User Reviews (30)

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  • (53%) A truly unique movie that really has to be seen to be believed. It's a James Bond spoof staring a midget as he takes on the many bad guys with guns, gadgets and his bare hands. Normally a movie like this sounds fun but the film itself is either too boring or too poorly made to be worth a look, but this really is quite a good little fun and watchable film. There's tons of action too as Weng Weng guns down hundreds, well the same five men, in a scene that rivals commando in sheer body count. Overall it's much better made than the awful Godfrey Ho movies, and is perhaps worth tracking a copy down just to watch something a little bit different.
  • This movie cracked me up the whole time, I couldn't stop laughing or commenting,that Weng Weng is a dwarf had nothing to do with it. (ok, there were a couple of times) If you want to watch a movie that is a really terrible production but fun to watch, this is the one for you. Weng Weng truly is a gifted martial artist and fun to watch do stunts, one in particular made me gasp for his safety. If you go in not expecting a lot from this movie I think you will greatly enjoy it, especially if you watch it with some friends.

    At the height of his popularity, Weng Weng was invited by then First Lady, Imelda Marcos to the palace in honor for his contributions to Philippine cinema. He was also named an honorary Philippine Secret Agent and was presented a custom-made .25 caliber pistol by then Vice Chief of Staff General Fidel Ramos.
  • I watched this at 2am and it was entertaining in the way a movie littered with obvious and repeated gags can sometimes be, but then again I was drunk so my judgement may have been slightly impaired. Then again my tolerance for bad movies tends to go down if I've had a few, so I'd say yeah it's worth watching.

    Anyway the only reason I'm writing this is because while I was watching the movie I couldn't for the life of me figure out the theme music which is the accompaniment pretty much throughout. It was only near the end that I realised it's a mangled version of Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues, made to sound "a bit James Bond-ish". I wonder if the Moodies even know their song was used for this?
  • Sometimes I feel like a pusher: I take an obscure film and introduce innocent people to it. For free. Then smile and laugh when they come crawling back to me for another fix.

    "For Your Height Only" is the drug which has addicted many on first exposure. And no matter how many times one has seen it, the craving grows...

    The DVD is out of print (and the price is heading steadily up), but worth keeping an eye out for since you will want a format which won't wear out during multiple sharings with new "customers". DVD is also nice to have for quick reverses to confirm, "Did I just see that?"

    The movie is worth owning for the "Butt Slap of Death" scene alone.

    Only one thing could make this film funnier: Weng Weng's voice dubbed into a deep baritone. Maybe I'll tackle it someday... (Actually, WW's own speaking voice was said to be very rich. The dub makes him rather squeaky. And as has been mentioned, the gangsters are dubbed in Aussie versions of 20's American gangsters... marvelous!)

    Several sources claim there is a sequel to this film ("The Impossible Kid"), and perhaps even two ("Agent 00"). Tracking these down have become the Holy Grail of my film collecting. (Some other aliases for the sequel may be "The Impossible Kid of Kung Fu", "The Incredible Kung Fu Kid", and "007&1/2: Nothing is Impossible".)

    Good things come in small packages!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Despite the incredible premise, this is only slightly amusing. There are a handful of moments where you will laugh out loud, but the storyline fails to hold your interest in between. It's actually a pretty boring movie, and the pacing is very slow.

    The scene where he receives all his gadgets is very funny and at that point I thought I was gonna have a good time with the movie, but it starts to fall apart pretty quickly after that. Watching Agent 00 fight guys that are three times his size is fun for about 30 minutes, but it quickly becomes predictable and the action scenes have a total lack of tension... In fact, the whole movie lacks tension or urgency. I almost fell asleep twice.

    I'm actually glad this movie was made and I'm glad I own it. It's one of the most bizarre and silly things you could ever imagine and I'm happy to live in a world where such a crazy thing could exist, but the whole thing just doesn't come together or deliver any entertainment value. It's one of those movies where I would show it to my friends, but I would fast forward to the good parts. I would never actually ask them to endure the entire film.
  • Any film which features a dwarf secret agent battling bad guys and seducing babes has got to be a winner, right?

    Wrong! Some films are so bad that they actually end up being very entertaining; For Y'ur Height Only, however, strives to illicit laughs by deliberately being dreadful, but actually ends up being rather boring.

