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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cartoon-watching is a strange thing.

    Heck, TV watching was strange. It has been absolutely peculiar for me to watch comedies and cartoons and such and then decades later watch a drama or a movie and see a comedic actor in a serious role, nearly two or three years before the comedy or sitcom.

    This is about the same way cartoon-watching goes.

    Grew up on Scooby Doo. Watched Jetsons in reruns. Never really did connect that Astro and Scooby have nearly the same speech mannerisms.

    The Super Globetrotters are definitely not the 1970s animated Globetrotters, those same Globetrotters who appeared in 3 Scooby movies.

    What makes the Super G's peculiar is hardly Sweet Lou Dunbar hiding anything and everything in his afro.

    Many people seem to remember this cartoon bit and rather fondly.

    It's hardly racist. Captain Caveman would do this with his fur and nobody deduced that was because he had a caucasian white nose and arms.

    Curly Neal turning into a basketball was a given. Seemed to fit.

    The strange aspect is definitely the recycling of the Impossibles powers into the remaining three. Why was this done? The Impossibles was a mid-1960s, completely forgotten cartoon. The Impossibles were a beatnik teen band, Flintstones-drawn. No connection whatsoever to the Super Globetrotters.

    What makes the Super Globetrotters even STRANGER is the Scatman Crothers contribution.

    Crothers would do Meadowlark Lemon's voice in the 1970 cartoon and the Scooby movies, but here, he is doing Geese Ausbie's voice.

    I never watched the Super Globetrotters when they first aired (near 30 years ago now, my, my), but I have seen some episodes on Cartoon Network since then.

    The most irritating part for me, was then and still is now, is that little crimeglobe with its wretched robotic voice 'oop-oop'ing all over the place. Just turns up entirely too often for me.

    No, they weren't the Scooby movies Globetrotters. By this time, I think only two, Curly and Geese, remained, cartoon-wise, anyway.

    But I'm fairly certain anyone who grew up watching Super Globetrotters had nary a recollection of the 1970 hipsters Globetrotters, the Scooby movie ones.

    No harm was done.

    By the way, Dynomutt would have been a mid-1970s cartoon, Birdman, Space Ghost, The Three Musketeers and Johnny Quest were all 1960s cartoons, tho Space Ghost and JQ managed to stay in reruns in some capacity, but the Super Globetrotters were a 1979 cartoon.

    That time difference made a big deal to a kid.

    Just examine the Krofft shows and notice how they change from Pufnstuf to Kaptain Kool to Pryor's Place.

    In all liklihood, Dynomutt was long gone from the airwaves by the time Super Globetrotters began.
  • There were many terrible cartoons on the air when I was young (I had no idea it was so long ago), and this is certainly one of the strangest. At first, I was disgusted and ashamed to be a human after viewing this tragedy, but then I realized that this is leaps and bounds better than some other Hanna Barberra Cartoons out at the time (such as Birdman, Space Ghost, The Three Musketeers, Johnny Quest, or Dynomutt). Frankly, compared to much of the complete garbage out at the time, Super Globetrotters was rather witty, even if it's not really an original cartoon. Maybe I'm dense, but weren't 3 of the 5 "super powers" just the same powers of 'The Impossibles' cartoon, also by HB? And what kind of super power is being able to hide things in a large afro haircut? Upon seeing this as a kid, I was amazed by it's sheer stupidity. But now after being able to compare it to the trash of it's era, it's not bad. At times I suspect that in it's development, the writers KNEW what a stupid concept it was, and ran with it tongue-in-cheek. Either that, or they should lay off of the drugs. It's like a train wreck... Everyone should see it, just so they can be brought back to earth. It's a sobering experience that will build character!
  • I remember seeing this cartoon as a kid, and I have to say, this is one of the worst cartoons Hannah-Barbara has ever released. Basically, the idea is to take the Harlem Globetrotters roster at the time this aired and make them into superheroes. And man, are they terrible. Three of the five are basically horrible attempts at recycling The Impossibles (Multi Man, Liquid Man, and Spaghetti Man, the third being the horrid attempt to recycle Coil Man, as it's living spaghetti with a human face), while the other two get lame superpowers (like poor Curly becoming Super Sphere, a hero with a basketball for a head who can only extract his body into said head, becoming a basketball).

    The episodes sadly follow the same formula: Villain of the episode starts their plan, the Globetrotters are playing a basketball game, afterwards, they get an alert from Crime Globe about villain's plan, they become Super Globetrotters to stop villain's plan, after a chase, the Globetrotters and villain agree to a basketball game, villain's team creams the Globetrotters in the first half, only for them to go Super to come back from behind in second half, villain is either sent to jail or humiliated. This is the formula all thirteen episodes follow, with the only difference separating them is the plot inspired by the villain (be it big game hunter Bwana Bob hunting the Super Globetrotters, a pirate named Whaleman, who rides a robot whale, or Robo, who makes evil robot duplicates to frame the heroes for the crimes he commits). This is one of H-B's blunders and should be avoided unless you are into such cheesy superhero comedies.
  • I remember clutching my JJ doll while watching this awesome show during the 70s about disadvantaged superheroes. My son and I would later watch the disadvantaged Static Shock during the 90s. Those were good times to be unwittingly white supremacists.