series. Thank you for letting me be able to voice a vote for a unique and enjoyable show.
  • This movie bears only a vague resemblence to the novel, which is a classic, but this movie was a travesty. I was spluttering and ranting throughout the vast majority of it, as they added a 'love interest' and took other liberties with the story to make it more fitting for a Hollywood formula.

    My condolences to the cast and crew.
  • The Lost World is by no means a breath taking, heart pounding Adventure Drama, but it is a pretty good show. It only ran three seasons and under went constant cast changes (one of he shows great flaws). I personally like the show, it's quaint, fun and the chemistry between the actors is great, especially Lord Roxton (Will Snow) and Marguerite (Rachel Blakely).

    However as the show progressed the acting got better and plots got worse. In the first season the adventures spent the majority of their time trying to get off the plateau. All the while there attempts were thwarted by dinosaurs, strange tribes (most of whom speak fluent English) as well people who were completely misplaced, but some how when you watch the show enough you expect a Norse God to spring up in the South American jungles. In this season the sub-plot about the plateau being the centre of energy for the whole planet didn't really come into play. Also there wasn't a whole lot of people coming in from the outside world. The romance between Marguerite and Roxton was still shaky, as were the details about her past. Also there are a lot of personal conflicts that get sorted out before the next season. Veronica starts to come to grips with the fact that her parents are probably dead. Ned has to grow a pair and take charge (when no one more qualified is around). Challenger and Summerlee make personal attacks for the first few episodes but finally realize neither of them are perfect. Roxton has a brother that a accidentally murdered to cope with and Marguerite's just causing trouble with everyone.

    Then came season two, Margeurite and Roxton start making out every chance they but never get into it because someone gets shot stabbed, attacked or falls into a pit. Also the plateau becomes the place responsible for everything weird and wild in the world. People are jumping the time barrier. Lizards are controlling people, we find the fountain of youth and also what happens to ships from the Bermuda triangle. However the show lacks the paternal warmth that Dr. Summerlee lent as we was killed off at the end of the first season. Note: All season finales are open ended because the producers never new if it would make back on the air.

    And finally we hit season three, and all hell breaks loose. Ned (Canadian David Orth) and Veronica (American Jennifer O'Dell) have to be put in as guest stars due to Australian tax laws. This leaves us with the strongest characters/actors, the Aussies. Now things get weird and/or corny. Everyone seems to be involved in a Buddha style reincarnation were everybody's has some past life both on and off the plateau. They jump the time barrier and find this girl from 2033 named Finn. She's a punky little pain in the neck who comes from a war torn future, something the Adventures have to and can prevent. Ned gets jerked in and out of the Netherworld, Veronica runs off on a journey of self discovery and everybody else is left to man the fort. Finally the whole plateau goes down in flame and glory in a nuclear holocaust style energy break down that's kind of like a TV with it's wires crossed. As trees are ripped from the ground... Fade to black. I wish they'd have made a fourth season if for no other reason than to get some closure. If I were writing the script I'd of let the poor buggers off the plateau.
  • This is one of those films that 'Oscar' lovers will tear apart. Well, ignore their reviews. It wasn't made of them. Those of us who love this genre will be entertained, and left wanting more.
  • At least that is the strong impression I got from the episode I just saw.

    The episode begins with two men being chased through the forest, with Black "natives" chasing them. The heroes blow the away what turns out are BLACK CANNIBALS. What an age-old and horribly racist stereotype. You would think by the 21st century we'd be past such brazen bigotry.

    At one point one of the main characters complains [in the midst of cavalierly blowing away Black cannibal one after the other], "This place is INFESTED with 'em!" as though they were cockroachs, or vermin of some sort.

    It seems not much has changed in "entertainment". Movies before the 50's were packed with such stigmatizing, defaming, and historically inaccurate depictions of Black people. And "The Lost World" seems to be keeping that racist legacy alive.
  • Its now September 2005, and I'm totally hooked. Missed this show when it was on originally but woke up early one morning and discovered this delightful tongue-in-cheek adventure. Of course the plots are silly, the acting will win no awards, but the chemistry of the characters is THERE. Will Snow, Rachel Blakely tease; Jennifer and David have you wondering; I, too, keep looking for that delightful "old" man; and I love waiting for the next "Challenger" brainstorm (the episode where he lost his memory was a standout). I recently saw Rachel B in a disaster-type cruise ship movie but am wondering where they all are now.

    I get up 90 minutes earlier than I need to in order to start my day off with coffee and a smile. I wish I could find the DVD for all the episodes for this has really become one of my favorites. Does anyone know where I can get them?
  • mystupidstuff22 February 2004
    Love the show. Wish I had watched it when it was first on the air. I catch the re-runs by taping them. I got caught up in it by watching it one time when there wasn't anything else on the boob tube. Now I'm hooked. Will Snow is such a handsome man. I think it was because of him I really started watching it all the time.
  • So far THE LOST WORLD is into its third season and awaiting a fourth. The characters have grown and so much has been developed by the wonderful actors involved it'll be tough when we eventually DO have to say goodbye.