    Filipino pipsqueak Weng Weng plays 00, a short-ass secret agent who, with the help of sexy assistant Irma (Beth Sandoval), embarks on a mission to rescue a scientist that has been kidnapped by the evil Mr. Giant and his gang.

    For a while, this tongue-in-cheek spoof spy movie is fun enough: our bow-legged mini-Bond runs, jumps and kicks butt while the bad guys cower in fear of having their knackers bashed (the half-pint hero's trademark move); Mr. Giant's henchmen inexplicably deliver their cheesy lines in the style of 1930s New York gangsters; and 00 uses a variety of badly designed gadgets.

    But it's not long before the film loses its novelty value and becomes tedious in the extreme, repeating the same gags (00 sliding along the floor with his gun, hiding in tiny places and acting cool with the ladies) ad nauseum.

    I had hoped that For Y'ur Height Only would be an umissable slice of 'dwarfsploitation', but instead it is merely a cinematic oddity that unfortunately fails to deliver on its unusual premise.
  • For Your Height Only is an interesting and fun movie, especially for the Bond lovers among us.

    The story centres around Secret Agent 00, a 'vertically challenged' agent who works for the Intelligence in the Philipines, where he has to find and infiltrate Mr Giant, a nasty evil syndicate leader who does rather bad things.

    If you can't already tell by the plot, this movie is almost a direct ripoff of the James Bond movies, but it's a good ripoff. The idea that the main character is a midget is a good one, as he can sneak around and avoid bullets more easily then a normal man can. The music seems to be almost directly ripped from the Bond movies as well. The normal shenanigans which occur in the Bond movies also occur here, especially with many ladies helping 00 in his mission, and an assortment of gadgets handed out by 00's boss, like X-Ray glasses, which he tests on the secretaries outside of his boss' office.

    Speaking of humour, there was quite a bit of it in this movie, both intentional, like shooting a bad guy on a waterslide, and unintentional, like hilarious things that 00's boss says near the start of the movie. The movie is dubbed, but that rarely gets in the way.

    Overall, this was enjoyable, well paced (only 86 minutes long), and action packed.

  • I like strange movies--so strange that friends and family often wonder why I watch them. Part of it is because after nearly 10000 reviews I like to see an occasionally dopey or weird film as a change of pace--such as a Mexican luchador or Turkish superhero movie. Part of it, according to my oldest daughter, is because I have no taste. I prefer to think I just have unique taste! Whatever the exact reasons, a spoof of James Bond starring one of the smallest men in the world is right up my alley! Sadly, however, the idea of a midget secret agent definitely is not enough on its own to merit a full-length movie--therein lies the biggest problem with "For Y'ur Height Only". It's a cute idea but it's hard to see spending 87 minutes of it. Now despite what you'd think, however, the movie is not as horrible as you might expect--mostly because it never takes itself too seriously and because, believe it or not, Weng Weng's acrobatics and fighting are reasonably good for a man only the size of Mini-Me. Sadly, however, aside from being able to punch and kick better than you'd expect from a tiny man, Weng turns out to have about as much charisma and sex appeal as a tomato. And, as a result of this and a rather poor plot, the overall viewing experience becomes tiresome after a while. Sure, there are some fun moments (like his 'parachuting' out of a high-rise window) but too many fighting and shooting scenes slow down the pace to a crawl.
  • A 1979 Filipino movie filmed on a zero budget in Tagalog, and dubbed into English? Can it be worth watching? Absolutely.

    It's about a small secret agent named 00 - really small - a dwarf about 3 feet tall, named Weng Weng. Now, I haven't consulted the Guinness records people, but I think it's a fair guess that he's the shortest secret agent of all time, unless you count Tom Cruise in those Mission Impossible films.

    The budget is so small in this movie that they couldn't afford enough guns, so they have one bad guy point an umbrella at the l'il nipper, and the sound effects guy adds a gunshot noise to the sound track. 00 then uses this same umbrella to float down from a multi-story building, ala Mary Poppins.

    Anyway, unlike James Bond, Weng Weng gets his assignment and his gadgets from the same guy, presumably because the Filipino Secret Service can't afford to have two separate guys do this, or perhaps because there are not enough letters in Tagalog to support having both an M and a Q.

    This is one of the great scenes. The M and Q guy, like all the characters in the movie, speaks in 1930's American gangster slang, and he gives the l'il guy his gizmos with some interesting twists. And, bizarrely enough, he keeps complimenting 00 on his listening skills.

    First, there is a radio controlled hat which looks just like one of those red, white and blue trimmed straw boaters that they wear on the floor of political conventions. Well, the "secret" agent looks mighty dapper in this, let me tell you. There isn't any explanation of why a secret agent would need a radio controlled Maurice Chevalier hat, but the bad guys seem to be deathly afraid of it. Perhaps there is the ever-present fear that he might break into "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" in his squeaky voice. Of course, if that was the plan, the Agency could have saved a few bucks, since this tactic would be just as effective with a non remote controlled hat.

    Then there is a fountain pen which kills. "Of course. It isn't any good if you need to write with it, but we can't have everything."

    Then there is a ring which can detect poison. It is made out of gold because the service couldn't afford platinum. Times are tough at The Secret Agency. They couldn't afford any marketing guys to create a catchy name for them, so they're just The Secret Agency.

    Luckily, the bad guys are no better off, and have to drive Volkswagens. This is only one sign that their Evil Organization isn't doing that well. I'm pretty sure it's because their plan is to sell heroin to every sandbox and kindergarten in the country. Well, that's certainly evil enough, but it doesn't sound real profitable. I'm not sure if the little 1979 Filipino kindergarten kids had all that much disposable income, so Evil Organization's gross sales must be pretty low, and I think they can forget about floating that IPO. Either that, or the bad guys have priced the heroin so low that they can't make a profit from it. Either way, it isn't much of a plan.

    Sample dialogue * "why, he's making a monkey out of the forces of evil" * "alright sister, freeze, the jig is up" * "Oh, my little head" * (about a police photographer photographing a crime scene) "I wonder if she does Bar Mitzvahs"

    This movie is available on DVD. As I write this, The Godfather is not available on DVD. Nor is Schindler's List, nor Star Wars, nor American Beauty, nor Raiders of the Lost Ark, nor Rear Window, nor Lawrence of Arabia.

    But For Your Height Only is.
  • Meet our hero Agent 00 (Weng Weng). Lover. Fighter. Badass secret agent dude. Fashion plate. He does it all, and then some, and he's only two and a half feet tall. Naturally, he's the best hope for the forces of good when the minions of the nefarious Mr. Giant kidnap scientist Prof. Kohler (Mike Cohen). Kohler has devised an all powerful N bomb that Mr. Giant will use to control the world. As he works his way through a sexy bevy of babes, so too does Agent 00 beat up and mow down one incredibly inept bad guy after another.

    Here's one for you to check out if you think you've seen it all. A combination of dwarfsploitation and spy spoof, it gets a fair bit of mileage out of some truly gut busting vocal performances / dubbing and uproarious dialogue. The sight of our diminutive hero soaring through the air and effortlessly clobbering goons is good for much amusement. Unfortunately, for this viewer, the novelty ultimately wore off with a fair bit of movie left to go. The good news is that it's never really boring; it does have energy. And while it tends to be crudely made, that's not a debit for this brand of entertainment. (Obviously, it IS intended to be a comedy.)

    Among the highlights: Agent 00 meeting with a boss who's a combination of the "M" and "Q" characters from the James Bond franchise, the sight of him using an umbrella to make an escape (after taking an understandable pause to romance a lady in a bed), and flying towards the bad guys' hidden fortress by using a jet pack.

    The Bond style music is catchy, but it's also repetitive. And just like many a Bond film, the ladies are outstanding scenery attractions. The smooth Mr. Weng is quite a hoot to watch.

    Seven out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ernesto dela Cruz was born in poverty and with primordial dwarfism and underdeveloped intellectual capacities. However, despite his start, he fell in love with martial arts. As he was working with a stunt team, he was noticed by actor and producer Peter Caballes. Working with his wife Cora, they would play the roles of his guardians, agents, producers and writers of some of his greatest roles. Weng Weng was born, but outside of his native Philippines, he wouldn't become famous until after his early death.

    Weng Weng plays Agent 00, who is pretty much James Bond. Equipped with gadgets, his job is to stop Mr. Giant and rescue Dr. Kohlet before the N-Bomb is set off.