    Particularly interesting is the relationship between Lord John Roxton (Snow) and Marguerite Krux (Blakely) which started out rather rocky; a sort of steamy love-hate relationship into something very tender and sweeping. We know these two belong together even if they don't see it!

    We've also seen depth develop in the other characters, pretty Veronica (O'Dell) the jungle-girl who eventually learned what happened to her parents, Ned Malone (Devry-Orth), the journalist who became more of a doer than a watcher and Professor Challenger (McCauley), who has learned by experience that science is not always the answer to all the questions in THE LOST WORLD.

    Sadly, Professor Summerlee disappeared after the first season but his memory is kept alive in the show and if the watcher keeps close attention we get the idea that we may see him again some day. We also have a new character called Finn from the twenty first century. She's cute and perky but the jury is still out on her. She has to serve a purpose but what that is we just don't know yet.

    All and all, a terrific show!!
  • There is only one reason to stare at this: JO. And the character is appealing: she is "nice". Good lesson for dreadful TV producers like Rick Berman. More good points: great sense of humour in the writing and directing. Good casting. Good production values technically. Bad points: Far too violent, and in the non self-reflective way. Our heroes slice and dice all manner of life forms and this feels very good to them, which is a very bad example to set for children from the ages of 2 to...(how old are Cheney and the Bushboy?)...99. Storylines? Apart from the aforementioned humour they are irrelevant. As I say, just get on your exercise bike/treadmill for an hour and stare at JO, who is "cheekily" photographed from every possible angle, in every possible bodily position, and often with fluids applied, like water whenever possible, bee honey, or green slime which she gently massages into her cleavage. What can you do, really?
  • This movie was bad, and I was disappointed, because I enjoyed reading stories like this when I was a kid. The special effects were not good. True, there were no rubber models, but they were certainly not up to the standard set by "Jurassic Park." Watching a 4-ton T-rex leaping over a huge log at 20 mph without breaking both its legs will make anyone who has even read the current literature about dinosaurs blanch. And the current explanation of the fossil record holds that large sauropods (Brontosaurs, Brachiosaurs, eg) did not drag their tails. The Apemen were poorly done, to the point of being silly. I haven't seen such bad costumes/makeup since the old Saturday morning "Land of the Lost" series. Now to the characters. The story is a typical late Victorian adventure plot of adventurers wandering into an as-yet uncharted region of the world, where creatures from several different geological eras coexist. At the time it was written, it was cutting-edge adventure literature. But today, somehow, these stories all seem like "Land that Time Forgot" with Doug McClure. The actors were competent, even if their characters border on caricatures at times. The only thing that kept me watching was the actress playing Veronica, a young woman the explorers find living in the Lost World, in a setup that would make the Professor from "Gilligan's Island" drool. Of course, her parents were proper Victorian naturalists who took her along as a child but have since disappeared. She maintains their home as a research station, until they return. Why the daughter of British scientists had a modern California accent is not explained, but she displayed her obvious assets proudly throughout the movie. Hardly worth watching, except for laughs.
  • The television version of a feature film of the same name,The Lost World,is nothing more than an adult version of "Land Of The Lost".You get a group of six supposed adventurers put them in a world that has a variety of dangers and tension,have them go through this Fantasy Island type world meeting up with different types of problems and getting out of them by the end of the hour and you have yourself a run of the mill action adventure TV show.

    The funny,or sad,thing about The Lost World is the men here are all soft as sushi.You have the old professor ,hardly a person suited for this type of recreation.You have the other professor ,somewhat younger than the old man,but a professor all the same,really ,again,not the type of man suited for this outdoor adventure.You have the indecisive soft newspaper writer,a fellow out of place here,no doubt.Then you have the royal heir who is a rugged man fit for this kind of adventure,but he always seems like is looking as if he is scared out of his wits by something.

    The women are different.They are the strong heroes of the show.Rachel Blakeley's character is the smart mouth type who always seems to get what she wants and never gets hurt.Then there is Jennifer O Dell who is the real hero of the show.Her "Veronica" beats up men much larger than she and she never shows fear.Plus that skimpy outfit of hers is simply too much.Her looks and body are great but once in awhile it would be good if Veronica showed a bit of vunerabilty.I don't if it is the water down there in New Zealand or what but shows down there portray women as strong and active and men as wimps and weak.It is certainly true on The Lost World.

    If the show were more balanced and better written,The Lost World might be worth looking at.But don't waste your time doing so.You shall be glad you didn't.