    From an anti-poison ring to a bladed remote control hat, a miniature machine gun and even a jetpack, Agent 00 romances women, kills henchmen and gets into Hidden Island, Mr. Giant's base - just like Bond.

    Mr. Giant is revealed to be a dwarf himself, which has some poetic meaning, one assumes.

    With the tagline "Bigger than Goldfinger's Finger - Bigger Than Thunderball's ..." this is a movie that has no interest in being subtle or politically correct. It does, however, reference past Filipino Eurospy films, as Agent OO's commanding officer is played by Filipino actor Tony Ferrer, who played Agent X44 in the 1960's.

    At 2'9", Weng Weng is considered to be the shortest man to star in an action movie. The world is sadder that he is no longer in it. Any movie where the lead spy is referred to as being "cute as a potato" is one for me.
  • If you don't like this movie you've got a sick problem with your head. Weng Weng is a lover, fighter and master spy. This movie got me off of hard drugs thanks to it's uplifting message that the lava flows hotter in the Phillipines, Praise the lord. They should have come out with more of these movies. The fight scenes are masterful and the dubbed in dialogue can't be beat. Both of my thumbs up.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For Y'ur Height Only is set in the Philippines where the Government's most dangerous weapon is secret agent 00 (Weng Weng) who despite his small proportions is as hard as nails, a sort of midget James Bond if you will. The evil Mr. Giant, the head of a large crime syndicate, orders his men to kidnap scientist Dr. Kohler (Mike Cohen) so he can extract the information out of him that will allow Mr. Giant to make a deadly N-bomb & hold the entire world to ransom! Secret agent 00 is assigned to the case, armed with all manner of highly sophisticated gadgets & his unparallelled skills agent 00 feeds off information given to him by undercover agent Irma (Beth Sandoval). The fate of the entire world is in his tiny hands!

    This Philippino production was directed by Eddie Nicart who is also credited on the IMDb (but not the film itself) as the stunt coordinator, one has to say that For Y'ur Height Only is an experience if nothing else. I doubt that there are many people out there who have seen anything like this, obviously a James Bond style spoof which pinches it's pun-tastic title from the Roger Moore flick For Your Eyes Only (1981) although the actual story lines are very different. I don't know where to begin to describe For Y'ur Height Only really, imagine the cheapest, most low budget James Bond rip-off you can & then imagine the star is a three foot tall Philippino midget called Weng Weng & your still nowhere near how bizarre, oddball & downright unbelievable For Y'ur Eyes Only is. It's a barely connected collection of strange fights, shoot-outs, laugh out loud unintentionally hilarious moments & priceless bad dialogue. The script by Cora Caballes makes no sense, there is much here to laugh at or with. Mr. Giant's island hideaway is actually called Hidden Island! There's a scene when agent 00 is escaping from some bad guy's, he opens an umbrella, jumps out of a hotel window & 'floats' hundreds of feet to the ground safely! I'm not sure if this was originally made to be taken seriously, the IMDb says that the original language for this was Tagalog whatever that is but one sense that the English dubbers went all out for comedy with some truly hilarious dialogue. At one point the bad guy's are shipping drugs baked into bread & someones says 'there's a lot of dough in this dough', or a scene in total seriousness when a bad guy says 'one day your going to wake up dead' or a woman explaining her plight to agent 00 saying 'they said they'd peddle my pretty bod as a prostitute' or a bad guy commenting that agent 00 has 'killed a lot of good baddies' & the list goes on & on. Virtually every line is pure bad film gold. At almost an hour & a half I thought it moved along at a decent pace but once the initial joke of this little midget being a secret agent wears off it starts to become a bit tedious & very repetitive, it's more or less the same thing all the way through.

    Director & stunt coordinator Nicart points his camera, says 'action' & hopes for the best. It looks as cheap as they come, the action scenes are pathetic & once again the only fun to be had is in the fact that a midget is going around beating men up, avoiding bullets & getting the girls. In all honestly there is no action, there's no car chases, there's no explosions, there's no big stunts & I was actually left wanting more. Some of the clothes, the disco settings, the women, the dialogue & decor is just so late 70's, the problem is For Y'ur Height Only is the sort of film you laugh at rather than with if you know what I mean. The only reason it's so good is because it's so utterly awful. The violence is tame, there's no blood & no nudity either which is a bit disappointing because I would have liked a bit of exploitation.

    Technically the film is poor, the action scenes are poor, the continuity is poor, the editing is poor & the locations are cheap. The special effects are poor too with agent 00 getting a Thunderball (1965) style jet pack at the end with hilarious results. Shot on the cheap in the Philippines. The acting is awful, the little Weng Weng guy is terrible as are all the baddies.

    For Y'ur Height Only is a unique film, it's a truly terrible film which becomes unintentionally hilarious & subsequently great fun to watch if you have the right mindset. Most casual film-goers will hate it but if your a little bit twisted, like a good laugh & something a bit different totally out of the mainstream then For Y'ur Height Only is a memorable experience. Actor Weng Weng & director Nicart teamed up again for a sequel The Impossible Kid (1981) in which agent 00 worked for Interpol.
  • Plot goes like this: Agent 00 (Weng Weng, under 3-foot tall Filipino superspy) has to track down the boss of a seemingly endless crime syndicate (admittedly played by a handful of non-actors) for kidnapping a doctor and his deadly weapon. Literally, that's it. There's some hand-to-hand combat, with Weng taking on thugs who tower over him, which actually gets pretty entertaining, what little there is of it. These scenes always incorporate his signature move: A swift kick or chop to the crotch. But the vast bulk of the fight scenes, and this movie is primarily made up of them, are ENDLESS GUN BATTLES. No, not even "battles," various stooges line up, or come barreling in, WAITING to be shot. Let me tell you, that got real dull in a hurry, and the movie's almost 90 minutes long.

    Weng Weng's partner Irma, who he rescues from being shot in an incredibly bad edit (also resulting in a gun fight), appears to be the only competent person on set who can believably appear to be able to kick someone's ass. Which is ironic in a movie including a veritable army of bad guys. One sequence has Weng attacked by guys with swords. None look competent of holding one, never mind wielding it. So... More Irma?

    Other foxy ladies appear. Weng charms, kind of. He's supposed to be this suave ladies man. There's one scene where a woman seduces HIM, tells HIM to take his clothes off, we witness his giant nipples, and... End scene. Maybe I missed some more subtle flirting, frankly, I was falling asleep. He gets it on with NO ONE, at least not on screen.

    All the stuff I actually enjoyed in this film are overshadowed by an overabundance of gunplay. Such as, there's no stand-in for Weng Weng. So, "Stunts by Weng." The rocket pack is pretty amusing, where he is obviously being held by a wire (fact that the wire is clearly visible doesn't help). He climbs, kicks ass, and can jump like a cat, clearly the star of the show (well, occasionally upstaged by his partner). Ultimately, the film has it charms, but is totally bogged down in filler, and lack of a real story.
  • Like the reviewers before me, I have to say the dialogue in this movie makes it worth the watch. What no one else mentioned though, was that the voice actors used Edward G Robinson & James Cagney voices for all the villain characters. I don't know about you, but I doubt gangsters in the Philippines talk like that!

    A lot has been said of Weng Weng and his spy "devices", but the thing that cracked me up was the wardrobe of the Crime Syndicate - either Hawaiian shirts or button down shirts open down to the navel. These guys looked like rejects from a cheap disco!

    If you love bad movies, run, dont walk, to your video store and get this one!
  • Where to begin with this one? This is one of those one-off movies that is so specifically bizarre that it has never been repeated. It is of course, a James Bond parody whose secret agent is a two-and-a-half foot midget with a pudding bowl haircut and white suit. The secret agent is played by a small man known as Weng Weng. This film is undoubtedly a star vehicle for this pint-sized star. One of the most notable features of the film is how hard a little guy Weng Weng actually was. He has to do his own stunts, as clearly there weren't too many body-double stunt-men who could pass a likeness test for this guy. So basically we see him firing all over the place in various stunts, including jumping off bridges and zooming around in a jet-pack. Considering his tiny frame his physical feats in this movie are considerable.

    So how is the movie itself? Well, to be honest, entertaining to a point. Sure, it's central idea is pretty funny, and there are a number of amusing set-pieces; while the supporting cast of characters are dubbed with some hilarious voices and spout priceless lines such as 'he's making a monkey out of the forces of evil!'. But the problem is that it's essentially a one gag movie and it's stretched to breaking point. The action scenes with Weng Weng thwarting 'the forces of evil' get a bit too samey, with him constantly kicking hell out of men three times his size and endlessly mowing down enemies with a machine gun.

    For Y'ur Height Only is definitely a curiosity and one-of-a-kind movie. But ironically for a dwarfsploitation flick, it could have done with being shorter.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For Y'ur Height Only (why it's spelled like Y'ur is anyone's guess outside of the Philippines where it was shot) is about a 2 foot 9 inch secret agent, 00, played by Filipino action star Weng Weng as he does secret agent-like things. He's up against a drug dealer of course and has some hot chicks by his side throughout. Yet even an hour after the film ended I forgot really what had happened in it as far as a story goes. And really, who gives a s*** about the story when it's all about exploiting its star's 'eccentricity' for laughs? While certainly not as tasteless as, say, The Crippled Masters with its dual deformed kung-fu masters, the filmmakers do get their moneys worth with what Weng Weng can do, which is kick ass in the 'little' ways that count... which get repetitive... fast.

    I don't know what I was expecting outside of it being a cheesy-bad romp with silly secret agent stuff thrown in (and a massive body count, the source I had heard of this flick said that it was equivalent to a Rambo movie - it's really more like Commando, but besides the point). What I didn't expect was just how incompetently made the movie would be; scenes jerk from one to the next without anything to fill in certain story gaps, like from a fight to a bunch of the gangsters or criminals standing around and arguing about this or that or deciding stuff. It's weird for me to notice it with such a piece of trash as this, but the editing in the movie is particularly awful, with only certain fight scenes gaining some 'umph' (the highlight of the film, for me, is when "Mr Big" or whomever is revealed, and finally Weng Weng has met his match!)

    The same cheesy music is repeated over and over as much as the kicking-the-crotch shots are done, and even the gun violence gets tiresome after a while. Also, Weng Weng is mostly a quiet and passive(!) observer of a lot of what's around him (maybe he gets more character in the, I'm not kidding, sequel to this movie), and could have used more lines. There's a requisite number of awesomely-bad moments that justify its existence, but it feels so sloppy that it's hard for me to see ever revisiting it the way I would a classic-bad movie like Manos or something.
  • "So this is how you control your little wang."

    I know his name is weng weng, and the guy was talking to a woman, but that line still had me laughing. The VHS copy I bought had terrible tracking problems, but I managed to adjust it so it only had minimal fuzzing. That aside, the movie was hilarious. I wish the Philippines had become more influencial in todays movies, because they sure would be much more interesting. Not to knock modern A-list movies, but the chance of creating a midget James Bond takeoff is very slim. And independent films seem to require 'in-depth meaning' or something.

    Anyway, everything about this film was so insanely crazy, you can't help but crack up when Weng Weng pauses for about three seconds after every major event that happens, or sees himself in a mirror and waves, or the classic fight scenes where the guy being attacked ends up lifting Weng Weng to achieve the desired stunts.

    It does follow some James Bond style themes, but if you're not thinking about it, you won't notice. There is the array of silly weapons that seem to only have usefulness in one unique situation (which will of course come up sooner or later), the good guy killing people without remorse, and generally being a chick magnet. Despite him being a 3 foot balding midget in a white suit.

    I guess know, I just need to get a DVD player so I can see this without constantly re-adjusting the tracking.
  • This is easily one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Weng Weng is agent 00, and he's two foot 9". From the opening "montage" of him running around looking cool to the extreme shocker/twist ending, this film had me roaring with laughter and cheering on Weng Weng as he battles the Crime Syndicate and Mr. Giant. There are endless scenes of Weng Weng looking around and then sneaking up on people and then killing them. And he's ruthless. He laughs and smiles after killing bad guys. The bad guys are great, too. "All forces of good are our sworn enemies," one says at one point. There is something about this movie, and I can't really put my finger on it, but its really a magical film. One that should be enjoyed by all.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Diminutive three foot tall midget thespian Weng Weng positively lights up the screen with his infectious energy and irresistible charisma in this delightfully dippy spy spoof as Agent 00, a supremely smooth and suave super spy who's an ace martial artist (he's a very dirty fighter with a shocking sadistic penchant for hitting opponents below the belt), expert marksman, snappy dresser (Agent 00's gleaming white leisure suit puts John Travolta to shame), brutal ruthless killer, and total chick magnet. Agent 00 is assigned to thwart nefarious crime kingpin Mr. Giant, who's abducted brilliant scientist Dr. Von Kohler and plans to use the good doctor's latest invention the N-bomb for evil purposes (i.e., world domination). However, it would be grossly unfair to say that the incredible Weng Weng is the whole show here: we've also got a tasty plethora of hot babes, hilariously dopey dubbing (all the villains talk with exaggerated New York accents while Agent 00 speaks with a squeaky Woody Allenesque wimpy whine!), crude direction, gut-dusting dialogue ("You're such a little guy, though. Very petite like a potato," one lovely lass remarks to Agent 00), a constant frantic pace, goofy gimmicks galore (a poison pen, gun umbrella, X-ray glasses), rough, scratchy cinematography, a funky-grooving sub-John Barry score, and plenty of the funniest, wackiest, most sublimely ridiculous action scenes to ever erupt onto celluloid. A complete riot.
  • JoeGizmo16 June 1999
    OK, will not win any awards but I never laughed so hard in my life! That has to be worth a 10!
  • The synopsis sounds pretty fun, but I didn't enjoy this movie as much as I'd hoped to... it's quite cheaply and poorly made. Scenes begin and end without much continuity. The acting is horrendous. The dubbing, while ridiculously bad, isn't all that funny.

    I do thank Mondo Macabro for including some additional information about the star and the movie, and for including a second movie, Challenge of the Tiger, which I haven't watched yet. Possibly the other Agent 00 movie would have made a better companion, or a collection of trailers for his movies. I would have liked to have heard the original language soundtrack as well. Oh well.

    Still, I'm glad such a silly movie exists, and that it has been preserved.
  • I just bought a copy of "For Your Height Only" today...thinking it to be nothing more than a mere spoof...but I was wrong! Like "The Omega Man" this movie has a couple of bloopers, but its so funny...I choked on my drink when I watched the scene where Double-O has that fight by the ferris wheel! Even if a movie is cheap and old,don't judge by that! For the moment it is definitley one of my faves! I love these cheap foreign comedies! Agent Double-O is a master spy and a cold hearted killer, so I don't know about parents wanting their young children watching this hilarious comedy! This is worth a look! If you like this film I suggest my favourite film of all time : WATCH OUT,WE'RE MAD! Like For Your Height Only, Watch out Were mad is full of many one liners and hilarious fight scenes! This movie was made for people who enjoy so-stupid-its-funny movies! My vote 8/10 ! HIGHLY RECOMENDED!!!!!
  • This is probably the only action movie in history, where the bad guys will shoot at the hero, who's standing right out in the open; miss every time, and it actually makes sense. This is also, the best Philippino, midget, spy-spoof ever made. It's loaded with non-stop action, funny slapstick, and some of the campiest dialog ever written; lines like: "His making a monkey out of the forces of evil!" and, "So, thats how you control your little Wang," are guaranteed to have you laughing hysterically (unless of course you happen to be a humorless beast, without a soul). The concept for this film is also strangely believable; midgets really would make the best spy's, think about it; they can easily hide in smallest, most uncomfortable places, they are very difficult to shoot, and when it comes to hand-to-hand-combat, they have no difficulty attacking vulnerable targets, such as the knees, and groin. Weng Weng (the star of this movie) is a great comedic actor and martial artist. It's really a shame he didn't get many more staring rolls; the good news is that he does star in the sequel; "The Impossible Kid Of Kung Fu!"
  • "For Y'ur Height Only" rivals "Withnail and I" for great dialogue. How often have I howled at lines like "There's a lot of dough in this dough, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker" - if only we knew what the hell that's supposed to mean. Maybe it's better not to know - as Mr Kaiser warns, "Don't be a nosy parker, Paco: with that curiosity of yours, you're liable to wake up one day and find yourself dead."

    If you ever want a shining example of a plot device, then check out the scene where our hero's taxi runs out of petrol. There's plenty of other shortcomings, but you'll never see or hear anything else quite like it. All praise to the visionary who introduced me to this gem. Go seek it out.
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